Jaidyn Ann jadedctrl
  • https://xwx.moe
  • Hi! Sometimes, I do things! Here they are. :gutkato_kafo:
    Sal! Fojfoje, mi strebas fari aferojn. Jen ili. :anja_fiervanta:

    Jen testo: :gutkato_manĝas_fiŝon: :gutkato_malprofito:

  • Aliĝis je 2024-01-28
💀 Deprecated attempt at a diff-based Minetest subgame for the LGN server.
Updated 2024-01-29 17:56:32 -06:00
Joust-like game for Open Jam 2020.
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Monkey-stacking & frosty puzzle-platformer.
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Tank-control joust-like for LibreJam 2021-02.
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Simple fork of mtg_craftguide with progressive discovery of recipes.
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An inventory system with a focus on cohesion.
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Simple dolphin mobs for Minetest.
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Simple theming system for Formspecs.
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Updated 2024-08-01 13:20:53 -05:00