When printing dialogue, show chars one-at-a-time
Y’know, RPG-style! ‘Cause we’re cool kids! c:< … and this is a real RPG! This is legit! This is legit! … this is legit… =,w,= It _will_ be legit!
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,10 +18,11 @@
;;;; the primary gameplay, the RPG-ish-ish bits).
(defpackage :flora-search-aurora.dialogue
(:nicknames :fsa.d :dialogue)
(:nicknames :fsa.dia :dialogue :💬)
(:use :cl
:flora-search-aurora.overworld :flora-search-aurora.ui :flora-search-aurora.input)
(:export #:dialogue-state #:say))
(:export #:dialogue-state
#:start-dialogue #:face #:say #:mumble))
(in-package :flora-search-aurora.dialogue)
@ -30,38 +31,46 @@
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Dialogue-generation DSL (sorta)
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun dialogue (&rest dialogue-tree)
(defun start-dialogue (&rest dialogue-tree)
(reduce (lambda (a b) (append a b))
(defun say (speaker text)
(list :speaker speaker :text text :face 'talking-face)
(car (face speaker 'normal-face))))
(defun mumble (speaker text)
(list :speaker speaker :text text)))
(defun face (speaker face)
(list :speaker speaker :face face)))
(defun say (speaker text)
(list :speaker speaker :text text :face 'talking-face :progress 0)
(car (face speaker 'normal-face))))
(defun mumble (speaker text)
(list :speaker speaker :text text :progress 0)))
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Dialogue logic
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun pressed-enter-p ()
"Whether or not the enter/return key has been pressed recently."
(and (listen)
(eq (getf (normalize-char-plist (read-char-plist)) :char)
(defun appropriate-face (map speaker face)
"Return the face appropriate for the speaker.
If FACE is a string, used that.
If FACE is 'TALKING-FACE, then use their talking-face (if they have one).
If FACE is 'NORMAL-FACE, then use their normal-face (if they’ve got one).
If FACE is NIL… guess what that does. :^)"
(let ((talking-face (getf-entity-data map speaker :talking-face))
(normal-face (getf-entity-data map speaker :normal-face)))
(cond ((and (eq face 'talking-face)
@ -74,27 +83,43 @@
(defun dialogue-state-update (dialogue-list map)
"The logic/input-processing helper function for DIALOGUE-STATE."
(let* ((speaker (intern (string-upcase (getf (car dialogue-list) :speaker))))
(new-face (appropriate-face map speaker
(getf (car dialogue-list) :face))))
(defun update-speaking-face (map dialogue)
"Given a line (plist) of dialogue, change speaker’s face to either their
talking-face or the face given by the dialogue."
(let* ((speaker (intern (string-upcase (getf dialogue :speaker))))
(new-face (appropriate-face map speaker (getf dialogue :face))))
;; Replace the face, when appropriate.
(when new-face
(setf (getf-entity-data map speaker :face) new-face)))
;; Progress the dialogue as appropriate.
(setf (getf-entity-data map speaker :face) new-face))))
(defun progress-line-delivery (dialogue)
"Progress the delivery of a line (plist) of dialogue. That is, increment the
“said character-count” :PROGRESS, which dictates the portion of the message that
should be printed on the screen at any given moment."
(let ((progress (getf dialogue :progress))
(text (getf dialogue :text)))
(when (and text
(< progress (length text)))
(incf (getf dialogue :progress)))))
(defun dialogue-state-update (map dialogue-list)
"The logic/input-processing helper function for DIALOGUE-STATE."
(update-speaking-face map (car dialogue-list))
(progress-line-delivery (car dialogue-list))
;; Progress to the next line of dialogue as appropriate.
(let ((text (getf (car dialogue-list) :text)))
(cond ((or (pressed-enter-p)
(not text))
(if (cdr dialogue-list)
(list :dialogue (cdr dialogue-list) :map map)
(values nil
(list :map map))))
(list :dialogue (cdr dialogue-list) :map map)
(values nil
(list :map map)))))
((cdr dialogue-list)
(list :dialogue dialogue-list :map map))
(values nil
(list :map map))))))
(list :dialogue dialogue-list :map map)))))
@ -104,9 +129,11 @@
(defun dialogue-state-draw (matrix dialogue-list)
"Draw the dialogue where appropriate.
Helper function for DIALOGUE-STATE."
(let ((text (getf (car dialogue-list) :text)))
(let ((text (getf (car dialogue-list) :text))
(progress (getf (car dialogue-list) :progress)))
(when text
(render-line matrix text 0 0))))
(render-string-partially matrix text 0 0 :char-count progress))))
@ -126,4 +153,4 @@ entities as the speakers. Dialogue should be in the format:
A state-function for use with STATE-LOOP."
(sleep .02)
(dialogue-state-draw matrix dialogue)
(dialogue-state-update dialogue map))
(dialogue-state-update map dialogue))
@ -17,9 +17,10 @@
;;;; All display-related curses go here.
(defpackage :flora-search-aurora.display
(:nicknames :fsa.d :display :✎)
(:use :cl)
(:export #:make-screen-matrix #:print-screen-matrix #:matrix-delta
#:hide-cursor #:show-cursor #:clear-screen))
(in-package :flora-search-aurora.display)
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ The body has access to 4 variables:
(defun matrix-delta (a b)
"Given two 2D matrices, return a matrix containing only the cells
that change between a→b (favouring those in b) — all others are nil."
that change between A→B (favouring those in B) — all others are nil."
(let ((delta (make-array (array-dimensions a))))
(do-for-cell a
(when (not (eq cell
@ -66,9 +67,7 @@ that change between a→b (favouring those in b) — all others are nil."
(do-for-cell matrix
(when (characterp cell)
(move-cursor (+ i 1) (+ j 1))
(write-char cell)))
(destructuring-bind (i j) (array-dimensions matrix)
(move-cursor i j)))
(write-char cell))))
(defun make-screen-matrix ()
@ -81,6 +80,14 @@ that change between a→b (favouring those in b) — all others are nil."
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Misc. utils
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun hide-cursor ()
(cl-charms/low-level:curs-set 0))
(defun show-cursor ()
(cl-charms/low-level:curs-set 1))
(defun move-cursor (row column &key (stream *standard-output*))
"Moves cursor to desired position.
Borrowed from https://github.com/gorozhin/chlorophyll/
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
(load "dialogue.lisp")
(defpackage :flora-search-aurora
(:nicknames :fsa :✿)
(:export #:main)
(:use :cl
:flora-search-aurora.input :flora-search-aurora.display
@ -41,9 +42,9 @@
(defun literary-girl-dialogue (map)
(lambda (matrix &key (map map)
(dialogue (dialogue::dialogue
(dialogue::say "literary-girl" "Oh, hello.")
(dialogue::say "player" "What, no quip?"))))
(dialogue (💬:start-dialogue
(💬:say "literary-girl" "Blah blah, testing. A multi-lined one. For real! jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj akls djlaks jdlaksj dlakjsd")
(💬:say "player" "ktp ktp jes jes?"))))
(overworld-state-draw matrix map)
(dialogue-state matrix :map map :dialogue dialogue)))
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ Given a list of state-functions, STATES, it will execute the first function.
Each state-function must take at least a single parameter, a matrix of characters. A state-function
should edit this matrix in-place, replacing its elements with characters that will later be printed
to the terminal.
What the state-function returns is pretty important:
What the state-function returns is pretty important, having different repercussions:
* NIL — The function is removed from STATES, and so the next function in STATES will start
getting executed instead.
* NIL; List — The function is popped off STATES and the list is used as the new parameters for
@ -124,10 +125,10 @@ with STATE-LOOP."
(defun main ()
"A pathetic fascimile of a main loop. What does it do? WHAST DOES TI DODOO?"
(cl-charms:with-curses ()
(cl-charms/low-level:curs-set 0) ;; Hide the terminal cursor
(cl-charms:enable-raw-input :interpret-control-characters 't)
(state-loop (list (make-main-menu-state)))))
(cl-charms:enable-raw-input :interpret-control-characters 't)
(state-loop (list (make-main-menu-state)))))
(main) ;; — Knock-knock
@ -98,18 +98,20 @@
<objectgroup id="7" name="Entities">
<object id="2" name="Player" type="Entity" x="103" y="368">
<property name="face" value="=w="/>
<property name="facing_right" type="bool" value="true"/>
<property name="id" value="player"/>
<property name="normal_face" value="^_^"/>
<property name="talking_face" value="^o^"/>
<object id="4" name="Literary girl" type="Entity" x="317.604" y="366.606">
<property name="face" value="owo"/>
<property name="facing_right" type="bool" value="true"/>
<property name="id" value="literary-girl"/>
<property name="interact" value="literary-girl-dialogue"/>
<property name="normal_face" value="=_="/>
<property name="talking_face" value="=o="/>
@ -18,9 +18,10 @@
;;;; Let's get to it, we're on a deadline!
(defpackage :flora-search-aurora.ui
(:nicknames :fsa.u :ui)
(:use :cl :flora-search-aurora.display :flora-search-aurora.input :assoc-utils)
(:export #:menu-state
#:render-line #:render-string #:render-string-partially
:label :selection :selected))
(in-package :flora-search-aurora.ui)
@ -127,16 +128,31 @@ The item list should be an alist of the following format:
"Render the given string to the matrix of characters, character-by-character.
Will line-break or truncate as appropriate and necessary to not exceed the
positional arguments nor the dimensions of the matrix."
(render-string-partially matrix text x y :max-column max-column :max-row max-row
:char-count (length text)))
(defun render-string-partially (matrix text x y &key (char-count 0) (max-column 72) (max-row 20))
"Partially render the given string to a matrix of characters. Will render only
a portion of the string, dictated by the CHAR-COUNT.
See the similar RENDER-STRING function."
(let* ((dimensions (array-dimensions matrix))
(max-column (at-most (cadr dimensions) max-column))
(max-row (at-most (car dimensions) max-row))
(max-write-row (at-most (at-most (car dimensions) max-row)
(floor (/ char-count max-column))))
(max-column-at-max-write-row (- char-count (* max-write-row max-column)))
(substrings (split-string-by-length text (- max-column x)))
(row 0))
(loop while (and (<= (+ y row) max-row)
(render-line matrix (pop substrings)
x (+ y row))
do (cond ((< row max-write-row)
(render-line matrix (pop substrings)
x (+ y row)))
((eq row max-write-row)
(render-line matrix (subseq (pop substrings) 0 max-column-at-max-write-row)
x (+ y row)))
(pop substrings)))
(incf row)))
Reference in New Issue