Add thread for input-loop; channel join/part

Now channels can be joined by creating/deleting
a directory of the same name.
This commit is contained in:
Jaidyn Ann 2023-02-13 10:35:15 -06:00
parent 67e92544fa
commit b33441ccc5

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;; Copyright 2022, Jaidyn Levesque <>
;; Copyright 2023, Jaidyn Levesque <>
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
@ -17,14 +17,41 @@
(import scheme
(chicken file) (chicken file posix) (chicken io) (chicken keyword) (chicken random)
(chicken pathname)
(chicken pretty-print) (chicken process-context)
(chicken process-context posix) (chicken string)
srfi-1 srfi-13 srfi-19 srfi-69 srfi-180
srfi-1 srfi-13 srfi-18 srfi-19 srfi-69 srfi-180
;; Wrapper around `directory` that lists a dir's files as a relative path
(define (directory-rel #!optional (path "./"))
(let ([relative-parent (normalize-pathname (string-append path "/"))])
(map (lambda (leaf)
(string-append relative-parent leaf))
(directory path))))
;; Returns an inotify watch-descriptor according the given path
(define (path->wd path)
(filter (lambda (wd)
(string=? (normalize-pathname (wd->path wd))
(normalize-pathname path)))
;; Attempt to remove an inotify watch; if it's already been removed, no sweat
;; (This happens sometimes when inotify automatically deletes a watch)
(define (attempt-remove-watch! watch)
(handle-exceptions exn
(remove-watch! watch)))
;; Returns the path of a channel's directory
(define (channel-directory-path conn channel)
(string-append (hash-table-ref conn 'directory)
@ -67,10 +94,12 @@
;; Creates a channel's file hierarchy, if need be
(define (make-channel conn channel)
(let ([path (channel-directory-path conn channel)])
(create-directory (string-append path "/.users/online") #t)
(create-directory (string-append path "/.users/offline") #t)
(create-directory (string-append path "/.users/all") #t)
(let* ([path (channel-directory-path conn channel)]
[subpath (lambda (leaf) (string-append path leaf))])
(create-directory (subpath ".in") #t)
(create-directory (subpath ".users/online") #t)
(create-directory (subpath ".users/offline") #t)
(create-directory (subpath ".users/all") #t)
(cleanup-channel conn channel)))
@ -81,7 +110,8 @@
;; Disables a user-state (that is, removes a symlink from a .users directory
(define (user-disable-state conn channel hostmask state)
(let ([state-link (channel-user-directory-path conn channel hostmask state)])
(let ([state-link
(create-directory (channel-user-directory-path conn channel hostmask state) #t)])
(if (or (file-exists? state-link)
(symbolic-link? state-link))
(delete-file state-link))))
@ -89,7 +119,8 @@
;; Enables a user-state (that is, makes a symlink to a .users directory
(define (user-enable-state conn channel hostmask state)
(let ([state-link (channel-user-directory-path conn channel hostmask state)])
(let ([state-link
(create-directory (channel-user-directory-path conn channel hostmask state) #t)])
(if (not (or (file-exists? state-link)
(symbolic-link? state-link)))
(create-symbolic-link (string-append "../all/" hostmask)
@ -138,6 +169,12 @@
(set-xattr topic-path "" (irc:hostmask-nick username)))))
;; Join an IRC channel
(define (join-channel connection channel)
(irc:write-cmd connection "JOIN" channel)
(make-channel connection channel))
;; Hook function for irc:loop; handles all IRC commands
(define (on-command conn cmd params #!optional sender)
@ -169,9 +206,6 @@
;; Hook function for irc:loop; handles all IRC errors and replies
(define (on-reply conn reply params #!optional sender)
[(eq? reply RPL_WELCOME)
(irc:write-cmd conn "JOIN" "#thevoid")]
;; If topic set, output to a channel's .topic file
[(and (eq? reply RPL_TOPIC)
(irc:channel? (second params)))
@ -240,6 +274,112 @@
(exit 1))
(define (wait-for-registration connection)
(if (not (hash-table-exists? connection 'registered))
(thread-sleep! .1)
(wait-for-registration connection))
;; Initialization for the input loop
(define (input-loop-init connection)
(let ([irc-dir (hash-table-ref connection 'directory)])
;; Start watching top-level IRC dir (for new channel joins, etc)
(add-watch! irc-dir
'(onlydir moved-to moved-from delete delete-self create))
;; Can't actually join channels below, unless we're connected! :P
(wait-for-registration connection)
;; Start watching input dirs of all pre-existing channel dirs
(map (lambda (path)
(let ([in-path (normalize-pathname (string-append path "/.in"))]
[dirname (pathname-file (pathname-directory (string-append path "/")))])
(join-channel connection dirname)
(add-watch! in-path '(moved-to close-write))
(print "Joined and watching: " in-path)))
(filter directory-exists? (directory-rel irc-dir)))))
;; Handles all inotify-watched file events from the top-level IRC-directory.
;; Mainly, checking for newly-joined or left channels.
(define (handle-main-dir-event connection event)
(let ([flags (event-flags event)])
;; If a channel dir's been moved or removed, stop watching (ofc)
;; … Also quit that room! Heck them!
[(or (member 'moved-from flags)
(member 'delete flags)
(member 'delete-self flags))
(let* ([channel (event-name event)]
[channel-inpath (string-append (wd->path (event-wd event)) channel "/.in")]
[channel-wd (path->wd channel-inpath)])
(print "Leaving " channel "…")
(print "Remove watch for " channel-inpath "…")
(if (and channel-wd (member channel-wd (wd-list)))
(attempt-remove-watch! channel-wd))
(if (member channel (irc:channels connection))
(irc:write-cmd connection "PART" channel)))]
;; If a dir's been created for a channel, maybe-join, then watch input!
[(or (member 'create flags)
(member 'moved-to flags))
(let* ([path (event->pathname event)]
[in-path (normalize-pathname (string-append path "/.in"))]
[dirname (pathname-file (pathname-directory (string-append path "/")))])
(print "Joining channel " dirname "…")
(join-channel connection dirname)
(add-watch! in-path '(moved-to close-write))
(print "Began watching input " in-path "."))])))
;; Handles an inotify event that pertains to a channel's .in/ directory
(define (handle-channel-dir-event connection event)
(let* ([event-dir (pathname-directory (event->pathname event))]
[dirname (pathname-file (pathname-directory event-dir))]
[parent-dirname (pathname-file (pathname-directory (pathname-directory event-dir)))])
;; If input is given to an `.in` dir, and its channel is still valid…
;; well, send that darn message! What're you waiting for?!
[(and (string=? dirname ".in")
(member parent-dirname (irc:channels connection)))
(print "INPUT FROM, to channel " event-dir)]
;; If input is given to `.in`, but its channel is invalid… let's give up.
[(string=? dirname ".in")
(print "Removing watch on " dirname "…")
(attempt-remove-watch! (event-wd event))])))
;; Handle a single inotify file event, as part of the input loop
(define (handle-file-event connection event)
(if (not (member 'ignored (event-flags event)))
(let* ([flags (event-flags event)]
[wd-path (wd->path (event-wd event))]
[main-dir? (string=? wd-path (hash-table-ref connection 'directory))])
(if main-dir?
(handle-main-dir-event connection event)
(handle-channel-dir-event connection event)))))
;; The FS-backed input loop, to be run in a seperate thread (so as to not block)
;; This handles channel leaving/joining, and sending messages
(define (input-loop connection #!optional (init #f))
(if (not init)
(input-loop-init connection))
(map (lambda (event) (handle-file-event connection event))
(input-loop connection #t))
;; The `main` procedure that should be called to run feedsnake-unix for use as script.
(define (main)
(let* ([args (getopt-long (command-line-arguments) *opts*)]
@ -266,8 +406,17 @@
(unless connection
(hash-table-set! connection 'directory directory)
(hash-table-set! connection 'directory
(normalize-pathname (string-append directory "/")))
;; Kick off the input loop, which monitors channels' .in/ dirs
(lambda ()
(input-loop connection))
"Chat input"))
;; Kick off the mani loop!
(irc:loop connection