Adds more userful user-list

All known users go into a .user/all directory, named by their hostmasks.
Any users that are online, are symlinked to .user/online, named by their
A user that parts the room is them symlinked to  .user/offline.
These symlinks are cleaned up whenever the daemon is restarted.
This commit is contained in:
Jaidyn Ann 2023-02-08 11:26:01 -06:00
parent 134d270530
commit 67e92544fa

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@ -32,14 +32,37 @@
;; Returns the .users/ path of a channel
(define (users-directory-path conn channel)
(define (channel-users-directory-path conn channel)
(string-append (channel-directory-path conn channel)
;; Main directory path of the given user
(define (channel-user-directory-path conn channel hostmask #!optional (state "all"))
(string-append (channel-users-directory-path conn channel)
state "/" (irc:hostmask-nick hostmask)))
;; Main directory path of the given user
(define (user-directory-path conn channel hostmask)
(string-append (channel-users-directory-path conn channel)
"all/" hostmask))
;; Tidies up a channel directory; removes `online` and `offline` user links, etc.
(define (cleanup-channel conn channel)
(let ([users-dir (channel-users-directory-path conn channel)])
(lambda (state-dir)
(if (not (substring-index state-dir "/all"))
(lambda (link)
(let ([link-path (string-append users-dir state-dir "/" link)])
(if (symbolic-link? link-path)
(delete-file link-path))))
(directory (string-append users-dir state-dir)))))
(directory users-dir))))
;; Creates a channel's file hierarchy, if need be
@ -53,18 +76,30 @@
;; Creates a user's info files in the given channel, if need bee
(define (make-user conn channel hostmask)
(let ([path (string-append (channel-directory-path conn channel)
(irc:hostmask-nick hostmask) "/")])
(create-directory path #t)
(call-with-output-file (string-append path "hostmask")
(lambda (out-port)
(write-string hostmask #f out-port)))))
(create-directory (user-directory-path conn channel hostmask) #t))
;; Removes/Adds a symbolic link to a subdirectory of users/ named `state`.
(define (user-toggle-state conn channel user state)
;; Disables a user-state (that is, removes a symlink from a .users directory
(define (user-disable-state conn channel hostmask state)
(let ([state-link (channel-user-directory-path conn channel hostmask state)])
(if (or (file-exists? state-link)
(symbolic-link? state-link))
(delete-file state-link))))
;; Enables a user-state (that is, makes a symlink to a .users directory
(define (user-enable-state conn channel hostmask state)
(let ([state-link (channel-user-directory-path conn channel hostmask state)])
(if (not (or (file-exists? state-link)
(symbolic-link? state-link)))
(create-symbolic-link (string-append "../all/" hostmask)
;; Ensures the enabled-state is enabled, and it's opposite (disabled-state) is not
(define (user-toggle-state conn channel hostmask enabled-state disabled-state)
(user-disable-state conn channel hostmask disabled-state)
(user-enable-state conn channel hostmask enabled-state))
;; Returns the appropriate, non-colliding file path of a hypothetical message
@ -151,8 +186,10 @@
(eq? reply RPL_ENDOFNAMES))
(eq? reply RPL_ENDOFWHO))
(map (lambda (nick)
(make-user conn (second params)
(irc:user-get conn nick 'hostmask)))
(let ([hostmask (irc:user-get conn nick 'hostmask)]
[channel (second params)])
(make-user conn channel hostmask)
(user-toggle-state conn channel hostmask "online" "offline")))
(irc:channel-users conn (second params)))]