Fetch lyrics from AZLyrics, a simple shell script.
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Jaidyn Ann 65ecf65447 Add license file 2024-01-29 11:39:07 -06:00
COPYING Add license file 2024-01-29 11:39:07 -06:00
README.md Move README to markdown 2024-01-29 11:38:54 -06:00
azlyrics.sh Init 2020-12-15 12:27:04 -06:00


Fetch lyrics from azlyrics.com, simply and quickly.


Simply copy azlyrics-fetch.sh into your $PATH: $ cp azlyrics-fetch.sh ~/.local/bin/



You can get the lyrics of a specific song like so, replacing $ARTIST and $SONG with the artist-name and song-name, respectively:

$ azlyrics.sh https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/$ARTIST/$SONG.html

You can get a list of all song URLs of an artist, too:

$ azlyrics.sh https://www.azlyrics.com/$A/$ARTIST.*.html


License is the CC0 1.0
Author is Jaidyn Ann jadedctrl@posteo.at
Sauce is at https://hak.xwx.moe/jadedctrl/azlyrics-fetch