import { prisma } from "./db"; const MAX_LINKS_PER_USER = Number(process.env.MAX_LINKS_PER_USER) || 30000; const stripeEnabled = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE === "true"; export const hasPassedLimit = async ( userId: number, numberOfImports: number ) => { if (!stripeEnabled) { return false; } const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { id: userId }, include: { parentSubscription: true, subscriptions: true, }, }); if (!user) { return true; } if ( user.parentSubscription || (user.subscriptions && user.subscriptions?.quantity > 1) ) { const subscription = user.parentSubscription || user.subscriptions; if (!subscription) { return true; } // Calculate the total allowed links for the organization const totalCapacity = subscription.quantity * MAX_LINKS_PER_USER; const totalLinks = await{ where: { createdBy: { OR: [ { parentSubscriptionId: || undefined, }, { subscriptions: { id: || undefined, }, }, ], }, }, }); return totalCapacity - (numberOfImports + totalLinks) < 0; } else { const totalLinks = await{ where: { createdBy: { id: userId, }, }, }); return MAX_LINKS_PER_USER - (numberOfImports + totalLinks) < 0; } };