import { prisma } from "@/lib/api/db"; import createFolder from "@/lib/api/storage/createFolder"; import { JSDOM } from "jsdom"; const MAX_LINKS_PER_USER = Number(process.env.MAX_LINKS_PER_USER) || 30000; export default async function importFromHTMLFile( userId: number, rawData: string ) { const dom = new JSDOM(rawData); const document = dom.window.document; const bookmarks = document.querySelectorAll("A"); const totalImports = bookmarks.length; const numberOfLinksTheUserHas = await{ where: { collection: { ownerId: userId, }, }, }); if (totalImports + numberOfLinksTheUserHas > MAX_LINKS_PER_USER) return { response: `Error: Each user can only have a maximum of ${MAX_LINKS_PER_USER} Links.`, status: 400, }; const folders = document.querySelectorAll("H3"); let unorganizedCollectionId: number | null = null; if (folders.length === 0) { const unorganizedCollection = await prisma.collection.findFirst({ where: { name: "Imported", ownerId: userId, }, }); if (!unorganizedCollection) { const newUnorganizedCollection = await prisma.collection.create({ data: { name: "Imported", description: "Automatically created collection for imported bookmarks.", ownerId: userId, }, }); unorganizedCollectionId =; } else { unorganizedCollectionId =; } createFolder({ filePath: `archives/${unorganizedCollectionId}` }); } await prisma .$transaction( async () => { if (unorganizedCollectionId) { // @ts-ignore for (const bookmark of bookmarks) { createBookmark(userId, bookmark, unorganizedCollectionId); } } else { // @ts-ignore for (const folder of folders) { await createCollectionAndBookmarks( userId, folder, folder.nextElementSibling, null ); } } }, { timeout: 30000 } ) .catch((err) => console.log(err)); return { response: "Success.", status: 200 }; } const createCollectionAndBookmarks = async ( userId: number, folder: any, folderContent: any, parentId: number | null ) => { const findCollection = await prisma.collection.findFirst({ where: { name: folder.textContent.trim(), ownerId: userId, }, }); const checkIfCollectionExists = findCollection; let collectionId = findCollection?.id; if (!checkIfCollectionExists || !collectionId) { const newCollection = await prisma.collection.create({ data: { name: folder.textContent.trim(), description: "", color: "#0ea5e9", isPublic: false, ownerId: userId, parentId }, }); createFolder({ filePath: `archives/${}` }); collectionId =; } createFolder({ filePath: `archives/${collectionId}` }); const bookmarks = folderContent.querySelectorAll("A"); for (const bookmark of bookmarks) { createBookmark(userId, bookmark, collectionId); } const subfolders = folderContent.querySelectorAll("H3"); for (const subfolder of subfolders) { await createCollectionAndBookmarks(userId, subfolder, subfolder.nextElementSibling, collectionId); } }; const createBookmark = async ( userId: number, bookmark: any, collectionId: number ) => { // Move up to the parent node (