import { LinkRequestQuery } from "@/types/global"; import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import useDetectPageBottom from "./useDetectPageBottom"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import useLinkStore from "@/store/links"; export default function useLinks( { sort, collectionId, tagId, pinnedOnly, searchQueryString, searchByName, searchByUrl, searchByDescription, searchByTags, searchByTextContent, }: LinkRequestQuery = { sort: 0 } ) { const { links, setLinks, resetLinks, selectedLinks, setSelectedLinks } = useLinkStore(); const router = useRouter(); const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true); const { reachedBottom, setReachedBottom } = useDetectPageBottom(); const getLinks = async (isInitialCall: boolean, cursor?: number) => { const params = { sort, cursor, collectionId, tagId, pinnedOnly, searchQueryString, searchByName, searchByUrl, searchByDescription, searchByTags, searchByTextContent, }; const buildQueryString = (params: LinkRequestQuery) => { return Object.keys(params) .filter((key) => params[key as keyof LinkRequestQuery] !== undefined) .map( (key) => `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent( params[key as keyof LinkRequestQuery] as string )}` ) .join("&"); }; let queryString = buildQueryString(params); let basePath; if (router.pathname === "/dashboard") basePath = "/api/v1/dashboard"; else if (router.pathname.startsWith("/public/collections/[id]")) { queryString = queryString + "&collectionId=" +; basePath = "/api/v1/public/collections/links"; } else basePath = "/api/v1/links"; setIsLoading(true); const response = await fetch(`${basePath}?${queryString}`); const data = await response.json(); setIsLoading(false); if (response.ok) setLinks(data.response, isInitialCall); }; useEffect(() => { // Save the selected links before resetting the links // and then restore the selected links after resetting the links const previouslySelected = selectedLinks; resetLinks(); setSelectedLinks(previouslySelected); getLinks(true); }, [ router, sort, searchQueryString, searchByName, searchByUrl, searchByDescription, searchByTextContent, searchByTags, ]); useEffect(() => { if (reachedBottom) getLinks(false, links?.at(-1)?.id); setReachedBottom(false); }, [reachedBottom]); return { isLoading }; }