import { chromium, devices } from "playwright"; import { prisma } from "@/lib/api/db"; import createFile from "@/lib/api/storage/createFile"; import sendToWayback from "./sendToWayback"; import { Readability } from "@mozilla/readability"; import { JSDOM } from "jsdom"; import DOMPurify from "dompurify"; export default async function urlHandler( linkId: number, url: string, userId: number ) { const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { id: userId } }); const targetLink = await{ where: { id: linkId }, data: { screenshotPath: user?.archiveAsScreenshot ? "pending" : null, pdfPath: user?.archiveAsPDF ? "pending" : null, readabilityPath: "pending", lastPreserved: new Date().toISOString(), }, }); // if (user?.archiveAsWaybackMachine) sendToWayback(url); if (user?.archiveAsPDF || user?.archiveAsScreenshot) { const browser = await chromium.launch(); const context = await browser.newContext(devices["Desktop Chrome"]); const page = await context.newPage(); try { await page.goto(url, { waitUntil: "domcontentloaded" }); const content = await page.content(); // TODO // const session = await page.context().newCDPSession(page); // const doc = await session.send("Page.captureSnapshot", { // format: "mhtml", // }); // const saveDocLocally = (doc: any) => { // console.log(doc); // return createFile({ // data: doc, // filePath: `archives/${targetLink.collectionId}/${linkId}.mhtml`, // }); // }; // saveDocLocally(; // Readability const window = new JSDOM("").window; const purify = DOMPurify(window); const cleanedUpContent = purify.sanitize(content); const dom = new JSDOM(cleanedUpContent, { url: url }); const article = new Readability(dom.window.document).parse(); const articleText = article?.textContent .replace(/ +(?= )/g, "") // strip out multiple spaces .replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, " "); // strip out line breaks await createFile({ data: JSON.stringify(article), filePath: `archives/${targetLink.collectionId}/${linkId}_readability.json`, }); await{ where: { id: linkId }, data: { readabilityPath: `archives/${targetLink.collectionId}/${linkId}_readability.json`, textContent: articleText, }, }); // Screenshot/PDF let faulty = false; await page .evaluate(autoScroll, Number(process.env.AUTOSCROLL_TIMEOUT) || 30) .catch((e) => (faulty = true)); const linkExists = await{ where: { id: linkId }, }); if (linkExists && !faulty) { if (user.archiveAsScreenshot) { const screenshot = await page.screenshot({ fullPage: true }); await createFile({ data: screenshot, filePath: `archives/${linkExists.collectionId}/${linkId}.png`, }); } if (user.archiveAsPDF) { const pdf = await page.pdf({ width: "1366px", height: "1931px", printBackground: true, margin: { top: "15px", bottom: "15px" }, }); await createFile({ data: pdf, filePath: `archives/${linkExists.collectionId}/${linkId}.pdf`, }); } await{ where: { id: linkId }, data: { screenshotPath: user.archiveAsScreenshot ? `archives/${linkExists.collectionId}/${linkId}.png` : null, pdfPath: user.archiveAsPDF ? `archives/${linkExists.collectionId}/${linkId}.pdf` : null, }, }); } else if (faulty) { await{ where: { id: linkId }, data: { screenshotPath: null, pdfPath: null, }, }); } } catch (err) { console.log(err); throw err; } finally { await browser.close(); } } } const autoScroll = async (AUTOSCROLL_TIMEOUT: number) => { const timeoutPromise = new Promise((_, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { reject(new Error(`Webpage was too long to be archived.`)); }, AUTOSCROLL_TIMEOUT * 1000); }); const scrollingPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { let totalHeight = 0; let distance = 100; let scrollDown = setInterval(() => { let scrollHeight = document.body.scrollHeight; window.scrollBy(0, distance); totalHeight += distance; if (totalHeight >= scrollHeight) { clearInterval(scrollDown); window.scroll(0, 0); resolve(); } }, 100); }); await Promise.race([scrollingPromise, timeoutPromise]); };