import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import useLinkStore from "@/store/links"; import { ArchivedFormat, LinkIncludingShortenedCollectionAndTags, } from "@/types/global"; import toast from "react-hot-toast"; import Link from "next/link"; import Modal from "../Modal"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import { useSession } from "next-auth/react"; import { pdfAvailable, readabilityAvailable, singlefileAvailable, screenshotAvailable, } from "@/lib/shared/getArchiveValidity"; import PreservedFormatRow from "@/components/PreserverdFormatRow"; import useAccountStore from "@/store/account"; import getPublicUserData from "@/lib/client/getPublicUserData"; type Props = { onClose: Function; activeLink: LinkIncludingShortenedCollectionAndTags; }; export default function PreservedFormatsModal({ onClose, activeLink }: Props) { const session = useSession(); const { getLink } = useLinkStore(); const { account } = useAccountStore(); const [link, setLink] = useState(activeLink); const router = useRouter(); let isPublic = router.pathname.startsWith("/public") ? true : undefined; const [collectionOwner, setCollectionOwner] = useState({ id: null as unknown as number, name: "", username: "", image: "", archiveAsScreenshot: undefined as unknown as boolean, archiveAsSinglefile: undefined as unknown as boolean, archiveAsPDF: undefined as unknown as boolean, }); useEffect(() => { const fetchOwner = async () => { if (link.collection.ownerId !== { const owner = await getPublicUserData( link.collection.ownerId as number ); setCollectionOwner(owner); } else if (link.collection.ownerId === { setCollectionOwner({ id: as number, name:, username: account.username as string, image: account.image as string, archiveAsScreenshot: account.archiveAsScreenshot as boolean, archiveAsSinglefile: account.archiveAsScreenshot as boolean, archiveAsPDF: account.archiveAsPDF as boolean, }); } }; fetchOwner(); }, [link.collection.ownerId]); const isReady = () => { return ( link && (collectionOwner.archiveAsScreenshot === true ? link.pdf && link.pdf !== "pending" : true) && (collectionOwner.archiveAsSinglefile === true ? link.singlefile && link.singlefile !== "pending" : true) && (collectionOwner.archiveAsPDF === true ? link.pdf && link.pdf !== "pending" : true) && link.readable && link.readable !== "pending" ); }; useEffect(() => { (async () => { const data = await getLink( as number, isPublic); setLink( (data as any).response as LinkIncludingShortenedCollectionAndTags ); })(); let interval: any; if (!isReady()) { interval = setInterval(async () => { const data = await getLink( as number, isPublic); setLink( (data as any).response as LinkIncludingShortenedCollectionAndTags ); }, 5000); } else { if (interval) { clearInterval(interval); } } return () => { if (interval) { clearInterval(interval); } }; }, [link?.image, link?.pdf, link?.readable, link?.singlefile]); const updateArchive = async () => { const load = toast.loading("Sending request..."); const response = await fetch(`/api/v1/links/${link?.id}/archive`, { method: "PUT", }); const data = await response.json(); toast.dismiss(load); if (response.ok) { const newLink = await getLink(link?.id as number); setLink( (newLink as any).response as LinkIncludingShortenedCollectionAndTags ); toast.success(`Link is being archived...`); } else toast.error(data.response); }; return (

Preserved Formats

{isReady() && (screenshotAvailable(link) || pdfAvailable(link) || readabilityAvailable(link) || singlefileAvailable(link)) ? (

The following formats are available for this link:

) : ( "" )}
{isReady() ? ( <> {screenshotAvailable(link) ? ( ) : undefined} {pdfAvailable(link) ? ( ) : undefined} {readabilityAvailable(link) ? ( ) : undefined} {singlefileAvailable(link) ? ( ) : undefined} ) : (

Link preservation is in the queue

Please check back later to see the result


View latest snapshot on

{link?.collection.ownerId === ? (

Refresh Preserved Formats

This deletes the current preservations

) : undefined}
); }