import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next"; import getLinks from "@/lib/api/controllers/links/getLinks"; import postLink from "@/lib/api/controllers/links/postLink"; import { LinkRequestQuery } from "@/types/global"; import verifyUser from "@/lib/api/verifyUser"; import deleteLinksById from "@/lib/api/controllers/links/bulk/deleteLinksById"; import updateLinks from "@/lib/api/controllers/links/bulk/updateLinks"; export default async function links(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) { const user = await verifyUser({ req, res }); if (!user) return; if (req.method === "GET") { // Convert the type of the request query to "LinkRequestQuery" const convertedData: LinkRequestQuery = { sort: Number(req.query.sort as string), cursor: req.query.cursor ? Number(req.query.cursor as string) : undefined, collectionId: req.query.collectionId ? Number(req.query.collectionId as string) : undefined, tagId: req.query.tagId ? Number(req.query.tagId as string) : undefined, pinnedOnly: req.query.pinnedOnly ? req.query.pinnedOnly === "true" : undefined, searchQueryString: req.query.searchQueryString ? (req.query.searchQueryString as string) : undefined, searchByName: req.query.searchByName === "true" ? true : undefined, searchByUrl: req.query.searchByUrl === "true" ? true : undefined, searchByDescription: req.query.searchByDescription === "true" ? true : undefined, searchByTextContent: req.query.searchByTextContent === "true" ? true : undefined, searchByTags: req.query.searchByTags === "true" ? true : undefined, }; const links = await getLinks(, convertedData); return res.status(links.status).json({ response: links.response }); } else if (req.method === "POST") { const newlink = await postLink(req.body,; return res.status(newlink.status).json({ response: newlink.response, }); } else if (req.method === "PUT") { const updated = await updateLinks(, req.body.links, req.body.newData ); return res.status(updated.status).json({ response: updated.response, }); } else if (req.method === "DELETE") { const deleted = await deleteLinksById(, req.body.linkIds); return res.status(deleted.status).json({ response: deleted.response, }); } }