import { prisma } from "@/lib/api/db"; import NextAuth from "next-auth/next"; import CredentialsProvider from "next-auth/providers/credentials"; import { AuthOptions, Session } from "next-auth"; import bcrypt from "bcrypt"; import EmailProvider from "next-auth/providers/email"; import { JWT } from "next-auth/jwt"; import { PrismaAdapter } from "@auth/prisma-adapter"; import { Adapter } from "next-auth/adapters"; import sendVerificationRequest from "@/lib/api/sendVerificationRequest"; import { Provider } from "next-auth/providers"; import checkSubscription from "@/lib/api/checkSubscription"; const emailEnabled = process.env.EMAIL_FROM && process.env.EMAIL_SERVER ? true : false; const providers: Provider[] = [ CredentialsProvider({ type: "credentials", credentials: {}, async authorize(credentials, req) { if (!credentials) return null; const { username, password } = credentials as { username: string; password: string; }; const findUser = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: emailEnabled ? { OR: [ { username: username.toLowerCase(), }, { email: username?.toLowerCase(), }, ], emailVerified: { not: null }, } : { username: username.toLowerCase(), }, }); let passwordMatches: boolean = false; if (findUser?.password) { passwordMatches = bcrypt.compareSync(password, findUser.password); } if (passwordMatches) { return findUser; } else return null as any; }, }), ]; if (emailEnabled) providers.push( EmailProvider({ server: process.env.EMAIL_SERVER, from: process.env.EMAIL_FROM, maxAge: 1200, sendVerificationRequest(params) { sendVerificationRequest(params); }, }) ); export const authOptions: AuthOptions = { adapter: PrismaAdapter(prisma) as Adapter, session: { strategy: "jwt", maxAge: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60, // 30 days }, providers, pages: { signIn: "/login", verifyRequest: "/confirmation", }, callbacks: { session: async ({ session, token }: { session: Session; token: JWT }) => { = parseInt( as string); session.user.username = token.username as string; session.user.isSubscriber = token.isSubscriber as boolean; return session; }, // Using the `` parameter to be able to narrow down the type based on `trigger` async jwt({ token, trigger, session, user }) { const STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = process.env.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY; const PRICE_ID = process.env.PRICE_ID; const TRIAL_PERIOD_DAYS = process.env.TRIAL_PERIOD_DAYS; const secondsInTwoWeeks = TRIAL_PERIOD_DAYS ? Number(TRIAL_PERIOD_DAYS) * 86400 : 1209600; const subscriptionIsTimesUp = token.subscriptionCanceledAt && new Date() > new Date( ((token.subscriptionCanceledAt as number) + secondsInTwoWeeks) * 1000 ); if ( STRIPE_SECRET_KEY && PRICE_ID && (trigger || subscriptionIsTimesUp || !token.isSubscriber) ) { const subscription = await checkSubscription( STRIPE_SECRET_KEY, as string, PRICE_ID ); subscription.isSubscriber; if (subscription.subscriptionCanceledAt) { token.subscriptionCanceledAt = subscription.subscriptionCanceledAt; } else token.subscriptionCanceledAt = undefined; token.isSubscriber = subscription.isSubscriber; } if (trigger === "signIn") { =; token.username = (user as any).username; } else if (trigger === "update" && session?.name && session?.username) { // Note, that `session` can be any arbitrary object, remember to validate it! =; token.username = session.username.toLowerCase(); =; } return token; }, }, }; export default NextAuth(authOptions);