import { LaunchOptions, chromium, devices } from "playwright"; import { prisma } from "./db"; import createFile from "./storage/createFile"; import sendToWayback from "./preservationScheme/sendToWayback"; import { Collection, Link, User } from "@prisma/client"; import validateUrlSize from "./validateUrlSize"; import removeFile from "./storage/removeFile"; import Jimp from "jimp"; import createFolder from "./storage/createFolder"; import archiveAsSinglefile from "./preservationScheme/archiveAsSinglefile"; import archiveAsReadability from "./preservationScheme/archiveAsReadablility"; type LinksAndCollectionAndOwner = Link & { collection: Collection & { owner: User; }; }; const BROWSER_TIMEOUT = Number(process.env.BROWSER_TIMEOUT) || 5; export default async function archiveHandler(link: LinksAndCollectionAndOwner) { const timeoutPromise = new Promise((_, reject) => { setTimeout( () => reject( new Error( `Browser has been open for more than ${BROWSER_TIMEOUT} minutes.` ) ), BROWSER_TIMEOUT * 60000 ); }); // allow user to configure a proxy let browserOptions: LaunchOptions = {}; if (process.env.PROXY) { browserOptions.proxy = { server: process.env.PROXY, bypass: process.env.PROXY_BYPASS, username: process.env.PROXY_USERNAME, password: process.env.PROXY_PASSWORD, }; } const browser = await chromium.launch(browserOptions); try { await Promise.race([ (async () => { const user = link.collection?.owner; const validatedUrl = link.url ? await validateUrlSize(link.url) : undefined; if (validatedUrl === null) throw "Something went wrong while retrieving the file size."; const contentType = validatedUrl?.get("content-type"); let linkType = "url"; let imageExtension = "png"; if (!link.url) linkType = link.type; else if (contentType?.includes("application/pdf")) linkType = "pdf"; else if (contentType?.startsWith("image")) { linkType = "image"; if (contentType.includes("image/jpeg")) imageExtension = "jpeg"; else if (contentType.includes("image/png")) imageExtension = "png"; } await{ where: { id: }, data: { type: linkType, image: user.archiveAsScreenshot && !link.image?.startsWith("archive") ? "pending" : "unavailable", pdf: user.archiveAsPDF && !link.pdf?.startsWith("archive") ? "pending" : "unavailable", readable: !link.readable?.startsWith("archive") ? "pending" : undefined, singlefile: !link.singlefile?.startsWith("archive") ? "pending" : undefined, preview: !link.readable?.startsWith("archive") ? "pending" : undefined, lastPreserved: new Date().toISOString(), }, }); // SingleFile if ( !link.singlefile?.startsWith("archive") && !link.singlefile?.startsWith("unavailable") && user.archiveAsSinglefile && link.url ) await archiveAsSinglefile(link); // send to if (user.archiveAsWaybackMachine && link.url) sendToWayback(link.url); if (linkType === "image" && !link.image?.startsWith("archive")) { await imageHandler(link, imageExtension); // archive image (jpeg/png) return; } else if (linkType === "pdf" && !link.pdf?.startsWith("archive")) { await pdfHandler(link); // archive pdf return; } else if (link.url) { // archive url const context = await browser.newContext({ ...devices["Desktop Chrome"], ignoreHTTPSErrors: process.env.IGNORE_HTTPS_ERRORS === "true", }); const page = await context.newPage(); await page.goto(link.url, { waitUntil: "domcontentloaded" }); const content = await page.content(); // Readability if ( !link.readable?.startsWith("archives") && !link.readable?.startsWith("unavailable") ) await archiveAsReadability(content, link); // Preview if ( !link.preview?.startsWith("archives") && !link.preview?.startsWith("unavailable") ) { const ogImageUrl = await page.evaluate(() => { const metaTag = document.querySelector( 'meta[property="og:image"]' ); return metaTag ? (metaTag as any).content : null; }); createFolder({ filePath: `archives/preview/${link.collectionId}`, }); if (ogImageUrl) { console.log("Found og:image URL:", ogImageUrl); // Download the image const imageResponse = await page.goto(ogImageUrl); // Check if imageResponse is not null if (imageResponse && !link.preview?.startsWith("archive")) { const buffer = await imageResponse.body(); // Check if buffer is not null if (buffer) { // Load the image using Jimp, async (err, image) => { if (image && !err) { image?.resize(1280, Jimp.AUTO).quality(20); const processedBuffer = await image?.getBufferAsync( Jimp.MIME_JPEG ); createFile({ data: processedBuffer, filePath: `archives/preview/${link.collectionId}/${}.jpeg`, }).then(() => { return{ where: { id: }, data: { preview: `archives/preview/${link.collectionId}/${}.jpeg`, }, }); }); } }).catch((err) => { console.error("Error processing the image:", err); }); } else { console.log("No image data found."); } } await page.goBack(); } else if (!link.preview?.startsWith("archive")) { console.log("No og:image found"); await page .screenshot({ type: "jpeg", quality: 20 }) .then((screenshot) => { return createFile({ data: screenshot, filePath: `archives/preview/${link.collectionId}/${}.jpeg`, }); }) .then(() => { return{ where: { id: }, data: { preview: `archives/preview/${link.collectionId}/${}.jpeg`, }, }); }); } } if ( (!link.image?.startsWith("archives") && !link.image?.startsWith("unavailable")) || (!link.pdf?.startsWith("archives") && !link.pdf?.startsWith("unavailable")) ) { // Screenshot/PDF await page.evaluate( autoScroll, Number(process.env.AUTOSCROLL_TIMEOUT) || 30 ); // Check if the user hasn't deleted the link by the time we're done scrolling const linkExists = await{ where: { id: }, }); if (linkExists) { const processingPromises = []; if ( user.archiveAsScreenshot && !link.image?.startsWith("archive") ) { processingPromises.push( page.screenshot({ fullPage: true }).then((screenshot) => { return createFile({ data: screenshot, filePath: `archives/${linkExists.collectionId}/${}.png`, }); }) ); } // apply administrator's defined pdf margins or default to 15px const margins = { top: process.env.PDF_MARGIN_TOP || "15px", bottom: process.env.PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM || "15px", }; if (user.archiveAsPDF && !link.pdf?.startsWith("archive")) { processingPromises.push( page .pdf({ width: "1366px", height: "1931px", printBackground: true, margin: margins, }) .then((pdf) => { return createFile({ data: pdf, filePath: `archives/${linkExists.collectionId}/${}.pdf`, }); }) ); } await Promise.allSettled(processingPromises); await{ where: { id: }, data: { image: user.archiveAsScreenshot ? `archives/${linkExists.collectionId}/${}.png` : undefined, pdf: user.archiveAsPDF ? `archives/${linkExists.collectionId}/${}.pdf` : undefined, }, }); } } } })(), timeoutPromise, ]); } catch (err) { console.log(err); console.log("Failed Link details:", link); throw err; } finally { const finalLink = await{ where: { id: }, }); if (finalLink) await{ where: { id: }, data: { lastPreserved: new Date().toISOString(), readable: !finalLink.readable?.startsWith("archives") ? "unavailable" : undefined, image: !finalLink.image?.startsWith("archives") ? "unavailable" : undefined, singlefile: !finalLink.singlefile?.startsWith("archives") ? "unavailable" : undefined, pdf: !finalLink.pdf?.startsWith("archives") ? "unavailable" : undefined, preview: !finalLink.preview?.startsWith("archives") ? "unavailable" : undefined, }, }); else { removeFile({ filePath: `archives/${link.collectionId}/${}.png` }); removeFile({ filePath: `archives/${link.collectionId}/${}.html` }); removeFile({ filePath: `archives/${link.collectionId}/${}.pdf` }); removeFile({ filePath: `archives/${link.collectionId}/${}_readability.json`, }); removeFile({ filePath: `archives/preview/${link.collectionId}/${}.jpeg`, }); } await browser.close(); } } const autoScroll = async (AUTOSCROLL_TIMEOUT: number) => { const timeoutPromise = new Promise((_, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { reject(new Error(`Webpage was too long to be archived.`)); }, AUTOSCROLL_TIMEOUT * 1000); }); const scrollingPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { let totalHeight = 0; let distance = 100; let scrollDown = setInterval(() => { let scrollHeight = document.body.scrollHeight; window.scrollBy(0, distance); totalHeight += distance; if (totalHeight >= scrollHeight) { clearInterval(scrollDown); window.scroll(0, 0); resolve(); } }, 100); }); await Promise.race([scrollingPromise, timeoutPromise]); }; const imageHandler = async ({ url, id }: Link, extension: string) => { const image = await fetch(url as string).then((res) => res.blob()); const buffer = Buffer.from(await image.arrayBuffer()); const linkExists = await{ where: { id }, }); if (linkExists) { await createFile({ data: buffer, filePath: `archives/${linkExists.collectionId}/${id}.${extension}`, }); await{ where: { id }, data: { image: `archives/${linkExists.collectionId}/${id}.${extension}`, }, }); } }; const pdfHandler = async ({ url, id }: Link) => { const pdf = await fetch(url as string).then((res) => res.blob()); const buffer = Buffer.from(await pdf.arrayBuffer()); const linkExists = await{ where: { id }, }); if (linkExists) { await createFile({ data: buffer, filePath: `archives/${linkExists.collectionId}/${id}.pdf`, }); await{ where: { id }, data: { pdf: `archives/${linkExists.collectionId}/${id}.pdf`, }, }); } };