import { prisma } from "@/lib/api/db"; import createFolder from "@/lib/api/storage/createFolder"; import { JSDOM } from "jsdom"; import { parse, Node, Element, TextNode } from "himalaya"; import { hasPassedLimit } from "../../verifyCapacity"; export default async function importFromHTMLFile( userId: number, rawData: string ) { const dom = new JSDOM(rawData); const document = dom.window.document; // remove bad tags document.querySelectorAll("meta").forEach((e) => (e.outerHTML = e.innerHTML)); document.querySelectorAll("META").forEach((e) => (e.outerHTML = e.innerHTML)); document.querySelectorAll("P").forEach((e) => (e.outerHTML = e.innerHTML)); const bookmarks = document.querySelectorAll("A"); const totalImports = bookmarks.length; const hasTooManyLinks = await hasPassedLimit(userId, totalImports); if (hasTooManyLinks) { return { response: `Your subscription have reached the maximum number of links allowed.`, status: 400, }; } const jsonData = parse(document.documentElement.outerHTML); const processedArray = processNodes(jsonData); for (const item of processedArray) { console.log(item); await processBookmarks(userId, item as Element); } return { response: "Success.", status: 200 }; } async function processBookmarks( userId: number, data: Node, parentCollectionId?: number ) { if (data.type === "element") { for (const item of data.children) { if (item.type === "element" && item.tagName === "dt") { // process collection or sub-collection let collectionId; const collectionName = item.children.find( (e) => e.type === "element" && e.tagName === "h3" ) as Element; if (collectionName) { const collectionNameContent = (collectionName.children[0] as TextNode) ?.content; if (collectionNameContent) { collectionId = await createCollection( userId, collectionNameContent, parentCollectionId ); } else { // Handle the case when the collection name is empty collectionId = await createCollection( userId, "Untitled Collection", parentCollectionId ); } } await processBookmarks( userId, item, collectionId || parentCollectionId ); } else if (item.type === "element" && item.tagName === "a") { // process link const linkUrl = item?.attributes.find( (e) => e.key.toLowerCase() === "href" )?.value; const linkName = ( item?.children.find((e) => e.type === "text") as TextNode )?.content; const linkTags = item?.attributes .find((e) => e.key === "tags") ?.value.split(","); // set date if available const linkDateValue = item?.attributes.find( (e) => e.key.toLowerCase() === "add_date" )?.value; const linkDate = linkDateValue ? new Date(Number(linkDateValue) * 1000) : undefined; let linkDesc = ( ( item?.children?.find( (e) => e.type === "element" && e.tagName === "dd" ) as Element )?.children[0] as TextNode )?.content || ""; if (linkUrl && parentCollectionId) { await createLink( userId, linkUrl, parentCollectionId, linkName, linkDesc, linkTags, linkDate ); } else if (linkUrl) { // create a collection named "Imported Bookmarks" and add the link to it const collectionId = await createCollection(userId, "Imports"); await createLink( userId, linkUrl, collectionId, linkName, linkDesc, linkTags, linkDate ); } await processBookmarks(userId, item, parentCollectionId); } else { // process anything else await processBookmarks(userId, item, parentCollectionId); } } } } const createCollection = async ( userId: number, collectionName: string, parentId?: number ) => { collectionName = collectionName.trim().slice(0, 254); const findCollection = await prisma.collection.findFirst({ where: { parentId, name: collectionName, ownerId: userId, }, }); if (findCollection) { return; } const collectionId = await prisma.collection.create({ data: { name: collectionName, parent: parentId ? { connect: { id: parentId, }, } : undefined, owner: { connect: { id: userId, }, }, createdBy: { connect: { id: userId, }, }, }, }); createFolder({ filePath: `archives/${}` }); return; }; const createLink = async ( userId: number, url: string, collectionId: number, name?: string, description?: string, tags?: string[], importDate?: Date ) => { url = url.trim().slice(0, 254); try { new URL(url); } catch (e) { return; } tags = tags?.map((tag) => tag.trim().slice(0, 49)); name = name?.trim().slice(0, 254); description = description?.trim().slice(0, 254); if (importDate) { const dateString = importDate.toISOString(); if (dateString.length > 50) { importDate = undefined; } } await{ data: { name: name || "", url, description, collectionId, createdById: userId, tags: tags && tags[0] ? { connectOrCreate: string) => { return { where: { name_ownerId: { name: tag.trim(), ownerId: userId, }, }, create: { name: tag.trim(), owner: { connect: { id: userId, }, }, }, }; }), } : undefined, importDate: importDate || undefined, }, }); }; function processNodes(nodes: Node[]) { const findAndProcessDL = (node: Node) => { if (node.type === "element" && node.tagName === "dl") { processDLChildren(node); } else if ( node.type === "element" && node.children && node.children.length ) { node.children.forEach((child) => findAndProcessDL(child)); } }; const processDLChildren = (dlNode: Element) => { dlNode.children.forEach((child, i) => { if (child.type === "element" && child.tagName === "dt") { const nextSibling = dlNode.children[i + 1]; if ( nextSibling && nextSibling.type === "element" && nextSibling.tagName === "dd" ) { const aElement = child.children.find( (el) => el.type === "element" && el.tagName === "a" ); if (aElement && aElement.type === "element") { // Add the 'dd' element as a child of the 'a' element aElement.children.push(nextSibling); // Remove the 'dd' from the parent 'dl' to avoid duplicate processing dlNode.children.splice(i + 1, 1); // Adjust the loop counter due to the removal } } } }); }; nodes.forEach(findAndProcessDL); return nodes; }