{ "user_administration": "User Administration", "search_users": "Search for Users", "no_users_found": "No users found.", "no_user_found_in_search": "No users found with the given search query.", "username": "Username", "email": "Email", "subscribed": "Subscribed", "created_at": "Created At", "not_available": "N/A", "check_your_email": "Please check your Email", "authenticating": "Authenticating...", "verification_email_sent": "Verification email sent.", "verification_email_sent_desc": "A sign in link has been sent to your email address. If you don't see the email, check your spam folder.", "resend_email": "Resend Email", "invalid_credentials": "Invalid credentials.", "fill_all_fields": "Please fill out all the fields.", "enter_credentials": "Enter your credentials", "username_or_email": "Username or Email", "password": "Password", "confirm_password": "Confirm Password", "forgot_password": "Forgot Password?", "login": "Login", "or_continue_with": "Or continue with", "new_here": "New here?", "sign_up": "Sign Up", "sign_in_to_your_account": "Sign in to your account", "dashboard_desc": "A brief overview of your data", "link": "Link", "links": "Links", "collection": "Collection", "collections": "Collections", "tag": "Tag", "tags": "Tags", "recent": "Recent", "recent_links_desc": "Recently added Links", "view_all": "View All", "view_added_links_here": "View Your Recently Added Links Here!", "view_added_links_here_desc": "This section will view your latest added Links across every Collections you have access to.", "add_link": "Add New Link", "import_links": "Import Links", "from_linkwarden": "From Linkwarden", "from_html": "From Bookmarks HTML file", "from_wallabag": "From Wallabag (JSON file)", "pinned": "Pinned", "pinned_links_desc": "Your pinned Links", "pin_favorite_links_here": "Pin Your Favorite Links Here!", "pin_favorite_links_here_desc": "You can Pin your favorite Links by clicking on the three dots on each Link and clicking Pin to Dashboard.", "sending_password_link": "Sending password recovery link...", "password_email_prompt": "Enter your email so we can send you a link to create a new password.", "send_reset_link": "Send Reset Link", "reset_email_sent_desc": "Check your email for a link to reset your password. If it doesn’t appear within a few minutes, check your spam folder.", "back_to_login": "Back to Login", "email_sent": "Email Sent!", "passwords_mismatch": "Passwords do not match.", "password_too_short": "Passwords must be at least 8 characters.", "creating_account": "Creating Account...", "account_created": "Account Created!", "trial_offer_desc": "Unlock {{count}} days of Premium Service at no cost!", "register_desc": "Create a new account", "registration_disabled_desc": "Registration is disabled for this instance, please contact the admin in case of any issues.", "enter_details": "Enter your details", "display_name": "Display Name", "sign_up_agreement": "By signing up, you agree to our <0>Terms of Service and <1>Privacy Policy.", "need_help": "Need help?", "get_in_touch": "Get in touch", "already_registered": "Already have an account?", "deleting_selections": "Deleting selections...", "links_deleted": "{{count}} Links deleted.", "link_deleted": "1 Link deleted.", "links_selected": "{{count}} Links selected", "link_selected": "1 Link selected", "nothing_selected": "Nothing selected", "edit": "Edit", "delete": "Delete", "nothing_found": "Nothing found.", "redirecting_to_stripe": "Redirecting to Stripe...", "subscribe_title": "Subscribe to Linkwarden!", "subscribe_desc": "You will be redirected to Stripe, feel free to reach out to us at <0>support@linkwarden.app in case of any issue.", "monthly": "Monthly", "yearly": "Yearly", "discount_percent": "{{percent}}% Off", "billed_monthly": "Billed Monthly", "billed_yearly": "Billed Yearly", "total": "Total", "total_annual_desc": "{{count}}-day free trial, then ${{annualPrice}} annually", "total_monthly_desc": "{{count}}-day free trial, then ${{monthlyPrice}} per month", "plus_tax": "+ VAT if applicable", "complete_subscription": "Complete Subscription", "sign_out": "Sign Out", "access_tokens": "Access Tokens", "access_tokens_description": "Access Tokens can be used to access Linkwarden from other apps and services without giving away your Username and Password.", "new_token": "New Access Token", "name": "Name", "created_success": "Created!", "created": "Created", "expires": "Expires", "accountSettings": "Account Settings", "language": "Language", "profile_photo": "Profile Photo", "upload_new_photo": "Upload a new photo...", "remove_photo": "Remove Photo", "make_profile_private": "Make profile private", "profile_privacy_info": "This will limit who can find and add you to new Collections.", "whitelisted_users": "Whitelisted Users", "whitelisted_users_info": "Please provide the Username of the users you wish to grant visibility to your profile. Separated by comma.", "whitelisted_users_placeholder": "Your profile is hidden from everyone right now...", "save_changes": "Save Changes", "import_export": "Import & Export", "import_data": "Import your data from other platforms.", "download_data": "Download your data instantly.", "export_data": "Export Data", "delete_account": "Delete Account", "delete_account_warning": "This will permanently delete ALL the Links, Collections, Tags, and archived data you own.", "cancel_subscription_notice": "It will also cancel your subscription.", "account_deletion_page": "Account deletion page", "applying_settings": "Applying settings...", "settings_applied": "Settings Applied!", "email_change_request": "Email change request sent. Please verify the new email address.", "image_upload_no_file_error": "No file selected. Please choose an image to upload.", "image_upload_size_error": "Please select a PNG or JPEG file that's less than 1MB.", "image_upload_format_error": "Invalid file format.", "importing_bookmarks": "Importing bookmarks...", "import_success": "Imported the bookmarks! Reloading the page...", "more_coming_soon": "More coming soon!", "billing_settings": "Billing Settings", "manage_subscription_intro": "To manage/cancel your subscription, visit the", "billing_portal": "Billing Portal", "help_contact_intro": "If you still need help or encountered any issues, feel free to reach out to us at:", "fill_required_fields": "Please fill the required fields.", "deleting_message": "Deleting everything, please wait...", "delete_warning": "This will permanently delete all the Links, Collections, Tags, and archived data you own. It will also log you out. This action is irreversible!", "optional": "Optional", "feedback_help": "(but it really helps us improve!)", "reason_for_cancellation": "Reason for cancellation", "please_specify": "Please specify", "customer_service": "Customer Service", "low_quality": "Low Quality", "missing_features": "Missing Features", "switched_service": "Switched Service", "too_complex": "Too Complex", "too_expensive": "Too Expensive", "unused": "Unused", "other": "Other", "more_information": "More information (the more details, the more helpful it'd be)", "feedback_placeholder": "e.g. I needed a feature that...", "delete_your_account": "Delete Your Account", "change_password": "Change Password", "password_length_error": "Passwords must be at least 8 characters.", "applying_changes": "Applying...", "password_change_instructions": "To change your password, please fill out the following. Your password should be at least 8 characters.", "old_password": "Old Password", "new_password": "New Password", "preference": "Preference", "select_theme": "Select Theme", "dark": "Dark", "light": "Light", "archive_settings": "Archive Settings", "formats_to_archive": "Formats to Archive/Preserve webpages:", "screenshot": "Screenshot", "pdf": "PDF", "archive_org_snapshot": "Archive.org Snapshot", "link_settings": "Link Settings", "prevent_duplicate_links": "Prevent duplicate links", "clicking_on_links_should": "Clicking on Links should:", "open_original_content": "Open the original content", "open_pdf_if_available": "Open PDF, if available", "open_readable_if_available": "Open Readable, if available", "open_screenshot_if_available": "Open Screenshot, if available", "open_webpage_if_available": "Open Webpage copy, if available", "tag_renamed": "Tag renamed!", "tag_deleted": "Tag deleted!", "rename_tag": "Rename Tag", "delete_tag": "Delete Tag", "list_created_with_linkwarden": "List created with Linkwarden", "by_author": "By {{author}}.", "by_author_and_other": "By {{author}} and {{count}} other.", "by_author_and_others": "By {{author}} and {{count}} others.", "search_count_link": "Search {{count}} Link", "search_count_links": "Search {{count}} Links", "collection_is_empty": "This Collection is empty...", "all_links": "All Links", "all_links_desc": "Links from every Collection", "you_have_not_added_any_links": "You Haven't Created Any Links Yet", "collections_you_own": "Collections you own", "new_collection": "New Collection", "other_collections": "Other Collections", "other_collections_desc": "Shared collections you're a member of", "showing_count_results": "Showing {{count}} results", "showing_count_result": "Showing {{count}} result", "edit_collection_info": "Edit Collection Info", "share_and_collaborate": "Share and Collaborate", "view_team": "View Team", "team": "Team", "create_subcollection": "Create Sub-Collection", "delete_collection": "Delete Collection", "leave_collection": "Leave Collection", "email_verified_signing_out": "Email verified. Signing out...", "invalid_token": "Invalid token.", "sending_password_recovery_link": "Sending password recovery link...", "please_fill_all_fields": "Please fill out all the fields.", "password_updated": "Password Updated!", "reset_password": "Reset Password", "enter_email_for_new_password": "Enter your email so we can send you a link to create a new password.", "update_password": "Update Password", "password_successfully_updated": "Your password has been successfully updated.", "user_already_member": "User already exists.", "you_are_already_collection_owner": "You are already the collection owner.", "date_newest_first": "Date (Newest First)", "date_oldest_first": "Date (Oldest First)", "name_az": "Name (A-Z)", "name_za": "Name (Z-A)", "description_az": "Description (A-Z)", "description_za": "Description (Z-A)", "all_rights_reserved": "© {{date}} <0>Linkwarden. All rights reserved.", "you_have_no_collections": "You have no Collections...", "you_have_no_tags": "You have no Tags...", "cant_change_collection_you_dont_own": "You can't make changes to a collection you don't own.", "account": "Account", "billing": "Billing", "linkwarden_version": "Linkwarden {{version}}", "help": "Help", "github": "GitHub", "twitter": "Twitter", "mastodon": "Mastodon", "link_preservation_in_queue": "The Link preservation is currently in the queue", "check_back_later": "Please check back later to see the result", "there_are_more_formats": "There are more preserved formats in the queue", "settings": "Settings", "switch_to": "Switch to {{theme}}", "logout": "Logout", "start_journey": "Start your journey by creating a new Link!", "create_new_link": "Create New Link", "new_link": "New Link", "create_new": "Create New...", "pwa_install_prompt": "Install Linkwarden to your home screen for a faster access and enhanced experience. <0>Learn more", "full_content": "Full Content", "slower": "Slower", "new_version_announcement": "See what's new in <0>Linkwarden {{version}}!", "creating": "Creating...", "upload_file": "Upload File", "file": "File", "file_types": "PDF, PNG, JPG (Up to {{size}} MB)", "description": "Description", "auto_generated": "Will be auto generated if nothing is provided.", "example_link": "e.g. Example Link", "hide": "Hide", "more": "More", "options": "Options", "description_placeholder": "Notes, thoughts, etc.", "deleting": "Deleting...", "token_revoked": "Token Revoked.", "revoke_token": "Revoke Token", "revoke_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to revoke this Access Token? Any apps or services using this token will no longer be able to access Linkwarden using it.", "revoke": "Revoke", "sending_request": "Sending request...", "link_being_archived": "Link is being archived...", "preserved_formats": "Preserved Formats", "available_formats": "The following formats are available for this link:", "readable": "Readable", "preservation_in_queue": "Link preservation is in the queue", "view_latest_snapshot": "View latest snapshot on archive.org", "refresh_preserved_formats": "Refresh Preserved Formats", "this_deletes_current_preservations": "This deletes the current preservations", "create_new_user": "Create New User", "placeholder_johnny": "Johnny", "placeholder_email": "johnny@example.com", "placeholder_john": "john", "user_created": "User Created!", "fill_all_fields_error": "Please fill out all the fields.", "password_change_note": "<0>Note: Please make sure you inform the user that they need to change their password.", "create_user": "Create User", "creating_token": "Creating Token...", "token_created": "Token Created!", "access_token_created": "Access Token Created", "token_creation_notice": "Your new token has been created. Please copy it and store it somewhere safe. You will not be able to see it again.", "copied_to_clipboard": "Copied to clipboard!", "copy_to_clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard", "create_access_token": "Create an Access Token", "expires_in": "Expires in", "token_name_placeholder": "e.g. For the iOS shortcut", "create_token": "Create Access Token", "7_days": "7 Days", "30_days": "30 Days", "60_days": "60 Days", "90_days": "90 Days", "no_expiration": "No Expiration", "creating_link": "Creating link...", "link_created": "Link created!", "link_name_placeholder": "Will be auto generated if left empty.", "link_url_placeholder": "e.g. http://example.com/", "link_description_placeholder": "Notes, thoughts, etc.", "more_options": "More Options", "hide_options": "Hide Options", "create_link": "Create Link", "new_sub_collection": "New Sub-Collection", "for_collection": "For {{name}}", "create_new_collection": "Create a New Collection", "color": "Color", "reset": "Reset", "updating_collection": "Updating Collection...", "collection_name_placeholder": "e.g. Example Collection", "collection_description_placeholder": "The purpose of this Collection...", "create_collection_button": "Create Collection", "password_change_warning": "Please confirm your password before changing your email address.", "stripe_update_note": " Updating this field will change your billing email on Stripe as well.", "sso_will_be_removed_warning": "If you change your email address, any existing {{service}} SSO connections will be removed.", "old_email": "Old Email", "new_email": "New Email", "confirm": "Confirm", "edit_link": "Edit Link", "updating": "Updating...", "updated": "Updated!", "placeholder_example_link": "e.g. Example Link", "make_collection_public": "Make Collection Public", "make_collection_public_checkbox": "Make this a public collection", "make_collection_public_desc": "This will allow anyone to view this collection and it's users.", "sharable_link_guide": "Sharable Link (Click to copy)", "copied": "Copied!", "members": "Members", "members_username_placeholder": "Username (without the '@')", "owner": "Owner", "admin": "Admin", "contributor": "Contributor", "viewer": "Viewer", "viewer_desc": "Read-only access", "contributor_desc": "Can view and create Links", "admin_desc": "Full access to all Links", "remove_member": "Remove Member", "placeholder_example_collection": "e.g. Example Collection", "placeholder_collection_purpose": "The purpose of this Collection...", "deleting_user": "Deleting...", "user_deleted": "User Deleted.", "delete_user": "Delete User", "confirm_user_deletion": "Are you sure you want to remove this user?", "irreversible_action_warning": "This action is irreversible!", "delete_confirmation": "Delete, I know what I'm doing", "delete_link": "Delete Link", "deleted": "Deleted.", "link_deletion_confirmation_message": "Are you sure you want to delete this Link?", "warning": "Warning", "irreversible_warning": "This action is irreversible!", "shift_key_tip": "Hold the Shift key while clicking 'Delete' to bypass this confirmation in the future.", "deleting_collection": "Deleting...", "collection_deleted": "Collection Deleted.", "confirm_deletion_prompt": "To confirm, type \"{{name}}\" in the box below:", "type_name_placeholder": "Type \"{{name}}\" Here.", "deletion_warning": "Deleting this collection will permanently erase all its contents, and it will become inaccessible to everyone, including members with previous access.", "leave_prompt": "Click the button below to leave the current collection.", "leave": "Leave", "edit_links": "Edit {{count}} Links", "move_to_collection": "Move to Collection", "add_tags": "Add Tags", "remove_previous_tags": "Remove previous tags", "delete_links": "Delete {{count}} Links", "links_deletion_confirmation_message": "Are you sure you want to delete {{count}} Links? ", "warning_irreversible": "Warning: This action is irreversible!", "shift_key_instruction": "Hold the 'Shift' key while clicking 'Delete' to bypass this confirmation in the future.", "link_selection_error": "You don't have permission to edit or delete this item.", "no_description": "No description provided.", "applying": "Applying...", "unpin": "Unpin", "pin_to_dashboard": "Pin to Dashboard", "show_link_details": "Show Link Details", "link_pinned": "Link Pinned!", "link_unpinned": "Link Unpinned!", "webpage": "Webpage", "server_administration": "Server Administration", "all_collections": "All Collections", "dashboard": "Dashboard", "demo_title": "Demo Only", "demo_desc": "This is only a demo instance of Linkwarden and uploads are disabled.", "demo_desc_2": "If you want to try out the full version, you can sign up for a free trial at:", "demo_button": "Login as demo user", "notes": "Notes" }