**Linkwarden is a self-hosted, open-source collaborative bookmark manager to collect, organize and archive webpages.**
The objective is to organize useful webpages and articles you find across the web in one place, and since useful webpages can go away (see the inevitability of [Link Rot](https://www.howtogeek.com/786227/what-is-link-rot-and-how-does-it-threaten-the-web/)), Linkwarden also saves a copy of each webpage as a Screenshot and PDF, ensuring accessibility even if the original content is no longer available.
Additionally, Linkwarden is designed with collaboration in mind, sharing links with the public and/or allowing multiple users to work together seamlessly.
> Our official [Cloud](https://linkwarden.app/#pricing) offering provides the simplest way to begin using Linkwarden and it's the preferred choice for many due to its time-saving benefits. <br> Your subscription supports our hosting infrastructure and ongoing development. <br> Alternatively, if you prefer self-hosting Linkwarden, you can do so by following our [Installation documentation](https://docs.linkwarden.app/self-hosting/installation).
Linkwarden has been completely rebuilt and redesigned from ground up, so pretty much the only thing it has in common with its predecessor is the idea behind it - bookmark management.
We _usually_ go after the [popular suggestions](https://github.com/linkwarden/linkwarden/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Areactions-%2B1-desc). Feel free to open a [new issue](https://github.com/linkwarden/linkwarden/issues/new?assignees=&labels=enhancement&projects=&template=feature_request.md&title=) to suggest one - others might be interested too! :)
If you want to contribute, Thanks! Start by checking our [public roadmap](https://github.com/orgs/linkwarden/projects/1), there you'll see a [README for contributers](https://github.com/orgs/linkwarden/projects/1?pane=issue&itemId=34708277) for the rest of the info on how to contribute and the main tech stack.
If you found a security vulnerability, please do **not** create a public issue, instead send an email to [security@linkwarden.app](mailto:security@linkwarden.app) stating the vulnerability. Thanks!
Other than using our official [Cloud](https://linkwarden.app/#pricing) offering, any [donations](https://opencollective.com/linkwarden) are highly appreciated as well!