> **For questions/help, feature requests and bug reports please create an [issue](https://github.com/Daniel31x13/link-warden/issues) (please use the right lable).**
1. Confirm your planned implementation fit into our project [features](https://github.com/Daniel31x13/link-warden#features) and [project roadmap](https://github.com/Daniel31x13/link-warden/wiki#project-roadmap) (wether it's adding a new feature or improving our existing code).
2. Open an [issue](https://github.com/Daniel31x13/link-warden/issues/new?assignees=&labels=contribution&template=contribution.md&title=Contribution) with your planned implementation to discuss.
4. Commit, push, and submit a PR and wait for review feedback.
5. Have patience, don't abandon your PR! We love contributors but we don't always have time to respond to notifications instantly. If you want a faster response, DM me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/daniel31x13).