"password_email_prompt":"Enter your email so we can send you a link to create a new password.",
"send_reset_link":"Send Reset Link",
"reset_email_sent_desc":"Check your email for a link to reset your password. If it doesn’t appear within a few minutes, check your spam folder.",
"back_to_login":"Back to Login",
"email_sent":"Email Sent!",
"passwords_mismatch":"Passwords do not match.",
"password_too_short":"Passwords must be at least 8 characters.",
"creating_account":"Creating Account...",
"account_created":"Account Created!",
"trial_offer_desc":"Unlock {{count}} days of Premium Service at no cost!",
"register_desc":"Create a new account",
"registration_disabled_desc":"Registration is disabled for this instance, please contact the admin in case of any issues.",
"enter_details":"Enter your details",
"display_name":"Display Name",
"sign_up_agreement":"By signing up, you agree to our <0>Terms of Service</0> and <1>Privacy Policy</1>.",
"need_help":"Need help?",
"get_in_touch":"Get in touch",
"already_registered":"Already have an account?",
"deleting_selections":"Deleting selections...",
"links_deleted":"{{count}} Links deleted.",
"link_deleted":"1 Link deleted.",
"links_selected":"{{count}} Links selected",
"link_selected":"1 Link selected",
"nothing_selected":"Nothing selected",
"nothing_found":"Nothing found.",
"redirecting_to_stripe":"Redirecting to Stripe...",
"subscribe_title":"Subscribe to Linkwarden!",
"subscribe_desc":"You will be redirected to Stripe, feel free to reach out to us at <0/> in case of any issue.",
"discount_percent":"{{percent}}% Off",
"billed_monthly":"Billed Monthly",
"billed_yearly":"Billed Yearly",
"total_annual_desc":"{{count}}-day free trial, then ${{annualPrice}} annually",
"total_monthly_desc":"{{count}}-day free trial, then ${{monthlyPrice}} per month",
"plus_tax":"+ VAT if applicable",
"complete_subscription":"Complete Subscription",
"sign_out":"Sign Out",
"access_tokens":"Access Tokens",
"access_tokens_description":"Access Tokens can be used to access Linkwarden from other apps and services without giving away your Username and Password.",
"delete_warning":"This will permanently delete all the Links, Collections, Tags, and archived data you own. It will also log you out. This action is irreversible!",
"feedback_help":"(but it really helps us improve!)",
"reason_for_cancellation":"Reason for cancellation",
"please_specify":"Please specify",
"customer_service":"Customer Service",
"low_quality":"Low Quality",
"missing_features":"Missing Features",
"switched_service":"Switched Service",
"too_complex":"Too Complex",
"too_expensive":"Too Expensive",
"more_information":"More information (the more details, the more helpful it'd be)",
"feedback_placeholder":"e.g. I needed a feature that...",
"delete_your_account":"Delete Your Account",
"change_password":"Change Password",
"password_length_error":"Passwords must be at least 8 characters.",
"password_change_instructions":"To change your password, please fill out the following. Your password should be at least 8 characters.",
"old_password":"Old Password",
"new_password":"New Password",
"select_theme":"Select Theme",
"archive_settings":"Archive Settings",
"formats_to_archive":"Formats to Archive/Preserve webpages:",
"revoke_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to revoke this Access Token? Any apps or services using this token will no longer be able to access Linkwarden using it.",
"sending_request":"Sending request...",
"link_being_archived":"Link is being archived...",
"preserved_formats":"Preserved Formats",
"available_formats":"The following formats are available for this link:",
"preservation_in_queue":"Link preservation is in the queue",
"view_latest_snapshot":"View latest snapshot on archive.org",
"deletion_warning":"Deleting this collection will permanently erase all its contents, and it will become inaccessible to everyone, including members with previous access.",
"leave_prompt":"Click the button below to leave the current collection.",
"edit_links":"Edit {{count}} Links",
"move_to_collection":"Move to Collection",
"add_tags":"Add Tags",
"remove_previous_tags":"Remove previous tags",
"delete_links":"Delete {{count}} Links",
"links_deletion_confirmation_message":"Are you sure you want to delete {{count}} Links? ",
"warning_irreversible":"Warning: This action is irreversible!",
"shift_key_instruction":"Hold the 'Shift' key while clicking 'Delete' to bypass this confirmation in the future.",
"link_selection_error":"You don't have permission to edit or delete this item.",