=============================================================================== X-IF =============================================================================== X-IF is a portable & object-oriented interactive fiction engine/transpiler. It is a WIP, and useless right now! Come back later, OK? ~♥ ... now, the rest of this file's just filled with lies. The engine can be used to make classic Infocom-esque text-adventures that run in a terminal (with readline support), or to make IF with simple images and sound (with GTK or terminal; the latter via libsixel or manual ASCII art). It supports, as input, either text-entry (and parsing), like classic games— or it supports visual novel-esque branching dialogue/option selection, without text-entry entirely. Games can use one method, or intermix both. The transpiler lets you turn a game written in X-IF into a website or PDF with branching paths— so a game written in X-IF can effectively be made into a Choose-Your-Adventure-esque book! The transpiler is probably best used for branching dialogue games, rather than text-entry games, though it can be used for both. X-IF is multi-lingual and modular; right now, it can parse simple English and Esperanto sentences. Adding other languages should be trivial, and any contribs are welcome! <3 ———————————————————————————————————————— BORING STUFF ———————————————————————————————————————— License is the GNU GPLv3: check COPYING.txt (/ipfs/QmTBpqbvJLZaq3hTMUhxX5hyJaSCeWe6Q5FRctQbsD6EsE) Author is Jaidyn Ann Sauce is at https://git.eunichx.us/x-if.git