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Ĉi tiu deponejo arĥiviĝis je 2024-01-29. Vi povas vidi kaj elŝuti dosierojn, sed ne povas puŝi nek raporti problemojn nek tirpeti.

351 lines
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;; Copyright 2023, Jaidyn Levesque <>
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(import scheme
(chicken file) (chicken io) (chicken sort) (chicken string)
(chicken irregex) (chicken pretty-print)
srfi-1 srfi-19
(prefix chatdir chatdir:)
(prefix intarweb intarweb:)
(prefix spiffy spiffy:)
(prefix uri-common uri:))
;; Santize text for placement in HTML.
(define (html-encode-string text)
"{" (spiffy:htmlize text) "&#123;"))
;; Generate HTML from a template-file, substituting in variables as appropriate.
(define (html-from-template template-file variables-alist)
(let ([text (call-with-input-file template-file
(lambda (in-port) (read-string #f in-port)))])
(map (lambda (variable-pair)
(set! text
(string-append "{{" (car variable-pair) "}}")
(cdr variable-pair))))
;; Generate HTML for a listing of all rooms the user's joined.
(define (room-listing-html irc-dir)
. ,(reduce-right
(map (lambda (room)
(room-list-item-html irc-dir room))
(chatdir:channels irc-dir)))))))
(define (room-list-item-html irc-dir room)
(let* ([messages (channel-messages-sorted irc-dir room)]
[last-message (if (null? messages)
#f (last messages))]
[message-text (if last-message
(car last-message) "")]
[message-sender (if last-message
(or (alist-ref '
(cdr last-message))
(if last-message
(date->string (alist-ref '
(cdr last-message))
`(("ROOM_TITLE" . ,(html-encode-string room))
("ROOM_ID" . ,(uri:uri-encode-string room))
("LAST_MSG" . ,message-text)
("LAST_TIME" . ,message-time)
("LAST_MSG_SENDER" . ,message-sender)))))
;; “Send” a message to the given chatdir root, simply by creating a file.
;; That was easy!
(define (send-message irc-dir channel message)
(string-append irc-dir "/" channel "/.in/a")
(lambda ()
(write-string message))))
;; Returns all of a channel's messages — in alist format, with parsed datetimes.
(define (channel-messages irc-dir channel)
(map (lambda (msg-alist)
(let ([date-str (alist-ref ' (cdr msg-alist))])
(list (car msg-alist))
(alist-update '
(string->date date-str "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~S~z")
(cdr msg-alist)))))
(map (lambda (message)
(chatdir:channel-message-get irc-dir channel message))
(chatdir:channel-messages irc-dir channel))))
;; Returns all of a channel's messages, sorted in order of datetime.
(define (channel-messages-sorted irc-dir channel)
(channel-messages irc-dir channel)
(lambda (a b)
(let ([date-a (alist-ref ' (cdr a))]
[nano-a (alist-ref ' (cdr a))]
[date-b (alist-ref ' (cdr b))]
[nano-b (alist-ref ' (cdr b))])
(cond [(and (date=? date-a date-b)
nano-a nano-b)
(> (string->number nano-b)
(string->number nano-a))]
(date<? date-b date-a)])))))
(define (channel-online-users irc-dir channel)
(string-append irc-dir "/" channel "/.users/online/")))
(define (room-users-html irc-dir channel)
`(("ROOM_TITLE" . ,(uri:uri-decode-string channel))
. ,(reduce-right
string-append ""
(map (lambda (user)
(room-users-item-html irc-dir channel user))
(uri:uri-decode-string channel))))))))
(define (room-users-item-html irc-dir channel user)
`(("USER_NAME" . ,user))))
(define (room-index-html irc-dir channel)
`(("ROOM_TITLE" . ,(uri:uri-decode-string channel))
("ROOM_ID" . ,(uri:uri-encode-string channel)))))
(define (room-send-html)
(html-from-template "templates/room-send.html" '()))
;; Generate the HTML listing a room's chat messages.
(define (room-messages-html irc-dir channel)
`(("ROOM_TITLE" . ,(uri:uri-decode-string channel))
. ,(reduce-right
string-append ""
(map (lambda (message)
(room-messages-item-html irc-dir channel message))
(uri:uri-decode-string channel))))))))
;; Generate the HTML for a specific message in a specific room.
;; Used to substitute {{LIST_ITEMS}} in the room-messages template.
(define (room-messages-item-html irc-dir channel message)
(if (and (list? message)
(string? (car message)))
. ,(html-encode-string
(or (alist-ref ' (cdr message)) "")))
. ,(html-encode-string
(alist-ref ' (cdr message))
. ,(html-encode-string
(alist-ref ' (cdr message))
. ,(html-encode-string
(car message)))))
;; Send response for a listing of joined rooms.
(define (http-get-rooms-list irc-dir #!optional request path)
(spiffy:send-response status: 'ok
body: (room-listing-html irc-dir)))
(define (http-get-room-dir irc-dir #!optional request path)
(let* ([channel (third path)]
[channel? (member channel (chatdir:channels irc-dir))]
[sub-path (if (eq? (length path) 4)
(fourth path) #f)])
[(not channel?)
(spiffy:send-response code: 404
body: "<h1>That's not a channel, smh!!</h1>")]
[(equal? sub-path "users")
(spiffy:send-response status: 'ok
body: (room-users-html irc-dir channel))]
[(equal? sub-path "messages")
(spiffy:send-response status: 'ok
body: (room-messages-html irc-dir channel))]
[(equal? sub-path "send")
(spiffy:send-response status: 'ok
body: (room-send-html))]
[(or (not sub-path) (string=? sub-path ""))
(spiffy:send-response status: 'ok
body: (room-index-html irc-dir channel))])))
(define (http-post-room-dir irc-dir #!optional request path)
(let* ([channel (third path)]
[request-data (intarweb:read-urlencoded-request-data request 50000)])
(if (alist-ref 'message request-data)
(send-message irc-dir channel (alist-ref 'message request-data))
(sleep 1)))
(http-get-room-dir irc-dir request (list '/ "room" channel "messages"))))
;; Send response for the / index.
(define (http-get-root #!optional irc-dir request path)
(spiffy:send-response status: 'ok body:
(html-from-template "templates/index.html" '())))
;; Send a 404 response, with disappointed text.
(define (http-404 #!optional irc-dir request path)
(spiffy:send-response code: 404 body: "<h1>Sad!</h1>"))
;; Send the static style CSS.
(define (http-get-style #!optional irc-dir request path)
status: 'ok
body: (call-with-input-file "templates/style.css"
(lambda (in-port) (read-string #f in-port)))
headers: '((content-type "text/css"))))
;; An associative list of all GET handlers, to be used by assoc-by-path.
(define http-get-handlers
`(((/ "room") . ,http-get-rooms-list)
((/ "room" "*") . ,http-get-room-dir)
((/ "style.css") . ,http-get-style)
((/ "*") . ,http-404)
(("*") . ,http-get-root)))
;; An associative list of POST handlers, to be used by assoc-by-path.
(define http-post-handlers
`(((/ "room" "*") . ,http-post-room-dir)))
;; Get a pair from an associative list based on the closest match to the
;; given path. Wild-cards acceptable! For example…
;; '(/ "dad" "mom") matches, in order of precedence:
;; '(/ "dad" "mom") '(/ "dad" "*") '(/ "*")
(define (assoc-by-path path-list alist #!optional (top-level #t))
(let* ([our-list=
(lambda (a b)
(list= equal? a b))]
(if (eq? (string-length (last path-list)) 0)
(drop-right path-list 1)
[parent-path (drop-right path-list 1)]
(and top-level
(assoc path-list
alist our-list=))]
(assoc (append parent-path '("*"))
alist our-list=)])
(or exact
(and (not (null? parent-path))
(assoc-by-path parent-path alist #f)))))
;; Handle all GET requests.
(define (http-get irc-dir request continue)
(let* ([path (uri:uri-path (intarweb:request-uri request))]
[handler (assoc-by-path path http-get-handlers)])
(if handler
(apply (cdr handler) (list irc-dir request path))
;; Handle all POST requests.
(define (http-post irc-dir request continue)
(let* ([path (uri:uri-path (intarweb:request-uri request))]
[handler (assoc-by-path path http-post-handlers)])
(if handler
(apply (cdr handler) (list irc-dir request path))
;; Creates a handler for all HTTP requests, with the given IRC dir.
(define (make-http-handler irc-dir)
(lambda (continue)
(let* ([request (spiffy:current-request)]
[request-type (intarweb:request-method request)])
(cond [(eq? request-type 'GET)
(http-get irc-dir request continue)]
[(eq? request-type 'POST)
(http-post irc-dir request continue)]
;; Kick off the HTTP server.
(define (start-server irc-dir)
(spiffy:vhost-map `((".*" . ,(make-http-handler irc-dir))))
(spiffy:root-path irc-dir)
(spiffy:start-server port: 8080))
;; Check if a `list` begins with the elements of another list.
(define (starts-with? list list-start #!optional (= equal?))
(list= =
(take list (length list-start))
(start-server "/home/jaidyn/Chat/IRC/leagueh/")