// Iterate over the commands-table and save each of the user’s valid // regex+command rows to storage. function saveCommands() { let commands = []; for (commandTr of document.getElementsByClassName("regexCommandRow")) { let regex = commandTr.getElementsByClassName("regex")[0].value; let command = commandTr.getElementsByClassName("command")[0].value; if (regex && command) commands.push([regex, command]); } localStorage.setItem("commands", JSON.stringify(commands)); } // Read the user’s saved command-regex pairs from storage, and populate the // command-table with them. function populateCommandTable() { let commandTable = document.getElementById("commandTable"); for (cmdRegex of JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("commands"))) { let commandTr = createCommandTr(cmdRegex[0], cmdRegex[1]); commandTable.appendChild(commandTr); } // Always add a spare entry. commandTable.appendChild(createCommandTr("", "")); } // Create a table-row for the command-table, with the command & regex inputs’ // values set to the given parameters. If they are undefined, the inputs will // have no value. function createCommandTr(regex, command) { let regexInput = document.createElement("INPUT"); regexInput.setAttribute("class", "regex"); regexInput.setAttribute("type", "text"); regexInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "https://example.com/*"); if (regex && command) regexInput.setAttribute("value", regex); let regexTd = document.createElement("TD"); regexTd.appendChild(regexInput); let commandInput = document.createElement("INPUT"); commandInput.setAttribute("class", "command"); commandInput.setAttribute("type", "text"); commandInput.setAttribute("placeholder", "curl %s > /tmp/downloaded"); if (regex && command) commandInput.setAttribute("value", command); let commandTd = document.createElement("TD"); commandTd.appendChild(commandInput); let tr = document.createElement("TR"); tr.setAttribute("class", "regexCommandRow"); tr.appendChild(regexTd); tr.appendChild(commandTd); return tr; } document.addEventListener("click", e => { if (e.target.id == ("save")) { saveCommands(); location.reload(); } }); populateCommandTable();