let port = undefined; // Run the shellfox helper program. function initShellfoxProgram() { port = browser.runtime.connectNative("shellfox"); port.onDisconnect.addListener((port) => { console.log(port.error); port = undefined; }); } // Return the command-string associated with a URL, if any. function getUrlCommand(url) { let matchCommand = undefined; let matchRegex = ""; try { let savedCommands = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("commands")); // Find the most-applicable command… for (regexCommandPair of savedCommands) { let regex = regexCommandPair[0]; let match = url.match(regex); let compared = compareRegexComplexity(matchRegex, regex); if (match && (compared == 0 || compared == 1)) { matchCommand = regexCommandPair[1]; matchRegex = regex; } } // … and replace the substitution-string with the URL. matchCommand = matchCommand.replaceAll("%s", url); } catch {}; return matchCommand; } // Execute the shell command associated with the given URL, if any. function runUrlCommand(url) { let command = getUrlCommand(url); if (!port) initShellfoxProgram(); if (command && port) { port.postMessage(command); } } // Compare two regular expressions, returning which one is more specific. // Returns -1 if a is more specific, 1 if b is, and 0 if they are equal. // It’s a simple (and unreliable) algorithm, for now — purely based on length. function compareRegexComplexity(a, b) { if (a && ((a && !b) || (a.length > b.length))) return -1; else if (b && ((b && !a) || (a.length < b.length))) return 1 return 0; } // Add a context-menu item for running the current page’s associated command. function createContextMenuItem() { browser.menus.create( { id: "run-page-command", title: "Run shell command", contexts: ["page"] } ); } // Simply remove the context-menu item. function removeContextMenuItem() { browser.menus.remove("run-page-command"); } // When the address-bar button is clicked, run the according command (if any). browser.pageAction.onClicked.addListener((tab) => { runUrlCommand(tab.url); }); // When a tab’s URL has been changed, enable/disable the address-bar button // based on whether or not there is an according command. browser.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((tabId, changeInfo, tab) => { let command = getUrlCommand(tab.url); if (command) { browser.pageAction.show(tabId); if (tab.active) createContextMenuItem(); } else { browser.pageAction.hide(tabId); if (tab.active) removeContextMenuItem(); } }); // When the active tab has changed, enable/disable the address-bar button based // on whether or not there is an according command for it. browser.tabs.onActivated.addListener((activeInfo) => { console.log("ACTIVE"); browser.tabs.get(activeInfo.tabId).then((tab) => { if (getUrlCommand(tab.url)) { browser.pageAction.show(tab.id); createContextMenuItem(); } else { browser.pageAction.hide(tab.id); removeContextMenuItem(); } }); }); browser.menus.onClicked.addListener((info, tab) => { if (info.menuItemId == "run-page-command") runUrlCommand(tab.url); });