# This is based on Textern’s Makefile (https://github.com/jlebon/textern) ifneq ($(USER),1) PREFIX ?= /usr/local MOZILLA_PREFIX ?= /usr LIBDIR ?= /usr/lib64 MOZILLA_NATIVE ?= $(LIBDIR)/mozilla/native-messaging-hosts else PREFIX ?= $(HOME)/.local MOZILLA_NATIVE ?= $(HOME)/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts endif LIBEXEC ?= $(PREFIX)/libexec .PHONY: all all: @echo "No build step. Available targets:" @echo "native-install install native app" @echo "native-uninstall uninstall native app" @echo "xpi create XPI webex archive" @echo @echo "Set USER=1 to target user directories instead." # make phony and don't depend on .in file in case $USER changes .PHONY: shellfox.sh.json shellfox.sh.json: sed -e 's|@@NATIVE_PATH@@|$(LIBEXEC)/shellfox/shellfox.sh|' $@.in > $@ .PHONY: native-install native-install: shellfox.sh.json mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MOZILLA_NATIVE) cp -f shellfox.sh.json $(DESTDIR)$(MOZILLA_NATIVE)/shellfox.json mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(LIBEXEC)/shellfox cp -rf shellfox.sh $(DESTDIR)$(LIBEXEC)/shellfox .PHONY: native-uninstall native-uninstall: rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(MOZILLA_NATIVE)/shellfox.json rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(LIBEXEC)/shellfox .PHONY: xpi xpi: @rm -f shellfox.xpi && zip -r shellfox.xpi background.js manifest.json _locales html img/shellfox*.png img/shellfox.svg