At some point in time, this SHOULD be the readme. It isn't right now, obviously. =============================================================================== SHELLTUBE Shell scripts for easy YT-browsing =============================================================================== shelltube is a collection of (pretty POSIX) shell scripts to browse YouTube quickly, and entirely without captive UIs. shellTube is written in pure shell; its only dependencies are any modern shell (pdksh, bash, zsh) and curl/wget/ftp. Your terminal should accept ANSI color-codes, too~ ---------------------------------------- USAGE ---------------------------------------- There are three different scripts that make up shelltube: * yt-search * yt-channel * yt-meta In all three scripts: 'index' means what page of results you're on-- 'results' means how many of them will be displayed. yt-search lists videos matching a certain search query. USAGE: yt-search [-i index] [-r results] query yt-channel lists the videos of a given channel. USAGE: yt-channel [-i index] [-r results] URL/ID/name yt-meta lists the metadata of a given video USAGE: yt-meta URL/ID ---------------------------------------- BORING STUFF ---------------------------------------- License is in COPYING.txt (GNU GPLv3~! <3) Author is Jenga Phoenix Sauce is at