diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ae3bc11..630bb1a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,2 +1,78 @@
-# Shelltube
-Full-featured POSIX shell YouTube client.
+Shelltube is a collection of (pretty POSIX) shell scripts to
+browse YouTube quickly, efficiently, and without the bloat
+most command-line clients require.
+Shelltube is written in pure shell; its only dependencies
+are any modern shell (pdksh, bash, zsh), curl/wget, and
+Even these dependencies, though, can easily be changed. If,
+for example, you don't have vlc, you can just modify a
+single line and be good-to-go using another player.
+Also, Shelltube doesn't use the YouTube API at all. This
+avoids the annoying red-tapey stuff that goes with it-- IDs,
+registration, quotas-- but has some disadvantages. We'll
+power through the downsides, though! :)
+Shelltube is quite simple to use; this tutorial will go over
+the usage of the wrapper script, shelltube.sh.
+When running the script, you'll see a prompt:
+ >>
+In this prompt you can type any of the following commands:
+(!) about View the about page.
+(cls) clear Clear the screen.
+(dl) download [URL] Download the selected/specified video.
+exit Exit Shelltube.
+(?) help Display this message.
+(md) metadata [URL] Display selected/specified video's MD.
+(/) search {term} Perform a search.
+(str) stream [URL] Stream the selected/specified video.
+(sel) video {URL} Select video based on URL or ID.
+In (parenthesis), smaller aliases for the commands are written.
+In {curly brackets}, required arguments are written.
+In [brackets], optional arguments are written.
+You can use Shelltube in one of two ways (or both):
+ A) By selecting a video and then doing something with it
+ B) By doing something and specifying the video
+Method A entails using either the "video" or "search" command
+to select a video, which will then be displayed before the prompt
+like so:
+When a video is selected, you use the "download", "stream", or
+"metadata" commands without arguments to act on the video.
+Method B entails just using the "download", "stream", or
+"metadata" commands while using a URL or video ID as an argument.
+For example:
+ >> download $VIDEO_ID_HERE
+You could opt to not use this interactive wrapper script and instead
+just use the yt-down.sh, yt-search.sh, and yt-metadata.sh scripts
+on their own.
+They are each pretty simple, and you can read their USAGE messages
+at the top of each script.
+All of ST is released under the ISC license
+except for the yt-down.sh script, which is released under the GPLv2
+jadedctrl wrote most of ST, but iluaster wrote almost all of
diff --git a/shelltube.sh b/shelltube.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d3d187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shelltube.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# Name: shelltube.sh
+# Date: 2016-12-11
+# Lisc: ISC
+# Main: jadedctrl
+# Desc: Full-shell YT client that
+# avoids the YT API.
+function search() {
+ output="/tmp/yt-search-$RANDOM"
+ sh yt-search.sh -i "$1" $output
+ selected_video=$(cat $output)
+ metadata
+function interactive() {
+ get_input
+function about() {
+ echo -e "\033[0;35mShelltube v0.3"
+ echo -e "\033[0;32mDesc: \033[0;34mYT client written in shell."
+ echo -e "\033[0;32mMain: \033[0;34mjadedml@openmailbox.org"
+ echo -e "\033[0;32mLisc: \033[0;34mISC; yt-down.sh & yt-stream.sh GPLv2\033[0m"
+function metadata() {
+ sh yt-meta.sh "$selected_video"
+function download() {
+ sh yt-down.sh "$selected_video"
+function stream() {
+ sh yt-down.sh -s "$selected_video"
+function get_input() {
+ printf "\033[0;34m$selected_video \033[0;32m>>\033[0m "
+ read -r n
+ if [ "$n" == "help" ] || [ "$n" == "?" ]
+ then
+ help
+ interactive
+ elif echo "$n" | grep "^search " > /dev/null
+ then
+ search "$(echo "$n" | sed 's/search //')"
+ interactive
+ elif echo "$n" | grep "^/" > /dev/null
+ then
+ search "$(echo "$n" | sed 's^/^^')"
+ interactive
+ elif echo "$n" | grep "^/ " > /dev/null
+ then
+ search "$(echo "$n" | sed 's^/ ^^')"
+ interactive
+ elif echo "$n" | grep "^video " > /dev/null
+ then
+ if echo "$n" | grep "youtube.com"
+ then
+ selected_video="$(echo "$n" | sed 's/.*watch?v=//')"
+ else
+ selected_video="$(echo "$n" | sed 's/sel //')"
+ fi
+ metadata
+ interactive
+ elif echo "$n" | grep "^sel " > /dev/null
+ then
+ if echo "$n" | grep "youtube.com"
+ then
+ selected_video="$(echo "$n" | sed 's/.*watch?v=//')"
+ else
+ selected_video="$(echo "$n" | sed 's/sel //')"
+ fi
+ metadata
+ interactive
+ elif [ "$n" == "download" ] || [ "$n" == "dl" ]
+ then
+ download
+ interactive
+ elif [ "$n" == "metadata" ] || [ "$n" == "md" ]
+ then
+ metadata
+ interactive
+ elif [ "$n" == "stream" ] || [ "$n" == "str" ]
+ then
+ stream
+ interactive
+ elif [ "$n" == "about" ] || [ "$n" == "!" ]
+ then
+ about
+ interactive
+ elif [ "$n" == "clear" ] || [ "$n" == "cls" ]
+ then
+ clear
+ interactive
+ elif [ "$n" == "exit" ]
+ then
+ rm /tmp/yt-*
+ exit
+ else
+ get_input
+ fi
+function help() {
+ echo "about | ! View the about page."
+ echo "clear | cls Clear the screen."
+ echo "download | dl Download the selected video."
+ echo "exit | ctrl+c Exit Shelltube."
+ echo "help | ? Display this message."
+ echo "metadata | md Display selected video's metadata."
+ echo "search | / Perform a search."
+ echo "stream | str Stream the selected video."
+ echo "video | sel Select video based on URL or ID."
+ echo "Note about usage:"
+ echo "Both 'video ID; download' and 'download ID' are valid."
+ echo "You don't need to select a video to run commands on it,"
+ echo "but if you use metadata, download, or stream on an"
+ echo "unselected video you must specify the ID or URL after the"
+ echo "command."
+echo -e "\033[0;35mShelltube v0.3"
diff --git a/yt-down.sh b/yt-down.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f92e17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt-down.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Name: yt-download.sh
+# Date: 2016-12-10
+# Lisc: GPLv2
+# Auth: iluaster
+# Main: jadedctrl
+# Desc: Fetches YT videos.
+# Based on https://github.com/iluaster/Youtube_downloader
+# Usage: yt-download.sh $video_id
+if [ "$1" == "-s" ]
+ stream_mode=1
+ id=$2
+ stream_mode=0
+ id=$1
+if echo "$id" | grep "youtube.com"
+ id="$(echo $id | sed 's/.*video_id=//')"
+elif [ -z $id ]
+ echo "No video specified."
+ exit 1
+ id="$id"
+declare -i line=0
+function select_option ()
+ echo "Formats:"
+ for i in $(cat /tmp/video_type_option.txt)
+ do
+ line=$((line+1))
+ echo "${line}. $i"
+ done
+ printf "\033[0;32m>>\033[0m "
+ read -r n
+ if [ "$n" -le "$line" ];
+ then
+ head -n "$n" /tmp/tmp3.txt | tail -n 1 > /tmp/tmp4.txt
+ else
+ echo "Input Error!"
+ line=0
+ select_option
+ fi
+if type "wget" &> /dev/null
+ wget -q "$name" -O "/tmp/${id}_url.txt"
+elif type "curl" &> /dev/null
+ curl -s "$name" -o "/tmp/${id}_url.txt"
+ echo "Please install wget or curl."
+ exit 1
+# Cut and filter mp4 url
+cp "/tmp/${id}_url.txt" /tmp/tmp2.txt
+sed -e 's/&/\n/g' /tmp/tmp2.txt| grep 'url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'> /tmp/tmp3.txt
+sed -i -e 's/%2C/,/g' /tmp/tmp3.txt
+sed -i -e 's/,/\n/g' /tmp/tmp3.txt
+# Print out total video format name and quality
+perl -ne 'print "$2,$1\n" if /quality%3D(.*?)%.*video%252F(.*?)(%|\n)/' /tmp/tmp3.txt > /tmp/video_type_option.txt
+# If video format name is prior to quality
+perl -ne 'print "$1,$2\n" if /video%252F(.*?)%.*quality%3D(.*?)(%|\n)/' /tmp/tmp3.txt >> /tmp/video_type_option.txt
+sed -i -e 's/x-flv/flv/g' /tmp/video_type_option.txt
+# Set file extension name variable and video quality variable
+extension_name=$(head -n "$n" /tmp/video_type_option.txt | tail -n 1 | cut -d "," -f 1)
+quality_name=$(head -n "$n" /tmp/video_type_option.txt | tail -n 1 | cut -d "," -f 2)
+sed -i -e 's/%26/\&/g' /tmp/tmp4.txt
+sed -i -e 's/&/\n/g' /tmp/tmp4.txt
+grep 'http' /tmp/tmp4.txt > /tmp/tmp5.txt
+grep 'sig%3D' /tmp/tmp4.txt >> /tmp/tmp5.txt
+perl -pe 's/\n//g' /tmp/tmp5.txt | sed -e 's/sig%3D/\&signature%3D/g' > /tmp/tmp6.txt
+sed -i -e 's/url%3D//g' /tmp/tmp6.txt
+# url decoding
+cat /tmp/tmp6.txt | sed -e 's/%25/%/g' -e 's/%25/%/g' -e 's/%3A/:/g' -e 's/%2F/\//g' -e 's/%3F/\?/g' -e 's/%3D/=/g' -e 's/%26/\&/g' > /tmp/tmp7.txt
+if [ $stream_mode -eq 1 ]
+ if type "vlc" &> /dev/null
+ then
+ vlc $(cat /tmp/tmp7.txt)
+ elif type "mplayer" &> /dev/null
+ then
+ mplayer $(cat /tmp/tmp7.txt)
+ elif type "kaffeine" &> /dev/null
+ then
+ kaffeine $(cat /tmp/tmp7.txt)
+ else
+ echo "Please install either vlc, mplayer, or kaffeine."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if type "wget" &> /dev/null
+ then
+ wget --show-progress -qi /tmp/tmp7.txt -O "${id_name}_${quality_name}.${extension_name}"
+ elif type "curl" &> /dev/null
+ then
+ curl -# $(cat /tmp/tmp7.txt) -o "${id_name}_${quality_name}.${extension_name}"
+ else
+ echo "Please install wget or curl."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+rm -f /tmp/tmp[2-7].txt /tmp/${id}_url.txt /tmp/video_type_option.txt
diff --git a/yt-meta.sh b/yt-meta.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4a355d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt-meta.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Name: yt-meta.sh
+# Date: 2016-12-10
+# Lisc: ISC
+# Main: jadedctrl
+# Desc: Fetches metadata about
+# a specific YT video.
+# Usage: yt-meta.sh $video_id
+if echo "$1" | grep "youtube.com"
+ id="$(echo $1 | sed 's/.*video_id=//')"
+elif [ -z $1 ]
+ "No video specified."
+ exit 1
+ id="$1"
+if type "wget" &> /dev/null
+ wget -q https://youtube.com/watch?v=$id -O $video_file
+ wget -q https://youtube.com/results?search_query=$id -O $video_file.1
+elif type "curl" &> /dev/null
+ curl -s https://youtube.com/watch?v=$id -o $video_file
+ curl -s https://youtube.com/results?search_query=$id -o $video_file.1
+# Now for displaying the metadata
+title="$(grep "\"title\":\"" $video_file | sed 's/.*"title":"//' | sed 's/".*//')"
+author="$(grep "\"author\":\"" $video_file | sed 's/.*"author":"//' | sed 's/".*//')"
+views="$(grep "\"view_count\":\"" $video_file | sed 's/.*"view_count":"//' | sed 's/".*//')"
+duration="$(grep ">>\033[0m "
+ read -r n
+ if [ "$n" == "exit" ]
+ then
+ exit
+ fi
+ test $n -ge 0 &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -gt 1 ]
+ then
+ echo "Bad input, mate. Type in a valid number or 'exit'."
+ get_input
+ elif [ $n -gt 20 ]
+ then
+ echo "Out of range. Type in a valid number or 'exit'."
+ get_input
+ elif [ $n -gt 0 ] && [ $n -lt 20 ]
+ then
+ sed -n ${n}p $temp_file | sed 's/.* $output
+ else
+ echo "Bad input, mate. Type in a valid number or 'exit'."
+ get_input
+ fi
+# If Google adds any extra features or changes the webpage
+# layout, this script'll break immediately, haha.
+# ... But at least we aren't using their API, right?
+if type "wget" &> /dev/null
+ wget -q https://youtube.com/results?search_query=$query -O $search_file
+elif type "curl" &> /dev/null
+ curl -s https://youtube.com/results?search_query=$query -o $search_file
+# Now for displaying the search results
+grep " $temp_file
+cat $temp_file | while IFS='' read -r CUR_LINE
+ item_num=$(($item_num+1))
+ # These tags trip up 'title=' and '" >' queries later on. Strip 'em.
+ LINE="$(echo $CUR_LINE | sed 's/.*//')"
+ LINE="$(echo $LINE | sed 's/views<\/li>.*//')"
+ LINE="$(echo $LINE | sed 's/title="Verified"//')"
+ if [ $row -eq 1 ]
+ then
+ color='\033[1;34m'
+ color2='\033[1;34m'
+ row=0
+ elif [ $row -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ color='\033[1;31m'
+ color2='\033[1;31m'
+ row=1
+ fi
+ if echo "$LINE" | grep "View full playlist" > /dev/null
+ then
+ type="Playlist"
+ if [ $interactive_mode -eq 1 ]
+ then
+ printf "${color}$item_num. "
+ fi
+ title=$(echo "$LINE" | sed 's/.*title="//' | sed 's/".*//')
+ items=$(echo "$LINE" | sed 's/.*View full playlist (//' | sed 's/).*//')
+ echo -e "${color}$title"
+ echo -e "${color2}$type | $items | $itemid"
+ else
+ type="Video"
+ duration=$(echo "$LINE" | sed 's/.*Duration: //' | sed 's/\..*//')
+ itemid=$(echo "$LINE" | sed 's/.* /dev/null
+ then
+ # For /channel/ users
+ author=$(echo "$LINE" | sed 's/.*" >//' | sed 's/<\/a>.*//')
+ else
+ # For /user/ users
+ author=$(echo "$LINE" | sed 's/.*\/user\///' | sed 's/".*//')
+ fi
+ if [ $interactive_mode -eq 1 ]
+ then
+ if [ $item_num -lt 10 ]
+ then
+ printf "${color}$item_num. "
+ else
+ printf "${color}$item_num. "
+ fi
+ echo -e "${color}$title${color2}"
+ printf " "
+ fi
+ i=0
+ while [ $i -lt 16 ]
+ do
+ i=$((i+1))
+ char=$(echo $author | cut -c$i)
+ if [ -z $char ]
+ then
+ printf " "
+ else
+ printf "$char"
+ fi
+ done
+ printf " | "
+ i=0
+ while [ $i -lt 5 ]
+ do
+ i=$((i+1))
+ char=$(echo $duration | cut -c$i)
+ if [ -z $char ]
+ then
+ printf " "
+ else
+ printf "$char"
+ fi
+ done
+ printf " | $itemid\n"
+ fi
+if [ $interactive_mode -eq 1 ]
+ get_input
+rm $temp_file