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#!/usr/bin/env -S csi -s
;; Copyright © 2024 Jaidyn Ann <>
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(import scheme
(chicken base)
(chicken condition)
(chicken file)
(chicken pathname)
(chicken process)
(chicken io)
(chicken repl)
(chicken process-context)
(chicken string)
(chicken time)
(srfi 1)
(srfi 4)
(srfi 13)
(srfi 18)
(prefix getopt-long getopt:)
(prefix nrepl nrepl:)
(prefix uri-common uri:)
(prefix vcarded vcard:)
(define *qt-app* #f) ;; The <qt-application> object.
(define *qt-win* #f) ;; The <qt-window> object.
(define *vcard-pathname* #f) ;; Path to current vCard file.
;; Start & run the application.
(define (init)
(let [(cli-args (parse-cli-args (command-line-arguments)))]
;; If --help, then print a usage message and quit.
(if (alist-ref 'help cli-args)
;; Otherwise, lets get our threads started!
(let [(qt-thread (init-qt cli-args))
(nrepl-thread (init-nrepl cli-args))
(repl-thread (thread-start! repl))]
;; Wait for the QT program, even after stdin is closed off.
(thread-join! qt-thread))))
(define (last-free-arg cli-args)
(condition-case (last (car cli-args)) (var () #f)))
;; Set up some global variables (for easier live REPL use), prepare the QT app.
(define (init-qt cli-args)
(set! *qt-app* (qt:init))
(set! *qt-win* (create-window))
(qt:char-encoding 'utf8)
(init-window *qt-win*)
;; Kick off the QT thread, then open the cli free-arg vCard file, if provided.
;; That is, like `$ contact freeArgFile.vcf`.
(let [(qt-thread (thread-start! qt-loop))
(last-arg (last-free-arg cli-args))]
(when (string? last-arg)
(open-vcard-file *qt-win* last-arg))
;; Kick off our remote TCP-accessible REPL, if the user enabled it at cli.
(define (init-nrepl cli-args)
(if (alist-ref 'repl cli-args)
(lambda ()
(nrepl:nrepl (string->number (alist-ref 'repl cli-args)))))))
;; Print a “usage” help message, telling the user how to run the program.
(define (cli-usage)
(print "usage: " (pathname-file (program-name)) " [-h] [--repl PORT] [VCF_FILE]")
(print (pathname-file (program-name)) " is a simple contacts program for managing")
(print "vCard-format contacts.")
(print (getopt:usage cli-args-grammar))
;; Parse out command-line args into an alist.
;; '("dad" "-h" "--repl=12" "mm") → '(("dad" "mm") (help #t) (repl 12))
(define (parse-cli-args args)
(print ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
'((help . #t)))
(getopt:getopt-long args cli-args-grammar)))
;; Definition of our command-line arguments, in getopt-longs format.
(define cli-args-grammar
'((help "display this help message"
(single-char #\h))
(repl "start a TCP-accesible REPL at the given port"
(value #t))))
;; Loop through QTs processing, again and again.
(define (qt-loop)
(qt:run #t)
;; Create the application window.
(define (create-window)
(qt:widget (window-contents)))
;; Return the UIs XML, read from “contacts.ui”.
;; We could generate this XML ourselves, and write a nice s-expr front-end,
;; maybe… `o`
(define (window-contents)
(lambda (in-port) (read-string #f in-port))))
;; Initialize the window.
(define (init-window window)
;; Set the profile-picture label to a default theme icon.
(let [(default-profile-pic
(or (qt:theme-icon "person") (qt:theme-icon "contact-new")))]
(if default-profile-pic
(set! (qt:property (qt:find window "avatarLabel") "pixmap")
(qt:icon->pixmap default-profile-pic 100 100))))
;; Now prepare callbacks and show the window.
(window-callbacks window)
(qt:show window))
;; Connect callback functions to widgets signals.
(define (window-callbacks window)
(menubar-callbacks window))
;; Connect callback functions to menubar items.
(define (menubar-callbacks window)
(let* [(menu-file-exit (qt:find window "actionQuit"))
(menu-file-save (qt:find window "actionSave"))
(menu-file-open (qt:find window "actionOpen"))
(menu-file-new (qt:find window "actionNew"))]
;; We connect to
;; Simply kill the program.
(if menu-file-exit
menu-file-exit "triggered()"
(qt:receiver exit)))
;; If they try to Save, tell them its not supported.
(if menu-file-save
menu-file-save "triggered()"
(lambda ()
(qt:message "Saving is not implemented.")))))
;; If they want a new contact, create a new, blank, window.
;; That is, a new process.
(if menu-file-new
menu-file-new "triggered()"
(qt:receiver create-new-window)))
;; If they want to open a contact through the Open… dialogue, we should open
;; the contact in a new window.
(if menu-file-open
menu-file-open "triggered()"
(lambda ()
(let* [(contacts-dir (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME")
(selected-file (qt:get-open-filename
"Select a contact file to open…"
(if (not (string-null? selected-file))
(if *vcard-pathname*
(create-new-window selected-file)
(open-vcard-file window selected-file))))))))))
;; Executes a new instance of the program; optionally, with a contact-files
;; pathname as a new argument.
;; Functionally, opens a new contacts window.
(define (create-new-window . pathname)
(let* [(pathname (optional pathname #f))
(drop-right (cdr (argv))
(length (command-line-arguments))))
(if pathname
(append clean-cli-args (list pathname))
;; Parse a vCard file and populate the windows forms with its contents.
(define (open-vcard-file window file)
(set! *vcard-pathname* file)
(lambda ()
(with-input-from-file file
(set! *vcard-pathname* #f)
(string-join (list "This file doesnt seem to be a valid vCard file."
"Please make sure you selected the right file, and take a look at it manually."))
title: "Parsing error" type: 'critical)]
[exn (file)
(set! *vcard-pathname* #f)
(string-join (list "Failed to open the file."
((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))
title: "File error" type: 'critical)]))))
;; Simply map vCard property-names to their corresponding name in the windows
;; fields.
(define property->formname-alist
'((FN . "name")
;; (ADR . "address")
(TEL . "homePhone")
(TEL . "workPhone")
(EMAIL . "eMail")
(URL . "url")
(NICKNAME . "nickname")))
;; Given a parsed vCard in vcardeds alist format, populate the windows fields.
;; Heres the format:
;; (FN () "A. Dmytryshyn")
;; (ADR ("TYPE=home") ("" "" "1234 Abc.", "", "", "", "")))
(define (populate-with-vcard window vcard-alist)
(map (lambda (property)
(let* [(formname (alist-ref (car property) property->formname-alist))
(lineEditName (conc formname "LineEdit"))
(lineEditWidget (if formname (qt:find window lineEditName) #f))]
(set! (qt:property lineEditWidget "text")
[(string? (last property))
(last property)]
[(uri:uri? (last property))
(uri:uri->string (last property))]
[#t ""]))]
[(and (eq? (car property) 'PHOTO)
(list? (last property)))
(let* [(avatar (qt:find window "avatarLabel"))
(if avatar (qt:property avatar "pixmap")))
(if avatar (u8vector->pixmap (cadr (last property))))]]
(when avatar
(set! (qt:property avatar "pixmap") new-pixmap)))])))
;; Given a image bytevector (u8vector), create a corresponding pixmap.
(define (u8vector->pixmap vector)
(let* ([temp-file (write-temporary-file vector)]
[pixmap (qt:pixmap temp-file)])
(delete-file* temp-file)
;; Given a u8vector for file-contents, create a tempory file and write the
;; contents to it. Returns the pathname.
(define (write-temporary-file u8vector-contents)
(let [(temp-file (create-temporary-file))]
(with-output-to-file temp-file
(lambda () (map write-byte (u8vector->list u8vector-contents))))