commit fe8bba1d3b039f7d858a536db458ca6e5a1fce21 Author: Jaidyn Lev Date: Tue Oct 30 20:20:57 2018 -0500 Init diff --git a/COPYING.txt b/COPYING.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a04128 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING.txt @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + + This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates +the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public +License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below. + + 0. Additional Definitions. + + As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser +General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU +General Public License. + + "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License, +other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below. + + An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided +by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library. +Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode +of using an interface provided by the Library. + + A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an +Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library +with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked +Version". + + The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the +Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code +for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are +based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version. + + The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the +object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data +and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the +Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work. + + 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL. + + You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License +without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL. + + 2. Conveying Modified Versions. + + If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a +facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application +that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the +facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified +version: + + a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to + ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the + function or data, the facility still operates, and performs + whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or + + b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of + this License applicable to that copy. + + 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files. + + The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from +a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object +code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated +material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure +layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates +(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following: + + a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the + Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are + covered by this License. + + b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license + document. + + 4. Combined Works. + + You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, +taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the +portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of +the following: + + a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that + the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are + covered by this License. + + b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license + document. + + c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during + execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among + these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the + copies of the GNU GPL and this license document. + + d) Do one of the following: + + 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this + License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form + suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to + recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of + the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the + manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying + Corresponding Source. + + 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time + a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer + system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version + of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked + Version. + + e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise + be required to provide such information under section 6 of the + GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is + necessary to install and execute a modified version of the + Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the + Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If + you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany + the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application + Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation + Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL + for conveying Corresponding Source.) + + 5. Combined Libraries. + + You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side by side in a single library together with other library +facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this +License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your +choice, if you do both of the following: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based + on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, + conveyed under the terms of this License. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it + is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the + accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new +versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may +differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version +of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version" +applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that published version or of any later version +published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you +received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser +General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser +General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide +whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall +apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is +permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the +Library. diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4da292e --- /dev/null +++ b/README.txt @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +================================================================================ +NIH : `Not Invented Here` A redundant misc. library +================================================================================ + +I've found that, generally, I end up using the same custom functions over and +over again across all of my projects-- sometimes I'll copy-and-paste, other +times I'll just re-implement. + +... which, predictably, leads to inconsistensies. While some versions of `x` +function will flourish, gain new features, etc. etc., the others will +inevitably lag behind. + +Well, no longer! + +I've decided to stuff (somewhat) refactored versions of these generic functions +here, in this library! + +Most of them have to deal with string manipulations, but there's a bit more +than that-- and everything has tests! :) + + + +---------------------------------------- +USAGE +---------------------------------------- + +I mean... it's a library. Use a function you like. Or not. =w= +But here's my logic with the string manipulation functions: + +I want to treat strings like lists. Getting the `car` of "hi there, dad", for +example, should return "hi". Getting the `cdr` should be "there, dad". +But, then again, that uses WORDS as the unit. +What if I wanted to get the `car` or some such thing as say, a character? Or +maybe even have the unit be a line? + +Thus, there are three different `units`: + * line- + * char- + * word- + +Each of these have the following functions: + * get-all + * get + * remove-all + * remove + * position + * positions + * nth + * car + * cdr + * caar + * cddr + * (all combos of cdr and car) + +... which behave pretty predictably. + +The `get` functions use regex (as do the remove functions), position(s) use +the verbatim item value, etc. + + +Examples +-------------------- + +(word-car "hiya, mate-o. how're you doing? <3") +> "hiya," + +(word-nth 2 "hiya, dad. what's up?") +> "dad." + +(line-get-all ".*e.*" +"hiya, what's up? +don't eat anyone else, OK? +i wouldn't like that. +would you?") +> "don't eat anyone else, OK? +would you?" + +(char-remove #\h "hi there") +> "i there" + +(char-remove-all #\h "hi there") +> "i tere" + +... so on and so forth. + + +Oh, and those are just for generic string manips. There are still some + +Honourable Mentions +-------------------- + #'get-colon-values + #'remove-colon-values + #'positions + #'nil-blank + #'before + #'after + #'preceding + ... etc + + + +---------------------------------------- +BORING STUFF +---------------------------------------- + +License is in COPYING.txt (GNU LGPLv3~! <3) +Author is Jaidyn Ann +Sauce is at diff --git a/nih.asd b/nih.asd new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b54b2af --- /dev/null +++ b/nih.asd @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +(defsystem "nih" + :version "0.1" + :author "Jaidyn Ann " + :license "CC 0" + :depends-on ("cl-strings" "cl-ppcre") + :components ((:module "src" + :components + ((:file "package") + (:file "misc") + (:file "list") + (:file "string/string") + (:file "string/word") + (:file "string/line") + (:file "string/char")))) + + :description + "Library of miscellanous (probably extraneous) functions (mainly string-manipulations).") diff --git a/src/list.lisp b/src/list.lisp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6c6d43 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/list.lisp @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +(in-package :nih) + +;; ITEM LIST --> DATA_AFTER_ITEM +(defun following (item list) + "Return all items following the first instance of ITEM" + + (cdr (up-from (position item list :test #'equal) list))) + + +;; ITEM LIST --> DATA_UP_TO_ITEM +(defun preceding (item list) + "Return all items preceding the first instance of ITEM" + + (reverse + (cdr (reverse + (up-to (position item list :test #'equal) list))))) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; ITEM LIST --> ITEM_BEFORE_ITEM +(defun before (item list) + "Return the single item before ITEM" + + (car (reverse (preceding item list)))) + + +;; ITEM LIST --> ITEM_AFTER_ITEM +(defun after (item list) + "Return the single item after ITEM" + + (car (following item list))) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; N LIST --> LIST_FROM_N +(defun up-from (n list &optional (n-stack 0)) + "Return all items after and including the position N in list" + + (if (eq n n-stack) + list + (up-from n (cdr list) (+ n-stack 1)))) + + +;; N LIST --> LIST_UP_TO_N +(defun up-to (n list &optional (n-stack 0)) + "Return all items before and including the position N in list" + + (cond + ((not (car list)) nil) + ((eq n n-stack) (list (car list))) + ((concatenate 'list + (list (car list)) + (up-to n (cdr list) (+ n-stack 1)))))) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; ITEM LIST --> LIST_OF_ITEM_POS +(defun positions (item list &key (test #'eq)) + "Return a list of positions of an item in a list." + + (let ((i 0) + (stack '())) + (loop + :while (< i (length list)) + :do + (if (funcall test (nth i list) item) + (setq stack (concatenate 'list stack (list i)))) + (setq i (+ i 1))) + + stack)) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; LIST ITEM REPLACEMENT --> LIST_WITH_REPLACEMENTS +(defun replace-at (list item replacement &key (test #'eq)) + "Replace all instances of an item within a list with a replacement." + + (let ((pos-list (positions item list :test test)) + (stack list) + (i 0)) + (loop + :while (< i (length pos-list)) + :do + (setf (nth (nth i pos-list) stack) replacement) + (setq i (+ 1 i))) + + stack)) diff --git a/src/misc.lisp b/src/misc.lisp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b38b37 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/misc.lisp @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +(in-package :nih) + +;; DATA --> LIST_OR_SUBLIST +(defun list-or-real (data) + "If a piece of data's `car` is a list (I.E., if it's a list of a list) + then return the sub-list. If it's not a list, then just return the top-level + list. + + This is useful for recursion, so that you can just serve the &rest list to + a function, instead of having to itemize the &rest list out to reproduce it." + + (if (and + (eq (type-of (ignore-errors (car data))) 'CONS) + (eq (length data) 1)) + (car data) + data)) + +;; DATA ALT --> DATA_OR_ALT +(defun value-or (data alt) + "If a piece of data exists, return it. Otherwise, return the alternative. + literally just `if`, lol" + + (if data + data + alt)) + + +;; ARG-LIST &REST KEYS_TO_LOOK_FOR --> LIST_OF_KEY-VALUE_PAIRS +(defun parse-keys (arg-list key-list) + "Return all searched-for keys fom a list in a list of key-value pairs." + + (let ((stack '()) + (new-list arg-list)) + (loop + :for key + :in key-list + :do + (if (ignore-errors (position key arg-list)) + (let* ((key-position (position key arg-list)) + (value-position (+ 1 key-position)) + (key-value (nth value-position arg-list))) + (setq stack (concatenate 'list stack (list key key-value))) + (setq new-list (remove key-value (remove key new-list)))))) + + (values stack new-list))) + + +;; LIST --> RANDOM_ITEM +(defun random-item (list) + "Return a random item from a list." + + (nth (random (length list)) list)) + + +;; UNIVERSAL-TIME --> ISO8601-FORMAT_TIME +(defun iso-time (universal-time) + "Return `universal-time` in ISO 8601 format. :)" + + (multiple-value-bind + (second minute hour date month year) + (decode-universal-time universal-time) + + (format nil "~A-~A-~A" + year + (min-string-length month 2 "0") + (min-string-length date 2 "0")))) diff --git a/src/package.lisp b/src/package.lisp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d009559 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/package.lisp @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +(defpackage :nih + (:use :cl) + (:export + + ;; STRING + ;; ======================= + :apply-convert + :string-manip + :create-string-manip + :manip-name + + :string-combine + :intern-combine + + :regex-get + :regex-get-all + :regex-remove + :regex-remove-all + + :nil-string + + :pad-string + :min-string-length + + :getf-string + :getf-strings + + :get-colon-values + :remove-colon-values + + + ;; STRING/WORD + ;; ======================= + :word-list + :word-string + :word-nth + + :word-get + :word-get-all + :word-remove + :word-remove-all + :word-position + :word-positions + + :word-car + :word-caar :word-cadddrr :word-cadaar :word-cadr :word-caadr + :word-caaadr :word-caaaar :word-caadar :word-caddr :word-caaar + :word-cdr + :word-cdddar :word-cdar :word-cdaaar :word-cddddr :word-cdddr + :word-cdaadr :word-cdadar :word-cddadr :word-cdaddr :word-cdadr + :word-cddar :word-cddr :word-cddaar :word-cdaar + + + ;; STRING/LINE + ;; ======================= + :line-list + :line-string + :line-nth + + :line-get + :line-get-all + :line-remove + :line-remove-all + :line-position + :line-positions + + :line-car + :line-caar :line-cadddrr :line-cadaar :line-cadr :line-caadr + :line-caaadr :line-caaaar :line-caadar :line-caddr :line-caaar + :line-cdr + :line-cdddar :line-cdar :line-cdaaar :line-cddddr :line-cdddr + :line-cdaadr :line-cdadar :line-cddadr :line-cdaddr :line-cdadr + :line-cddar :line-cddr :line-cddaar :line-cdaar + + + ;; STRING/CHAR + ;; ======================= + :char-list + :char-string + :char-nth + + :char-remove + :char-remove-all + :char-position + :char-positions + + :char-car + :char-caar :char-cadddrr :char-cadaar :char-cadr :char-caadr + :char-caaadr :char-caaaar :char-caadar :char-caddr :char-caaar + :char-cdr + :char-cdddar :char-cdar :char-cdaaar :char-cddddr :char-cdddr + :char-cdaadr :char-cdadar :char-cddadr :char-cdaddr :char-cdadr + :char-cddar :char-cddr :char-cddaar :char-cdaar + + + ;; LIST + ;; ======================= + :up-to + :up-from + + :before + :after + + :preceding + :following + + :positions + + :replace-at + + + ;; MISC + ;; ======================= + :random-item + :iso-time + :list-or-real + :value-or + :parse-keys)) + + +(in-package :nih) diff --git a/src/string/char.lisp b/src/string/char.lisp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f24a40 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/string/char.lisp @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +(in-package :nih) + +;; CHAR-LIST FUNCTIONS +;; ===================================== + +;; STRING --> LIST_OF_CHARS +(defun char-list (string) + "Turn a string into a list of characters." + + (let ((stack '())) + (loop + :for char + :across string + :do (setq stack + (append stack (list char)))) + stack)) + + +;; LIST_OF_CHARS --> STRING +(defun char-string (char-list) + "Convert a list of chars into a string" + + (cond + ((eq (length char-list) 1) + (string (car char-list))) + ('T + (reduce + (lambda (char-a char-b) + (string-combine (string char-a) (string char-b) :seperator "")) + char-list)))) + + +;; STRING --> NTH_CHARACTER +(defun char-nth (n string) + "Return nth line number from a multi-line string." + + (nth n (char-list string))) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; REGEX STRING --> LINES_SANS_MATCHES +(defun char-remove (character string) + "Remove the first instance of a char from a string." + + (let ((switch 0)) + (reduce + (lambda (char-a char-b) + (string-combine + (if (and (eq switch 0) (eq character char-a)) + (progn (setq switch 1) "") + char-a) + char-b)) + (char-list string)))) + + +;; REGEX STRING --> LIST_OF_MATCHING_WORDS +(defun char-remove-all (character string) + "Remove all instances of a char in a string." + + (char-string (remove character (char-list string)))) + + +;; CHARACTER STRING --> 1ST_POS_OF_CHAR_IN_STRING +(defun char-position (character string) + "Return the first position of a character in a string." + + (position character (char-list string))) + +;; CHARACTER STRING --> LIST_OF_CHAR_POS_IN_STRING +(defun char-positions (character string) + "Return a list of the positions of a character in a string." + + (positions character (char-list string))) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(create-string-manip char-car #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'car) +(create-string-manip char-caar #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'caar) +(create-string-manip char-cadddrr #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cadddrr) +(create-string-manip char-cadaar #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cadaar) +(create-string-manip char-cadr #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cadr) +(create-string-manip char-caadr #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'caadr) +(create-string-manip char-caaadr #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'caaadr) +(create-string-manip char-caaaar #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'caaaar) +(create-string-manip char-caadar #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'caadar) +(create-string-manip char-caddr #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'caddr) +(create-string-manip char-caaar #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'caaar) + +(create-string-manip char-cdr #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cdr) +(create-string-manip char-cdddar #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cdddar) +(create-string-manip char-cdar #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cdar) +(create-string-manip char-cdaaar #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cdaaar) +(create-string-manip char-cddddr #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cddddr) +(create-string-manip char-cdddr #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cdddr) +(create-string-manip char-cdaadr #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cdaadr) +(create-string-manip char-cdadar #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cdadar) +(create-string-manip char-cddadr #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cddadr) +(create-string-manip char-cdaddr #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cdaddr) +(create-string-manip char-cdadr #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cdadr) +(create-string-manip char-cddar #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cddar) +(create-string-manip char-cddr #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cddr) +(create-string-manip char-cddaar #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cddaar) +(create-string-manip char-cdaar #'nih:char-list #'nih:char-string #'cdaar) diff --git a/src/string/line.lisp b/src/string/line.lisp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82e046a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/string/line.lisp @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +(in-package :nih) + +;; LINE-LIST FUNCTIONS +;; ===================================== + +;; MULTI-LINE_STRING --> LIST_OF_LINES +(defun line-list (string) + "Return a list of lines from a multi-line string." + + (cl-strings:split string (format nil "~%"))) + + + +;; LIST_OF_STRINGS --> MULTI-LINE_STRING +(defun line-string (line-list) + "Turn a list of lines (string) into a multi-line string." + + (if (not (equal (type-of line-list) 'CONS)) + line-list + (reduce + (lambda (line-a line-b) + (string-combine :seperator (format nil "~%") line-a line-b)) + line-list))) + + +;; NUMBER MULTI-LINE_STRING --> SINGLE-LINE_STRING +(defun line-nth (n string) + "Return nth line number from a multi-line string." + + (nth n (line-list string))) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; REGEX STRING --> MATCHING_WORD +(defun line-get (query string) + "Return a line in a string that matches a regex query." + + (ignore-errors (line-car (line-get-all query string)))) + +;; REGEX STRING --> LIST_OF_MATCHING_WORDS +(defun line-get-all (query string) + "Return all lines in a string that match a regex query." + + (line-string (regex-get-all query (line-list string)))) + + +;; REGEX STRING --> LINES_SANS_MATCHES +(defun line-remove (query string) + "Remove a line from a string that matches a regex query." + + (line-string (regex-remove query (line-list string)))) + +;; REGEX STRING --> LINES_SANS_MATCHES +(defun line-remove-all (query string) + "Remove all lines from a string that match a regex query." + + (line-string (regex-remove-all query (line-list string)))) + + +;; LINE STRING --> POS_OF_LINE_IN_STRING +(defun line-position (line string) + "Return the line-number of a line in a string." + + (position line (line-list string) :test #'equal)) + +;; LINE STRING --> LIST_OF_LINE_POS_IN_STRING +(defun line-positions (line string) + "Return a list of the positions of a line in string." + + (positions line (line-list string) :test #'equal)) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(create-string-manip line-car #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'car) +(create-string-manip line-caar #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'caar) +(create-string-manip line-cadddrr #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cadddrr) +(create-string-manip line-cadaar #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cadaar) +(create-string-manip line-cadr #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cadr) +(create-string-manip line-caadr #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'caadr) +(create-string-manip line-caaadr #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'caaadr) +(create-string-manip line-caaaar #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'caaaar) +(create-string-manip line-caadar #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'caadar) +(create-string-manip line-caddr #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'caddr) +(create-string-manip line-caaar #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'caaar) + +(create-string-manip line-cdr #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cdr) +(create-string-manip line-cdddar #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cdddar) +(create-string-manip line-cdar #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cdar) +(create-string-manip line-cdaaar #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cdaaar) +(create-string-manip line-cddddr #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cddddr) +(create-string-manip line-cdddr #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cdddr) +(create-string-manip line-cdaadr #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cdaadr) +(create-string-manip line-cdadar #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cdadar) +(create-string-manip line-cddadr #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cddadr) +(create-string-manip line-cdaddr #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cdaddr) +(create-string-manip line-cdadr #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cdadr) +(create-string-manip line-cddar #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cddar) +(create-string-manip line-cddr #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cddr) +(create-string-manip line-cddaar #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cddaar) +(create-string-manip line-cdaar #'nih:line-list #'nih:line-string #'cdaar) diff --git a/src/string/string.lisp b/src/string/string.lisp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6ff73a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/string/string.lisp @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +(in-package :nih) + + +;; FUNCTION-NAME #'TO-LIST #'TO-STRING #'MANIPULATION +(defmacro create-string-manip (manip-name list-function string-function manip) + "Define a function to perform a manipulation (#'manip, i.e. #'car) on the + list-form of a particular string (converting to list with #'list-function), + then converting back into a string (#'string-function) again + (but with the manipulations made)." + + `(defun ,manip-name (string) + (funcall ,string-function + (funcall ,manip + (funcall ,list-function string))))) + + +;; ======================================== + + +;; STRINGS :SEPERATOR --> STRINGS_COMBINED_W_SEPERATOR +(defun string-combine (&rest arg-list) + "Combine strings into a single string, marked with a seperator. + :seperator is parsed manually, since mixing &rest and &key makes + me want to eat my fucking hat. >;c" + + (multiple-value-bind (keys strings) + (parse-keys arg-list '(:seperator)) + + (let ((seperator (value-or (getf keys :seperator) ""))) + + (reduce (lambda (word1 word2) + (format nil "~A~A~A" word1 seperator word2)) + strings)))) + + +;; STRING_A STRING_B --> SYMBOL_OF_STRING_A+STRING_B +(defun intern-combine (&rest arg-list) + "Combine two strings into a symbol, marked with a seperator. + :seperator and :package are parsed manually, since mixing &rest + and &key is utterly painful! ;_:" + + (multiple-value-bind (keys strings) + (parse-keys arg-list '(:seperator :package)) + + (let* ((seperator (value-or (getf keys :seperator) "")) + (package (value-or (getf keys :package) nil)) + (combined (string-upcase + (reduce (lambda (str1 str2) + (string-combine str1 str2 + :seperator seperator)) + strings)))) + + (if package + (intern combined (string-upcase package)) + (intern combined))))) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; LIST --> LIST_SANS_NIL_WITH_"" +(defun nil-string (list) + "Replace all instances of nil in a list with a blank string." + + (replace-at list nil "")) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; STRING PREFIX SUFFIX --> STRING_ONE_OR_TWO_CHARS_LARGER +(defun pad-string (string &key prefix suffix) + "Increase the character-count of a string by 1; either by + adding a prefix-substitutor or a suffix-substitutor. + If both a :prefix and a :suffix are provided, :suffix is + ignored." + + (flet ((padding (prefix string suffix) + (format nil "~A~A~A" prefix string suffix))) + + (cond + ((and prefix suffix) + (padding prefix string "")) + (prefix + (padding prefix string "")) + (suffix + (padding "" string suffix))))) + + + +;; STRING DESIRED_LENGTH [PREFIX] [SUFFIX] --> STRING_OF_DESIRED_LENGTH +(defun min-string-length (string target-length + &key (prefix "") (suffix "")) + "If a string *must* be a certain length (formatting reasons), use +this function. + +Returns a string of `length`, using the `prefix-substitutor` or +`suffix-substitutor` to beef up the character-count if it's too short. + +If both `prefix` and `suffix` are defined, `prefix` is used. + +Example: +(min-string-length \"9\" 3 \"0\") + +\"009\"" + +(let* ((string (format nil "~A" string)) + (cur-length (length string))) + + (if (eq cur-length target-length) + string + + (min-string-length + (if (eq (length suffix) 0) + (pad-string string :prefix prefix) + (pad-string string :suffix suffix)) + target-length + :prefix prefix + :suffix suffix)))) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; REGEX STRING --> MATCHING_WORD +(defun regex-get (query strings) + "Return a string in a list that matches a regex query." + + (car (regex-get-all query strings))) + + +;; REGEX STRING --> LIST_OF_MATCHING_WORDS +(defun regex-get-all (query strings) + "Return all strings in a list that match a regex query." + + (let ((stack '()) + (i 0)) + + (loop + :while (< i (length strings)) + :do + (if (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings query (nth i strings)) + (setq stack (concatenate 'list stack (list (nth i strings))))) + + (setq i (+ 1 i))) + + stack)) + + +;; REGEX STRING --> ALL_BUT_MATCHES +(defun regex-remove (query strings) + "Return a list of strings without a matches to a regex query." + + (let ((stack '()) + (switch 0) + (i 0)) + + (loop + :while (< i (length strings)) + :do + (cond + ((eq switch 1) + (setq stack (concatenate 'list stack (list (nth i strings))))) + ((cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings query (nth i strings)) + (setq switch 1)) + ('T + (setq stack (concatenate 'list stack (list (nth i strings)))))) + + (setq i (+ 1 i))) + + stack)) + +;; REGEX STRING --> ALL_BUT_MATCHES +(defun regex-remove-all (query strings) + "Return a list of strings without any matches to a regex query." + + (let ((stack '()) + (i 0)) + + (loop + :while (< i (length strings)) + :do + (if (not (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings query (nth i strings))) + (setq stack (concatenate 'list stack (list (nth i strings))))) + + (setq i (+ 1 i))) + + stack)) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; LIST_OF_SUBLISTS STRING --> SUBLIST_WITH_STRING_AS_CAR +(defun getf-string (list string) + "Get an item from a list by an identifying string in `car`. + I.E., if the string is 'apple', the first sublist like this: + ('apple' 1 2 3) + will be returned." + + (car (getf-strings list string))) + + + +;; LIST_OF_SUBLISTS STRING --> LIST_OF_SUBLISTS_WITH_STRING_AS_CAR +(defun getf-strings (list string &optional (stack '())) + "Get items from list by an identifying string in `car`. + I.E., if the string is 'apple', any sublists like this: + ('apple' 1 2 3) + will be returned." + + ;; just recurse through the list, adding each new matching + ;; item to the `stack` + + (if (and (< 0 (length list)) (listp list)) + (if (ignore-errors + ;; the item might not be a list; for our purposes, let's ignore that. + (equal + (car (car list)) ;; '( ( here ) ) + string)) + (getf-strings (cdr list) string (concatenate 'list stack (list (car list)))) + (getf-strings (cdr list) string stack)) + stack)) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; STRING COLON_VARIABLE_NAME --> COLON_VALUE +(defun get-colon-values (string) + "Return a the value of a `colon variable`; I.E., + a line of a string starting with `:` followed by a variable + name, a space, then the value of said `colon variable`. + + Here's an example: + (setq *example-string* + \"Blah blah blah + :Date 1999 + Blah blah blah\") + + If you ran + (get-colon-values *example-string*) + + you would get + (:DATE \"1999\") in return. + + Mainly useful for multi-line strings, but your use-case might + involve a `colon variable` in a single-lined string." + + (if (line-get-all "^:" string) + (let* ((colon-lines (line-get-all "^:.* " string)) + (colon-list (line-list colon-lines)) + (cur-line (line-car colon-lines)) + (variable (word-car cur-line)) + (value (word-cdr cur-line))) + + (cond + ((eq 1 (length colon-list)) + (list (read-from-string variable) value)) + ('T + (concatenate 'list (list (read-from-string variable) value) + (get-colon-values (line-cdr colon-lines)))))))) + + + + ;; STRING COLON_VARIABLE_NAME --> STRING_WITHOUT_COLON_VARIABLE + (defun remove-colon-values (string) + "Remove the colon-variable declaration from a string." + + (line-remove-all "^:.*" string)) diff --git a/src/string/word.lisp b/src/string/word.lisp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..490b3dd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/string/word.lisp @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +(in-package :nih) + +;; WORD-LIST FUNCTIONS +;; ===================================== + +;; STRING --> LIST_OF_WORDS +(defun word-list (string) + "Turn a string into a list of words." + + (cl-strings:split string " ")) + + + +;; LIST_OF_WORDS --> STRING +(defun word-string (word-list) + "Convert a list of words into a string" + + (if (not (equal (type-of word-list) 'CONS)) + word-list + (reduce + (lambda (word-a word-b) + (string-combine :seperator " " word-a word-b)) + word-list))) + + +;; STRING --> NTH_WORD_FROM_STRING +(defun word-nth (n string) + "Get nth word from a string." + + (word-string (nth n (word-list string)))) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; REGEX STRING --> MATCHING_WORD +(defun word-get (query string) + "Return a word in a string that matches a regex query." + + (word-car (word-get-all query string))) + +;; REGEX STRING --> LIST_OF_MATCHING_WORDS +(defun word-get-all (query string) + "Return all words in a string that match a regex query." + + (word-string (regex-get-all query (word-list string)))) + + +;; REGEX STRING --> LINES_SANS_MATCHES +(defun word-remove (query string) + "Remove a word from a string that matches a regex query." + + (word-string (regex-remove query (word-list string)))) + +;; REGEX STRING --> LINES_SANS_MATCHES +(defun word-remove-all (query string) + "Remove all words from a string that match a regex query." + + (word-string (regex-remove-all query (word-list string)))) + + +;; WORD STRING --> WORD_POS_IN_STRING +(defun word-position (word string) + "Return the position of a word (relative to other words) in a string." + + (position word (word-list string) :test #'equal)) + +;; WORD STRING --> LIST_OF_WORD_POS_IN_STRING +(defun word-positions (word string) + "Return a list of positions of a word (relative to other words) in a string." + + (positions word (word-list string) :test #'equal)) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(create-string-manip word-car #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'car) +(create-string-manip word-caar #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'caar) +(create-string-manip word-cadddrr #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cadddrr) +(create-string-manip word-cadaar #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cadaar) +(create-string-manip word-cadr #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cadr) +(create-string-manip word-caadr #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'caadr) +(create-string-manip word-caaadr #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'caaadr) +(create-string-manip word-caaaar #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'caaaar) +(create-string-manip word-caadar #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'caadar) +(create-string-manip word-caddr #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'caddr) +(create-string-manip word-caaar #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'caaar) + +(create-string-manip word-cdr #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cdr) +(create-string-manip word-cdddar #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cdddar) +(create-string-manip word-cdar #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cdar) +(create-string-manip word-cdaaar #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cdaaar) +(create-string-manip word-cddddr #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cddddr) +(create-string-manip word-cdddr #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cdddr) +(create-string-manip word-cdaadr #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cdaadr) +(create-string-manip word-cdadar #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cdadar) +(create-string-manip word-cddadr #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cddadr) +(create-string-manip word-cdaddr #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cdaddr) +(create-string-manip word-cdadr #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cdadr) +(create-string-manip word-cddar #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cddar) +(create-string-manip word-cddr #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cddr) +(create-string-manip word-cddaar #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cddaar) +(create-string-manip word-cdaar #'nih:word-list #'nih:word-string #'cdaar) diff --git a/t/README.txt b/t/README.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7bd13ed --- /dev/null +++ b/t/README.txt @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +================================================================================ +TESTING FOR :NIH +================================================================================ + +To test :nih functions, just change directories into the root of the +repository; then, load `t.lisp` from there, like so: + + [0]> (load "t/t.lisp") + +Then, you can run the tests as you please: + + [1]> (nih-testing:do-all) diff --git a/t/list.lisp b/t/list.lisp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9710ec8 --- /dev/null +++ b/t/list.lisp @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +;; ---------------------------------------- +;; STRING.LISP +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; DATA DECLARATIONS +;; ---------------------------------------- + +(defvar *number-list* '(98 37 23 24 14 14 24 52 5325 32 4234)) + +(defvar *one-number-list* '(1)) + + +;; TESTS +;; ---------------------------------------- + +(rt:deftest up-to-i + (nih:up-to 2 *number-list*) + (98 37 23)) + +(rt:deftest up-to-ii + (nih:up-to 0 *one-number-list*) + (1)) + +(rt:deftest up-to-iii + (nih:up-to 3 *one-number-list*) + (1)) + +(rt:deftest up-to-iv + (nih:up-to 13 *number-list*) + (98 37 23 24 14 14 24 52 5325 32 4234)) + + +(rt:deftest up-from-i + (nih:up-from 2 *number-list*) + (23 24 14 14 24 52 5325 32 4234)) + +(rt:deftest up-from-ii + (nih:up-from 10 *number-list*) + (4234)) + +(rt:deftest up-from-iii + (nih:up-from 11 *number-list*) + nil) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest before-i + (nih:before 37 *number-list*) + 98) + +(rt:deftest before-ii + (nih:before 98 *number-list*) + nil) + + +(rt:deftest after-i + (nih:after 37 *number-list*) + 23) + +(rt:deftest after-ii + (nih:after 4234 *number-list*) + nil) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest following-i + (nih:following 37 *number-list*) + (23 24 14 14 24 52 5325 32 4234)) + +(rt:deftest following-ii + (nih:following 4234 *number-list*) + nil) + + +(rt:deftest preceding-i + (nih:preceding 23 *number-list*) + (98 37)) + +(rt:deftest preceding-ii + (nih:preceding 98 *number-list*) + nil) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest positions + (nih:positions 14 *number-list*) + (4 5)) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest replace-at-i + (nih:replace-at '(1 2 3 1 4) 1 0) + (0 2 3 0 4)) + +(rt:deftest replace-at-ii + (nih:replace-at '("yo" "hi" "hi" "ya") "hi" "ye" :test #'equal) + ("yo" "ye" "ye" "ya")) diff --git a/t/misc.lisp b/t/misc.lisp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..161338f --- /dev/null +++ b/t/misc.lisp @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +;; ---------------------------------------- +;; STRING.LISP +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; DATA DECLARATIONS +;; ---------------------------------------- + +(defvar *list-in-list* '((1 2 3 4))) + +(defvar *keyed-list* '(1 2 :morto "hi" 3 :ploro 4)) + + +;; TESTS +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest parse-keys-i + (nih:parse-keys *keyed-list* '(:morto)) + (:morto "hi") + (1 2 3 :ploro 4)) + +(rt:deftest parse-keys-ii + (nih:parse-keys *keyed-list* '(:ploro)) + (:ploro 4) + (1 2 :morto "hi" 3)) + +(rt:deftest parse-keys-iii + (nih:parse-keys *keyed-list* '(:ploro :morto)) + (:ploro 4 :morto "hi") + (1 2 3)) + +(rt:deftest parse-keys-iv + (nih:parse-keys *list-in-list* '(:ploro :morto)) + nil + ((1 2 3 4))) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest value-or-i + (nih:value-or nil "") + "") + +(rt:deftest value-or-ii + (nih:value-or 2 "") + 2) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest list-or-real-i + (nih:list-or-real *list-in-list*) + (1 2 3 4)) + +(rt:deftest list-or-real-ii + (nih:list-or-real *keyed-list*) + (1 2 :morto "hi" 3 :ploro 4)) diff --git a/t/string/char.lisp b/t/string/char.lisp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4d6b80 --- /dev/null +++ b/t/string/char.lisp @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +;; ---------------------------------------- +;; WORD.LISP +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; DATA DECLARATIONS +;; ---------------------------------------- + +(defvar *three-words* + "Hiya! <3<3<3 daddyyyyy") + +(defvar *three-words-char-list* + '(#\H #\i #\y #\a #\! + #\Space #\< #\3 #\< #\3 #\< #\3 + #\Space #\d #\a #\d #\d #\y #\y #\y #\y #\y)) + +(defvar *char-repeat* + "I like to eat like to eat like to eat babies") + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest char-list + (nih:char-list *three-words*) + (#\H #\i #\y #\a #\! + #\Space #\< #\3 #\< #\3 #\< #\3 + #\Space #\d #\a #\d #\d #\y #\y #\y #\y #\y)) + + +(rt:deftest char-string + (nih:char-string *three-words-char-list*) + "Hiya! <3<3<3 daddyyyyy") + + +(rt:deftest char-nth-i + (nih:char-nth 0 *three-words*) + #\H) + +(rt:deftest char-nth-ii + (nih:char-nth 2 *three-words*) + #\y) + +(rt:deftest char-nth-iii + (nih:char-nth 21 *three-words*) + #\y) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest char-remove-i + (nih:char-remove #\h "hi there :)") + "i there :)") + +(rt:deftest char-remove-ii + (nih:char-remove #\h "hi") + "i") + + +(rt:deftest char-remove-all + (nih:char-remove-all #\h "hi there :)") + "i tere :)") + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest char-position-i + (nih:char-position #\H *three-words*) + 0) + +(rt:deftest char-position-ii + (nih:char-position #\y *three-words*) + 2) + + +(rt:deftest char-positions + (nih:char-positions #\y *three-words*) + (2 17 18 19 20 21)) diff --git a/t/string/line.lisp b/t/string/line.lisp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8ea89f --- /dev/null +++ b/t/string/line.lisp @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +;; ---------------------------------------- +;; LINE.LISP +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; DATA DECLARATIONS +;; ---------------------------------------- + +(defvar *single-line-string* + "Hiya! <3<3<3 daddyyyyy") + +(defvar *single-line-list* + '("Hiya! <3<3<3 daddyyyyy")) + +(defvar *multi-line-string* + "I like to eat +like to eat +like to eat +babies") + +(defvar *multi-line-list* + '("I like to eat" + "like to eat" + "like to eat" + "babies")) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest line-list-i + (nih:line-list *multi-line-string*) + ("I like to eat" "like to eat" "like to eat" "babies")) + +(rt:deftest line-list-ii + (nih:line-list *single-line-string*) + ("Hiya! <3<3<3 daddyyyyy")) + + +(rt:deftest line-string-i + (nih:line-string *multi-line-list*) +"I like to eat +like to eat +like to eat +babies") + +(rt:deftest line-string-ii + (nih:line-string *single-line-list*) + "Hiya! <3<3<3 daddyyyyy") + + +(rt:deftest line-nth-i + (nih:line-nth 2 *multi-line-string*) + "like to eat") + +(rt:deftest line-nth-ii + (nih:line-nth 0 *multi-line-string*) + "I like to eat") + +(rt:deftest line-nth-iii + (nih:line-nth 3 *multi-line-string*) + "babies") + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest line-get + (nih:line-get "eat" *multi-line-string*) + "I like to eat") + +(rt:deftest line-get-all + (nih:line-get-all ".*eat.*" *multi-line-string*) +"I like to eat +like to eat +like to eat") + + +(rt:deftest line-remove + (nih:line-remove "eat" *multi-line-string*) + "like to eat +like to eat +babies") + +(rt:deftest line-remove-all + (nih:line-remove-all "eat" *multi-line-string*) + "babies") + + +(rt:deftest line-position-i + (nih:line-position "I like to eat" *multi-line-string*) + 0) + +(rt:deftest line-position-ii + (nih:line-position "like to eat" *multi-line-string*) + 1) + +(rt:deftest line-position-iii + (nih:line-position "babies" *multi-line-string*) + 3) + + +(rt:deftest line-positions + (nih:line-positions "like to eat" *multi-line-string*) + (1 2)) diff --git a/t/string/string.lisp b/t/string/string.lisp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad6ca5f --- /dev/null +++ b/t/string/string.lisp @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +;; ---------------------------------------- +;; STRING.LISP +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; DATA DECLARATIONS +;; ---------------------------------------- + +(defvar *a-string* + "Hiya! <3<3<3") + +(defvar *multiple-lines* + "Oh, hi, how're you doing? + I hope you responded 'fine'. + Honestly, I can't hear you from here, + Hopefully your day is OK, though. <3") + +(defvar *multiple-lines-list* + '("Oh, hi, how're you doing?" + "I hope you responded 'fine'." + "Honestly, I can't hear you from here," + "Hopefully your day is OK, though. <3")) + +(defvar *single-multiple-lines-list* + '("Hiya! <3<3<3")) + +(defvar *number-string* + "9") + +(defvar *getf-strings-list* + '(("one" 1)("two" 2)("three" 3)("four" iv)("four" 4))) + +(defvar *colon-valued-string* + ":Date 1999-01-23 +This is a QOTD-format colon-value thing! +:Programme QOTDD +From QOTDD, of course =w= +:Spice tasty") + +(defvar *misc-strings-list* + '("hi" "hiya" "fhi" "die" "love")) + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest string-combine-i + (nih:string-combine "hi") + "hi") + +(rt:deftest string-combine-ii + (nih:string-combine "hi" "dad" :seperator " ") + "hi dad") + +(rt:deftest string-combine-iii + (nih:string-combine "the" "lad" "which" "never" :seperator "-") + "the-lad-which-never") + +(rt:deftest string-combine-iv + (nih:string-combine "she" "who" "never" :seperator "^" "lied") + "she^who^never^lied") + +(rt:deftest string-combine-v + (nih:string-combine "hi" "dad") + "hidad") + + +(rt:deftest intern-combine-i + (nih:intern-combine "hi") + hi :internal) + +(rt:deftest intern-combine-ii + (nih:intern-combine "hi" "dad" :seperator " ") + |HI DAD| :internal) + +(rt:deftest intern-combine-iii + (nih:intern-combine :package "nih" "the" "lad" "which" + "never" :seperator "-") + NIH::the-lad-which-never :internal) +;; notice that keys are interspersed with strings + +(rt:deftest intern-combine-iv + (nih:intern-combine "she" "who" "never" :seperator "^" "lied") + she^who^never^lied :internal) + +(rt:deftest intern-combine-v + (nih:intern-combine "hi" "dad") + hidad :internal) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest pad-string-i + (nih:pad-string *a-string* :prefix "a") + "aHiya! <3<3<3") + +(rt:deftest pad-string-ii + (nih:pad-string *a-string* :prefix "a" :suffix "b") + "aHiya! <3<3<3") ;; notice how the :suffix is ignored! + +(rt:deftest pad-string-iii + (nih:pad-string *a-string* :suffix "b") + "Hiya! <3<3<3b") + + +(rt:deftest min-string-length-i + (nih:min-string-length *number-string* 3 :prefix "0") + "009") + +(rt:deftest min-string-length-ii + (nih:min-string-length *number-string* 9 :prefix "9") + "999999999") + +(rt:deftest min-string-length-iii + (nih:min-string-length "bonege" 10 :suffix "e") + "bonegeeeee") + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest regex-get + (nih:regex-get ".*hi.*" *misc-strings-list*) + "hi") + +(rt:deftest regex-get-all + (nih:regex-get-all ".*hi.*" *misc-strings-list*) + ("hi" "hiya" "fhi")) + + +(rt:deftest regex-remove + (nih:regex-remove ".*hi.*" *misc-strings-list*) + ("hiya" "fhi" "die" "love")) + +(rt:deftest regex-remove-all + (nih:regex-remove-all ".*hi.*" *misc-strings-list*) + ("die" "love")) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest nil-string + (nih:nil-string '(1 2 3 nil "hi" nil 3)) + (1 2 3 "" "hi" "" 3)) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest getf-strings-i + (nih:getf-strings *getf-strings-list* "one") + (("one" 1))) + +(rt:deftest getf-strings-ii + (nih:getf-strings *getf-strings-list* "two") + (("two" 2))) + +(rt:deftest getf-strings-iii + (nih:getf-strings *getf-strings-list* "four") + (("four" iv)("four" 4))) + + +(rt:deftest getf-string + (nih:getf-string *getf-strings-list* "four") + ("four" iv)) + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest get-colon-values-i + (nih:get-colon-values *colon-valued-string*) + (:DATE "1999-01-23" :PROGRAMME "QOTDD" :SPICE "tasty")) + +(rt:deftest get-colon-values-ii + (nih:get-colon-values *a-string*) + nil) + + +(rt:deftest remove-colon-values-i + (nih:remove-colon-values *colon-valued-string*) +"This is a QOTD-format colon-value thing! +From QOTDD, of course =w=") + +(rt:deftest remove-colon-values-ii + (nih:remove-colon-values *a-string*) + "Hiya! <3<3<3") diff --git a/t/string/word.lisp b/t/string/word.lisp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5995221 --- /dev/null +++ b/t/string/word.lisp @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +;; ---------------------------------------- +;; WORD.LISP +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +;; DATA DECLARATIONS +;; ---------------------------------------- + +(defvar *three-word-string* + "Hiya! <3<3<3 daddyyyyy") + +(defvar *three-word-list* + '("Hiya!" "<3<3<3" "daddyyyyy")) + +(defvar *word-repeat* + "I like to eat like to eat like to eat babies") + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest word-list-i + (nih:word-list *three-word-string*) + ("Hiya!" "<3<3<3" "daddyyyyy")) + +(rt:deftest word-list-ii + (nih:word-list "hi") + ("hi")) + + +(rt:deftest word-string-i + (nih:word-string *three-word-list*) + "Hiya! <3<3<3 daddyyyyy") + +(rt:deftest word-string-ii + (nih:word-string '("hi")) + "hi") + + +(rt:deftest word-nth-i + (nih:word-nth 2 *three-word-string*) + "daddyyyyy") + +(rt:deftest word-nth-ii + (nih:word-nth 0 *three-word-string*) + "Hiya!") + +(rt:deftest word-nth-iii + (nih:word-nth 1 *three-word-string*) + "<3<3<3") + +(rt:deftest word-nth-iv + (nih:word-nth 0 "hi") + "hi") + + +;; ---------------------------------------- + + +(rt:deftest word-get + (nih:word-get "Hi" *three-word-string*) + "Hiya!") + + +(rt:deftest word-get-all + (nih:word-get-all ".*a.*" *three-word-string*) + "Hiya! daddyyyyy") + + +(rt:deftest word-remove + (nih:word-remove "a" *three-word-string*) + "<3<3<3 daddyyyyy") + +(rt:deftest word-remove-all + (nih:word-remove-all ".*a.*" *three-word-string*) + "<3<3<3") + + +(rt:deftest word-position + (nih:word-position "Hiya!" *three-word-string*) + 0) + +(rt:deftest word-positions + (nih:word-positions "like" *word-repeat*) + (1 4 7)) diff --git a/t/t.lisp b/t/t.lisp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba5828a --- /dev/null +++ b/t/t.lisp @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +(ql:quickload :rt) +(ql:quickload :cl-strings) +(ql:quickload :cl-ppcre) + + + +(defpackage :nih-testing + (:use :cl) + (:export + + :do-all)) + +(in-package :nih-testing) + + + +(defun do-all () + "Execute all tests." + + (rt:do-tests)) + + + + +(load "src/package.lisp") + +(load "src/misc.lisp") +(load "t/misc.lisp") + +(load "src/list.lisp") +(load "t/list.lisp") + +(load "src/string/string.lisp") +(load "t/string/string.lisp") + +(load "src/string/word.lisp") +(load "t/string/word.lisp") + +(load "src/string/line.lisp") +(load "t/string/line.lisp") + +(load "src/string/char.lisp") +(load "t/string/char.lisp") + +(nih-testing:do-all)