.TH mirror\-img 1 2024-06-01 mirror-img .SH NAME mirror\-img \- localize a HTML file by downloading external resources .SH SYNOPSIS .SY mirror-img .YS \fBmirror-img\fR [ -h ] [ -b url ] [ -s url ] [ -d dir ] [ file ] .SH DESCRIPTION mirror-img is a command-line program that creates a “local” version of an HTML file by mirroring its remote images, stylesheets, and other resources. .SH OPTIONS .IP "-h, --help" Print the usage and exit. .IP "-b, --base" Define the “base” URL for output, corresponding to the downloads directory from the perspective of the output HTML. In the output HTML, all mirrored resources’ URLs will be replaced with this base URL followed by the file’s path relative to the downloads directory. For instance, if the downloads directory is /tmp/dl/ and the HTML file will be output to /tmp/index.html, the base URL should be “dl/”. Defaults to the --downloads (-d) directory. .IP "-d, --downloads" Set the directory into which mirrored files will be downloaded. Defaults to “mirror/”. .IP "-s, --source" Provide the source URL to be used to resolve relative URLs in the input HTML. If this option is not provided, resources with relative URLs will not be mirrored at all. This should generally be set to the URL from which you downloaded the HTML. .SH REPORTING BUGS Bugs can be reported to one of: .IP .UR https://hak.xwx.moe/jadedctrl/mirror-img/issues .UE .IP .UR https://github.com/jadedctrl/mirror-img/issues .UE .SH SEE ALSO .MR wget 1