2022-11-03 11:37:33 -04:00

395 lines
21 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global
config.runtime.version =
config.runtime.path =
當使用 `require` 時,如何根據輸入的名字來尋找檔案。
此選項設定為 `?/init.lua` 意味著當你輸入 `require 'myfile'` 時,會從已載入的檔案中搜尋 `{workspace}/myfile/init.lua`。
當 `runtime.pathStrict` 設定為 `false` 時,還會嘗試搜尋 `${workspace}/**/myfile/init.lua`。
如果你想要載入工作區以外的檔案,你需要先設定 `Lua.workspace.library`。
config.runtime.pathStrict =
'啟用後 `runtime.path` 將只搜尋第一層目錄,見 `runtime.path` 的説明。'
config.runtime.special =
下面這個例子表示將 `include` 視為 `require` 。
"Lua.runtime.special" : {
"include" : "require"
config.runtime.unicodeName =
"允許在名字中使用 Unicode 字元。"
config.runtime.nonstandardSymbol =
config.runtime.plugin =
config.runtime.pluginArgs = -- TODO: need translate!
"Additional arguments for the plugin."
config.runtime.fileEncoding =
"檔案編碼,選項 `ansi` 只在 `Windows` 平台下有效。"
config.runtime.builtin =
* `default`: 表示庫會根據執行版本啟用或停用
* `enable`: 總是啟用
* `disable`: 總是停用
config.runtime.meta =
config.diagnostics.enable =
config.diagnostics.disable =
config.diagnostics.globals =
config.diagnostics.severity =
以 `!` 結尾的設定優先順序高於組設定 `diagnostics.groupSeverity`。
config.diagnostics.neededFileStatus =
* Opened: 只診斷打開的檔案
* Any: 診斷所有檔案
* None: 停用此診斷
以 `!` 結尾的設定優先順序高於組設定 `diagnostics.groupFileStatus`。
config.diagnostics.groupSeverity =
設定為 `Fallback` 意味著組中的診斷由 `diagnostics.severity` 單獨設定。
其他設定將覆蓋單獨設定,但是不會覆蓋以 `!` 結尾的設定。
config.diagnostics.groupFileStatus =
* Opened: 只診斷打開的檔案
* Any: 診斷所有檔案
* None: 停用此診斷
設定為 `Fallback` 意味著組中的診斷由 `diagnostics.neededFileStatus` 單獨設定。
其他設定將覆蓋單獨設定,但是不會覆蓋以 `!` 結尾的設定。
config.diagnostics.workspaceDelay =
config.diagnostics.workspaceRate =
config.diagnostics.libraryFiles =
"如何診斷透過 `Lua.workspace.library` 載入的檔案。"
config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Enable =
config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Opened =
config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Disable =
config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles =
config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Enable =
config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Opened =
config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Disable =
config.diagnostics.disableScheme =
'不診斷使用以下 scheme 的lua檔案。'
config.diagnostics.unusedLocalExclude = -- TODO: need translate!
'Do not diagnose `unused-local` when the variable name matches the following pattern.'
config.workspace.ignoreDir =
"忽略的檔案與目錄(使用 `.gitignore` 語法)。"
config.workspace.ignoreSubmodules =
config.workspace.useGitIgnore =
"忽略 `.gitignore` 中列舉的檔案。"
config.workspace.maxPreload =
config.workspace.preloadFileSize =
config.workspace.library =
config.workspace.checkThirdParty =
* OpenResty
* Cocos4.0
* skynet
* Jass
config.workspace.userThirdParty =
config.workspace.supportScheme =
'為以下 `scheme` 的lua檔案提供語言伺服。'
config.completion.enable =
config.completion.callSnippet =
config.completion.callSnippet.Disable =
"只顯示 `函式名`。"
config.completion.callSnippet.Both =
"顯示 `函式名` 與 `呼叫片段`。"
config.completion.callSnippet.Replace =
"只顯示 `呼叫片段`。"
config.completion.keywordSnippet =
config.completion.keywordSnippet.Disable =
"只顯示 `關鍵字`。"
config.completion.keywordSnippet.Both =
"顯示 `關鍵字` 與 `語法片段`。"
config.completion.keywordSnippet.Replace =
"只顯示 `語法片段`。"
config.completion.displayContext =
"預覽建議的相關程式碼片段,可能可以幫助你瞭解這項建議的用法。設定的數字表示程式碼片段的擷取行數,設定為 `0` 可以停用此功能。"
config.completion.workspaceWord =
config.completion.showWord =
config.completion.showWord.Enable =
config.completion.showWord.Fallback =
config.completion.showWord.Disable =
config.completion.autoRequire =
"輸入內容看起來是個檔名時,自動 `require` 此檔案。"
config.completion.showParams =
config.completion.requireSeparator =
"`require` 時使用的分隔符。"
config.completion.postfix =
config.color.mode =
config.color.mode.Semantic =
"語義著色。你可能需要同時將 `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` 設定為 `true` 才能生效。"
config.color.mode.SemanticEnhanced =
config.color.mode.Grammar =
config.semantic.enable =
"啟用語義著色。你可能需要同時將 `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` 設定為 `true` 才能生效。"
config.semantic.variable =
config.semantic.annotation =
config.semantic.keyword =
config.signatureHelp.enable =
config.hover.enable =
config.hover.viewString =
config.hover.viewStringMax =
config.hover.viewNumber =
config.hover.fieldInfer =
config.hover.previewFields =
config.hover.enumsLimit =
config.hover.expandAlias =
是否展開別名。例如 `---@alias myType boolean|number` 展開後顯示為 `boolean|number`,否則顯示為 `myType'。
config.develop.enable =
config.develop.debuggerPort =
config.develop.debuggerWait =
config.intelliSense.searchDepth =
config.intelliSense.fastGlobal =
'在對全域變數進行補全,及檢視 `_G` 的懸浮提示時進行最佳化。這會略微降低類型推測的準確度,但是對於大量使用全域變數的專案會有大幅的效能提升。'
config.window.statusBar =
config.window.progressBar =
config.hint.enable =
config.hint.paramType =
config.hint.setType =
config.hint.paramName =
config.hint.paramName.All =
config.hint.paramName.Literal =
config.hint.paramName.Disable =
config.hint.arrayIndex =
config.hint.arrayIndex.Enable =
config.hint.arrayIndex.Auto =
config.hint.arrayIndex.Disable =
config.hint.await =
'如果呼叫的函數被標記為了 `---@async`,則在呼叫處提示 `await`。'
config.hint.semicolon =
config.hint.semicolon.All =
config.hint.semicolon.SameLine =
config.hint.semicolon.Disable =
config.format.enable =
config.format.defaultConfig =
預設的格式化組態,優先順序低於工作區內的 `.editorconfig` 檔案。
config.spell.dict =
config.telemetry.enable =
config.misc.parameters =
config.IntelliSense.traceLocalSet =
config.IntelliSense.traceReturn =
config.IntelliSense.traceBeSetted =
config.IntelliSense.traceFieldInject =
config.type.castNumberToInteger =
'允許將 `number` 類型賦值給 `integer` 類型。'
config.type.weakUnionCheck =
此設定為 `false` 時,`number|boolean` 類型無法賦給 `number` 類型;為 `true` 時則可以。
config.type.weakNilCheck = -- TODO: need translate!
When checking the type of union type, ignore the `nil` in it.
When this setting is `false`, the `number|nil` type cannot be assigned to the `number` type. It can be with `true`.
config.diagnostics['unused-local'] =
config.diagnostics['unused-function'] =
config.diagnostics['undefined-global'] =
config.diagnostics['global-in-nil-env'] =
'不能使用全域變數( `_ENV` 被設定為 `nil`'
config.diagnostics['unused-label'] =
config.diagnostics['unused-vararg'] =
config.diagnostics['trailing-space'] =
config.diagnostics['redefined-local'] =
config.diagnostics['newline-call'] =
'以 `(` 開始的新行,在語法上被解析為了上一行的函式呼叫'
config.diagnostics['newfield-call'] =
config.diagnostics['redundant-parameter'] =
config.diagnostics['ambiguity-1'] =
'優先順序歧義,如: `num or 0 + 1` ,推測使用者的實際期望為 `(num or 0) + 1`'
config.diagnostics['lowercase-global'] =
config.diagnostics['undefined-env-child'] =
'`_ENV` 被設定為了新的字面常數表,但是試圖獲取的全域變數不在這張表中'
config.diagnostics['duplicate-index'] =
config.diagnostics['empty-block'] =
config.diagnostics['redundant-value'] =
config.diagnostics['assign-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for assignments in which the value\'s type does not match the type of the assigned variable.'
config.diagnostics['await-in-sync'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for calls of asynchronous functions within a synchronous function.'
config.diagnostics['cast-local-type'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for casts of local variables where the target type does not match the defined type.'
config.diagnostics['cast-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for casts where the target type does not match the initial type.'
config.diagnostics['circular-doc-class'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for two classes inheriting from each other introducing a circular relation.'
config.diagnostics['close-non-object'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for attempts to close a variable with a non-object.'
config.diagnostics['code-after-break'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for code placed after a break statement in a loop.'
config.diagnostics['codestyle-check'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for incorrectly styled lines.'
config.diagnostics['count-down-loop'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for `for` loops which will never reach their max/limit because the loop is incrementing instead of decrementing.'
config.diagnostics['deprecated'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics to highlight deprecated API.'
config.diagnostics['different-requires'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for files which are required by two different paths.'
config.diagnostics['discard-returns'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for calls of functions annotated with `---@nodiscard` where the return values are ignored.'
config.diagnostics['doc-field-no-class'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics to highlight a field annotation without a defining class annotation.'
config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-alias'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated alias annotation name.'
config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-field'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated field annotation name.'
config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-param'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated param annotation name.'
config.diagnostics['duplicate-set-field'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for setting the same field in a class more than once.'
config.diagnostics['missing-parameter'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for function calls where the number of arguments is less than the number of annotated function parameters.'
config.diagnostics['missing-return'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for functions with return annotations which have no return statement.'
config.diagnostics['missing-return-value'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for return statements without values although the containing function declares returns.'
config.diagnostics['need-check-nil'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for variable usages if `nil` or an optional (potentially `nil`) value was assigned to the variable before.'
config.diagnostics['no-unknown'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for cases in which the type cannot be inferred.'
config.diagnostics['not-yieldable'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for calls to `coroutine.yield()` when it is not permitted.'
config.diagnostics['param-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for function calls where the type of a provided parameter does not match the type of the annotated function definition.'
config.diagnostics['redundant-return'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for return statements which are not needed because the function would exit on its own.'
config.diagnostics['redundant-return-value']= -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for return statements which return an extra value which is not specified by a return annotation.'
config.diagnostics['return-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for return values whose type does not match the type declared in the corresponding return annotation.'
config.diagnostics['spell-check'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for typos in strings.'
config.diagnostics['unbalanced-assignments']= -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics on multiple assignments if not all variables obtain a value (e.g., `local x,y = 1`).'
config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-class'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for class annotations in which an undefined class is referenced.'
config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-name'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for type annotations referencing an undefined type or alias.'
config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-param'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for cases in which a parameter annotation is given without declaring the parameter in the function definition.'
config.diagnostics['undefined-field'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for cases in which an undefined field of a variable is read.'
config.diagnostics['unknown-cast-variable'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for casts of undefined variables.'
config.diagnostics['unknown-diag-code'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics in cases in which an unknown diagnostics code is entered.'
config.diagnostics['unknown-operator'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for unknown operators.'
config.diagnostics['unreachable-code'] = -- TODO: need translate!
'Enable diagnostics for unreachable code.'