2022-10-31 20:49:08 -04:00

206 lines
11 KiB

---Base class XBows
---@class XBows
---@field pvp boolean
---@field creative boolean
---@field mesecons string|nil
---@field playerphysics string|nil
---@field player_monoids string|nil
---@field u_skins string|nil
---@field wardrobe string|nil
---@field _3d_armor string|nil
---@field registered_bows table<string, ItemDef|BowItemDefCustom>
---@field registered_arrows table<string, ItemDef|ArrowItemDefCustom>
---@field registered_quivers table<string, ItemDef|QuiverItemDefCustom>
---@field registered_particle_spawners table<string, ParticlespawnerDef|ParticlespawnerDefCustom>
---@field registered_entities table<string, XBowsEntityDef>
---@field player_bow_sneak table<string, table<string, boolean>>
---@field settings {["x_bows_attach_arrows_to_entities"]: boolean, ["x_bows_show_damage_numbers"]: boolean, ["x_bows_show_3d_quiver"]: boolean}
---@field quiver table Quiver class
---@field charge_sound_after_job table<string, JobTable>
---@field is_allowed_ammunition fun(self: XBows, weapon_name: string, ammo_name: string): boolean Check if ammunition is allowed to charge this weapon
---@field is_creative fun(self: XBows, name: string): boolean Check if creative is enabled or if player has creative priv
---@field get_particle_effect_for_arrow fun(self: XBows, name: string, pos: Vector): number|boolean Get particle effect from registered spawners table
---@field register_entity fun(self: EntityDef|XBows, name: string, def: XBowsEntityDef): nil Register new projectile entity
---@field update_bow_allowed_ammunition fun(self: XBows, name: string, def: string[]): nil Updates `allowed_ammunition` definition on already registered item, so MODs can add new ammunitions to this list.
---@field reset_charged_bow fun(self: XBows, player: ObjectRef, includeWielded?: boolean): nil Reset charged bow to uncharged bow, this will return the arrow item to the inventory also
---@field register_bow fun(self: XBows, name: string, def: ItemDef | BowItemDefCustom, mod_override?: boolean): boolean|nil Register new bow/gun.
---@field register_arrow fun(self: XBows, name: string, def: ItemDef | ArrowItemDefCustom): boolean|nil Register new arrow/projectile.
---@field register_quiver fun(self: XBows, name: string, def: ItemDef | ArrowItemDefCustom): boolean|nil Register new quiver.
---@field load fun(self: XBows, itemstack: ItemStack, user: ObjectRef, pointed_thing: PointedThingDef): ItemStack Load bow
---@field shoot fun(self: XBows, itemstack: ItemStack, user: ObjectRef, pointed_thing?: PointedThingDef): ItemStack Shoot bow
---@field register_particle_effect fun(self: XBows, name: string, def: ParticlespawnerDef|ParticlespawnerDefCustom): nil Add new particle to XBow registration
---@field open_quiver fun(self: XBowsQuiver, itemstack: ItemStack, user: ObjectRef): ItemStack Open quiver
---@field uuid fun(): string Creates UUID
---@field fallback_quiver boolean If no invenotory mod is detected then fallback solution will be used
---@field show_damage_numbers fun(self: XBows, pos: Vector, damaga: number, is_crit?: boolean): nil Builds textures and shows textures in particle spawner
---XBowsQuiver class extended from XBows
---@alias XBowsQuiver XBowsQuiverBase|XBows
---@class XBowsQuiverBase
---@field hud_item_ids table
---@field after_job table<string, JobTable>
---@field udate_or_create_hud fun(self: XBowsQuiver, player: ObjectRef, inv_list: ItemStack[], idx?: number): nil Update or create quiver HUD
---@field get_or_create_detached_inv fun(self: XBowsQuiver, quiver_id: string, player_name: string, quiver_items?: string): InvRef Get existing detached inventory or create new one
---@field save fun(self: XBowsQuiver, inv: InvRef, player: ObjectRef, quiver_is_closed?: boolean): nil Save quiver inventory to itemstack meta
---@field close_quiver fun(self: XBowsQuiver, player: ObjectRef, quiver_id?: string): nil Close one or all open quivers in players inventory
---@field get_replacement_item fun(self: XBowsQuiver, from_stack: ItemStack, to_item_name: string): ItemStack Swap item in player inventory indicating open quiver. Preserve all ItemStack definition and meta.
---@field get_itemstack_arrow_from_quiver fun(self: XBowsQuiver, player: ObjectRef, to_item_name: string): {["found_arrow_stack"]: ItemStack|nil, ["quiver_id"]: string|nil, ["quiver_name"]: string|nil, ["found_arrow_stack_idx"]: number} Gets arrow from quiver
---@field remove_hud fun(self: XBowsQuiver, player: ObjectRef): nil Remove all added HUDs
---@field get_formspec fun(self: XBowsQuiver, name: string): string Create formspec
---@field get_string_from_inv fun(self: XBowsQuiver, inv: InvRef): {['inv_string']: string, ['content_description']: string} Convert inventory of itemstacks to serialized string
---@field set_string_to_inv fun(self: XBowsQuiver, inv: InvRef, str: string): nil Set items from serialized string to inventory
---@field quiver_can_allow fun(self: XBowsQuiver, inv: InvRef, player: ObjectRef): boolean Check if we are allowing actions in the correct quiver inventory
---@field show_3d_quiver fun(self: XBowsQuiver, player: ObjectRef, props?: {["is_empty"]: boolean|nil}): nil Applies full/empty quiver textures
---@field hide_3d_quiver fun(self: XBowsQuiver, player: ObjectRef): nil Applies blank quiver textures - hiding the quiver
---@field sfinv_register_page fun(): nil register inventoy mod page
---@field i3_register_page fun(): nil register inventoy mod page
---@field ui_register_page fun(): nil register inventoy mod page
---Custom field in ParticlespawnerDef
---@class ParticlespawnerDefCustom
---@field custom ParticlespawnerDefCustomAttr
---Custom field attributes in ParticlespawnerDef
---@class ParticlespawnerDefCustomAttr
---@field minpos Vector
---@field maxpos Vector
---Custom field in ItemDef
---@class BowItemDefCustom
---@field custom BowItemDefCustomAttr
---Custom field attributes in ItemDef
---@class BowItemDefCustomAttr
---@field crit_chance number `crit_chance` 10% chance, 5 is 20% chance, (1 / crit_chance) * 100 = % chance
---@field inventory_image_charged string
---@field recipe table
---@field fuel_burntime number
---@field name_charged string
---@field name string
---@field mod_name string
---@field uses number
---@field strength number How strong is the bow. Defines how far the arrow will fly.
---@field strength_min number|nil How strong is the bow. Defines how far the arrow will fly.
---@field strength_max number|nil How strong is the bow. Defines how far the arrow will fly.
---@field allowed_ammunition string[]|nil
---@field wield_image_charged string|nil
---@field acc_x_min number|nil
---@field acc_y_min number|nil
---@field acc_z_min number|nil
---@field acc_x_max number|nil
---@field acc_y_max number|nil
---@field acc_z_max number|nil
---@field sound_load string
---@field sound_hit string
---@field sound_shoot string
---@field sound_shoot_crit string
---@field gravity number
---Custom field in ItemDef
---@class ArrowItemDefCustom
---@field custom ArrowItemDefCustomAttr
---Custom field attributes in ItemDef
---@class ArrowItemDefCustomAttr
---@field tool_capabilities ToolCapabilitiesDef
---@field craft_count number
---@field recipe table
---@field fuel_burntime number
---@field name string
---@field mod_name string
---@field particle_effect string|nil
---@field particle_effect_crit string|nil
---@field particle_effect_fast string|nil
---@field projectile_entity string
---@field on_hit_node fun(self: table, pointed_thing_ref: table)
---@field on_hit_entity fun(self: table, pointed_thing_ref: table)
---@field on_hit_player fun(self: table, pointed_thing_ref: table)
---@field on_after_activate fun(self: table)
---@field description_abilities string
---Custom field in ItemDef
---@class QuiverItemDefCustom
---@field custom QuiverItemDefCustomAttr
---Custom field attributes in ItemDef
---@class QuiverItemDefCustomAttr
---@field recipe table
---@field recipe_count number
---@field faster_arrows number
---@field add_damage number
---@field fuel_burntime number
---@field inventory_image_open string
---@field wield_image_open string
---@field name string
---Custom field in EntityDef
---@alias XBowsEntityDef EntityDef|EntityDefCustom|XBows
---@class EntityDefCustom
---@field on_death fun(self: XBowsEntityDef, selfObj: table, killer: ObjectRef|nil): nil Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called when the object dies.
---@field on_punch fun(self: XBowsEntityDef, selfObj: table, puncher: ObjectRef|nil, time_from_last_punch: number|integer|nil, tool_capabilities: ToolCapabilitiesDef|nil, dir: Vector, damage: number|integer): boolean|nil Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called when somebody punches the object. Note that you probably want to handle most punches using the automatic armor group system. Can return `true` to prevent the default damage mechanism.
---@field _custom EntityDefCustomAttr
---@alias EntityDefCustomAttr EntityDefCustomAttrDef|EntityDef
---@class EntityDefCustomAttrDef
---@field name string
---@field mod_name string
---@field animations EntityAnimationDef
---@field rotation_factor number|fun(): number
---Entity animation definition
---@class EntityAnimationDef
---@field idle {frame_range?: {["x"]: number, ["y"]: number}, frame_speed?: number, frame_blend?: number, frame_loop?: boolean}
---@field on_hit_node {frame_range?: {["x"]: number, ["y"]: number}, frame_speed?: number, frame_blend?: number, frame_loop?: boolean}
---Arrow object and custom attributes
---@class EnityCustomAttrDef
---@field object ObjectRef
---@field _velocity Vector
---@field _old_pos Vector
---@field _attached boolean
---@field _attached_to {["type"]: string, ["pos"]: Vector | nil}
---@field _has_particles boolean
---@field _lifetimer number
---@field _nodechecktimer number
---@field _is_drowning boolean
---@field _in_liquid boolean
---@field _shot_from_pos Vector
---@field _arrow_name string
---@field _bow_name string
---@field _user_name string
---@field _user ObjectRef
---@field _tflp number
---@field _tool_capabilities ToolCapabilitiesDef
---@field _is_critical_hit boolean
---@field _faster_arrows_multiplier number
---@field _add_damage number
---@field _caused_damage number
---@field _caused_knockback number
---@field _arrow_particle_effect string
---@field _arrow_particle_effect_crit string
---@field _arrow_particle_effect_fast string
---@field _sound_hit string
---@field _player_look_dir Vector
---@field _acc_x number
---@field _acc_y number
---@field _acc_z number
---@field _strength number
---@field name string
---@field _rotation_factor number | fun(): number
---@field _step_count number
---Staticdata attributes
---@class EnityStaticDataAttrDef
---@field _arrow_name string
---@field _bow_name string
---@field _user_name string
---@field _is_critical_hit boolean
---@field _tool_capabilities ToolCapabilitiesDef
---@field _tflp number
---@field _add_damage number
---@field _faster_arrows_multiplier number | nil