---@meta -- --Allows you to exclude an Assembly, Class, Constructor, Method or Struct from TestTools.Coverage. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.TestTools.ExcludeFromCoverageAttribute: System.Attribute ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.ExcludeFromCoverageAttribute = {} -- --Describes a covered sequence point used by TestTools.Coverage. For an example of typical usage, see TestTools.Coverage.GetSequencePointsFor. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.TestTools.CoveredSequencePoint: System.ValueType -- --The method covered by the sequence point. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@field method System.Reflection.MethodBase -- --The offset in bytes from the start of the method to the first Intermediate Language instruction of this sequence point. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@field ilOffset uint -- --The number of times the sequence point has been visited. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@field hitCount uint -- --The name of the file that contains the sequence point. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@field filename string -- --The line number of the file that contains the sequence point. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@field line uint -- --The column number of the line of the file that contains the sequence point. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@field column uint ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.CoveredSequencePoint = {} -- --Describes the summary of the code coverage for the specified method used by TestTools.Coverage. For an example of typical usage, see TestTools.Coverage.GetStatsFor. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.TestTools.CoveredMethodStats: System.ValueType -- --The covered method. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@field method System.Reflection.MethodBase -- --The total number of sequence points in the method. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@field totalSequencePoints int -- --The total number of uncovered sequence points in the method. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@field uncoveredSequencePoints int ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.CoveredMethodStats = {} ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@return String function CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.CoveredMethodStats.ToString() end -- --Describes the interface for the code coverage data exposed by mono. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage: object -- --Returns true if code coverage is enabled; otherwise, returns false. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@field enabled bool ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage = {} -- --Array of sequence points. -- --```plaintext --Params: method - The method to get the sequence points for. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@param method System.Reflection.MethodBase function CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage:GetSequencePointsFor(method) end -- --Coverage summary. -- --```plaintext --Params: method - The method to get coverage statistics for. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@param method System.Reflection.MethodBase ---@return CoveredMethodStats function CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage:GetStatsFor(method) end -- --Array of coverage summaries. -- --```plaintext --Params: methods - The array of methods. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@param methods System.Reflection.MethodBase[] function CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage:GetStatsFor(methods) end -- --Array of coverage summaries. -- --```plaintext --Params: type - The type. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@param type System.Type function CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage:GetStatsFor(type) end -- --Array of coverage summaries. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage:GetStatsForAllCoveredMethods() end -- --Resets the coverage data for the specified method. -- --```plaintext --Params: method - The method. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@param method System.Reflection.MethodBase function CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage:ResetFor(method) end -- --Resets all coverage data. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage:ResetAll() end