---@meta -- --Status of path. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus: System.Enum -- --The path terminates at the destination. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field PathComplete UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus -- --The path cannot reach the destination. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field PathPartial UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus -- --The path is invalid. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field PathInvalid UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus = {} ---@source ---@param value any ---@return UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus:__CastFrom(value) end -- --A path as calculated by the navigation system. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath: object -- --Corner points of the path. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field corners UnityEngine.Vector3[] -- --Status of the path. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field status UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath = {} -- --The number of corners along the path - including start and end points. -- --```plaintext --Params: results - Array to store path corners. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param results UnityEngine.Vector3[] ---@return Int32 function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath.GetCornersNonAlloc(results) end -- --Erase all corner points from path. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath.ClearCorners() end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder: object ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder = {} ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param includedWorldBounds UnityEngine.Bounds ---@param includedLayerMask int ---@param geometry UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry ---@param defaultArea int ---@param markups System.Collections.Generic.List ---@param results System.Collections.Generic.List function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder:CollectSources(includedWorldBounds, includedLayerMask, geometry, defaultArea, markups, results) end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param root UnityEngine.Transform ---@param includedLayerMask int ---@param geometry UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry ---@param defaultArea int ---@param markups System.Collections.Generic.List ---@param results System.Collections.Generic.List function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder:CollectSources(root, includedLayerMask, geometry, defaultArea, markups, results) end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param buildSettings UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSettings ---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List ---@param localBounds UnityEngine.Bounds ---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion ---@return NavMeshData function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder:BuildNavMeshData(buildSettings, sources, localBounds, position, rotation) end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param data UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshData ---@param buildSettings UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSettings ---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List ---@param localBounds UnityEngine.Bounds ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder:UpdateNavMeshData(data, buildSettings, sources, localBounds) end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param data UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshData ---@param buildSettings UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSettings ---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List ---@param localBounds UnityEngine.Bounds ---@return AsyncOperation function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder:UpdateNavMeshDataAsync(data, buildSettings, sources, localBounds) end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param data UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshData function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder:Cancel(data) end -- --Level of obstacle avoidance. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType: System.Enum -- --Disable avoidance. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field NoObstacleAvoidance UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType -- --Enable simple avoidance. Low performance impact. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field LowQualityObstacleAvoidance UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType -- --Medium avoidance. Medium performance impact. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field MedQualityObstacleAvoidance UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType -- --Good avoidance. High performance impact. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field GoodQualityObstacleAvoidance UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType -- --Enable highest precision. Highest performance impact. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field HighQualityObstacleAvoidance UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType = {} ---@source ---@param value any ---@return UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType function CS.UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType:__CastFrom(value) end -- --Navigation mesh agent. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent: UnityEngine.Behaviour -- --Gets or attempts to set the destination of the agent in world-space units. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field destination UnityEngine.Vector3 -- --Stop within this distance from the target position. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field stoppingDistance float -- --Access the current velocity of the NavMeshAgent component, or set a velocity to control the agent manually. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field velocity UnityEngine.Vector3 -- --Gets or sets the simulation position of the navmesh agent. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field nextPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 -- --Get the current steering target along the path. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field steeringTarget UnityEngine.Vector3 -- --The desired velocity of the agent including any potential contribution from avoidance. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field desiredVelocity UnityEngine.Vector3 -- --The distance between the agent's position and the destination on the current path. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field remainingDistance float -- --The relative vertical displacement of the owning GameObject. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field baseOffset float -- --Is the agent currently positioned on an OffMeshLink? (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field isOnOffMeshLink bool -- --The current OffMeshLinkData. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field currentOffMeshLinkData UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkData -- --The next OffMeshLinkData on the current path. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field nextOffMeshLinkData UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkData -- --Should the agent move across OffMeshLinks automatically? -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field autoTraverseOffMeshLink bool -- --Should the agent brake automatically to avoid overshooting the destination point? -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field autoBraking bool -- --Should the agent attempt to acquire a new path if the existing path becomes invalid? -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field autoRepath bool -- --Does the agent currently have a path? (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field hasPath bool -- --Is a path in the process of being computed but not yet ready? (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field pathPending bool -- --Is the current path stale. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field isPathStale bool -- --The status of the current path (complete, partial or invalid). -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field pathStatus UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field pathEndPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 -- --This property holds the stop or resume condition of the NavMesh agent. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field isStopped bool -- --Property to get and set the current path. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field path UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath -- --Returns the owning object of the NavMesh the agent is currently placed on (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field navMeshOwner UnityEngine.Object -- --The type ID for the agent. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field agentTypeID int -- --Specifies which NavMesh layers are passable (bitfield). Changing walkableMask will make the path stale (see isPathStale). -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field walkableMask int -- --Specifies which NavMesh areas are passable. Changing areaMask will make the path stale (see isPathStale). -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field areaMask int -- --Maximum movement speed when following a path. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field speed float -- --Maximum turning speed in (deg/s) while following a path. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field angularSpeed float -- --The maximum acceleration of an agent as it follows a path, given in units / sec^2. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field acceleration float -- --Gets or sets whether the transform position is synchronized with the simulated agent position. The default value is true. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field updatePosition bool -- --Should the agent update the transform orientation? -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field updateRotation bool -- --Allows you to specify whether the agent should be aligned to the up-axis of the NavMesh or link that it is placed on. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field updateUpAxis bool -- --The avoidance radius for the agent. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field radius float -- --The height of the agent for purposes of passing under obstacles, etc. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field height float -- --The level of quality of avoidance. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field obstacleAvoidanceType UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType -- --The avoidance priority level. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field avoidancePriority int -- --Is the agent currently bound to the navmesh? (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field isOnNavMesh bool ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent = {} -- --True if the destination was requested successfully, otherwise false. -- --```plaintext --Params: target - The target point to navigate to. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param target UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.SetDestination(target) end -- --Enables or disables the current off-mesh link. -- --```plaintext --Params: activated - Is the link activated? -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param activated bool function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.ActivateCurrentOffMeshLink(activated) end -- --Completes the movement on the current OffMeshLink. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.CompleteOffMeshLink() end -- --True if agent is successfully warped, otherwise false. -- --```plaintext --Params: newPosition - New position to warp the agent to. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param newPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.Warp(newPosition) end -- --Apply relative movement to current position. -- --```plaintext --Params: offset - The relative movement vector. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param offset UnityEngine.Vector3 function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.Move(offset) end -- --Stop movement of this agent along its current path. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.Stop() end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param stopUpdates bool function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.Stop(stopUpdates) end -- --Resumes the movement along the current path after a pause. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.Resume() end -- --Clears the current path. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.ResetPath() end -- --True if the path is succesfully assigned. -- --```plaintext --Params: path - New path to follow. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param path UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.SetPath(path) end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.FindClosestEdge(hit) end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param targetPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.Raycast(targetPosition, hit) end -- --True if a path is found. -- --```plaintext --Params: targetPosition - The final position of the path requested. -- path - The resulting path. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param targetPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param path UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.CalculatePath(targetPosition, path) end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param areaMask int ---@param maxDistance float ---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.SamplePathPosition(areaMask, maxDistance, hit) end -- --Sets the cost for traversing over geometry of the layer type. -- --```plaintext --Params: layer - Layer index. -- cost - New cost for the specified layer. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param layer int ---@param cost float function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.SetLayerCost(layer, cost) end -- --Current cost of specified layer. -- --```plaintext --Params: layer - Layer index. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param layer int ---@return Single function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.GetLayerCost(layer) end -- --Sets the cost for traversing over areas of the area type. -- --```plaintext --Params: areaIndex - Area cost. -- areaCost - New cost for the specified area index. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param areaIndex int ---@param areaCost float function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.SetAreaCost(areaIndex, areaCost) end -- --Current cost for specified area index. -- --```plaintext --Params: areaIndex - Area Index. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param areaIndex int ---@return Single function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.GetAreaCost(areaIndex) end -- --Shape of the obstacle. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacleShape: System.Enum -- --Capsule shaped obstacle. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field Capsule UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacleShape -- --Box shaped obstacle. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field Box UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacleShape ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacleShape = {} ---@source ---@param value any ---@return UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacleShape function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacleShape:__CastFrom(value) end -- --An obstacle for NavMeshAgents to avoid. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacle: UnityEngine.Behaviour -- --Height of the obstacle's cylinder shape. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field height float -- --Radius of the obstacle's capsule shape. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field radius float -- --Velocity at which the obstacle moves around the NavMesh. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field velocity UnityEngine.Vector3 -- --Should this obstacle make a cut-out in the navmesh. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field carving bool -- --Should this obstacle be carved when it is constantly moving? -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field carveOnlyStationary bool -- --Threshold distance for updating a moving carved hole (when carving is enabled). -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field carvingMoveThreshold float -- --Time to wait until obstacle is treated as stationary (when carving and carveOnlyStationary are enabled). -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field carvingTimeToStationary float -- --The shape of the obstacle. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field shape UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacleShape -- --The center of the obstacle, measured in the object's local space. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field center UnityEngine.Vector3 -- --The size of the obstacle, measured in the object's local space. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field size UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacle = {} -- --Link type specifier. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkType: System.Enum -- --Manually specified type of link. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field LinkTypeManual UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkType -- --Vertical drop. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field LinkTypeDropDown UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkType -- --Horizontal jump. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field LinkTypeJumpAcross UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkType ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkType = {} ---@source ---@param value any ---@return UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkType function CS.UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkType:__CastFrom(value) end -- --State of OffMeshLink. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkData: System.ValueType -- --Is link valid (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field valid bool -- --Is link active (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field activated bool -- --Link type specifier (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field linkType UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkType -- --Link start world position (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field startPos UnityEngine.Vector3 -- --Link end world position (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field endPos UnityEngine.Vector3 -- --The OffMeshLink if the link type is a manually placed Offmeshlink (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field offMeshLink UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLink ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkData = {} -- --Link allowing movement outside the planar navigation mesh. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLink: UnityEngine.Behaviour -- --Is link active. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field activated bool -- --Is link occupied. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field occupied bool -- --Modify pathfinding cost for the link. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field costOverride float -- --Can link be traversed in both directions. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field biDirectional bool -- --NavMeshLayer for this OffMeshLink component. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field navMeshLayer int -- --NavMesh area index for this OffMeshLink component. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field area int -- --Automatically update endpoints. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field autoUpdatePositions bool -- --The transform representing link start position. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field startTransform UnityEngine.Transform -- --The transform representing link end position. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field endTransform UnityEngine.Transform ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLink = {} -- --Explicitly update the link endpoints. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLink.UpdatePositions() end -- --Result information for NavMesh queries. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit: System.ValueType -- --Position of hit. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 -- --Normal at the point of hit. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field normal UnityEngine.Vector3 -- --Distance to the point of hit. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field distance float -- --Mask specifying NavMesh area at point of hit. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field mask int -- --Flag set when hit. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field hit bool ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit = {} -- --Contains data describing a triangulation of a navmesh. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshTriangulation: System.ValueType -- --Vertices for the navmesh triangulation. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field vertices UnityEngine.Vector3[] -- --Triangle indices for the navmesh triangulation. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field indices int[] -- --NavMesh area indices for the navmesh triangulation. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field areas int[] -- --NavMeshLayer values for the navmesh triangulation. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field layers int[] ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshTriangulation = {} -- --Contains and represents NavMesh data. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshData: UnityEngine.Object -- --Returns the bounding volume of the input geometry used to build this NavMesh (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field sourceBounds UnityEngine.Bounds -- --Gets or sets the world space position of the NavMesh data. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 -- --Gets or sets the orientation of the NavMesh data. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshData = {} -- --The instance is returned when adding NavMesh data. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshDataInstance: System.ValueType -- --True if the NavMesh data is added to the navigation system - otherwise false (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field valid bool -- --Get or set the owning Object. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field owner UnityEngine.Object ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshDataInstance = {} -- --Removes this instance from the NavMesh system. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshDataInstance.Remove() end -- --Used for runtime manipulation of links connecting polygons of the NavMesh. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshLinkData: System.ValueType -- --Start position of the link. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field startPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 -- --End position of the link. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field endPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 -- --If positive, overrides the pathfinder cost to traverse the link. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field costModifier float -- --If true, the link can be traversed in both directions, otherwise only from start to end position. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field bidirectional bool -- --If positive, the link will be rectangle aligned along the line from start to end. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field width float -- --Area type of the link. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field area int -- --Specifies which agent type this link is available for. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field agentTypeID int ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshLinkData = {} -- --An instance representing a link available for pathfinding. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshLinkInstance: System.ValueType -- --True if the NavMesh link is added to the navigation system - otherwise false (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field valid bool -- --Get or set the owning Object. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field owner UnityEngine.Object ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshLinkInstance = {} -- --Removes this instance from the game. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshLinkInstance.Remove() end -- --Specifies which agent type and areas to consider when searching the NavMesh. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter: System.ValueType -- --A bitmask representing the traversable area types. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field areaMask int -- --The agent type ID, specifying which navigation meshes to consider for the query functions. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field agentTypeID int ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter = {} -- --The cost multiplier for the supplied area index. -- --```plaintext --Params: areaIndex - Index to retreive the cost for. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param areaIndex int ---@return Single function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter.GetAreaCost(areaIndex) end -- --Sets the pathfinding cost multiplier for this filter for a given area type. -- --```plaintext --Params: areaIndex - The area index to set the cost for. -- cost - The cost for the supplied area index. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param areaIndex int ---@param cost float function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter.SetAreaCost(areaIndex, cost) end -- --Singleton class to access the baked NavMesh. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh: object -- --Area mask constant that includes all NavMesh areas. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field AllAreas int -- --Set a function to be called before the NavMesh is updated during the frame update execution. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field onPreUpdate UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh.OnNavMeshPreUpdate -- --Describes how far in the future the agents predict collisions for avoidance. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field avoidancePredictionTime float -- --The maximum number of nodes processed for each frame during the asynchronous pathfinding process. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field pathfindingIterationsPerFrame int ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh = {} ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param sourcePosition UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param targetPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit ---@param areaMask int ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:Raycast(sourcePosition, targetPosition, hit, areaMask) end -- --True if either a complete or partial path is found. False otherwise. -- --```plaintext --Params: sourcePosition - The initial position of the path requested. -- targetPosition - The final position of the path requested. -- areaMask - A bitfield mask specifying which NavMesh areas can be passed when calculating a path. -- path - The resulting path. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param sourcePosition UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param targetPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param areaMask int ---@param path UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:CalculatePath(sourcePosition, targetPosition, areaMask, path) end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param sourcePosition UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit ---@param areaMask int ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:FindClosestEdge(sourcePosition, hit, areaMask) end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param sourcePosition UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit ---@param maxDistance float ---@param areaMask int ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:SamplePosition(sourcePosition, hit, maxDistance, areaMask) end -- --Sets the cost for traversing over geometry of the layer type on all agents. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param layer int ---@param cost float function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:SetLayerCost(layer, cost) end -- --Gets the cost for traversing over geometry of the layer type on all agents. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param layer int ---@return Single function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:GetLayerCost(layer) end -- --Returns the layer index for a named layer. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param layerName string ---@return Int32 function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:GetNavMeshLayerFromName(layerName) end -- --Sets the cost for finding path over geometry of the area type on all agents. -- --```plaintext --Params: areaIndex - Index of the area to set. -- cost - New cost. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param areaIndex int ---@param cost float function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:SetAreaCost(areaIndex, cost) end -- --Gets the cost for path finding over geometry of the area type. -- --```plaintext --Params: areaIndex - Index of the area to get. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param areaIndex int ---@return Single function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:GetAreaCost(areaIndex) end -- --Index if the specified are, or -1 if no area found. -- --```plaintext --Params: areaName - Name of the area to look up. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param areaName string ---@return Int32 function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:GetAreaFromName(areaName) end -- --Calculates triangulation of the current navmesh. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@return NavMeshTriangulation function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:CalculateTriangulation() end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param vertices UnityEngine.Vector3[] ---@param indices int[] function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:Triangulate(vertices, indices) end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:AddOffMeshLinks() end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:RestoreNavMesh() end -- --Representing the added navmesh. -- --```plaintext --Params: navMeshData - Contains the data for the navmesh. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param navMeshData UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshData ---@return NavMeshDataInstance function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:AddNavMeshData(navMeshData) end -- --Representing the added navmesh. -- --```plaintext --Params: navMeshData - Contains the data for the navmesh. -- position - Translate the navmesh to this position. -- rotation - Rotate the navmesh to this orientation. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param navMeshData UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshData ---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion ---@return NavMeshDataInstance function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:AddNavMeshData(navMeshData, position, rotation) end -- --Removes the specified NavMeshDataInstance from the game, making it unavailable for agents and queries. -- --```plaintext --Params: handle - The instance of a NavMesh to remove. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param handle UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshDataInstance function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:RemoveNavMeshData(handle) end -- --Representing the added link. -- --```plaintext --Params: link - Describing the properties of the link. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param link UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshLinkData ---@return NavMeshLinkInstance function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:AddLink(link) end -- --Representing the added link. -- --```plaintext --Params: link - Describing the properties of the link. -- position - Translate the link to this position. -- rotation - Rotate the link to this orientation. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param link UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshLinkData ---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion ---@return NavMeshLinkInstance function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:AddLink(link, position, rotation) end -- --Removes a link from the NavMesh. -- --```plaintext --Params: handle - The instance of a link to remove. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param handle UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshLinkInstance function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:RemoveLink(handle) end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param sourcePosition UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit ---@param maxDistance float ---@param filter UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:SamplePosition(sourcePosition, hit, maxDistance, filter) end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param sourcePosition UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit ---@param filter UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:FindClosestEdge(sourcePosition, hit, filter) end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param sourcePosition UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param targetPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit ---@param filter UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:Raycast(sourcePosition, targetPosition, hit, filter) end -- --True if a either a complete or partial path is found and false otherwise. -- --```plaintext --Params: sourcePosition - The initial position of the path requested. -- targetPosition - The final position of the path requested. -- filter - A filter specifying the cost of NavMesh areas that can be passed when calculating a path. -- path - The resulting path. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param sourcePosition UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param targetPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 ---@param filter UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter ---@param path UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:CalculatePath(sourcePosition, targetPosition, filter, path) end -- --The created settings. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@return NavMeshBuildSettings function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:CreateSettings() end -- --Removes the build settings matching the agent type ID. -- --```plaintext --Params: agentTypeID - The ID of the entry to remove. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param agentTypeID int function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:RemoveSettings(agentTypeID) end -- --The settings found. -- --```plaintext --Params: agentTypeID - The ID to look for. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param agentTypeID int ---@return NavMeshBuildSettings function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:GetSettingsByID(agentTypeID) end -- --The number of registered entries. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@return Int32 function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:GetSettingsCount() end -- --The found settings. -- --```plaintext --Params: index - The index to retrieve from. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param index int ---@return NavMeshBuildSettings function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:GetSettingsByIndex(index) end -- --The name associated with the ID found. -- --```plaintext --Params: agentTypeID - The ID to look for. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param agentTypeID int ---@return String function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:GetSettingsNameFromID(agentTypeID) end -- --Removes all NavMesh surfaces and links from the game. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:RemoveAllNavMeshData() end -- --A delegate which can be used to register callback methods to be invoked before the NavMesh system updates. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.OnNavMeshPreUpdate: System.MulticastDelegate ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.OnNavMeshPreUpdate = {} ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.AI.OnNavMeshPreUpdate.Invoke() end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param callback System.AsyncCallback ---@param object object ---@return IAsyncResult function CS.UnityEngine.AI.OnNavMeshPreUpdate.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param result System.IAsyncResult function CS.UnityEngine.AI.OnNavMeshPreUpdate.EndInvoke(result) end -- --Bitmask used for operating with debug data from the NavMesh build process. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags: System.Enum -- --No debug data from the NavMesh build process is taken into consideration. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field None UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags -- --The triangles of all the geometry that is used as a base for computing the new NavMesh. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field InputGeometry UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags -- --The voxels produced by rasterizing the source geometry into walkable and unwalkable areas. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field Voxels UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags -- --The segmentation of the traversable surfaces into smaller areas necessary for producing simple polygons. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field Regions UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags -- --The contours that follow precisely the edges of each surface region. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field RawContours UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags -- --Contours bounding each of the surface regions, described through fewer vertices and straighter edges compared to RawContours. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field SimplifiedContours UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags -- --Meshes of convex polygons constructed within the unified contours of adjacent regions. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field PolygonMeshes UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags -- --The triangulated meshes with height details that better approximate the source geometry. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field PolygonMeshesDetail UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags -- --All debug data from the NavMesh build process is taken into consideration. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field All UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags = {} ---@source ---@param value any ---@return UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags:__CastFrom(value) end -- --Used with NavMeshBuildSource to define the shape for building NavMesh. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape: System.Enum -- --Describes a Mesh source for use with NavMeshBuildSource. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field Mesh UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape -- --Describes a TerrainData source for use with NavMeshBuildSource. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field Terrain UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape -- --Describes a box primitive for use with NavMeshBuildSource. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field Box UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape -- --Describes a sphere primitive for use with NavMeshBuildSource. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field Sphere UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape -- --Describes a capsule primitive for use with NavMeshBuildSource. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field Capsule UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape -- --Describes a ModifierBox source for use with NavMeshBuildSource. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field ModifierBox UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape = {} ---@source ---@param value any ---@return UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape:__CastFrom(value) end -- --Used for specifying the type of geometry to collect. Used with NavMeshBuilder.CollectSources. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry: System.Enum -- --Collect meshes form the rendered geometry. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field RenderMeshes UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry -- --Collect geometry from the 3D physics collision representation. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field PhysicsColliders UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry = {} ---@source ---@param value any ---@return UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry:__CastFrom(value) end -- --The input to the NavMesh builder is a list of NavMesh build sources. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSource: System.ValueType -- --Describes the local to world transformation matrix of the build source. That is, position and orientation and scale of the shape. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field transform UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 -- --Describes the dimensions of the shape. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field size UnityEngine.Vector3 -- --The type of the shape this source describes. See Also: NavMeshBuildSourceShape. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field shape UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape -- --Describes the area type of the NavMesh surface for this object. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field area int -- --Describes the object referenced for Mesh and Terrain types of input sources. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field sourceObject UnityEngine.Object -- --Points to the owning component - if available, otherwise null. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field component UnityEngine.Component ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSource = {} -- --The NavMesh build markup allows you to control how certain objects are treated during the NavMesh build process, specifically when collecting sources for building. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildMarkup: System.ValueType -- --Use this to specify whether the area type of the GameObject and its children should be overridden by the area type specified in this struct. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field overrideArea bool -- --The area type to use when override area is enabled. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field area int -- --Use this to specify whether the GameObject and its children should be ignored. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field ignoreFromBuild bool -- --Use this to specify which GameObject (including the GameObject’s children) the markup should be applied to. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field root UnityEngine.Transform ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildMarkup = {} -- --The NavMeshBuildSettings struct allows you to specify a collection of settings which describe the dimensions and limitations of a particular agent type. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSettings: System.ValueType -- --The agent type ID the NavMesh will be baked for. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field agentTypeID int -- --The radius of the agent for baking in world units. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field agentRadius float -- --The height of the agent for baking in world units. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field agentHeight float -- --The maximum slope angle which is walkable (angle in degrees). -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field agentSlope float -- --The maximum vertical step size an agent can take. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field agentClimb float -- --The approximate minimum area of individual NavMesh regions. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field minRegionArea float -- --Enables overriding the default voxel size. See Also: voxelSize. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field overrideVoxelSize bool -- --Sets the voxel size in world length units. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field voxelSize float -- --Enables overriding the default tile size. See Also: tileSize. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field overrideTileSize bool -- --Sets the tile size in voxel units. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field tileSize int -- --The maximum number of worker threads that the build process can utilize when building a NavMesh with these settings. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field maxJobWorkers uint ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field preserveTilesOutsideBounds bool -- --Options for collecting debug data during the build process. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field debug UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugSettings ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSettings = {} -- --The list of violated constraints. -- --```plaintext --Params: buildBounds - Describes the volume to build NavMesh for. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@param buildBounds UnityEngine.Bounds function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSettings.ValidationReport(buildBounds) end -- --Specify which of the temporary data generated while building the NavMesh should be retained in memory after the process has completed. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugSettings: System.ValueType -- --Specify which types of debug data to collect when building the NavMesh. -- ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll ---@field flags UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags ---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugSettings = {}