-- if not set, the folder name will be used name = 'Example' -- list of matched words words = {'thisIsAnExampleWord%.ifItExistsInFile%.thenTryLoadThisLibrary'} -- list or matched file names. `.lua`, `.dll` and `.so` only files = {'thisIsAnExampleFile%.ifItExistsInWorkSpace%.thenTryLoadThisLibrary%.lua'} -- lsit of settings to be changed configs = { { key = 'Lua.runtime.version', action = 'set', value = 'LuaJIT', }, { key = 'Lua.diagnostics.globals', action = 'add', value = 'global1', }, { key = 'Lua.runtime.special', action = 'prop', prop = 'include', value = 'require', }, { key = 'Lua.runtime.builtin', action = 'prop', prop = 'io', value = 'disable', }, } for _, name in ipairs {'global2', 'global3', 'global4'} do configs[#configs+1] = { key = 'Lua.diagnostics.globals', action = 'add', value = name, } end