---Check if table contains value ---@param table table ---@param value string|number ---@return boolean local function table_contains(table, value) for _, v in ipairs(table) do if v == value then return true end end return false end ---Merge two tables with key/value pair ---@param t1 table ---@param t2 table ---@return table local function mergeTables(t1, t2) for k,v in pairs(t2) do t1[k] = v end return t1 end ---create UUID ---@return string local function uuid() local template ='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: redundant-return-value return string.gsub(template, '[xy]', function (c) local v = (c == 'x') and math.random(0, 0xf) or math.random(8, 0xb) return string.format('%x', v) end) end ---@type XBows XBows = { pvp = minetest.settings:get_bool('enable_pvp') or false, creative = minetest.settings:get_bool('creative_mode') or false, mesecons = minetest.get_modpath('mesecons'), playerphysics = minetest.get_modpath('playerphysics'), player_monoids = minetest.get_modpath('player_monoids'), registered_bows = {}, registered_arrows = {}, registered_quivers = {}, registered_particle_spawners = {}, player_bow_sneak = {}, settings = { x_bows_attach_arrows_to_entities = minetest.settings:get_bool('x_bows_attach_arrows_to_entities', false) }, charge_sound_after_job = {} } XBows.__index = XBows ---@type XBowsQuiver XBowsQuiver = { hud_item_ids = {}, after_job = {} } XBowsQuiver.__index = XBowsQuiver setmetatable(XBowsQuiver, XBows) ---@type XBowsEntityDef local XBowsEntityDef = {} XBowsEntityDef.__index = XBowsEntityDef setmetatable(XBowsEntityDef, XBows) ---Check if creative is enabled or if player has creative priv ---@param self XBows ---@param name string ---@return boolean function XBows.is_creative(self, name) return self.creative or minetest.check_player_privs(name, {creative = true}) end ---Updates `allowed_ammunition` definition on already registered item, so MODs can add new ammunitions to this list. ---@param self XBows ---@param name string ---@param allowed_ammunition string[] ---@return nil function XBows.update_bow_allowed_ammunition(self, name, allowed_ammunition) local _name = 'x_bows:'..name local def = self.registered_bows[_name] if not def then return end local def_copy = table.copy(def) minetest.unregister_item(_name) for _, v in ipairs(allowed_ammunition) do table.insert(def_copy.custom.allowed_ammunition, v) end self:register_bow(name, def_copy, true) end ---Reset charged bow to uncharged bow, this will return the arrow item to the inventory also ---@param self XBows ---@param player ObjectRef Player Ref ---@param includeWielded? boolean Will include reset for wielded bow also. default: `false` ---@return nil function XBows.reset_charged_bow(self, player, includeWielded) local _includeWielded = includeWielded or false local inv = player:get_inventory() if not inv then return end local inv_list = inv:get_list('main') for i, st in ipairs(inv_list) do local st_name = st:get_name() local x_bows_registered_bow_def = self.registered_bows[st_name] local reset = _includeWielded or player:get_wield_index() ~= i if not st:is_empty() and x_bows_registered_bow_def and reset and minetest.get_item_group(st_name, 'bow_charged') ~= 0 then local item_meta = st:get_meta() local arrow_itemstack = ItemStack(minetest.deserialize(item_meta:get_string('arrow_itemstack_string'))) --return arrow if arrow_itemstack and not self:is_creative(player:get_player_name()) then if inv:room_for_item('main', {name=arrow_itemstack:get_name()}) then inv:add_item('main', arrow_itemstack:get_name()) else minetest.item_drop(ItemStack({name=arrow_itemstack:get_name(), count=1}), player, player:get_pos()) end end --reset bow to uncharged bow inv:set_stack('main', i, ItemStack({ name = x_bows_registered_bow_def.custom.name, count = st:get_count(), wear = st:get_wear() })) end end end ---Register bows ---@param self XBows ---@param name string ---@param def ItemDef | BowItemDefCustom ---@param override? boolean MOD everride ---@return boolean|nil function XBows.register_bow(self, name, def, override) if name == nil or name == '' then return false end local mod_name = def.custom.mod_name or 'x_bows' def.custom.name = mod_name .. ':' .. name def.custom.name_charged = mod_name .. ':' .. name .. '_charged' def.short_description = def.short_description def.description = override and def.short_description or (def.description or name) def.custom.uses = def.custom.uses or 150 def.groups = mergeTables({bow = 1, flammable = 1}, def.groups or {}) def.custom.groups_charged = mergeTables({bow_charged = 1, flammable = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1}, def.groups or {}) def.custom.strength = def.custom.strength or 30 def.custom.allowed_ammunition = def.custom.allowed_ammunition or nil def.custom.sound_load = def.custom.sound_load or 'x_bows_bow_load' def.custom.sound_hit = def.custom.sound_hit or 'x_bows_arrow_hit' def.custom.sound_shoot = def.custom.sound_shoot or 'x_bows_bow_shoot' def.custom.sound_shoot_crit = def.custom.sound_shoot_crit or 'x_bows_bow_shoot_crit' def.custom.gravity = def.custom.gravity or -10 if def.custom.crit_chance then def.description = def.description .. '\n' .. minetest.colorize('#00FF00', 'Critical Arrow Chance: ' .. (1 / def.custom.crit_chance) * 100 .. '%') end def.description = def.description .. '\n' .. minetest.colorize('#00BFFF', 'Strength: ' .. def.custom.strength) if def.custom.allowed_ammunition then local allowed_amm_desc = table.concat(def.custom.allowed_ammunition, '\n') if allowed_amm_desc ~= '' then def.description = def.description .. '\nAllowed ammunition:\n' .. allowed_amm_desc else def.description = def.description .. '\nAllowed ammunition: none' end end self.registered_bows[def.custom.name] = def self.registered_bows[def.custom.name_charged] = def ---not charged bow minetest.register_tool(override and ':' .. def.custom.name or def.custom.name, { description = def.description, inventory_image = def.inventory_image or 'x_bows_bow_wood.png', wield_image = def.wield_image or def.inventory_image, groups = def.groups, ---@param itemstack ItemStack ---@param placer ObjectRef|nil ---@param pointed_thing PointedThingDef ---@return ItemStack|nil on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) if placer then return self:load(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) end end, ---@param itemstack ItemStack ---@param user ObjectRef|nil ---@param pointed_thing PointedThingDef ---@return ItemStack|nil on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) if user then return self:load(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) end end }) ---charged bow minetest.register_tool(override and ':' .. def.custom.name_charged or def.custom.name_charged, { description = def.description, inventory_image = def.custom.inventory_image_charged or 'x_bows_bow_wood_charged.png', wield_image = def.custom.wield_image_charged or def.custom.inventory_image_charged, groups = def.custom.groups_charged, ---@param itemstack ItemStack ---@param user ObjectRef|nil ---@param pointed_thing PointedThingDef ---@return ItemStack|nil on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) if user then return self:shoot(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) end end, ---@param itemstack ItemStack ---@param dropper ObjectRef|nil ---@param pos Vector ---@return ItemStack|nil on_drop = function(itemstack, dropper, pos) if dropper then local item_meta = itemstack:get_meta() local arrow_itemstack = ItemStack(minetest.deserialize(item_meta:get_string('arrow_itemstack_string'))) ---return arrow if arrow_itemstack and not self:is_creative(dropper:get_player_name()) then minetest.item_drop(ItemStack({name=arrow_itemstack:get_name(), count=1}), dropper, {x=pos.x + 0.5, y=pos.y + 0.5, z=pos.z + 0.5}) end itemstack:set_name(def.custom.name) ---returns leftover itemstack return minetest.item_drop(itemstack, dropper, pos) end end }) ---recipes if def.custom.recipe then minetest.register_craft({ output = def.custom.name, recipe = def.custom.recipe }) end ---fuel recipe if def.custom.fuel_burntime then minetest.register_craft({ type = 'fuel', recipe = def.custom.name, burntime = def.custom.fuel_burntime, }) end end ---Register arrows ---@param self XBows ---@param name string ---@param def ItemDef | ArrowItemDefCustom ---@return boolean|nil function XBows.register_arrow(self, name, def) if name == nil or name == '' then return false end local mod_name = def.custom.mod_name or 'x_bows' def.custom.name = mod_name .. ':' .. name def.description = def.description or name def.custom.tool_capabilities = def.custom.tool_capabilities or { full_punch_interval = 1, max_drop_level = 0, damage_groups = {fleshy=2} } def.groups = mergeTables({arrow = 1, flammable = 1}, def.groups or {}) def.custom.particle_effect = def.custom.particle_effect or 'arrow' def.custom.particle_effect_crit = def.custom.particle_effect_crit or 'arrow_crit' def.custom.particle_effect_fast = def.custom.particle_effect_fast or 'arrow_fast' def.custom.projectile_textures = def.custom.projectile_textures or {'x_bows:arrow_node'} def.custom.projectile_visual_size = def.custom.projectile_visual_size or {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1} def.custom.projectile_entity = def.custom.projectile_entity or 'x_bows:arrow_entity' def.custom.on_hit_node = def.custom.on_hit_node or nil def.custom.on_hit_entity = def.custom.on_hit_entity or nil def.custom.on_hit_player = def.custom.on_hit_player or nil def.custom.on_after_activate = def.custom.on_after_activate or nil self.registered_arrows[def.custom.name] = def minetest.register_craftitem(def.custom.name, { description = def.description .. '\n' .. minetest.colorize('#00FF00', 'Damage: ' .. def.custom.tool_capabilities.damage_groups.fleshy) .. '\n' .. minetest.colorize('#00BFFF', 'Charge Time: ' .. def.custom.tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval .. 's'), short_description = def.description, inventory_image = def.inventory_image, groups = def.groups }) ---recipes if def.custom.recipe then minetest.register_craft({ output = def.custom.name ..' ' .. (def.custom.craft_count or 4), recipe = def.custom.recipe }) end ---fuel recipe if def.custom.fuel_burntime then minetest.register_craft({ type = 'fuel', recipe = def.custom.name, burntime = def.custom.fuel_burntime, }) end end ---Register quivers ---@param self XBows ---@param name string ---@param def ItemDef | QuiverItemDefCustom ---@return boolean|nil function XBows.register_quiver(self, name, def) if name == nil or name == '' then return false end def.custom.name = 'x_bows:' .. name def.custom.name_open = 'x_bows:' .. name .. '_open' def.description = def.description or name def.short_description = def.short_description or name def.groups = mergeTables({quiver = 1, flammable = 1}, def.groups or {}) def.custom.groups_charged = mergeTables({quiver = 1, quiver_open = 1, flammable = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1}, def.groups or {}) if def.custom.faster_arrows then def.description = def.description .. '\n' .. minetest.colorize('#00FF00', 'Faster Arrows: ' .. (1 / def.custom.faster_arrows) * 100 .. '%') def.short_description = def.short_description .. '\n' .. minetest.colorize('#00FF00', 'Faster Arrows: ' .. (1 / def.custom.faster_arrows) * 100 .. '%') end if def.custom.add_damage then def.description = def.description .. '\n' .. minetest.colorize('#FF8080', 'Arrow Damage: +' .. def.custom.add_damage) def.short_description = def.short_description .. '\n' .. minetest.colorize('#FF8080', 'Arrow Damage: +' .. def.custom.add_damage) end self.registered_quivers[def.custom.name] = def self.registered_quivers[def.custom.name_open] = def ---closed quiver minetest.register_tool(def.custom.name, { description = def.description, short_description = def.short_description, inventory_image = def.inventory_image or 'x_bows_quiver.png', wield_image = def.wield_image or 'x_bows_quiver.png', groups = def.groups, ---@param itemstack ItemStack ---@param user ObjectRef|nil ---@param pointed_thing PointedThingDef ---@return ItemStack|nil on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) if user then return self:open_quiver(itemstack, user) end end, ---@param itemstack ItemStack ---@param placer ObjectRef ---@param pointed_thing PointedThingDef ---@return ItemStack|nil on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) if pointed_thing.under then local node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under) local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if node_def and node_def.on_rightclick then return node_def.on_rightclick(pointed_thing.under, node, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing) end end return self:open_quiver(itemstack, placer) end }) ---open quiver minetest.register_tool(def.custom.name_open, { description = def.description, short_description = def.short_description, inventory_image = def.custom.inventory_image_open or 'x_bows_quiver_open.png', wield_image = def.custom.wield_image_open or 'x_bows_quiver_open.png', groups = def.custom.groups_charged, ---@param itemstack ItemStack ---@param dropper ObjectRef|nil ---@param pos Vector ---@return ItemStack on_drop = function (itemstack, dropper, pos) local replace_item = XBowsQuiver:get_replacement_item(itemstack, 'x_bows:quiver') return minetest.item_drop(replace_item, dropper, pos) end }) ---recipes if def.custom.recipe then minetest.register_craft({ output = def.custom.name, recipe = def.custom.recipe }) end ---fuel recipe if def.custom.fuel_burntime then minetest.register_craft({ type = 'fuel', recipe = def.custom.name, burntime = def.custom.fuel_burntime, }) end end ---Load bow ---@param self XBows ---@param itemstack ItemStack ---@param user ObjectRef ---@param pointed_thing PointedThingDef ---@return ItemStack function XBows.load(self, itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local player_name = user:get_player_name() local inv = user:get_inventory()--[[@as InvRef]] local inv_list = inv:get_list('main') local bow_name = itemstack:get_name() local bow_def = self.registered_bows[bow_name] ---@alias ItemStackArrows {["stack"]: ItemStack, ["idx"]: number|integer}[] ---@type ItemStackArrows local itemstack_arrows = {} ---trigger right click event if pointed item has one if pointed_thing.under then local node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under) local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if node_def and node_def.on_rightclick then return node_def.on_rightclick(pointed_thing.under, node, user, itemstack, pointed_thing) end end ---find itemstack arrow in quiver local quiver_result = XBowsQuiver:get_itemstack_arrow_from_quiver(user) local itemstack_arrow = quiver_result.found_arrow_stack if itemstack_arrow then local itemstack_arrow_meta = itemstack_arrow:get_meta() itemstack_arrow_meta:set_int('is_arrow_from_quiver', 1) itemstack_arrow_meta:set_int('found_arrow_stack_idx', quiver_result.found_arrow_stack_idx) itemstack_arrow_meta:set_string('quiver_name', quiver_result.quiver_name) itemstack_arrow_meta:set_string('quiver_id', quiver_result.quiver_id) else XBowsQuiver:remove_hud(user) ---find itemstack arrow in players inventory for i, st in ipairs(inv_list) do local st_name = st:get_name() if not st:is_empty() and self.registered_arrows[st_name] then local is_allowed_ammunition = self:is_allowed_ammunition(bow_name, st_name) if self.registered_arrows[st_name] and is_allowed_ammunition then table.insert(itemstack_arrows, {stack = st, idx = i}) end end end -- take 1st found arrow in the list itemstack_arrow = #itemstack_arrows > 0 and itemstack_arrows[1].stack or nil end if itemstack_arrow and bow_def then local _tool_capabilities = self.registered_arrows[itemstack_arrow:get_name()].custom.tool_capabilities ---@param v_user ObjectRef ---@param v_bow_name string ---@param v_itemstack_arrow ItemStack ---@param v_inv InvRef ---@param v_itemstack_arrows ItemStackArrows minetest.after(0, function(v_user, v_bow_name, v_itemstack_arrow, v_inv, v_itemstack_arrows) local wielded_item = v_user:get_wielded_item() if wielded_item:get_name() == v_bow_name then local wielded_item_meta = wielded_item:get_meta() local v_itemstack_arrow_meta = v_itemstack_arrow:get_meta() wielded_item_meta:set_string('arrow_itemstack_string', minetest.serialize(v_itemstack_arrow:to_table())) wielded_item_meta:set_string('time_load', tostring(minetest.get_us_time())) wielded_item:set_name(v_bow_name .. '_charged') v_user:set_wielded_item(wielded_item) if not self:is_creative(v_user:get_player_name()) and v_itemstack_arrow_meta:get_int('is_arrow_from_quiver') ~= 1 then v_itemstack_arrow:take_item() v_inv:set_stack('main', v_itemstack_arrows[1].idx, v_itemstack_arrow) end end end, user, bow_name, itemstack_arrow, inv, itemstack_arrows) ---stop previous charged sound after job if self.charge_sound_after_job[player_name] then for _, v in pairs(self.charge_sound_after_job[player_name]) do v:cancel() end self.charge_sound_after_job[player_name] = {} else self.charge_sound_after_job[player_name] = {} end ---sound plays when charge time reaches full punch interval time table.insert(self.charge_sound_after_job[player_name], minetest.after(_tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval, function(v_user, v_bow_name) local wielded_item = v_user:get_wielded_item() local wielded_item_name = wielded_item:get_name() if wielded_item_name == v_bow_name .. '_charged' then minetest.sound_play('x_bows_bow_loaded', { to_player = v_user:get_player_name(), gain = 0.6 }) end end, user, bow_name)) minetest.sound_play(bow_def.custom.sound_load, { to_player = player_name, gain = 0.6 }) return itemstack end return itemstack end ---Shoot bow ---@param self XBows ---@param itemstack ItemStack ---@param user ObjectRef ---@param pointed_thing? PointedThingDef ---@return ItemStack function XBows.shoot(self, itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local time_shoot = minetest.get_us_time(); local meta = itemstack:get_meta() local time_load = tonumber(meta:get_string('time_load')) local tflp = (time_shoot - time_load) / 1000000 ---@type ItemStack local arrow_itemstack = ItemStack(minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string('arrow_itemstack_string'))) local arrow_itemstack_meta = arrow_itemstack:get_meta() local arrow_name = arrow_itemstack:get_name() local is_arrow_from_quiver = arrow_itemstack_meta:get_int('is_arrow_from_quiver') local quiver_name = arrow_itemstack_meta:get_string('quiver_name') local found_arrow_stack_idx = arrow_itemstack_meta:get_int('found_arrow_stack_idx') local quiver_id = arrow_itemstack_meta:get_string('quiver_id') local detached_inv = XBowsQuiver:get_or_create_detached_inv( quiver_id, user:get_player_name() ) if is_arrow_from_quiver == 1 then XBowsQuiver:udate_or_create_hud(user, detached_inv:get_list('main'), found_arrow_stack_idx) else XBowsQuiver:remove_hud(user) end local x_bows_registered_arrow_def = self.registered_arrows[arrow_name] if not x_bows_registered_arrow_def then return itemstack end local bow_name_charged = itemstack:get_name() ---Bow local x_bows_registered_bow_charged_def = self.registered_bows[bow_name_charged] local bow_name = x_bows_registered_bow_charged_def.custom.name local uses = x_bows_registered_bow_charged_def.custom.uses local crit_chance = x_bows_registered_bow_charged_def.custom.crit_chance local bow_strength = x_bows_registered_bow_charged_def.custom.strength local bow_strength_min = x_bows_registered_bow_charged_def.custom.strength_min local bow_strength_max = x_bows_registered_bow_charged_def.custom.strength_max local acc_x_min = x_bows_registered_bow_charged_def.custom.acc_x_min local acc_y_min = x_bows_registered_bow_charged_def.custom.acc_y_min local acc_z_min = x_bows_registered_bow_charged_def.custom.acc_z_min local acc_x_max = x_bows_registered_bow_charged_def.custom.acc_x_max local acc_y_max = x_bows_registered_bow_charged_def.custom.acc_y_max local acc_z_max = x_bows_registered_bow_charged_def.custom.acc_z_max local gravity = x_bows_registered_bow_charged_def.custom.gravity ---Arrow local projectile_entity = x_bows_registered_arrow_def.custom.projectile_entity ---Quiver local x_bows_registered_quiver_def = self.registered_quivers[quiver_name] local _tool_capabilities = x_bows_registered_arrow_def.custom.tool_capabilities local quiver_xbows_def = x_bows_registered_quiver_def local staticdata = { _arrow_name = arrow_name, _bow_name = bow_name, user_name = user:get_player_name(), is_critical_hit = false, _tool_capabilities = _tool_capabilities, _tflp = tflp, _add_damage = 0 } ---crits, only on full punch interval if crit_chance and crit_chance > 1 and tflp >= _tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval then if math.random(1, crit_chance) == 1 then staticdata.is_critical_hit = true end end ---speed multiply if quiver_xbows_def and quiver_xbows_def.custom.faster_arrows and quiver_xbows_def.custom.faster_arrows > 1 then staticdata.faster_arrows_multiplier = quiver_xbows_def.custom.faster_arrows end ---add quiver damage if quiver_xbows_def and quiver_xbows_def.custom.add_damage and quiver_xbows_def.custom.add_damage > 0 then staticdata._add_damage = staticdata._add_damage + quiver_xbows_def.custom.add_damage end ---sound local sound_name = x_bows_registered_bow_charged_def.custom.sound_shoot if staticdata.is_critical_hit then sound_name = x_bows_registered_bow_charged_def.custom.sound_shoot_crit end meta:set_string('arrow_itemstack_string', '') itemstack:set_name(bow_name) local pos = user:get_pos() local dir = user:get_look_dir() local obj = minetest.add_entity( { x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1.5, z = pos.z }, projectile_entity, minetest.serialize(staticdata) ) if not obj then return itemstack end local strength_multiplier = tflp if strength_multiplier > _tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval then strength_multiplier = 1 ---faster arrow, only on full punch interval if staticdata.faster_arrows_multiplier then strength_multiplier = strength_multiplier + (strength_multiplier / staticdata.faster_arrows_multiplier) end end if bow_strength_max and bow_strength_min then bow_strength = math.random(bow_strength_min, bow_strength_max) end ---acceleration local acc_x = dir.x local acc_y = gravity local acc_z = dir.z if acc_x_min and acc_x_max then acc_x = math.random(acc_x_min, acc_x_max) end if acc_y_min and acc_y_max then acc_y = math.random(acc_y_min, acc_y_max) end if acc_z_min and acc_z_max then acc_z = math.random(acc_z_min, acc_z_max) end local strength = bow_strength * strength_multiplier obj:set_velocity(vector.multiply(dir, strength)) obj:set_acceleration({x = acc_x, y = acc_y, z = acc_z}) obj:set_yaw(minetest.dir_to_yaw(dir)) if not self:is_creative(user:get_player_name()) then itemstack:add_wear(65535 / uses) end minetest.sound_play(sound_name, { gain = 0.3, pos = user:get_pos(), max_hear_distance = 10 }) return itemstack end ---Add new particle to XBow registration ---@param self XBows ---@param name string ---@param def ParticlespawnerDef|ParticlespawnerDefCustom ---@return nil function XBows.register_particle_effect(self, name, def) if self.registered_particle_spawners[name] then minetest.log('warning', 'Particle effect "' .. name .. '" already exists and will not be overwritten.') return end self.registered_particle_spawners[name] = def end ---Get particle effect from registered spawners table ---@param self XBows ---@param name string ---@param pos Vector ---@return number|boolean function XBows.get_particle_effect_for_arrow(self, name, pos) local def = self.registered_particle_spawners[name] if not def then minetest.log('warning', 'Particle effect "' .. name .. '" is not registered.') return false end def.custom = def.custom or {} def.minpos = def.custom.minpos and vector.add(pos, def.custom.minpos) or pos def.maxpos = def.custom.maxpos and vector.add(pos, def.custom.maxpos) or pos return minetest.add_particlespawner(def--[[@as ParticlespawnerDef]]) end ---Check if ammunition is allowed to charge this weapon ---@param self XBows ---@param weapon_name string ---@param ammo_name string ---@return boolean function XBows.is_allowed_ammunition(self, weapon_name, ammo_name) local x_bows_weapon_def = self.registered_bows[weapon_name] if not x_bows_weapon_def then return false end if not x_bows_weapon_def.custom.allowed_ammunition then return true end if #x_bows_weapon_def.custom.allowed_ammunition == 0 then return false end return table_contains(x_bows_weapon_def.custom.allowed_ammunition, ammo_name) end ---- --- ENTITY API ---- ---Gets total armor level from 3d armor ---@param player ObjectRef ---@return integer local function get_3d_armor_armor(player) local armor_total = 0 if not player:is_player() or not minetest.get_modpath('3d_armor') or not armor.def[player:get_player_name()] then return armor_total end armor_total = armor.def[player:get_player_name()].level return armor_total end ---Limits number `x` between `min` and `max` values ---@param x integer ---@param min integer ---@param max integer ---@return integer local function limit(x, min, max) return math.min(math.max(x, min), max) end ---Gets collision box ---@param obj ObjectRef ---@return number[] local function get_obj_box(obj) local box if obj:is_player() then box = obj:get_properties().collisionbox or {-0.5, 0.0, -0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5} else box = obj:get_luaentity().collisionbox or {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5} end return box end ---Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called when the object is instantiated. ---@param self EntityDef|EntityDefCustom|XBows ---@param selfObj table ---@param staticdata string ---@param dtime_s? integer|number ---@return nil function XBowsEntityDef.on_activate(self, selfObj, staticdata, dtime_s) if not selfObj or not staticdata or staticdata == '' then selfObj.object:remove() return end local _staticdata = minetest.deserialize(staticdata) -- set/reset - do not inherit from previous entity table selfObj._velocity = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0} selfObj._old_pos = nil selfObj._attached = false selfObj._attached_to = { type = '', pos = nil } selfObj._has_particles = false selfObj._lifetimer = 60 selfObj._nodechecktimer = 0.5 selfObj._is_drowning = false selfObj._in_liquid = false selfObj._shot_from_pos = selfObj.object:get_pos() selfObj._arrow_name = _staticdata._arrow_name selfObj._bow_name = _staticdata._bow_name selfObj._user_name = _staticdata.user_name selfObj.user = minetest.get_player_by_name(_staticdata.user_name) selfObj._tflp = _staticdata._tflp selfObj._tool_capabilities = _staticdata._tool_capabilities selfObj._is_critical_hit = _staticdata.is_critical_hit selfObj._faster_arrows_multiplier = _staticdata.faster_arrows_multiplier selfObj._add_damage = _staticdata._add_damage local x_bows_registered_arrow_def = self.registered_arrows[selfObj._arrow_name] local x_bows_registered_bow_def = self.registered_bows[selfObj._bow_name] selfObj._arrow_particle_effect = x_bows_registered_arrow_def.custom.particle_effect selfObj._arrow_particle_effect_crit = x_bows_registered_arrow_def.custom.particle_effect_crit selfObj._arrow_particle_effect_fast = x_bows_registered_arrow_def.custom.particle_effect_fast selfObj._projectile_textures = x_bows_registered_arrow_def.custom.projectile_textures selfObj._projectile_visual_size = x_bows_registered_arrow_def.custom.projectile_visual_size selfObj._sound_hit = x_bows_registered_bow_def.custom.sound_hit selfObj._caused_damage = 0 selfObj._caused_knockback = 0 selfObj.object:set_properties({ textures = selfObj._projectile_textures, infotext = selfObj._arrow_name, visual_size = selfObj._projectile_visual_size }) local on_after_activate_callback = x_bows_registered_arrow_def.custom.on_after_activate if on_after_activate_callback then on_after_activate_callback(selfObj) end end ---Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called when the object dies. ---@param self XBows ---@param selfObj table ---@param killer ObjectRef|nil ---@return nil function XBowsEntityDef.on_death(self, selfObj, killer) if not selfObj._old_pos then selfObj.object:remove() return end minetest.item_drop(ItemStack(selfObj._arrow_name), nil, vector.round(selfObj._old_pos)) end --- Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called on every server tick, after movement and collision processing. `dtime`: elapsed time since last call. `moveresult`: table with collision info (only available if physical=true). ---@param self XBows ---@param selfObj table ---@param dtime number ---@return nil function XBowsEntityDef.on_step(self, selfObj, dtime) local pos = selfObj.object:get_pos() selfObj._old_pos = selfObj._old_pos or pos local ray = minetest.raycast(selfObj._old_pos, pos, true, true) local pointed_thing = ray:next() selfObj._lifetimer = selfObj._lifetimer - dtime selfObj._nodechecktimer = selfObj._nodechecktimer - dtime -- adjust pitch when flying if not selfObj._attached then local velocity = selfObj.object:get_velocity() local v_rotation = selfObj.object:get_rotation() local pitch = math.atan2(velocity.y, math.sqrt(velocity.x^2 + velocity.z^2)) selfObj.object:set_rotation({ x = pitch, y = v_rotation.y, z = v_rotation.z }) end -- remove attached arrows after lifetime if selfObj._lifetimer <= 0 then selfObj.object:remove() return end -- add particles only when not attached if not selfObj._attached and not selfObj._in_liquid then selfObj._has_particles = true if selfObj._tflp >= selfObj._tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval then if selfObj._is_critical_hit then self:get_particle_effect_for_arrow(selfObj._arrow_particle_effect_crit, selfObj._old_pos) elseif selfObj._faster_arrows_multiplier then self:get_particle_effect_for_arrow(selfObj._arrow_particle_effect_fast, selfObj._old_pos) else self:get_particle_effect_for_arrow(selfObj._arrow_particle_effect, selfObj._old_pos) end end end -- remove attached arrows after object dies if not selfObj.object:get_attach() and selfObj._attached_to.type == 'object' then selfObj.object:remove() return end -- arrow falls down when not attached to node any more if selfObj._attached_to.type == 'node' and selfObj._attached and selfObj._nodechecktimer <= 0 then local node = minetest.get_node(selfObj._attached_to.pos) selfObj._nodechecktimer = 0.5 if not node then return end if node.name == 'air' then selfObj.object:set_velocity({x = 0, y = -3, z = 0}) selfObj.object:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = -3, z = 0}) -- reset values selfObj._attached = false selfObj._attached_to.type = '' selfObj._attached_to.pos = nil selfObj.object:set_properties({collisionbox = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}) return end end while pointed_thing do local ip_pos = pointed_thing.intersection_point local in_pos = pointed_thing.intersection_normal selfObj.pointed_thing = pointed_thing if pointed_thing.type == 'object' and pointed_thing.ref ~= selfObj.object and pointed_thing.ref:get_hp() > 0 and ( (pointed_thing.ref:is_player() and pointed_thing.ref:get_player_name() ~= selfObj.user:get_player_name()) or ( pointed_thing.ref:get_luaentity() and pointed_thing.ref:get_luaentity().physical and pointed_thing.ref:get_luaentity().name ~= '__builtin:item' ) ) and selfObj.object:get_attach() == nil and not selfObj._attached then if pointed_thing.ref:is_player() then minetest.sound_play('x_bows_arrow_successful_hit', { to_player = selfObj.user:get_player_name(), gain = 0.3 }) else minetest.sound_play(selfObj._sound_hit, { to_player = selfObj.user:get_player_name(), gain = 0.6 }) end -- store these here before punching in case pointed_thing.ref dies local collisionbox = get_obj_box(pointed_thing.ref) local xmin = collisionbox[1] * 100 local ymin = collisionbox[2] * 100 local zmin = collisionbox[3] * 100 local xmax = collisionbox[4] * 100 local ymax = collisionbox[5] * 100 local zmax = collisionbox[6] * 100 selfObj.object:set_velocity({x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}) selfObj.object:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}) -- calculate damage local target_armor_groups = pointed_thing.ref:get_armor_groups() local _damage = 0 if selfObj._add_damage then _damage = _damage + selfObj._add_damage end for group, base_damage in pairs(selfObj._tool_capabilities.damage_groups) do _damage = _damage + base_damage * limit(selfObj._tflp / selfObj._tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval, 0.0, 1.0) * ((target_armor_groups[group] or 0) + get_3d_armor_armor(pointed_thing.ref)) / 100.0 end -- crits if selfObj._is_critical_hit then _damage = _damage * 2 end -- knockback local dir = vector.normalize(vector.subtract(selfObj._shot_from_pos, ip_pos)) local distance = vector.distance(selfObj._shot_from_pos, ip_pos) local knockback = minetest.calculate_knockback( pointed_thing.ref, selfObj.object, selfObj._tflp, { full_punch_interval = selfObj._tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval, damage_groups = {fleshy = _damage}, }, dir, distance, _damage ) pointed_thing.ref:add_velocity({ x = dir.x * knockback * -1, y = 7, z = dir.z * knockback * -1 }) pointed_thing.ref:punch( selfObj.object, selfObj._tflp, { full_punch_interval = selfObj._tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval, damage_groups = {fleshy = _damage, knockback = knockback} }, { x = dir.x * -1, y = 7, z = dir.z * -1 } ) selfObj._caused_damage = _damage selfObj._caused_knockback = knockback -- already dead (entity) if not pointed_thing.ref:get_luaentity() and not pointed_thing.ref:is_player() then selfObj.object:remove() return end -- already dead (player) if pointed_thing.ref:get_hp() <= 0 then selfObj.object:remove() return end -- attach arrow prepare local rotation = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0} local position = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0} if in_pos.x == 1 then -- x = 0 -- y = -90 -- z = 0 rotation.x = math.random(-10, 10) rotation.y = math.random(-100, -80) rotation.z = math.random(-10, 10) position.x = xmax / 10 position.y = math.random(ymin, ymax) / 10 position.z = math.random(zmin, zmax) / 10 elseif in_pos.x == -1 then -- x = 0 -- y = 90 -- z = 0 rotation.x = math.random(-10, 10) rotation.y = math.random(80, 100) rotation.z = math.random(-10, 10) position.x = xmin / 10 position.y = math.random(ymin, ymax) / 10 position.z = math.random(zmin, zmax) / 10 elseif in_pos.y == 1 then -- x = -90 -- y = 0 -- z = -180 rotation.x = math.random(-100, -80) rotation.y = math.random(-10, 10) rotation.z = math.random(-190, -170) position.x = math.random(xmin, xmax) / 10 position.y = ymax / 10 position.z = math.random(zmin, zmax) / 10 elseif in_pos.y == -1 then -- x = 90 -- y = 0 -- z = 180 rotation.x = math.random(80, 100) rotation.y = math.random(-10, 10) rotation.z = math.random(170, 190) position.x = math.random(xmin, xmax) / 10 position.y = ymin / 10 position.z = math.random(zmin, zmax) / 10 elseif in_pos.z == 1 then -- x = 180 -- y = 0 -- z = 180 rotation.x = math.random(170, 190) rotation.y = math.random(-10, 10) rotation.z = math.random(170, 190) position.x = math.random(xmin, xmax) / 10 position.y = math.random(ymin, ymax) / 10 position.z = zmax / 10 elseif in_pos.z == -1 then -- x = -180 -- y = 180 -- z = -180 rotation.x = math.random(-190, -170) rotation.y = math.random(170, 190) rotation.z = math.random(-190, -170) position.x = math.random(xmin, xmax) / 10 position.y = math.random(ymin, ymax) / 10 position.z = zmin / 10 end if not XBows.settings.x_bows_attach_arrows_to_entities and not pointed_thing.ref:is_player() then selfObj.object:remove() return end -- attach arrow selfObj.object:set_attach( pointed_thing.ref, '', position, rotation, true ) selfObj._attached = true selfObj._attached_to.type = pointed_thing.type selfObj._attached_to.pos = position -- remove last arrow when too many already attached local children = {} local projectile_entity = self.registered_arrows[selfObj._arrow_name].custom.projectile_entity for _, object in ipairs(pointed_thing.ref:get_children()) do if object:get_luaentity() and object:get_luaentity().name == projectile_entity then table.insert(children, object) end end if #children >= 5 then children[1]:remove() end if pointed_thing.ref:is_player() then local on_hit_player_callback = self.registered_arrows[selfObj._arrow_name].custom.on_hit_player if on_hit_player_callback then on_hit_player_callback(selfObj, pointed_thing) end else local on_hit_entity_callback = self.registered_arrows[selfObj._arrow_name].custom.on_hit_entity if on_hit_entity_callback then on_hit_entity_callback(selfObj, pointed_thing) end end return elseif pointed_thing.type == 'node' and not selfObj._attached then local node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under) local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if not node_def then return end selfObj._velocity = selfObj.object:get_velocity() if node_def.drawtype == 'liquid' and not selfObj._is_drowning then selfObj._is_drowning = true selfObj._in_liquid = true local drag = 1 / (node_def.liquid_viscosity * 6) selfObj.object:set_velocity(vector.multiply(selfObj._velocity, drag)) selfObj.object:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = -1.0, z = 0}) XBows:get_particle_effect_for_arrow('bubble', selfObj._old_pos) elseif selfObj._is_drowning then selfObj._is_drowning = false if selfObj._velocity then selfObj.object:set_velocity(selfObj._velocity) end selfObj.object:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = -9.81, z = 0}) end if XBows.mesecons and node.name == 'x_bows:target' then local distance = vector.distance(pointed_thing.under, ip_pos) distance = math.floor(distance * 100) / 100 -- only close to the center of the target will trigger signal if distance < 0.54 then mesecon.receptor_on(pointed_thing.under) minetest.get_node_timer(pointed_thing.under):start(2) end end if node_def.walkable then selfObj.object:set_velocity({x=0, y=0, z=0}) selfObj.object:set_acceleration({x=0, y=0, z=0}) selfObj.object:set_pos(ip_pos) selfObj.object:set_rotation(selfObj.object:get_rotation()) selfObj._attached = true selfObj._attached_to.type = pointed_thing.type selfObj._attached_to.pos = pointed_thing.under selfObj.object:set_properties({collisionbox = {-0.2, -0.2, -0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2}}) -- remove last arrow when too many already attached local children = {} local projectile_entity = self.registered_arrows[selfObj._arrow_name].custom.projectile_entity for _, object in ipairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pointed_thing.under, 1)) do if not object:is_player() and object:get_luaentity() and object:get_luaentity().name == projectile_entity then table.insert(children, object) end end if #children >= 5 then children[#children]:remove() end local on_hit_node_callback = self.registered_arrows[selfObj._arrow_name].custom.on_hit_node if on_hit_node_callback then on_hit_node_callback(selfObj, pointed_thing) end minetest.sound_play(selfObj._sound_hit, { pos = pointed_thing.under, gain = 0.6, max_hear_distance = 16 }) return end end pointed_thing = ray:next() end selfObj._old_pos = pos end ---Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called when somebody punches the object. Note that you probably want to handle most punches using the automatic armor group system. Can return `true` to prevent the default damage mechanism. ---@param self XBows ---@param selfObj table ---@param puncher ObjectRef|nil ---@param time_from_last_punch number|integer|nil ---@param tool_capabilities ToolCapabilitiesDef ---@param dir Vector ---@param damage number|integer ---@return boolean function XBowsEntityDef.on_punch(self, selfObj, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir, damage) local wood_sound_def = default.node_sound_wood_defaults() minetest.sound_play(wood_sound_def.dig.name, { pos = selfObj.object:get_pos(), gain = wood_sound_def.dig.gain }) return false end ---Register new projectile entity ---@param self XBows ---@param name string ---@param def XBowsEntityDef function XBows.register_entity(self, name, def) if not def._custom then def._custom = {} end local mod_name = def._custom.mod_name or 'x_bows' def._custom.name = mod_name .. ':' .. name def.initial_properties = { visual = 'wielditem', collisionbox = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, selectionbox = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, physical = false, textures = {'air'}, hp_max = 1 } def.on_death = function(selfObj, killer) return XBowsEntityDef:on_death(selfObj, killer) end if def._custom.on_death then def.on_death = def._custom.on_death end def.on_activate = function(selfObj, killer) return XBowsEntityDef:on_activate(selfObj, killer) end def.on_step = function(selfObj, dtime) return XBowsEntityDef:on_step(selfObj, dtime) end def.on_punch = function(selfObj, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir, damage) return XBowsEntityDef:on_punch(selfObj, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir, damage) end if def._custom.on_punch then def.on_punch = def._custom.on_punch end minetest.register_entity(def._custom.name, { initial_properties = def.initial_properties, on_death = def.on_death, on_activate = def.on_activate, on_step = def.on_step, on_punch = def.on_punch }) end ---- --- QUIVER API ---- ---Close one or all open quivers in players inventory ---@param self XBowsQuiver ---@param player ObjectRef ---@param quiver_id? string If `nil` then all open quivers will be closed ---@return nil function XBowsQuiver.close_quiver(self, player, quiver_id) local player_inv = player:get_inventory() ---find matching quiver item in players inventory with the open formspec name if player_inv and player_inv:contains_item('main', 'x_bows:quiver_open') then local inv_list = player_inv:get_list('main') for i, st in ipairs(inv_list) do local st_meta = st:get_meta() if not st:is_empty() and st:get_name() == 'x_bows:quiver_open' then if quiver_id and st_meta:get_string('quiver_id') == quiver_id then local replace_item = self:get_replacement_item(st, 'x_bows:quiver') player_inv:set_stack('main', i, replace_item) break else local replace_item = self:get_replacement_item(st, 'x_bows:quiver') player_inv:set_stack('main', i, replace_item) end end end end end ---Swap item in player inventory indicating open quiver. Preserve all ItemStack definition and meta. ---@param self XBowsQuiver ---@param from_stack ItemStack transfer data from this item ---@param to_item_name string transfer data to this item ---@return ItemStack ItemStack replacement item function XBowsQuiver.get_replacement_item(self, from_stack, to_item_name) ---@type ItemStack local replace_item = ItemStack({ name = to_item_name, count = from_stack:get_count(), wear = from_stack:get_wear() }) local replace_item_meta = replace_item:get_meta() local from_stack_meta = from_stack:get_meta() replace_item_meta:set_string('quiver_items', from_stack_meta:get_string('quiver_items')) replace_item_meta:set_string('quiver_id', from_stack_meta:get_string('quiver_id')) replace_item_meta:set_string('description', from_stack_meta:get_string('description')) return replace_item end ---Gets arrow from quiver ---@param self XBowsQuiver ---@param player ObjectRef ---@return {["found_arrow_stack"]: ItemStack|nil, ["quiver_id"]: string|nil, ["quiver_name"]: string|nil, ["found_arrow_stack_idx"]: number} function XBowsQuiver.get_itemstack_arrow_from_quiver(self, player) local player_inv = player:get_inventory() local wielded_stack = player:get_wielded_item() ---@type ItemStack|nil local found_arrow_stack local found_arrow_stack_idx = 1 local prev_detached_inv_list = {} local quiver_id local quiver_name ---find matching quiver item in players inventory with the open formspec name if player_inv and player_inv:contains_item('main', 'x_bows:quiver') then local inv_list = player_inv:get_list('main') for i, st in ipairs(inv_list) do if not st:is_empty() and st:get_name() == 'x_bows:quiver' then local st_meta = st:get_meta() local player_name = player:get_player_name() quiver_id = st_meta:get_string('quiver_id') local detached_inv = self:get_or_create_detached_inv( quiver_id, player_name, st_meta:get_string('quiver_items') ) if not detached_inv:is_empty('main') then local detached_inv_list = detached_inv:get_list('main') ---find arrows inside quiver inventory for j, qst in ipairs(detached_inv_list) do ---save copy of inv list before we take the item table.insert(prev_detached_inv_list, detached_inv:get_stack('main', j)) if not qst:is_empty() and not found_arrow_stack then local is_allowed_ammunition = self:is_allowed_ammunition(wielded_stack:get_name(), qst:get_name()) if is_allowed_ammunition then quiver_name = st:get_name() found_arrow_stack = qst:take_item() found_arrow_stack_idx = j if not self:is_creative(player_name) then detached_inv:set_list('main', detached_inv_list) self:save(detached_inv, player, true) end end end end end end if found_arrow_stack then ---show HUD - quiver inventory self:udate_or_create_hud(player, prev_detached_inv_list, found_arrow_stack_idx) break end end end return { found_arrow_stack = found_arrow_stack, quiver_id = quiver_id, quiver_name = quiver_name, found_arrow_stack_idx = found_arrow_stack_idx } end ---Remove all added HUDs ---@param self XBowsQuiver ---@param player ObjectRef ---@return nil function XBowsQuiver.remove_hud(self, player) local player_name = player:get_player_name() if self.hud_item_ids[player_name] then for _, v in pairs(self.hud_item_ids[player_name]) do if type(v) == 'table' then for _, v2 in pairs(v) do player:hud_remove(v2) end else player:hud_remove(v) end end self.hud_item_ids[player_name] = { arrow_inv_img = {}, stack_count = {} } else self.hud_item_ids[player_name] = { arrow_inv_img = {}, stack_count = {} } end end ---@todo implement hud_change? ---Update or create quiver HUD ---@param self XBowsQuiver ---@param player ObjectRef ---@param inv_list ItemStack[] ---@param idx? number ---@return nil function XBowsQuiver.udate_or_create_hud(self, player, inv_list, idx) local _idx = idx or 1 local player_name = player:get_player_name() local selected_bg_added = false if self.after_job[player_name] then for _, v in pairs(self.after_job[player_name]) do v:cancel() end self.after_job[player_name] = {} else self.after_job[player_name] = {} end self:remove_hud(player) ---title image self.hud_item_ids[player_name].title_image = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = 'image', position = {x = 1, y = 0.5}, offset = {x = -120, y = -140}, text = 'x_bows_quiver.png', scale = {x = 4, y = 4}, alignment = 0, }) ---title copy local quiver_def = minetest.registered_items['x_bows:quiver'] self.hud_item_ids[player_name].title_copy = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = 'text', position = {x = 1, y = 0.5}, offset = {x = -120, y = -75}, text = quiver_def.short_description, alignment = 0, scale = {x = 100, y = 30}, number = 0xFFFFFF, }) ---hotbar bg self.hud_item_ids[player_name].hotbar_bg = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = 'image', position = {x = 1, y = 0.5}, offset = {x = -238, y = 0}, text = 'x_bows_quiver_hotbar.png', scale = {x = 1, y = 1}, alignment = {x = 1, y = 0 }, }) for j, qst in ipairs(inv_list) do if not qst:is_empty() then local found_arrow_stack_def = minetest.registered_items[qst:get_name()] if not selected_bg_added and j == _idx then selected_bg_added = true ---ui selected bg self.hud_item_ids[player_name].hotbar_selected = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = 'image', position = {x = 1, y = 0.5}, offset = {x = -308 + (j * 74), y = 2}, text = 'x_bows_quiver_hotbar_selected.png', scale = {x = 1, y = 1}, alignment = {x = 1, y = 0 }, }) end if found_arrow_stack_def then ---arrow inventory image table.insert(self.hud_item_ids[player_name].arrow_inv_img, player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = 'image', position = {x = 1, y = 0.5}, offset = {x = -300 + (j * 74), y = 0}, text = found_arrow_stack_def.inventory_image, scale = {x = 4, y = 4}, alignment = {x = 1, y = 0 }, })) ---stack count table.insert(self.hud_item_ids[player_name].stack_count, player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = 'text', position = {x = 1, y = 0.5}, offset = {x = -244 + (j * 74), y = 23}, text = qst:get_count(), alignment = -1, scale = {x = 50, y = 10}, number = 0xFFFFFF, })) end end end ---@param v_player ObjectRef table.insert(self.after_job[player_name], minetest.after(10, function(v_player) self:remove_hud(v_player) end, player)) end ---Get existing detached inventory or create new one ---@param self XBowsQuiver ---@param quiver_id string ---@param player_name string ---@param quiver_items? string ---@return InvRef|unknown function XBowsQuiver.get_or_create_detached_inv(self, quiver_id, player_name, quiver_items) local detached_inv if quiver_id ~= '' then detached_inv = minetest.get_inventory({type='detached', name=quiver_id}) end if not detached_inv then detached_inv = minetest.create_detached_inventory(quiver_id, { ---@param inv InvRef detached inventory ---@param from_list string ---@param from_index number ---@param to_list string ---@param to_index number ---@param count number ---@param player ObjectRef allow_move = function(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) if self:quiver_can_allow(inv, player) then return count else return 0 end end, ---@param inv InvRef detached inventory ---@param listname string listname of the inventory, e.g. `'main'` ---@param index number ---@param stack ItemStack ---@param player ObjectRef allow_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) if minetest.get_item_group(stack:get_name(), 'arrow') ~= 0 and self:quiver_can_allow(inv, player) then return stack:get_count() else return 0 end end, ---@param inv InvRef detached inventory ---@param listname string listname of the inventory, e.g. `'main'` ---@param index number ---@param stack ItemStack ---@param player ObjectRef allow_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) if minetest.get_item_group(stack:get_name(), 'arrow') ~= 0 and self:quiver_can_allow(inv, player) then return stack:get_count() else return 0 end end, ---@param inv InvRef detached inventory ---@param from_list string ---@param from_index number ---@param to_list string ---@param to_index number ---@param count number ---@param player ObjectRef on_move = function(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) self:save(inv, player) end, ---@param inv InvRef detached inventory ---@param listname string listname of the inventory, e.g. `'main'` ---@param index number index where was item put ---@param stack ItemStack stack of item what was put ---@param player ObjectRef on_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) self:save(inv, player) end, ---@param inv InvRef detached inventory ---@param listname string listname of the inventory, e.g. `'main'` ---@param index number ---@param stack ItemStack ---@param player ObjectRef on_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) self:save(inv, player) end, }, player_name) detached_inv:set_size('main', 3 * 1) end ---populate items in inventory if quiver_items and quiver_items ~= '' then self:set_string_to_inv(detached_inv, quiver_items) end return detached_inv end ---Create formspec ---@param self XBowsQuiver ---@param name string name of the form ---@return string function XBowsQuiver.get_formspec(self, name) local width = 3 local height = 1 local list_w = 8 local list_pos_x = (list_w - width) / 2 local formspec = 'size['..list_w..',6]' .. 'list[detached:'..name..';main;'..list_pos_x..',0.3;'..width..',1;]'.. 'list[current_player;main;0,'..(height + 0.85)..';'..list_w..',1;]'.. 'list[current_player;main;0,'..(height + 2.08)..';'..list_w..',3;8]'.. 'listring[detached:'..name..';main]'.. 'listring[current_player;main]'.. default.get_hotbar_bg(0, height + 0.85) --update formspec local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type='detached', name=name}) local invlist = inv:get_list(name) ---inventory slots overlay local px, py = list_pos_x, 0.3 for i = 1, 3 do if not invlist or invlist[i]:is_empty() then formspec = formspec .. 'image[' .. px .. ',' .. py .. ';1,1;x_bows_arrow_slot.png]' end px = px + 1 end return formspec end ---Convert inventory of itemstacks to serialized string ---@param self XBowsQuiver ---@param inv InvRef ---@return {['inv_string']: string, ['content_description']: string} function XBowsQuiver.get_string_from_inv(self, inv) local inv_list = inv:get_list('main') local t = {} local content_description = '' for i, st in ipairs(inv_list) do if not st:is_empty() then table.insert(t, st:to_table()) content_description = content_description .. '\n' ..st:get_short_description()..' '..st:get_count() else table.insert(t, {is_empty = true}) end end return { inv_string = minetest.serialize(t), content_description = content_description == '' and '\nEmpty' or content_description } end ---Set items from serialized string to inventory ---@param self XBowsQuiver ---@param inv InvRef inventory to add items to ---@param str string previously stringified inventory of itemstacks ---@return nil function XBowsQuiver.set_string_to_inv(self, inv, str) local t = minetest.deserialize(str) for i, item in ipairs(t) do if not item.is_empty then inv:set_stack('main', i, ItemStack(item)) end end end ---Save quiver inventory to itemstack meta ---@param self XBowsQuiver ---@param inv InvRef ---@param player ObjectRef ---@param quiver_is_closed? boolean ---@return nil function XBowsQuiver.save(self, inv, player, quiver_is_closed) local player_inv = player:get_inventory() local inv_loc = inv:get_location() local quiver_item_name = quiver_is_closed and 'x_bows:quiver' or 'x_bows:quiver_open' ---find matching quiver item in players inventory with the open formspec name if player_inv and player_inv:contains_item('main', quiver_item_name) then local inv_list = player_inv:get_list('main') for i, st in ipairs(inv_list) do local st_meta = st:get_meta() if not st:is_empty() and st:get_name() == quiver_item_name and st_meta:get_string('quiver_id') == inv_loc.name then ---save inventory items in quiver item meta local string_from_inventory_result = self:get_string_from_inv(inv) st_meta:set_string('quiver_items', string_from_inventory_result.inv_string) ---update description local new_description = st:get_short_description()..'\n'..string_from_inventory_result.content_description..'\n' st_meta:set_string('description', new_description) player_inv:set_stack('main', i, st) break end end end end ---Check if we are allowing actions in the correct quiver inventory ---@param self XBowsQuiver ---@param inv InvRef ---@param player ObjectRef ---@return boolean function XBowsQuiver.quiver_can_allow(self, inv, player) local player_inv = player:get_inventory() local inv_loc = inv:get_location() ---find matching quiver item in players inventory with the open formspec name if player_inv and player_inv:contains_item('main', 'x_bows:quiver_open') then local inv_list = player_inv:get_list('main') for i, st in ipairs(inv_list) do local st_meta = st:get_meta() if not st:is_empty() and st:get_name() == 'x_bows:quiver_open' and st_meta:get_string('quiver_id') == inv_loc.name then return true end end end return false end ---Open quiver ---@param self XBowsQuiver ---@param itemstack ItemStack ---@param user ObjectRef ---@return ItemStack function XBows.open_quiver(self, itemstack, user) local itemstack_meta = itemstack:get_meta() local pname = user:get_player_name() local quiver_id = itemstack_meta:get_string('quiver_id') ---create inventory id and save it if quiver_id == '' then quiver_id = itemstack:get_name()..'_'..uuid() itemstack_meta:set_string('quiver_id', quiver_id) end local quiver_items = itemstack_meta:get_string('quiver_items') XBowsQuiver:get_or_create_detached_inv(quiver_id, pname, quiver_items) ---show open variation of quiver local replace_item = XBowsQuiver:get_replacement_item(itemstack, 'x_bows:quiver_open') itemstack:replace(replace_item) minetest.sound_play('x_bows_quiver', { to_player = user:get_player_name(), gain = 0.1 }) minetest.show_formspec(pname, quiver_id, XBowsQuiver:get_formspec(quiver_id)) return itemstack end