---@meta -- --The representation of a single system being updated by the player loop in Unity. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoopSystem: System.ValueType -- --This property is used to identify which native system this belongs to, or to get the name of the managed system to show in the profiler. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@field type System.Type -- --A list of sub systems which run as part of this item in the player loop. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@field subSystemList UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoopSystem[] -- --A managed delegate. You can set this to create a new C# entrypoint in the player loop. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@field updateDelegate UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoopSystem.UpdateFunction -- --A native engine system. To get a valid value for this, you must copy it from one of the PlayerLoopSystems returned by PlayerLoop.GetDefaultPlayerLoop. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@field updateFunction System.IntPtr -- --The loop condition for a native engine system. To get a valid value for this, you must copy it from one of the PlayerLoopSystems returned by PlayerLoop.GetDefaultPlayerLoop. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@field loopConditionFunction System.IntPtr ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoopSystem = {} ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@return String function CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoopSystem.ToString() end ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.LowLevel.UpdateFunction: System.MulticastDelegate ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.UpdateFunction = {} ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.UpdateFunction.Invoke() end ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@param callback System.AsyncCallback ---@param object object ---@return IAsyncResult function CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.UpdateFunction.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@param result System.IAsyncResult function CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.UpdateFunction.EndInvoke(result) end -- --The class representing the player loop in Unity. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoop: object ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoop = {} -- --Returns the default update order of all engine systems in Unity. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@return PlayerLoopSystem function CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoop:GetDefaultPlayerLoop() end -- --Returns the current update order of all engine systems in Unity. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@return PlayerLoopSystem function CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoop:GetCurrentPlayerLoop() end -- --Set a new custom update order of all engine systems in Unity. -- ---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll ---@param loop UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoopSystem function CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoop:SetPlayerLoop(loop) end