---@meta -- --A container for video data. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.Video.VideoClip: UnityEngine.Object -- --The video clip path in the project's assets. (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field originalPath string -- --The length of the VideoClip in frames. (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field frameCount ulong -- --The frame rate of the clip in frames/second. (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field frameRate double -- --The length of the video clip in seconds. (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field length double -- --The width of the images in the video clip in pixels. (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field width uint -- --The height of the images in the video clip in pixels. (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field height uint -- --Numerator of the pixel aspect ratio (num:den). (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field pixelAspectRatioNumerator uint -- --Denominator of the pixel aspect ratio (num:den). (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field pixelAspectRatioDenominator uint -- --Whether the imported clip contains sRGB color data (Read Only). -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field sRGB bool -- --Number of audio tracks in the clip. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field audioTrackCount ushort ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoClip = {} -- --The number of channels. -- --```plaintext --Params: audioTrackIdx - Index of the audio queried audio track. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param audioTrackIdx ushort ---@return UInt16 function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoClip.GetAudioChannelCount(audioTrackIdx) end -- --The sampling rate in Hertz. -- --```plaintext --Params: audioTrackIdx - Index of the audio queried audio track. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param audioTrackIdx ushort ---@return UInt32 function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoClip.GetAudioSampleRate(audioTrackIdx) end -- --The abbreviated name of the language. -- --```plaintext --Params: audioTrackIdx - Index of the audio queried audio track. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param audioTrackIdx ushort ---@return String function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoClip.GetAudioLanguage(audioTrackIdx) end -- --Type of destination for the images read by a VideoPlayer. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.Video.VideoRenderMode: System.Enum -- --Draw video content behind a camera's Scene. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field CameraFarPlane UnityEngine.Video.VideoRenderMode -- --Draw video content in front of a camera's Scene. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field CameraNearPlane UnityEngine.Video.VideoRenderMode -- --Draw video content into a RenderTexture. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field RenderTexture UnityEngine.Video.VideoRenderMode -- --Draw the video content into a user-specified property of the current GameObject's material. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field MaterialOverride UnityEngine.Video.VideoRenderMode -- --Don't draw the video content anywhere, but still make it available via the VideoPlayer's texture property in the API. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field APIOnly UnityEngine.Video.VideoRenderMode ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoRenderMode = {} ---@source ---@param value any ---@return UnityEngine.Video.VideoRenderMode function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoRenderMode:__CastFrom(value) end -- --Types of 3D content layout within a video. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.Video.Video3DLayout: System.Enum -- --Video does not have any 3D content. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field No3D UnityEngine.Video.Video3DLayout -- --Video contains 3D content where the left eye occupies the left half and right eye occupies the right half of video frames. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field SideBySide3D UnityEngine.Video.Video3DLayout -- --Video contains 3D content where the left eye occupies the upper half and right eye occupies the lower half of video frames. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field OverUnder3D UnityEngine.Video.Video3DLayout ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.Video.Video3DLayout = {} ---@source ---@param value any ---@return UnityEngine.Video.Video3DLayout function CS.UnityEngine.Video.Video3DLayout:__CastFrom(value) end -- --Methods used to fit a video in the target area. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.Video.VideoAspectRatio: System.Enum -- --Preserve the pixel size without adjusting for target area. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field NoScaling UnityEngine.Video.VideoAspectRatio -- --Resize proportionally so that height fits the target area, cropping or adding black bars on each side if needed. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field FitVertically UnityEngine.Video.VideoAspectRatio -- --Resize proportionally so that width fits the target area, cropping or adding black bars above and below if needed. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field FitHorizontally UnityEngine.Video.VideoAspectRatio -- --Resize proportionally so that content fits the target area, adding black bars if needed. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field FitInside UnityEngine.Video.VideoAspectRatio -- --Resize proportionally so that content fits the target area, cropping if needed. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field FitOutside UnityEngine.Video.VideoAspectRatio -- --Resize non-proportionally to fit the target area. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field Stretch UnityEngine.Video.VideoAspectRatio ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoAspectRatio = {} ---@source ---@param value any ---@return UnityEngine.Video.VideoAspectRatio function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoAspectRatio:__CastFrom(value) end -- --Time source followed by the Video.VideoPlayer when reading content. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.Video.VideoTimeSource: System.Enum -- --The audio hardware clock. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field AudioDSPTimeSource UnityEngine.Video.VideoTimeSource -- --The unscaled game time as defined by Time.realtimeSinceStartup. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field GameTimeSource UnityEngine.Video.VideoTimeSource ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoTimeSource = {} ---@source ---@param value any ---@return UnityEngine.Video.VideoTimeSource function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoTimeSource:__CastFrom(value) end -- --The clock that the Video.VideoPlayer observes to detect and correct drift. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.Video.VideoTimeReference: System.Enum -- --Disables the drift detection. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field Freerun UnityEngine.Video.VideoTimeReference -- --Internal reference clock the Video.VideoPlayer observes to detect and correct drift. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field InternalTime UnityEngine.Video.VideoTimeReference -- --External reference clock the Video.VideoPlayer observes to detect and correct drift. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field ExternalTime UnityEngine.Video.VideoTimeReference ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoTimeReference = {} ---@source ---@param value any ---@return UnityEngine.Video.VideoTimeReference function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoTimeReference:__CastFrom(value) end -- --Source of the video content for a VideoPlayer. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.Video.VideoSource: System.Enum -- --Use the current clip as the video content source. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field VideoClip UnityEngine.Video.VideoSource -- --Use the current URL as the video content source. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field Url UnityEngine.Video.VideoSource ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoSource = {} ---@source ---@param value any ---@return UnityEngine.Video.VideoSource function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoSource:__CastFrom(value) end -- --Places where the audio embedded in a video can be sent. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.Video.VideoAudioOutputMode: System.Enum -- --Disable the embedded audio. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field None UnityEngine.Video.VideoAudioOutputMode -- --Send the embedded audio into a specified AudioSource. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field AudioSource UnityEngine.Video.VideoAudioOutputMode -- --Send the embedded audio direct to the platform's audio hardware. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field Direct UnityEngine.Video.VideoAudioOutputMode -- --Send the embedded audio to the associated AudioSampleProvider. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field APIOnly UnityEngine.Video.VideoAudioOutputMode ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoAudioOutputMode = {} ---@source ---@param value any ---@return UnityEngine.Video.VideoAudioOutputMode function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoAudioOutputMode:__CastFrom(value) end -- --Plays video content onto a target. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer: UnityEngine.Behaviour -- --The source that the VideoPlayer uses for playback. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field source UnityEngine.Video.VideoSource -- --The file or HTTP URL that the VideoPlayer reads content from. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field url string -- --The clip being played by the VideoPlayer. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field clip UnityEngine.Video.VideoClip -- --Where the video content will be drawn. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field renderMode UnityEngine.Video.VideoRenderMode -- --Camera component to draw to when Video.VideoPlayer.renderMode is set to either Video.VideoRenderMode.CameraFarPlane or Video.VideoRenderMode.CameraNearPlane. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field targetCamera UnityEngine.Camera -- --RenderTexture to draw to when Video.VideoPlayer.renderMode is set to Video.VideoTarget.RenderTexture. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field targetTexture UnityEngine.RenderTexture -- --Renderer which is targeted when Video.VideoPlayer.renderMode is set to Video.VideoTarget.MaterialOverride -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field targetMaterialRenderer UnityEngine.Renderer -- --Material texture property which is targeted when Video.VideoPlayer.renderMode is set to Video.VideoTarget.MaterialOverride. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field targetMaterialProperty string -- --Defines how the video content will be stretched to fill the target area. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field aspectRatio UnityEngine.Video.VideoAspectRatio -- --Overall transparency level of the target camera plane video. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field targetCameraAlpha float -- --Type of 3D content contained in the source video media. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field targetCamera3DLayout UnityEngine.Video.Video3DLayout -- --Internal texture in which video content is placed. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field texture UnityEngine.Texture -- --Whether the VideoPlayer has successfully prepared the content to be played. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field isPrepared bool -- --Determines whether the VideoPlayer will wait for the first frame to be loaded into the texture before starting playback when Video.VideoPlayer.playOnAwake is on. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field waitForFirstFrame bool -- --Whether the content will start playing back as soon as the component awakes. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field playOnAwake bool -- --Whether content is being played. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field isPlaying bool -- --Whether playback is paused. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field isPaused bool -- --Whether current time can be changed using the time or timeFrames property. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field canSetTime bool -- --The presentation time of the currently available frame in VideoPlayer.texture. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field time double -- --The frame index of the currently available frame in VideoPlayer.texture. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field frame long -- --The clock time that the VideoPlayer follows to schedule its samples. The clock time is expressed in seconds. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field clockTime double -- --Returns true if the VideoPlayer can step forward through the video content. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field canStep bool -- --Whether the playback speed can be changed. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field canSetPlaybackSpeed bool -- --Factor by which the basic playback rate will be multiplied. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field playbackSpeed float -- --Determines whether the VideoPlayer restarts from the beginning when it reaches the end of the clip. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field isLooping bool -- --Whether the time source followed by the VideoPlayer can be changed. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field canSetTimeSource bool -- --[NOT YET IMPLEMENTED] The source used used by the VideoPlayer to derive its current time. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field timeSource UnityEngine.Video.VideoTimeSource -- --The clock that the Video.VideoPlayer observes to detect and correct drift. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field timeReference UnityEngine.Video.VideoTimeReference -- --Reference time of the external clock the Video.VideoPlayer uses to correct its drift. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field externalReferenceTime double -- --Whether frame-skipping to maintain synchronization can be controlled. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field canSetSkipOnDrop bool -- --Whether the VideoPlayer is allowed to skip frames to catch up with current time. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field skipOnDrop bool -- --Number of frames in the current video content. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field frameCount ulong -- --The frame rate of the clip or URL in frames/second. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field frameRate float -- --The length of the VideoClip, or the URL, in seconds. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field length double -- --The width of the images in the VideoClip, or URL, in pixels. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field width uint -- --The height of the images in the VideoClip, or URL, in pixels. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field height uint -- --Numerator of the pixel aspect ratio (num:den) for the VideoClip or the URL. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field pixelAspectRatioNumerator uint -- --Denominator of the pixel aspect ratio (num:den) for the VideoClip or the URL. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field pixelAspectRatioDenominator uint -- --Number of audio tracks found in the data source currently configured. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field audioTrackCount ushort -- --Maximum number of audio tracks that can be controlled. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field controlledAudioTrackMaxCount ushort -- --Number of audio tracks that this VideoPlayer will take control of. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field controlledAudioTrackCount ushort -- --Destination for the audio embedded in the video. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field audioOutputMode UnityEngine.Video.VideoAudioOutputMode -- --Whether direct-output volume controls are supported for the current platform and video format. (Read Only) -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field canSetDirectAudioVolume bool -- --Enables the frameReady events. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field sendFrameReadyEvents bool ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field prepareCompleted UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.EventHandler ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field loopPointReached UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.EventHandler ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field started UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.EventHandler ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field frameDropped UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.EventHandler ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field errorReceived UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.ErrorEventHandler ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field seekCompleted UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.EventHandler ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field clockResyncOccurred UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.TimeEventHandler ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@field frameReady UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.FrameReadyEventHandler ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer = {} -- --Initiates playback engine preparation. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.Prepare() end -- --Starts playback. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.Play() end -- --Pauses the playback and leaves the current time intact. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.Pause() end -- --Stops the playback and sets the current time to 0. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.Stop() end -- --Advances the current time by one frame immediately. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.StepForward() end -- --Language code. -- --```plaintext --Params: trackIndex - Index of the audio track to query. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param trackIndex ushort ---@return String function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.GetAudioLanguageCode(trackIndex) end -- --Number of audio channels. -- --```plaintext --Params: trackIndex - Index for the audio track being queried. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param trackIndex ushort ---@return UInt16 function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.GetAudioChannelCount(trackIndex) end -- --The sampling rate in Hertz. -- --```plaintext --Params: trackIndex - Index of the audio track to query. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param trackIndex ushort ---@return UInt32 function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.GetAudioSampleRate(trackIndex) end -- --Enable/disable audio track decoding. Only effective when the VideoPlayer is not currently playing. -- --```plaintext --Params: trackIndex - Index of the audio track to enable/disable. -- enabled - True for enabling the track. False for disabling the track. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param trackIndex ushort ---@param enabled bool function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.EnableAudioTrack(trackIndex, enabled) end -- --Returns true if decoding for the specified audio track is enabled. -- --```plaintext --Params: trackIndex - Index of the audio track being queried. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param trackIndex ushort ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.IsAudioTrackEnabled(trackIndex) end -- --Volume, between 0 and 1. -- --```plaintext --Params: trackIndex - Track index for which the volume is queried. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param trackIndex ushort ---@return Single function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.GetDirectAudioVolume(trackIndex) end -- --Set the direct-output audio volume for the specified track. -- --```plaintext --Params: trackIndex - Track index for which the volume is set. -- volume - New volume, between 0 and 1. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param trackIndex ushort ---@param volume float function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.SetDirectAudioVolume(trackIndex, volume) end -- --Gets the direct-output audio mute status for the specified track. -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param trackIndex ushort ---@return Boolean function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.GetDirectAudioMute(trackIndex) end -- --Set the direct-output audio mute status for the specified track. -- --```plaintext --Params: trackIndex - Track index for which the mute is set. -- mute - Mute on/off. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param trackIndex ushort ---@param mute bool function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.SetDirectAudioMute(trackIndex, mute) end -- --The source associated with the audio track. -- --```plaintext --Params: trackIndex - Index of the audio track for which the AudioSource is wanted. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param trackIndex ushort ---@return AudioSource function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.GetTargetAudioSource(trackIndex) end -- --Sets the AudioSource that will receive audio samples for the specified track if this audio target is selected with Video.VideoPlayer.audioOutputMode. -- --```plaintext --Params: trackIndex - Index of the audio track to associate with the specified AudioSource. -- source - AudioSource to associate with the audio track. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param trackIndex ushort ---@param source UnityEngine.AudioSource function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.SetTargetAudioSource(trackIndex, source) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.EventHandler function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.add_prepareCompleted(value) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.EventHandler function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.remove_prepareCompleted(value) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.EventHandler function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.add_loopPointReached(value) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.EventHandler function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.remove_loopPointReached(value) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.EventHandler function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.add_started(value) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.EventHandler function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.remove_started(value) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.EventHandler function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.add_frameDropped(value) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.EventHandler function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.remove_frameDropped(value) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.ErrorEventHandler function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.add_errorReceived(value) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.ErrorEventHandler function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.remove_errorReceived(value) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.EventHandler function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.add_seekCompleted(value) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.EventHandler function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.remove_seekCompleted(value) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.TimeEventHandler function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.add_clockResyncOccurred(value) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.TimeEventHandler function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.remove_clockResyncOccurred(value) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.FrameReadyEventHandler function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.add_frameReady(value) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.FrameReadyEventHandler function CS.UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer.remove_frameReady(value) end -- --Delegate type for all parameterless events emitted by VideoPlayers. -- --```plaintext --Params: source - The VideoPlayer that is emitting the event. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.Video.EventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.Video.EventHandler = {} ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param source UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer function CS.UnityEngine.Video.EventHandler.Invoke(source) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param source UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer ---@param callback System.AsyncCallback ---@param object object ---@return IAsyncResult function CS.UnityEngine.Video.EventHandler.BeginInvoke(source, callback, object) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param result System.IAsyncResult function CS.UnityEngine.Video.EventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end -- --Delegate type for VideoPlayer events that contain an error message. -- --```plaintext --Params: source - The VideoPlayer that is emitting the event. -- message - Message describing the error just encountered. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.Video.ErrorEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.Video.ErrorEventHandler = {} ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param source UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer ---@param message string function CS.UnityEngine.Video.ErrorEventHandler.Invoke(source, message) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param source UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer ---@param message string ---@param callback System.AsyncCallback ---@param object object ---@return IAsyncResult function CS.UnityEngine.Video.ErrorEventHandler.BeginInvoke(source, message, callback, object) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param result System.IAsyncResult function CS.UnityEngine.Video.ErrorEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end -- --Delegate type for VideoPlayer events that carry a frame number. -- --```plaintext --Params: source - The VideoPlayer that is emitting the event. -- frameNum - The current frame of the VideoPlayer. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.Video.FrameReadyEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.Video.FrameReadyEventHandler = {} ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param source UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer ---@param frameIdx long function CS.UnityEngine.Video.FrameReadyEventHandler.Invoke(source, frameIdx) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param source UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer ---@param frameIdx long ---@param callback System.AsyncCallback ---@param object object ---@return IAsyncResult function CS.UnityEngine.Video.FrameReadyEventHandler.BeginInvoke(source, frameIdx, callback, object) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param result System.IAsyncResult function CS.UnityEngine.Video.FrameReadyEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end -- --Delegate type for VideoPlayer events that carry a time position. -- --```plaintext --Params: source - The VideoPlayer that is emitting the event. -- seconds - Time position. -- --``` -- ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@class UnityEngine.Video.TimeEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll CS.UnityEngine.Video.TimeEventHandler = {} ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param source UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer ---@param seconds double function CS.UnityEngine.Video.TimeEventHandler.Invoke(source, seconds) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param source UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer ---@param seconds double ---@param callback System.AsyncCallback ---@param object object ---@return IAsyncResult function CS.UnityEngine.Video.TimeEventHandler.BeginInvoke(source, seconds, callback, object) end ---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll ---@param result System.IAsyncResult function CS.UnityEngine.Video.TimeEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end