Introduce classes and reusable OOP

This commit is contained in:
Juraj Vajda 2022-10-21 15:24:25 -04:00
parent b5b4e33348
commit cea205400e
3 changed files with 135 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
---Check if table contains value
---@param table table
---@param value string|number
---@return boolean
local function table_contains(table, value)
for _, v in ipairs(table) do
if v == value then
return true
return false
---Merge two tables with key/value pair
---@param t1 table
---@param t2 table
@ -53,10 +67,19 @@ local XBowsEntityDef = {}
XBowsEntityDef.__index = XBowsEntityDef
setmetatable(XBowsEntityDef, XBows)
---Check if creative is enabled or if player has creative priv
---@param self XBows
---@param name string
---@return boolean
function XBows.is_creative(self, name)
return self.creative or minetest.check_player_privs(name, {creative = true})
---Updates `allowed_ammunition` definition on already registered item, so MODs can add new ammunitions to this list.
---@param self XBows
---@param name string
---@param allowed_ammunition string[]
---@return nil
function XBows.update_bow_allowed_ammunition(self, name, allowed_ammunition)
local _name = 'x_bows:'
local def = self.registered_bows[_name]
@ -77,6 +100,7 @@ function XBows.update_bow_allowed_ammunition(self, name, allowed_ammunition)
---Reset charged bow to uncharged bow, this will return the arrow item to the inventory also
---@param self XBows
---@param player ObjectRef Player Ref
---@param includeWielded? boolean Will include reset for wielded bow also. default: `false`
---@return nil
@ -119,6 +143,7 @@ function XBows.reset_charged_bow(self, player, includeWielded)
---Register bows
---@param self XBows
---@param name string
---@param def ItemDef | BowItemDefCustom
---@param override? boolean MOD everride
@ -246,6 +271,7 @@ function XBows.register_bow(self, name, def, override)
---Register arrows
---@param self XBows
---@param name string
---@param def ItemDef | ArrowItemDefCustom
---@return boolean|nil
@ -304,6 +330,7 @@ function XBows.register_arrow(self, name, def)
---Register quivers
---@param self XBows
---@param name string
---@param def ItemDef | QuiverItemDefCustom
---@return boolean|nil
@ -401,7 +428,8 @@ function XBows.register_quiver(self, name, def)
---Loads bow
---Load bow
---@param self XBows
---@param itemstack ItemStack
---@param user ObjectRef
---@param pointed_thing PointedThingDef
@ -520,7 +548,8 @@ function XBows.load(self, itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
return itemstack
---Shoots the bow
---Shoot bow
---@param self XBows
---@param itemstack ItemStack
---@param user ObjectRef
---@param pointed_thing? PointedThingDef
@ -682,6 +711,11 @@ function XBows.shoot(self, itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
return itemstack
---Add new particle to XBow registration
---@param self XBows
---@param name string
---@param def ParticlespawnerDef|ParticlespawnerDefCustom
---@return nil
function XBows.register_particle_effect(self, name, def)
if self.registered_particle_spawners[name] then
minetest.log('warning', 'Particle effect "' .. name .. '" already exists and will not be overwritten.')
@ -691,13 +725,17 @@ function XBows.register_particle_effect(self, name, def)
self.registered_particle_spawners[name] = def
---Get particle effect from registered spawners table
---@param self XBows
---@param name string
---@param pos Vector
---@return number|boolean
function XBows.get_particle_effect_for_arrow(self, name, pos)
local def = self.registered_particle_spawners[name]
if not def then
minetest.log('warning', 'Particle effect "' .. name .. '" is not registered.')
return false
def.custom = def.custom or {}
@ -707,6 +745,11 @@ function XBows.get_particle_effect_for_arrow(self, name, pos)
return minetest.add_particlespawner(def--[[@as ParticlespawnerDef]])
---Check if ammunition is allowed to charge this weapon
---@param self XBows
---@param weapon_name string
---@param ammo_name string
---@return boolean
function XBows.is_allowed_ammunition(self, weapon_name, ammo_name)
local x_bows_weapon_def = self.registered_bows[weapon_name]
@ -722,21 +765,7 @@ function XBows.is_allowed_ammunition(self, weapon_name, ammo_name)
return false
return XBows.table_contains(x_bows_weapon_def.custom.allowed_ammunition, ammo_name)
---Check if table contains value
---@param table table
---@param value string|number
---@return boolean
function XBows.table_contains(table, value)
for _, v in ipairs(table) do
if v == value then
return true
return false
return table_contains(x_bows_weapon_def.custom.allowed_ammunition, ammo_name)
@ -782,7 +811,13 @@ local function get_obj_box(obj)
return box
function XBowsEntityDef.on_activate(self, selfObj, staticdata)
---Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called when the object is instantiated.
---@param self EntityDef|EntityDefCustom|XBows
---@param selfObj table
---@param staticdata string
---@param dtime_s? integer|number
---@return nil
function XBowsEntityDef.on_activate(self, selfObj, staticdata, dtime_s)
if not selfObj or not staticdata or staticdata == '' then
@ -839,6 +874,11 @@ function XBowsEntityDef.on_activate(self, selfObj, staticdata)
---Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called when the object dies.
---@param self XBows
---@param selfObj table
---@param killer ObjectRef|nil
---@return nil
function XBowsEntityDef.on_death(self, selfObj, killer)
if not selfObj._old_pos then
@ -848,6 +888,11 @@ function XBowsEntityDef.on_death(self, selfObj, killer)
minetest.item_drop(ItemStack(selfObj._arrow_name), nil, vector.round(selfObj._old_pos))
--- Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called on every server tick, after movement and collision processing. `dtime`: elapsed time since last call. `moveresult`: table with collision info (only available if physical=true).
---@param self XBows
---@param selfObj table
---@param dtime number
---@return nil
function XBowsEntityDef.on_step(self, selfObj, dtime)
local pos = selfObj.object:get_pos()
selfObj._old_pos = selfObj._old_pos or pos
@ -1236,6 +1281,15 @@ function XBowsEntityDef.on_step(self, selfObj, dtime)
selfObj._old_pos = pos
---Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called when somebody punches the object. Note that you probably want to handle most punches using the automatic armor group system. Can return `true` to prevent the default damage mechanism.
---@param self XBows
---@param selfObj table
---@param puncher ObjectRef|nil
---@param time_from_last_punch number|integer|nil
---@param tool_capabilities ToolCapabilitiesDef
---@param dir Vector
---@param damage number|integer
---@return boolean
function XBowsEntityDef.on_punch(self, selfObj, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir, damage)
local wood_sound_def = default.node_sound_wood_defaults()
@ -1247,6 +1301,10 @@ function XBowsEntityDef.on_punch(self, selfObj, puncher, time_from_last_punch, t
return false
---Register new projectile entity
---@param self XBows
---@param name string
---@param def XBowsEntityDef
function XBows.register_entity(self, name, def)
if not def._custom then
def._custom = {}
@ -1301,9 +1359,10 @@ end
---Close one or all open quivers in players inventory
---@param self XBowsQuiver
---@param player ObjectRef
---@param quiver_id? string If `nil` then all open quivers will be closed
---@returns nil
---@return nil
function XBowsQuiver.close_quiver(self, player, quiver_id)
local player_inv = player:get_inventory()
@ -1329,6 +1388,7 @@ function XBowsQuiver.close_quiver(self, player, quiver_id)
---Swap item in player inventory indicating open quiver. Preserve all ItemStack definition and meta.
---@param self XBowsQuiver
---@param from_stack ItemStack transfer data from this item
---@param to_item_name string transfer data to this item
---@return ItemStack ItemStack replacement item
@ -1423,7 +1483,9 @@ function XBowsQuiver.get_itemstack_arrow_from_quiver(self, player)
---Remove all added HUDs
---@param self XBowsQuiver
---@param player ObjectRef
---@return nil
function XBowsQuiver.remove_hud(self, player)
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
@ -1451,6 +1513,12 @@ function XBowsQuiver.remove_hud(self, player)
---@todo implement hud_change?
---Update or create quiver HUD
---@param self XBowsQuiver
---@param player ObjectRef
---@param inv_list ItemStack[]
---@param idx? number
---@return nil
function XBowsQuiver.udate_or_create_hud(self, player, inv_list, idx)
local _idx = idx or 1
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
@ -1549,6 +1617,12 @@ function XBowsQuiver.udate_or_create_hud(self, player, inv_list, idx)
end, player))
---Get existing detached inventory or create new one
---@param self XBowsQuiver
---@param quiver_id string
---@param player_name string
---@param quiver_items? string
---@return InvRef|unknown
function XBowsQuiver.get_or_create_detached_inv(self, quiver_id, player_name, quiver_items)
local detached_inv
@ -1635,7 +1709,8 @@ function XBowsQuiver.get_or_create_detached_inv(self, quiver_id, player_name, qu
return detached_inv
---create formspec
---Create formspec
---@param self XBowsQuiver
---@param name string name of the form
---@return string
function XBowsQuiver.get_formspec(self, name)
@ -1672,7 +1747,8 @@ function XBowsQuiver.get_formspec(self, name)
return formspec
---convert inventory of itemstacks to serialized string
---Convert inventory of itemstacks to serialized string
---@param self XBowsQuiver
---@param inv InvRef
---@return {['inv_string']: string, ['content_description']: string}
function XBowsQuiver.get_string_from_inv(self, inv)
@ -1695,9 +1771,11 @@ function XBowsQuiver.get_string_from_inv(self, inv)
---set items from serialized string to inventory
---Set items from serialized string to inventory
---@param self XBowsQuiver
---@param inv InvRef inventory to add items to
---@param str string previously stringified inventory of itemstacks
---@return nil
function XBowsQuiver.set_string_to_inv(self, inv, str)
local t = minetest.deserialize(str)
@ -1708,6 +1786,12 @@ function XBowsQuiver.set_string_to_inv(self, inv, str)
---Save quiver inventory to itemstack meta
---@param self XBowsQuiver
---@param inv InvRef
---@param player ObjectRef
---@param quiver_is_closed? boolean
---@return nil
function, inv, player, quiver_is_closed)
local player_inv = player:get_inventory()
local inv_loc = inv:get_location()
@ -1738,7 +1822,8 @@ function, inv, player, quiver_is_closed)
---check if we are allowing actions in the correct quiver inventory
---Check if we are allowing actions in the correct quiver inventory
---@param self XBowsQuiver
---@param inv InvRef
---@param player ObjectRef
---@return boolean
@ -1763,6 +1848,7 @@ function XBowsQuiver.quiver_can_allow(self, inv, player)
---Open quiver
---@param self XBowsQuiver
---@param itemstack ItemStack
---@param user ObjectRef
---@return ItemStack

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
---Entity definition
---@class EntityDef
---@field initial_properties ObjectProperties A table of object properties. The properties in this table are applied to the object once when it is spawned. `dtime_s` is the time passed since the object was unloaded, which can be used for updating the entity state.
---@field on_activate fun(self: table, staticdata: string, dtime_s: integer|number) Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called when the object is instantiated.
---@field on_activate fun(self: table, staticdata: string, dtime_s: integer|number): nil Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called when the object is instantiated.
---@field on_deactivate fun(self: table, removal: boolean): nil Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called when the object is about to get removed or unloaded. `removal`: boolean indicating whether the object is about to get removed. Calling `object:remove()` on an active object will call this with `removal=true`. The mapblock the entity resides in being unloaded will call this with `removal=false`. Note that this won't be called if the object hasn't been activated in the first place. In particular, `minetest.clear_objects({mode = "full"})` won't call this, whereas `minetest.clear_objects({mode = "quick"})` might call this.
---@field on_step fun(self: table, dtime: integer|number, moveresult?: table) Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called on every server tick, after movement and collision processing. `dtime`: elapsed time since last call. `moveresult`: table with collision info (only available if physical=true).
---@field on_step fun(self: table, dtime: integer|number, moveresult?: table): nil Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called on every server tick, after movement and collision processing. `dtime`: elapsed time since last call. `moveresult`: table with collision info (only available if physical=true).
---@field on_punch fun(self: table, puncher: ObjectRef|nil, time_from_last_punch: number|integer|nil, tool_capabilities: ToolCapabilitiesDef|nil, dir: Vector, damage: number|integer): boolean|nil Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called when somebody punches the object. Note that you probably want to handle most punches using the automatic armor group system. Can return `true` to prevent the default damage mechanism.
---@field on_death fun(self: table, killer: ObjectRef|nil): nil Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called when the object dies.
---@field on_rightclick fun(self: table, clicker: ObjectRef): nil Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Called when `clicker` pressed the 'place/use' key while pointing to the object (not neccessarily an actual rightclick). `clicker`: an `ObjectRef` (may or may not be a player)
---@field on_attach_child fun(self: table, child: ObjectRef): nil Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. `child`: an `ObjectRef` of the child that attaches
---@field on_detach_child fun(self: table, child: ObjectRef): nil Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. `child`: an `ObjectRef` of the child that detaches
---@field on_detach fun(self: table, parent: ObjectRef|nil) Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. `parent`: an `ObjectRef` (can be `nil`) from where it got detached. This happens before the parent object is removed from the world.
---@field on_detach fun(self: table, parent: ObjectRef|nil): nil Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. `parent`: an `ObjectRef` (can be `nil`) from where it got detached. This happens before the parent object is removed from the world.
---@field get_staticdata fun(self: table) Function receive a "luaentity" table as `self`. Should return a string that will be passed to `on_activate` when the object is instantiated the next time.

View File

@ -13,11 +13,19 @@
---@field settings table
---@field quiver table Quiver class
---@field charge_sound_after_job table<string, JobTable>
---@field is_allowed_ammunition fun(self: XBows, weapon_name: string, ammo_name: string): boolean ---Check if ammunition is allowed to charge this weapon
---@field is_allowed_ammunition fun(self: XBows, weapon_name: string, ammo_name: string): boolean Check if ammunition is allowed to charge this weapon
---@field is_creative fun(self: XBows, name: string): boolean Check if creative is enabled or if player has creative priv
---@field register_particle_effect fun(self: XBows, name: string, def: ParticlespawnerDef|ParticlespawnerDefCustom): nil
---@field get_particle_effect_for_arrow fun(self: XBows, name: string, pos: Vector): number
---@field get_particle_effect_for_arrow fun(self: XBows, name: string, pos: Vector): number|boolean Get particle effect from registered spawners table
---@field register_entity fun(self: EntityDef|XBows, name: string, def: XBowsEntityDef): nil Register new projectile entity
---@field update_bow_allowed_ammunition fun(self: XBows, name: string, def: string[]): nil Updates `allowed_ammunition` definition on already registered item, so MODs can add new ammunitions to this list.
---@field reset_charged_bow fun(self: XBows, player: ObjectRef, includeWielded?: boolean): nil Reset charged bow to uncharged bow, this will return the arrow item to the inventory also
---@field register_bow fun(self: XBows, name: string, def: ItemDef | BowItemDefCustom, mod_override?: boolean): boolean|nil Register new bow/gun.
---@field register_arrow fun(self: XBows, name: string, def: ItemDef | ArrowItemDefCustom): boolean|nil Register new arrow/projectile.
---@field register_quiver fun(self: XBows, name: string, def: ItemDef | ArrowItemDefCustom): boolean|nil Register new quiver.
---@field load fun(self: XBows, itemstack: ItemStack, user: ObjectRef, pointed_thing: PointedThingDef): ItemStack Load bow
---@field shoot fun(self: XBows, itemstack: ItemStack, user: ObjectRef, pointed_thing?: PointedThingDef): ItemStack Shoot bow
---@field register_particle_effect fun(self: XBows, name: string, def: ParticlespawnerDef|ParticlespawnerDefCustom): nil Add new particle to XBow registration
---@field open_quiver fun(self: XBowsQuiver, itemstack: ItemStack, user: ObjectRef): ItemStack Open quiver
---XBowsQuiver class extended from XBows
@ -25,9 +33,17 @@
---@class XBowsQuiverBase
---@field hud_item_ids table
---@field after_job table<string, JobTable>
---@field udate_or_create_hud fun(self: XBowsQuiver, player: ObjectRef, inv_list: ItemStack[], idx?: number): nil Update or create HUD
---@field get_or_create_detached_inv fun(self: XBowsQuiver, quiver_id: string, player_name: string, quiver_items?: string): InvRef Get existing detached inventory or create new one
---@field udate_or_create_hud fun(self: XBowsQuiver, player: ObjectRef, inv_list: ItemStack[], idx?: number): nil Update or create quiver HUD
---@field get_or_create_detached_inv fun(self: XBowsQuiver, quiver_id: string, player_name: string, quiver_items?: string): InvRef|unknown Get existing detached inventory or create new one
---@field save fun(self: XBowsQuiver, inv: InvRef, player: ObjectRef, quiver_is_closed?: boolean): nil Save quiver inventory to itemstack meta
---@field close_quiver fun(self: XBowsQuiver, player: ObjectRef, quiver_id?: string): nil Close one or all open quivers in players inventory
---@field get_replacement_item fun(self: XBowsQuiver, from_stack: ItemStack, to_item_name: string): ItemStack Swap item in player inventory indicating open quiver. Preserve all ItemStack definition and meta.
---@field get_itemstack_arrow_from_quiver fun(self: XBowsQuiver, player: ObjectRef, to_item_name: string): {["found_arrow_stack"]: ItemStack|nil, ["quiver_id"]: string|nil, ["quiver_name"]: string|nil, ["found_arrow_stack_idx"]: number} Gets arrow from quiver
---@field remove_hud fun(self: XBowsQuiver, player: ObjectRef): nil Remove all added HUDs
---@field get_formspec fun(self: XBowsQuiver, name: string): string Create formspec
---@field get_string_from_inv fun(self: XBowsQuiver, inv: InvRef): {['inv_string']: string, ['content_description']: string} Convert inventory of itemstacks to serialized string
---@field set_string_to_inv fun(self: XBowsQuiver, inv: InvRef, str: string): nil Set items from serialized string to inventory
---@field quiver_can_allow fun(self: XBowsQuiver, inv: InvRef, player: ObjectRef): boolean Check if we are allowing actions in the correct quiver inventory
---Custom field in ParticlespawnerDef