quiver inventory - initial commit sfinv

This commit is contained in:
Juraj Vajda 2022-10-25 21:19:31 -04:00
parent bb67e0469e
commit 9a95e998a3
6 changed files with 280 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
sfinv = sfinv--[[@as Sfinv]]
---Check if table contains value
---@param table table
---@param value string|number
@ -286,11 +288,15 @@ function XBows.register_arrow(self, name, def)
local mod_name = def.custom.mod_name or 'x_bows'
def.custom.name = mod_name .. ':' .. name
def.description = def.description or name
def.short_description = def.short_description or name
def.custom.tool_capabilities = def.custom.tool_capabilities or {
full_punch_interval = 1,
max_drop_level = 0,
damage_groups = {fleshy=2}
def.custom.description_abilities = minetest.colorize('#00FF00', 'Damage: '
.. def.custom.tool_capabilities.damage_groups.fleshy) .. '\n' .. minetest.colorize('#00BFFF', 'Charge Time: '
.. def.custom.tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval .. 's')
def.groups = mergeTables({arrow = 1, flammable = 1}, def.groups or {})
def.custom.particle_effect = def.custom.particle_effect or 'arrow'
def.custom.particle_effect_crit = def.custom.particle_effect_crit or 'arrow_crit'
@ -304,10 +310,8 @@ function XBows.register_arrow(self, name, def)
self.registered_arrows[def.custom.name] = def
minetest.register_craftitem(def.custom.name, {
description = def.description .. '\n' .. minetest.colorize('#00FF00', 'Damage: '
.. def.custom.tool_capabilities.damage_groups.fleshy) .. '\n' .. minetest.colorize('#00BFFF', 'Charge Time: '
.. def.custom.tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval .. 's'),
short_description = def.description,
description = def.description .. '\n' .. def.custom.description_abilities,
short_description = def.short_description,
inventory_image = def.inventory_image,
groups = def.groups
@ -1814,12 +1818,25 @@ end
---@param quiver_is_closed? boolean
---@return nil
function XBowsQuiver.save(self, inv, player, quiver_is_closed)
local player_inv = player:get_inventory()
local player_inv = player:get_inventory()--[[@as InvRef]]
local inv_loc = inv:get_location()
local quiver_item_name = quiver_is_closed and 'x_bows:quiver' or 'x_bows:quiver_open'
local player_quiver_inv_stack = player_inv:get_stack('x_bows:quiver_inv', 1)
---find matching quiver item in players inventory with the open formspec name
if player_inv and player_inv:contains_item('main', quiver_item_name) then
if not player_quiver_inv_stack:is_empty() and player_quiver_inv_stack:get_meta():get_string('quiver_id') == inv_loc.name then
local st_meta = player_quiver_inv_stack:get_meta()
---save inventory items in quiver item meta
local string_from_inventory_result = self:get_string_from_inv(inv)
st_meta:set_string('quiver_items', string_from_inventory_result.inv_string)
---update description
local new_description = player_quiver_inv_stack:get_short_description()..'\n'..string_from_inventory_result.content_description..'\n'
st_meta:set_string('description', new_description)
player_inv:set_stack('x_bows:quiver_inv', 1, player_quiver_inv_stack)
elseif player_inv and player_inv:contains_item('main', quiver_item_name) then
---find matching quiver item in players inventory with the open formspec name
local inv_list = player_inv:get_list('main')
for i, st in ipairs(inv_list) do
@ -1849,11 +1866,16 @@ end
---@param player ObjectRef
---@return boolean
function XBowsQuiver.quiver_can_allow(self, inv, player)
local player_inv = player:get_inventory()
local player_inv = player:get_inventory()--[[@as InvRef]]
local inv_loc = inv:get_location()
local player_quiver_inv_stack = player_inv:get_stack('x_bows:quiver_inv', 1)
---find matching quiver item in players inventory with the open formspec name
if player_inv and player_inv:contains_item('main', 'x_bows:quiver_open') then
if not player_quiver_inv_stack:is_empty() and player_quiver_inv_stack:get_meta():get_string('quiver_id') == inv_loc.name then
---find quiver in player `quiver_inv` inv list
return true
elseif player_inv and player_inv:contains_item('main', 'x_bows:quiver_open') then
---find quiver in player `main` inv list
---matching quiver item in players inventory with the open formspec name
local inv_list = player_inv:get_list('main')
for i, st in ipairs(inv_list) do
@ -1901,3 +1923,211 @@ function XBows.open_quiver(self, itemstack, user)
minetest.show_formspec(pname, quiver_id, XBowsQuiver:get_formspec(quiver_id))
return itemstack
---Register sfinv page
---@param self XBowsQuiver
function XBowsQuiver.sfinv_register_page(self)
sfinv.register_page('x_bows:quiver_page', {
title = 'X Bows',
get = function(this, player, context)
local formspec = {
'label[0,0;Arrows you are wearing:]',
'label[0,1.5;Quiver you are wearing:]',
if not context._itemstack_arrow then
context._itemstack_arrow = player:get_inventory():get_stack('x_bows:arrow_inv', 1)
if not context._itemstack_quiver then
context._itemstack_quiver = player:get_inventory():get_stack('x_bows:quiver_inv', 1)
if context._itemstack_arrow and not context._itemstack_arrow:is_empty() then
local x_bows_registered_arrow_def = self.registered_arrows[context._itemstack_arrow:get_name()]
if x_bows_registered_arrow_def then
formspec[#formspec + 1] = 'label[2.5,0;' .. minetest.formspec_escape(context._itemstack_arrow:get_short_description()) .. '\n'.. minetest.formspec_escape(x_bows_registered_arrow_def.custom.description_abilities) ..']'
if context._itemstack_quiver and not context._itemstack_quiver:is_empty() then
local st_meta = context._itemstack_quiver:get_meta()
local quiver_id = st_meta:get_string('quiver_id')
formspec[#formspec + 1] = 'label[2.5,1.5;' .. minetest.formspec_escape(context._itemstack_quiver:get_short_description()) .. ']'
formspec[#formspec + 1] = 'list[detached:'..quiver_id..';main;0,3.2;3,1;]'
formspec[#formspec + 1] = 'listring[detached:'..quiver_id..';main]'
formspec[#formspec + 1] = 'listring[current_player;main]'
return sfinv.make_formspec(player, context, table.concat(formspec, ''), true)
on_enter = function(this, player, context)
if not context._itemstack_quiver then
context._itemstack_quiver = player:get_inventory():get_stack('x_bows:quiver_inv', 1)
if context._itemstack_quiver and not context._itemstack_quiver:is_empty() then
local st_meta = context._itemstack_quiver:get_meta()
local quiver_id = st_meta:get_string('quiver_id')
minetest.register_allow_player_inventory_action(function(player, action, inventory, inventory_info)
---arrow inventory
if action == 'move' and inventory_info.to_list == 'x_bows:arrow_inv' then
local stack = inventory:get_stack(inventory_info.from_list, inventory_info.from_index)
if minetest.get_item_group(stack:get_name(), 'arrow') ~= 0 then
return inventory_info.count
return 0
elseif action == 'move' and inventory_info.from_list == 'x_bows:arrow_inv' then
local stack = inventory:get_stack(inventory_info.from_list, inventory_info.from_index)
if minetest.get_item_group(stack:get_name(), 'arrow') ~= 0 then
return inventory_info.count
return 0
elseif action == 'put' and inventory_info.listname == 'x_bows:arrow_inv' then
if minetest.get_item_group(inventory_info.stack:get_name(), 'arrow') ~= 0 then
return inventory_info.stack:get_count()
return 0
elseif action == 'take' and inventory_info.listname == 'x_bows:arrow_inv' then
if minetest.get_item_group(inventory_info.stack:get_name(), 'arrow') ~= 0 then
return inventory_info.stack:get_count()
return 0
---quiver inventory
if action == 'move' and inventory_info.to_list == 'x_bows:quiver_inv' then
local stack = inventory:get_stack(inventory_info.from_list, inventory_info.from_index)
if minetest.get_item_group(stack:get_name(), 'quiver') ~= 0 then
return inventory_info.count
return 0
elseif action == 'move' and inventory_info.from_list == 'x_bows:quiver_inv' then
local stack = inventory:get_stack(inventory_info.from_list, inventory_info.from_index)
if minetest.get_item_group(stack:get_name(), 'quiver') ~= 0 then
return inventory_info.count
return 0
elseif action == 'put' and inventory_info.listname == 'x_bows:quiver_inv' then
if minetest.get_item_group(inventory_info.stack:get_name(), 'quiver') ~= 0 then
return inventory_info.stack:get_count()
return 0
elseif action == 'take' and inventory_info.listname == 'x_bows:quiver_inv' then
if minetest.get_item_group(inventory_info.stack:get_name(), 'quiver') ~= 0 then
return inventory_info.stack:get_count()
return 0
return inventory_info.count or inventory_info.stack:get_count()
minetest.register_on_player_inventory_action(function(player, action, inventory, inventory_info)
if action == 'move' and inventory_info.to_list == 'x_bows:arrow_inv' then
local stack = inventory:get_stack(inventory_info.to_list, inventory_info.to_index)
local context = sfinv.get_or_create_context(player)
context._itemstack_arrow = stack
sfinv.set_context(player, context)
elseif action == 'move' and inventory_info.from_list == 'x_bows:arrow_inv' then
local stack = inventory:get_stack(inventory_info.from_list, inventory_info.from_index)
local context = sfinv.get_or_create_context(player)
context._itemstack_arrow = stack
sfinv.set_context(player, context)
elseif action == 'put' and inventory_info.listname == 'x_bows:arrow_inv' then
local context = sfinv.get_or_create_context(player)
context._itemstack_arrow = inventory_info.stack
sfinv.set_context(player, context)
elseif action == 'take' and inventory_info.listname == 'x_bows:arrow_inv' then
local context = sfinv.get_or_create_context(player)
context._itemstack_arrow = nil
sfinv.set_context(player, context)
if action == 'move' and inventory_info.to_list == 'x_bows:quiver_inv' then
local stack = inventory:get_stack(inventory_info.to_list, inventory_info.to_index)
local context = sfinv.get_or_create_context(player)
local st_meta = stack:get_meta()
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
local quiver_id = st_meta:get_string('quiver_id')
if quiver_id == '' then
quiver_id = stack:get_name()..'_'..uuid()
st_meta:set_string('quiver_id', quiver_id)
inventory:set_stack(inventory_info.to_list, inventory_info.to_index, stack)
context._itemstack_quiver = stack
sfinv.set_context(player, context)
elseif action == 'move' and inventory_info.from_list == 'x_bows:quiver_inv' then
local stack = inventory:get_stack(inventory_info.from_list, inventory_info.from_index)
local context = sfinv.get_or_create_context(player)
context._itemstack_quiver = stack
sfinv.set_context(player, context)
elseif action == 'put' and inventory_info.listname == 'x_bows:quiver_inv' then
local context = sfinv.get_or_create_context(player)
if minetest.get_item_group(inventory_info.stack:get_name(), 'quiver') ~= 0 then
context._itemstack_quiver = inventory_info.stack
sfinv.set_context(player, context)
elseif action == 'take' and inventory_info.listname == 'x_bows:quiver_inv' then
local context = sfinv.get_or_create_context(player)
context._itemstack_quiver = nil
sfinv.set_context(player, context)

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ minetest = minetest--[[@as Minetest]]
ItemStack = ItemStack--[[@as ItemStack]]
vector = vector--[[@as Vector]]
default = default--[[@as MtgDefault]]
sfinv = sfinv--[[@as Sfinv]]
math.randomseed(tonumber(tostring(os.time()):reverse():sub(1, 9))--[[@as number]])
@ -19,6 +20,16 @@ dofile(path .. '/arrow.lua')
dofile(path .. '/items.lua')
dofile(path .. '/quiver.lua')
local inv_quiver = player:get_inventory()--[[@as InvRef]]
local inv_arrow = player:get_inventory()--[[@as InvRef]]
inv_quiver:set_size('x_bows:quiver_inv', 1 * 1)
inv_arrow:set_size('x_bows:arrow_inv', 1 * 1)
---backwards compatibility
minetest.register_alias('x_bows:arrow_diamond_tipped_poison', 'x_bows:arrow_diamond')

Binary file not shown.


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@ -70,6 +70,9 @@
---@field dir_to_wallmounted fun(dir: Vector): number Convert a vector to a wallmounted value, used for `paramtype2="wallmounted"`
---@field item_place_node fun(itemstack: ItemStack, placer: ObjectRef, pointed_thing: PointedThingDef, param2?: , prevent_after_place?: boolean): Vector|nil Place item as a node, `param2` overrides `facedir` and wallmounted `param2`, `prevent_after_place`: if set to `true`, `after_place_node` is not called or the newly placed node to prevent a callback and placement loop. returns `itemstack, position`, `position`: the location the node was placed to. `nil` if nothing was placed.
---@field unregister_item fun(name: string): nil Unregisters the item from the engine, and deletes the entry with key `name` from `minetest.registered_items` and from the associated item table according to its nature: `minetest.registered_nodes`, etc.
---@field register_allow_player_inventory_action fun(func: fun(player: ObjectRef, action: string, inventory: InvRef, inventory_info: {["from_list"]: string, ["to_list"]: string, ["from_index"]: number, ["to_index"]: number, ["count"]: number} | {["listname"]: string, ["index"]: number, ["stack"]: ItemStack}): number): nil Determines how much of a stack may be taken, put or moved to a player inventory. `player` (type `ObjectRef`) is the player who modified the inventory, `inventory` (type `InvRef`). List of possible `action` (string) values and their `inventory_info` (table) contents: `move`: `{from_list=string, to_list=string, from_index=number, to_index=number, count=number}`, `put`: `{listname=string, index=number, stack=ItemStack}`, `take`: Same as `put`. Return a numeric value to limit the amount of items to be taken, put or moved. A value of `-1` for `take` will make the source stack infinite.
---@field register_on_player_inventory_action fun(func: fun(player: ObjectRef, action: string, inventory: InvRef, inventory_info: {["from_list"]: string, ["to_list"]: string, ["from_index"]: number, ["to_index"]: number, ["count"]: number} | {["listname"]: string, ["index"]: number, ["stack"]: ItemStack}): nil): nil Called after a take, put or move event from/to/in a player inventory. Function arguments: see `minetest.register_allow_player_inventory_action`. Does not accept or handle any return value.
---@field formspec_escape fun(str: string): string returns a string, escapes the characters "[", "]", "\", "," and ";", which can not be used in formspecs.
---Minetest settings
---@class MinetestSettings

types/mtg-sfinv.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
---Sfinv API
---@class Sfinv
---@field register_page fun(name: string, def: SfinvDef): nil Register a page
---@field make_formspec fun(player: ObjectRef, contex: SfinvContext, content: string, show_inv?: boolean, size?: string): nil Adds a theme to a formspec show_inv, defaults to false. Whether to show the player's main inventory size, defaults to `size[8,8.6]` if not specified
---@field get_or_create_context fun(player: ObjectRef): SfinvContext Gets the player's context
---@field set_context fun(player: ObjectRef, context: SfinvContext): nil
---@field get_formspec fun(player: ObjectRef, context: SfinvContext): string Builds current page's formspec
---@field set_player_inventory_formspec fun(player: ObjectRef): string (re)builds page formspec and calls set_inventory_formspec().
---Sfinv Definition
---@class SfinvDef
---@field title string Human readable page name (required)
---@field get fun(self: Sfinv, player: ObjectRef, context: SfinvContext): string Returns a formspec string. See formspec variables. (required)
---@field is_in_nav fun(self: Sfinv, player: ObjectRef, context: SfinvContext): boolean Return true to show in the navigation (the tab header, by default)
---@field on_player_receive_fields fun(self: Sfinv, player: ObjectRef, context: SfinvContext, fields: table): nil On formspec submit.
---@field on_enter fun(self: Sfinv, player: ObjectRef, context: SfinvContext): nil Called when the player changes pages, usually using the tabs.
---@field on_leave fun(self: Sfinv, player: ObjectRef, context: SfinvContext): nil When leaving this page to go to another, called before other's on_enter
---Sfinv Context, including: any thing you want to store, sfinv will clear the stored data on log out / log in
---@class SfinvContext
---@field page string Current page name
---@field nav string[] A list of page names
---@field nav_titles string[] A list of page titles
---@field nav_idx number Current nav index (in nav and nav_titles)

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@ -107,6 +107,7 @@
---@field on_hit_entity fun(self: table, pointed_thing_ref: table)
---@field on_hit_player fun(self: table, pointed_thing_ref: table)
---@field on_after_activate fun(self: table)
---@field description_abilities string
---Custom field in ItemDef