diff --git a/types/minetest.type.lua b/types/minetest.type.lua index e193ca1..1e12922 100644 --- a/types/minetest.type.lua +++ b/types/minetest.type.lua @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ ---@field register_craft fun(recipe: CraftRecipeDef): nil ---@field register_craftitem fun(name: string, item_definition: ItemDef): nil ---@field add_entity fun(pos: Vector, name: string, staticdata?: string): ObjectRef|nil Spawn Lua-defined entity at position. Returns `ObjectRef`, or `nil` if failed. ----@field get_node fun(pod: Vector): NodeDef Returns the node at the given position as table in the format `{name="node_name", param1=0, param2=0}`, returns `{name="ignore", param1=0, param2=0}` for unloaded areas. +---@field get_node fun(pos: Vector): NodeDef Returns the node at the given position as table in the format `{name="node_name", param1=0, param2=0}`, returns `{name="ignore", param1=0, param2=0}` for unloaded areas. ---@field registered_nodes table Map of registered node definitions, indexed by name ---@field after fun(time: number|integer, func: fun(...), ...): JobTable Call the function `func` after `time` seconds, may be fractional. Optional: Variable number of arguments that are passed to `func`. ---@field sound_play fun(spec: SimpleSoundSpec|string, parameters: SoundParamDef, ephemeral?: boolean): any Returns a `handle`. Ephemeral sounds will not return a handle and can't be stopped or faded. It is recommend to use this for short sounds that happen in response to player actions (e.g. door closing).