From 5b7784adf4b719c0e6075e4aa9d4486403684a86 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Juraj Vajda Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2022 15:13:11 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Update types --- | 2 +- types/item.type.lua | 1 + types/minetest.type.lua | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- types/mtg-default.type.lua | 1 + types/mtg-farming.type.lua | 3 +++ types/node.type.lua | 2 ++ 6 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 4ab91ae..1f31a06 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -204,4 +204,4 @@ Modified by SaKeL (added quiver): ## Installation -see: +see: diff --git a/types/item.type.lua b/types/item.type.lua index 31ea2d0..0ec0b11 100644 --- a/types/item.type.lua +++ b/types/item.type.lua @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ ---@field on_pickup fun(itemstack: ItemStack, picker: ObjectRef|nil, pointed_thing?: PointedThingDef, time_from_last_punch?: number|integer, rest?: any): ItemStack|nil Called when a dropped item is punched by a player. Shall pick-up the item and return the leftover itemstack or nil to not modify the dropped item. `rest` are other parameters from `luaentity:on_punch`. default: `minetest.item_pickup` ---@field on_use fun(itemstack: ItemStack, user: ObjectRef|nil, pointed_thing: PointedThingDef): ItemStack|nil default: nil. When user pressed the 'punch/mine' key with the item in hand. Function must return either nil if inventory shall not be modified, or an itemstack to replace the original itemstack. e.g. itemstack:take_item(); return itemstack. Otherwise, the function is free to do what it wants. The user may be any ObjectRef or nil. The default functions handle regular use cases. ---@field after_use fun(itemstack: ItemStack, user: ObjectRef|nil, node: NodeDef, digparams: DigParamsDef): ItemStack|nil default: nil. If defined, should return an itemstack and will be called instead of wearing out the item (if tool). If returns nil, does nothing. +---@field soil table Only for farming ---Tool capabilities definition ---@class ToolCapabilitiesDef diff --git a/types/minetest.type.lua b/types/minetest.type.lua index 7183043..1f9e885 100644 --- a/types/minetest.type.lua +++ b/types/minetest.type.lua @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ ---@field get_item_group fun(name: string, group): any returns a rating. Get rating of a group of an item. (`0` means: not in group) ---@field get_biome_data fun(pos: Vector): BiomeData|nil ---@field get_biome_name fun(biome_id: string|number|integer): string|nil Returns the biome name string for the provided biome id, or `nil` on failure. If no biomes have been registered, such as in mgv6, returns `default`. ----@field find_nodes_in_area fun(pos1: Vector, pos2: Vector, nodenames: string|string[], grouped?: boolean): table `pos1` and `pos2` are the min and max positions of the area to search. `nodenames`: e.g. `{"ignore", "group:tree"}` or `"default:dirt"` If `grouped` is true the return value is a table indexed by node name which contains lists of positions. If `grouped` is false or absent the return values are as follows: first value: Table with all node positions, second value: Table with the count of each node with the node name as index, Area volume is limited to 4,096,000 nodes +---@field find_nodes_in_area fun(pos1: Vector, pos2: Vector, nodenames: string|string[], grouped?: boolean): Vector[] `pos1` and `pos2` are the min and max positions of the area to search. `nodenames`: e.g. `{"ignore", "group:tree"}` or `"default:dirt"` If `grouped` is true the return value is a table indexed by node name which contains lists of positions. If `grouped` is false or absent the return values are as follows: first value: Table with all node positions, second value: Table with the count of each node with the node name as index, Area volume is limited to 4,096,000 nodes ---@field find_nodes_in_area_under_air fun(pos1: Vector, pos2: Vector, nodenames: string|string[]): table returns a list of positions. `nodenames`: e.g. `{"ignore", "group:tree"}` or `"default:dirt"`. Return value: Table with all node positions with a node air above. Area volume is limited to 4,096,000 nodes. ---@field registered_decorations table Map of registered decoration definitions, indexed by the `name` field. If `name` is nil, the key is the object handle returned by `minetest.register_schematic`. ---@field swap_node fun(pos: Vector, node: NodeDef): nil Set node at position, but don't remove metadata @@ -76,6 +76,16 @@ ---@field formspec_escape fun(str: string): string returns a string, escapes the characters "[", "]", "\", "," and ";", which can not be used in formspecs. ---@field get_translator fun(textdomain: string): any ---@field get_current_modname fun(): string returns the currently loading mod's name, when loading a mod. +---@field get_pointed_thing_position fun(pointed_thing: PointedThingDef, above?: boolean): Vector | nil Returns the position of a `pointed_thing` or `nil` if the `pointed_thing` does not refer to a node or entity. If the optional `above` parameter is true and the `pointed_thing` refers to a node, then it will return the `above` position of the `pointed_thing`. +---@field item_place fun(itemstack: ItemStack, placer: ObjectRef, pointed_thing: PointedThingDef, param2?: string|number): ItemStack Wrapper that calls `minetest.item_place_node` if appropriate. Calls `on_rightclick` of `pointed_thing.under` if defined instead **Note**: is not called when wielded item overrides `on_place`, `param2` overrides facedir and wallmounted `param2`, returns `itemstack, position`, `position`: the location the node was placed to. `nil` if nothing was placed. +---@field node_dig fun(pos: Vector, node: NodeDef, digger: ObjectRef): nil Checks if node can be dug, puts item into inventory, removes node. Calls functions registered by `minetest.registered_on_dignodes()` +---@field delete_particlespawner fun(id: number, player?: ObjectRef): nil Delete `ParticleSpawner` with `id` (return value from `minetest.add_particlespawner`). If playername is specified, only deletes on the player's client, otherwise on all clients. +---@field is_area_protected fun(pos1: Vector, pos2: Vector, player_name: ObjectRef, interval: number): Vector | boolean Returns the position of the first node that `player_name` may not modify in the specified cuboid between `pos1` and `pos2`. Returns `false` if no protections were found. Applies `is_protected()` to a 3D lattice of points in the defined volume. The points are spaced evenly throughout the volume and have a spacing similar to, but no larger than, `interval`. All corners and edges of the defined volume are checked. `interval` defaults to 4. `interval` should be carefully chosen and maximised to avoid an excessive number of points being checked. Like `minetest.is_protected`, this function may be extended or overwritten by mods to provide a faster implementation to check the cuboid for intersections. +---@field is_protected fun(pos: Vector, name: string): boolean Returning `true` restricts the player `name` from modifying (i.e. digging, placing) the node at position `pos`. `name` will be `""` for non-players or unknown players. This function should be overridden by protection mods. It is highly recommended to grant access to players with the `protection_bypass` privilege. Cache and call the old version of this function if the position is not protected by the mod. This will allow using multiple protection mods. +---@field register_on_mods_loaded fun(func: fun(): nil): nil Called after mods have finished loading and before the media is cached or the aliases handled. +---@field register_on_leaveplayer fun(func: fun(player: ObjectRef, timed_out: number): nil): nil Called when a player leaves the game `timed_out`: True for timeout, false for other reasons. +---@field place_node fun(pos: Vector, node: SetNodeTable): nil Place node with the same effects that a player would cause +---@field add_particle fun(def: ParticleDef): nil ---Minetest settings ---@class MinetestSettings @@ -136,3 +146,23 @@ ---@field max_hear_distance number|integer ---@field object ObjectRef ---@field exclude_player string Name + +---Partcile definition +---@class ParticleDef +---@field pos Vector +---@field velocity Vector +---@field acceleration Vector Spawn particle at pos with velocity and acceleration +---@field expirationtime number Disappears after expirationtime seconds +---@field size number Scales the visual size of the particle texture. If `node` is set, size can be set to 0 to spawn a randomly-sized particle (just like actual node dig particles). +---@field collisiondetection boolean If true collides with `walkable` nodes and, depending on the `object_collision` field, objects too. +---@field collision_removal boolean If true particle is removed when it collides. Requires collisiondetection = true to have any effect. +---@field object_collision boolean If true particle collides with objects that are defined as `physical = true,` and `collide_with_objects = true,`. Requires collisiondetection = true to have any effect. +---@field vertical boolean If true faces player using y axis only +---@field texture string The texture of the particle v5.6.0 and later: also supports the table format described in the following section +---@field playername string | nil Optional, if specified spawns particle only on the player's client +---@field animation TileAnimationDef | nil Optional, specifies how to animate the particle texture +---@field glow number | nil Optional, specify particle self-luminescence in darkness. Values 0-14. +---@field node {["name"]: string, ["param2"]: number} | nil Optional, if specified the particle will have the same appearance as node dig particles for the given node. `texture` and `animation` will be ignored if this is set. +---@field node_tile number | nil Optional, only valid in combination with `node` If set to a valid number 1-6, specifies the tile from which the particle texture is picked. Otherwise, the default behavior is used. (currently: any random tile) +---@field drag Vector | nil v5.6.0 and later: Optional drag value, consult the following section +---@field bounce {["min"]: number, ["max"]: number, ["bias"]: number} | nil v5.6.0 and later: Optional bounce range, consult the following section diff --git a/types/mtg-default.type.lua b/types/mtg-default.type.lua index 721a8a9..0f10ba4 100644 --- a/types/mtg-default.type.lua +++ b/types/mtg-default.type.lua @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ ---@field node_sound_glass_defaults fun(table?: NodeSoundDef): NodeSoundDef ---@field node_sound_metal_defaults fun(table?: NodeSoundDef): NodeSoundDef ---@field node_sound_ice_defaults fun(table?: NodeSoundDef): NodeSoundDef +---@field node_sound_gravel_defaults fun(table?: NodeSoundDef): NodeSoundDef ---@field get_hotbar_bg fun(x: number, y: number): nil Get the hotbar background as string, containing the formspec elements. x: Horizontal position in the formspec, y: Vertical position in the formspec. --- Leaf decay definition diff --git a/types/mtg-farming.type.lua b/types/mtg-farming.type.lua index 177c4b4..c617edf 100644 --- a/types/mtg-farming.type.lua +++ b/types/mtg-farming.type.lua @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ --- ---Minetest game farming mod +---@class MtgFarming +---@field hoe_on_use fun(itemstack: ItemStack, user: ObjectRef, pointed_thing: PointedThingDef, uses: number): ItemStack | nil +---@field place_seed fun(itemstack: ItemStack, placer: ObjectRef, pointed_thing: PointedThingDef, plantname: string): ItemStack Seed placement ----Node definition. Used by `minetest.register_node`. ---@class NodeDefMtgFarming diff --git a/types/node.type.lua b/types/node.type.lua index be63717..b635dee 100644 --- a/types/node.type.lua +++ b/types/node.type.lua @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ ---@field liquid_viscosity number|integer Controls speed at which the liquid spreads/flows (max. 7). -- 0 is fastest, 7 is slowest. By default, this also slows down movement of players inside the node (can be overridden using `move_resistance`) ---@field walkable boolean If true, objects collide with node. +---@field after_dig_node fun(pos: Vector, oldnode: NodeDef, oldmetadata: table, digger: ObjectRef): nil oldmetadata is in table format. Called after destructing node when node was dug using minetest.node_dig / minetest.dig_node., default: nil +---@field paramtype2 string ---Textures of node; +Y, -Y, +X, -X, +Z, -Z. List can be shortened to needed length. ---@class NodeTilesDef