local make_fs = i3.files.gui() local gmatch, match, split = i3.need("gmatch", "match", "split") local S, err, fmt, reg_items = i3.need("S", "err", "fmt", "reg_items") local sort, concat, copy, insert, remove = i3.need("sort", "concat", "copy", "insert", "remove") local true_str, true_table, is_str, is_func, is_table, clean_name = i3.need("true_str", "true_table", "is_str", "is_func", "is_table", "clean_name") function i3.register_craft_type(name, def) if not true_str(name) then return err "i3.register_craft_type: name missing" end if not is_str(def.description) then def.description = "" end i3.craft_types[name] = def end function i3.register_craft(def) local width, c = 0, 0 if true_str(def.url) then if not i3.http then return err(fmt([[i3.register_craft(): Unable to reach %s. No HTTP support for this mod: add it to the `secure.http_mods` or `secure.trusted_mods` setting.]], def.url)) end i3.http.fetch({url = def.url}, function(result) if result.succeeded then local t = core.parse_json(result.data) if is_table(t) then return i3.register_craft(t) end end end) return end if not true_table(def) then return err "i3.register_craft: craft definition missing" end if #def > 1 then for _, v in pairs(def) do i3.register_craft(v) end return end if def.result then def.output = def.result -- Backward compatibility def.result = nil end if not true_str(def.output) then return err "i3.register_craft: output missing" end if not is_table(def.items) then def.items = {} end if def.grid then if not is_table(def.grid) then def.grid = {} end if not is_table(def.key) then def.key = {} end local cp = copy(def.grid) sort(cp, function(a, b) return #a > #b end) width = #cp[1] for i = 1, #def.grid do while #def.grid[i] < width do def.grid[i] = def.grid[i] .. " " end end for symbol in gmatch(concat(def.grid), ".") do c = c + 1 def.items[c] = def.key[symbol] end else local items, len = def.items, #def.items def.items = {} for i = 1, len do local rlen = #split(items[i], ",") if rlen > width then width = rlen end end for i = 1, len do while #split(items[i], ",") < width do items[i] = fmt("%s,", items[i]) end end for name in gmatch(concat(items, ","), "[%s%w_:]+") do c = c + 1 def.items[c] = clean_name(name) end end local item = match(def.output, "%S+") i3.recipes_cache[item] = i3.recipes_cache[item] or {} def.custom = true def.width = width insert(i3.recipes_cache[item], def) end function i3.add_recipe_filter(name, f) if not true_str(name) then return err "i3.add_recipe_filter: name missing" elseif not is_func(f) then return err "i3.add_recipe_filter: function missing" end i3.recipe_filters[name] = f end function i3.set_recipe_filter(name, f) if not is_str(name) then return err "i3.set_recipe_filter: name missing" elseif not is_func(f) then return err "i3.set_recipe_filter: function missing" end i3.recipe_filters = {[name] = f} end function i3.add_search_filter(name, f) if not true_str(name) then return err "i3.add_search_filter: name missing" elseif not is_func(f) then return err "i3.add_search_filter: function missing" end i3.search_filters[name] = f end function i3.get_recipes(item) return { recipes = i3.recipes_cache[item], usages = i3.usages_cache[item] } end function i3.set_fs(player, _fs) if not player or player.is_fake_player then return end local name = player:get_player_name() local data = i3.data[name] if not data then return end local fs = fmt("%s%s", make_fs(player, data), _fs or "") player:set_inventory_formspec(fs) end local set_fs = i3.set_fs function i3.new_tab(def) if not true_table(def) then return err "i3.new_tab: tab definition missing" end if not true_str(def.name) then return err "i3.new_tab: tab name missing" end if not true_str(def.description) then return err "i3.new_tab: description missing" end if #i3.tabs == 6 then return err(fmt("i3.new_tab: cannot add '%s' tab. Limit reached (6).", def.name)) end i3.tabs[#i3.tabs + 1] = def end function i3.remove_tab(tabname) if not true_str(tabname) then return err "i3.remove_tab: tab name missing" end for i, def in ipairs(i3.tabs) do if tabname == def.name then remove(i3.tabs, i) end end end function i3.get_current_tab(player) local name = player:get_player_name() local data = i3.data[name] return data.current_tab end function i3.set_tab(player, tabname) local name = player:get_player_name() local data = i3.data[name] if not tabname or tabname == "" then data.current_tab = 0 return end local found for i, def in ipairs(i3.tabs) do if not found and def.name == tabname then data.current_tab = i found = true end end if not found then return err(fmt("i3.set_tab: tab name '%s' does not exist", tabname)) end end function i3.override_tab(tabname, newdef) if not true_table(newdef) then return err "i3.override_tab: tab definition missing" end if not true_str(newdef.name) then return err "i3.override_tab: tab name missing" end if not true_str(newdef.description) then return err "i3.override_tab: description missing" end for i, def in ipairs(i3.tabs) do if def.name == tabname then i3.tabs[i] = newdef end end end i3.register_craft_type("digging", { description = S"Digging", icon = "i3_steelpick.png", }) i3.register_craft_type("digging_chance", { description = S"Digging (by chance)", icon = "i3_mesepick.png", }) i3.add_search_filter("groups", function(item, groups) local def = reg_items[item] local has_groups = true for _, group in ipairs(groups) do if not def.groups[group] then has_groups = nil break end end return has_groups end) function i3.compress(item, def) if not true_str(item) then return err "i3.compress: item name missing" end if not true_table(def) then return err "i3.compress: replace definition missing" end if not true_str(def.replace) then return err "i3.compress: replace string missing" end if not is_table(def.by) then return err "i3.compress: replace substrings missing" end local t = {} i3.compress_groups[item] = i3.compress_groups[item] or {} for _, str in ipairs(def.by) do local it = item:gsub(def.replace, str) insert(t, it) insert(i3.compress_groups[item], it) i3.compressed[it] = true end end return set_fs, i3.set_tab