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Ĉi tiu deponejo arĥiviĝis je 2024-01-29. Vi povas vidi kaj elŝuti dosierojn, sed ne povas puŝi nek raporti problemojn nek tirpeti.
2021-05-19 23:10:05 -05:00

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I'm a MUSH/MUD/IF-esque bot, and you're a fleshbag. Nice to meetcha.
When I'm in a room, it's a literal room. You can look around, grab things,
use things, basically what you'd expect. You leave the room with /leave.
Please, try it. :-)
To use a command, type "/me COMMAND ARGS" or "ACTION COMMAND ARGS".
- examines/inspects/looks/x OBJECT
- examines/inspects/looks/x [at the room] [around] [here]
- takes/grabs/nabs OBJECT
- drops/removes/places OBJECT
- rummages [through sack] : List all items in your inventory
- rummages around : List all items in the room
You can create or edit objects, if you like! You can even program objects to
have something happen when "used", though for that you'll have to talk to
my admin.
- creates name : Creates an object and puts it in your inventory.
- aliases OBJECT as name : Adds an alias to the object's namelist.
- renames OBJECT as name : Renames object, and removes all old aliases.
- describes OBJECT as desc : Change it's description. Escape chars (\n) good.
- hinges OBJECT : Makes object openable, like a book.
- writes in/on OBJECT, text : Write on or in a given object.
- reads [in/on] OBJECT : Reads what is on/in an object.
- disowns OBJECT : Removes ownership, making the object communal
- permits USER with OBJECT : Allow another user to edit your object.
- gifts OBJECT to USER : Gift an object (and it's sole ownership)
There are also some some commands that you issue to me as a message,
e.g., "narrator: help".
- pronouns [femme/masc]
- sauce
- help