=============================================================================== INSERT-COIN Pls toss tokens, over here =============================================================================== insert-coin's a lightweight & simple image-uploading and URL-shortening service. It doesn't have bells and whistles like accounts or cookies, JS or tracking... which you might consider good things. I think they're awful. ---------------------------------------- USAGE ---------------------------------------- Drop everything in a directory on your web-server (root, non-root, it doesn't matter). Then, create two directories-- "p/" and "u/"-- that are accessible and modifiable by your web-server user. Finally, make a "res/config.php" file (from "res/config.example.php"). If you're using a web-server that supports .htaccess files (Apache and the ilk), then you should be good from here. Otherwise, you should manually block the files referenced in "/.htaccess" and "res/.htaccess"-- for sample config of Lighttpd, read "docs/lighttpd.txt". ---------------------------------------- BORING STUFF ---------------------------------------- License is AGPLv3-- check COPYING.txt. Author is Jenga Phoenix Permanent instance over at https://coinsh.red Sauce is at https://git.eunichx.us/insert-coin.git