Now menu reselection/selection can be animated easily! It'll look super-cool when I get input working, I swearrr.
214 lines
7.9 KiB
Common Lisp
214 lines
7.9 KiB
Common Lisp
;;;; Copyright © 2023, Jaidyn Ann <>
;;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
;;;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;;; Generic menu-making, displaying, and management.
;;;; Let's get to it, we're on a deadline!
(defpackage :flora-search-aurora.ui
(:use :cl :flora-search-aurora.display)
(:export #:ui-loop #:render-menu-strip :selection :selected))
(in-package :flora-search-aurora.ui)
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Menu loops
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun ui-loop (last-matrix menu-alist)
"The state loop to be used for displaying/processing/input-managing
with menus."
(let* ((matrix (make-screen-matrix))
(new-menu (ui-update matrix menu-alist)))
(ui-draw matrix last-matrix)
(sleep .2)
(ui-loop matrix new-menu)))
(defun ui-draw (matrix last-matrix)
"The draw loop for menus."
(print-screen-matrix (matrix-delta last-matrix matrix))
(defun ui-update (matrix menu-alist)
"The update loop for menus. It processes all input, state, etc, and
returns the new state of the menu."
(let ((new-menu (progress-menu-items menu-alist)))
(render-menu-strip matrix new-menu 0 0)
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Menu display
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun render-line (matrix text x y)
"Apply a one-line string to the matrix at the given coordinates."
(if (and (stringp text)
(> (length text) 0))
(setf (aref matrix y x)
(char text 0))
(render-line matrix (subseq text 1)
(+ x 1) y))
(defun render-menu-item
(matrix text x y &key (width (+ (length text) 2)) (height 3) (selection 100))
"Render a “menu-item” — that is, text surrounded by a box with an optional
'selected' form. If selected is a non-zero number below 100, then that percent
of the box will be displayed as selected/highlighted. This percent is from
left-to-right, unless negative — in which case, right-to-left."
(render-string matrix text (+ x 1) (+ 1 y)
:max-column (- (+ x width) 1)
:max-row (- (+ y height) 2))
;; Render the normal top and bottom bars.
(dotimes (i width)
(setf (aref matrix y (+ x i)) #\-)
(setf (aref matrix (+ y (- height 1)) (+ x i)) #\-))
;; Render the weird “selected” top and bottom bars. A menu item might be
;; only partially-selected…
(if (and selection
(not (eq selection 0)))
(let* ((bar-width
(at-most width (ceiling (* width (* (abs selection)
(bar-start (if (> 0 selection) (- width bar-width) 0)))
(dotimes (i bar-width)
(setf (aref matrix y (+ x bar-start i)) #\=)
(setf (aref matrix (+ y (- height 1)) (+ x bar-start i)) #\=))))
;; Render the horizontal “earmuffs” for helping the selected item stand out.
(when (and selection
(not (eq selection 0)))
(dotimes (i (- height 2))
(setf (aref matrix (+ y i 1) x) #\|)
(setf (aref matrix (+ y i 1) (+ x width -1)) #\|))
(defun render-menu-strip (matrix items x y &key (max-item-width 12) (height 3))
"Render several menu items to the matrix, starting at the given x/y coordinates,
maximum width for any given item, and the height of all items.
The item list should be an alist of the following format:
((“LABEL” ((SELECTED . 'T)(SELECTION . 100))) (“LABEL-2” (SELECTION . -20)) ⋯)"
(let ((x x))
(lambda (item)
(let* ((label (car item))
(selection (or (cdr (assoc 'selection (cdr item)))
(width (at-most max-item-width
(+ (length label) 2))))
(render-menu-item matrix label x y
:width width
:height height
:selection selection)
(setf x (+ x width 1))))
(defun render-string (matrix text x y &key (max-column 72) (max-row 20))
"Render the given string to the matrix of characters, character-by-character.
Will line-break or truncate as appropriate and necessary to not exceed the
positional arguments nor the dimensions of the matrix."
(let* ((dimensions (array-dimensions matrix))
(max-column (at-most (cadr dimensions) max-column))
(max-row (at-most (car dimensions) max-row))
(substrings (split-string-by-length text (- max-column x)))
(row 0))
(loop while (and (<= (+ y row) max-row)
(render-line matrix (pop substrings)
x (+ y row))
(incf row)))
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Menu logic
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun progress-menu-items (menu-alist)
"Given an associative list of menu-items, decrement or increment each
item's “selected-percentage”, so that they converge at the right percent.
That is, 0 for non-selected items and 100 for selected items."
(lambda (item)
(let ((selection (assoc 'selection (cdr item)))
(selectedp (assoc 'selected (cdr item))))
(if selection
(setf (cdr selection)
(gravitate-toward (if selectedp 100 0)
(cdr selection) 10)))))
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Misc. utils
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun split-string-by-length (string line-length &key (substrings '()))
"Given a string, split it into a list of substrings all with lengths
equal or lower to the given length."
(if (> (length string) line-length)
(subseq string line-length)
:substrings (append substrings
`(,(subseq string 0 line-length))))
(append substrings `(,string))))
(defun at-most (maximum num)
"This function returns at most every hope and dream you've ever had, and at
minimum returns your more pitiful of moments."
(if (> num maximum)
(defun at-least (minimum num)
"This function returns at least every hope and dream you've ever had, and at
maximum returns your more pitiful of moments."
(if (< num minimum)
(defun gravitate-toward (goal num delta)
"Either add to a number, or subtract from it; whichever brings it closer to zero.
In addition, the resultant value shall not “pass” zero."
((< num goal)
(at-most goal (+ num delta)))
((> num goal)
(at-least goal (- num delta)))
;;"---{============= -------------------"
;; | Kill your mom | Give into despair
;; ---{============= -------------------