That is, a new “Trigger” Tiled object-type has been made, which is just a rectangle with an associated function. If the rectangle is stepped upon (uwu step on me owo), the function is triggered. Y’know, standard RPG stuffs.
202 lines
8.4 KiB
Common Lisp
202 lines
8.4 KiB
Common Lisp
;;;; Copyright © 2023, Jaidyn Ann <>
;;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
;;;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;;; Import a Tiled-format (TMX) map into the hash-table/plist/alist format
;;;; used by the overworld.
(defpackage :flora-search-aurora.overworld.tiled
(:nicknames :fsa.o.t :overworld.tiled)
(:use :cl :anaphora-basic
(:export #:load-map))
(in-package :flora-search-aurora.overworld.tiled)
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Misc. utility
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun collect-items-into-groups (list key-function &key (groups '()))
"Given a LIST of items and a KEY-FUNCTION categorizing an individual item
(returning a “category” symbol for any given item), return an sorted
associative list built upon GROUPS.
If NIL is returned from KEY-FUNCTION, the given item is thrown out."
(loop for item in list
do (let ((key (apply key-function (list item))))
(when key
(setf (assoc-utils:aget groups key)
(append (assoc-utils:aget groups key)
(list item))))))
(defun tiled-coords->world-coords (x y tiled-map)
"Given X & Y coordinates with a parsed Tiled map, return the appropriate
character-scale world coordinates in plist form."
(list :x (floor (/ x (cl-tiled:map-tile-width tiled-map)))
:y (floor (/ y (cl-tiled:map-tile-height tiled-map)))))
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Object-layer (Persons/Triggers)
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun tiled-rectangle-p (tiled-obj)
"Whether or not a Tiled object is a valid rectangle."
(and (> (cl-tiled:rect-width tiled-obj) 0)
(> (cl-tiled:rect-height tiled-obj) 0)))
(defun tiled-object->entity (tiled-obj tiled-map)
"Convert a Tiled object into an entity plist."
(let ((properties (cl-tiled:properties tiled-obj)))
(when (not (tiled-rectangle-p tiled-obj))
(list (intern (string-upcase (gethash "id" properties)))
:coords (tiled-coords->world-coords (cl-tiled:object-x tiled-obj)
(cl-tiled:object-y tiled-obj)
:face (gethash "normal_face" properties)
:normal-face (gethash "normal_face" properties)
:talking-face (gethash "talking_face" properties)
:interact (gethash "interact" properties)
:direction (if (gethash "facing_right" properties)
(defun tiled-object->trigger (tiled-obj tiled-map)
"Convert a Tiled object into a “trigger” plist. That is, a rectangle with
a :FUNCTION to be triggered when it’s stepped upon."
(when (tiled-rectangle-p tiled-obj)
(let ((obj-x (cl-tiled:object-x tiled-obj))
(obj-y (cl-tiled:object-y tiled-obj))
(obj-width (cl-tiled:rect-width tiled-obj))
(obj-height (cl-tiled:rect-height tiled-obj)))
:coords (tiled-coords->world-coords obj-x obj-y tiled-map)
:width obj-width
:height obj-height
:bottom-coords (tiled-coords->world-coords (+ obj-x obj-width) (+ obj-y obj-height) tiled-map)
:function (gethash "function" (cl-tiled:properties tiled-obj))))))
(defun object-layer-entities (layer &optional (entity-chunks '()))
"Convert all point objects in an object layer into entity plists."
(let ((entities (mapcar (lambda (object) (tiled-object->entity object (cl-tiled:layer-map layer)))
(layer-objects layer))))
(lambda (entity)
(when entity
(world-coords-chunk (getf (cdr entity) :coords))))
:groups entity-chunks)))
(defun object-layer-triggers (layer &optional (trigger-chunks '()))
"Convert all rectangle objects in an object layer into trigger plists."
(let ((triggers (mapcar (lambda (object) (tiled-object->trigger object (cl-tiled:layer-map layer)))
(layer-objects layer))))
(lambda (trigger)
(when trigger
(world-coords-chunk (getf trigger :coords))))
:groups trigger-chunks)))
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Tile-layer parsing (graphics)
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun tiled-cell->cell (tiled-cell &key (language nil))
"Convert a Tiled cell into a cell plist."
(list :coords (list :x (cl-tiled:cell-column tiled-cell)
:y (cl-tiled:cell-row tiled-cell))
:char (tile-character (cl-tiled:cell-tile tiled-cell))
:lang language))
(defun tiled-layer-cells (layer)
"Given a Tiled layer, return all of its cells in our custom cell plist-format."
(let ((layer-lang
(gethash "language" (cl-tiled:properties layer)))))
(mapcar (lambda (tiled-cell)
(tiled-cell->cell tiled-cell :language layer-lang))
(cl-tiled:layer-cells layer))))
(defun tile-layer-chunks (layer &optional (chunks '()))
"Given a Tiled tile-layer (that is, graphics of the map), parse it into an
alist of Tiled cell “chunks”."
(tiled-layer-cells layer)
(lambda (cell)
(world-coords-chunk (getf cell :coords)))
:groups chunks))
(defun layer-objects (layer)
"Return all Tiled objects in the given object layer."
(slot-value layer '
(defun tile-character (tile)
"Given a tileset's tile, return it's corresponding text character,
assuming that the tileset is a bitmap font starting with char-code 32
with 15 characters-per-line."
(+ (* (cl-tiled:tile-row tile) 15)
(cl-tiled:tile-column tile)
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Tiled maps → Map lists
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun load-map (map-file)
"Parse a map-file into an plist of its data. This consists of:
:BUMP-MAP, an alist of tiles (keyed by chunk) in a “collidable” layer
:TILES, an alist of visible tiles (keyed by chunk).
:ENTITIES, a list of entity plists."
(let ((tile-chunks '())
(top-tiles '())
(bump-map '())
(entities '())
(triggers '())
(hash (make-hash-table)))
(mapcar (lambda (layer)
(typecase layer
;; Add to the bump-map if the layer is colliding
(when (gethash "colliding" (cl-tiled:properties layer))
(setf bump-map (tile-layer-chunks layer bump-map)))
(if (gethash "top-layer" (cl-tiled:properties layer))
(setf top-tiles (tile-layer-chunks layer top-tiles))
(setf tile-chunks (tile-layer-chunks layer tile-chunks))))
(setf triggers (object-layer-triggers layer triggers))
(setf entities (object-layer-entities layer entities)))))
(cl-tiled:map-layers (cl-tiled:load-map map-file)))
(setf (gethash :tiles hash) tile-chunks)
(setf (gethash :top-tiles hash) top-tiles)
(setf (gethash :bump-map hash) bump-map)
(setf (gethash :entities hash) entities)
(setf (gethash :triggers hash) triggers)