207 lines
8.5 KiB
Common Lisp
207 lines
8.5 KiB
Common Lisp
;;;; Copyright © 2023, Jaidyn Ann <jadedctrl@posteo.at>
;;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
;;;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;;; along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;;; Import a Tiled-format (TMX) map into the hash-table/plist/alist format
;;;; used by the overworld.
(defpackage :flora-search-aurora.overworld.tiled
(:nicknames :fsa.o.t :overworld.tiled :🌍.🀨)
(:use :cl
(:export #:load-map))
(in-package :flora-search-aurora.overworld.tiled)
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Misc. utility
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun collect-items-into-groups (list key-function &key (groups '()))
"Given a LIST of items and a KEY-FUNCTION categorizing an individual item
(returning a “category” symbol for any given item), return an sorted
associative list built upon GROUPS.
If NIL is returned from KEY-FUNCTION, the given item is thrown out."
(loop for item in list
do (let ((key (apply key-function (list item))))
(when key
(setf (assoc-utils:aget groups key)
(append (assoc-utils:aget groups key)
(list item))))))
(defun tiled-coords->world-coords (x y tiled-map)
"Given X & Y coordinates with a parsed Tiled map, return the appropriate
character-scale world coordinates in plist form."
(list :x (floor (/ x (cl-tiled:map-tile-width tiled-map)))
:y (floor (/ y (cl-tiled:map-tile-height tiled-map)))))
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Object-layer (Persons/Triggers)
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun tiled-rectangle-p (tiled-obj)
"Whether or not a Tiled object is a valid rectangle."
(and (> (cl-tiled:rect-width tiled-obj) 0)
(> (cl-tiled:rect-height tiled-obj) 0)))
(defun tiled-object->entity (tiled-obj tiled-map)
"Convert a Tiled object into an entity plist."
(when (not (tiled-rectangle-p tiled-obj))
(let ((properties (cl-tiled:properties tiled-obj)))
(list (string->symbol (gethash "id" properties)))
(loop for key being the hash-keys in properties
for val being the hash-values in properties
collect (intern (string-upcase key) "KEYWORD")
collect val)
:face (gethash "normal-face" properties)
:coords (tiled-coords->world-coords (cl-tiled:object-x tiled-obj)
(cl-tiled:object-y tiled-obj)
(defun tiled-object->trigger (tiled-obj tiled-map)
"Convert a Tiled object into a “trigger” plist. That is, a rectangle with
a :FUNCTION to be triggered when it’s stepped upon."
(when (tiled-rectangle-p tiled-obj)
(let ((properties (cl-tiled:properties tiled-obj))
(obj-x (cl-tiled:object-x tiled-obj))
(obj-y (cl-tiled:object-y tiled-obj))
(obj-width (cl-tiled:rect-width tiled-obj))
(obj-height (cl-tiled:rect-height tiled-obj)))
(loop for key being the hash-keys in properties
for val being the hash-values in properties
collect (intern (string-upcase key) "KEYWORD")
collect val)
:coords (tiled-coords->world-coords obj-x obj-y tiled-map)
:width obj-width
:height obj-height
:bottom-coords (tiled-coords->world-coords (+ obj-x obj-width) (+ obj-y obj-height)
(defun object-layer-entities (layer &optional (entity-chunks '()))
"Convert all point objects in an object layer into entity plists."
(let ((entities (mapcar (lambda (object) (tiled-object->entity object (cl-tiled:layer-map layer)))
(layer-objects layer))))
(lambda (entity)
(when entity
(world-coords-chunk (getf (cdr entity) :coords))))
:groups entity-chunks)))
(defun object-layer-triggers (layer &optional (trigger-chunks '()))
"Convert all rectangle objects in an object layer into trigger plists."
(let ((triggers (mapcar (lambda (object) (tiled-object->trigger object (cl-tiled:layer-map layer)))
(layer-objects layer))))
(lambda (trigger)
(when trigger
(world-coords-chunk (getf trigger :coords))))
:groups trigger-chunks)))
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Tile-layer parsing (graphics)
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun tiled-cell->cell (tiled-cell &key (language nil))
"Convert a Tiled cell into a cell plist."
(list :x (cl-tiled:cell-column tiled-cell)
:y (cl-tiled:cell-row tiled-cell)
:@ (tile-character (cl-tiled:cell-tile tiled-cell))
:lang language))
(defun tiled-layer-cells (layer)
"Given a Tiled layer, return all of its cells in our custom cell plist-format."
(let ((layer-lang
(gethash "language" (cl-tiled:properties layer)))))
(mapcar (lambda (tiled-cell)
(tiled-cell->cell tiled-cell :language layer-lang))
(cl-tiled:layer-cells layer))))
(defun tile-layer-chunks (layer &optional (chunks '()))
"Given a Tiled tile-layer (that is, graphics of the map), parse it into an
alist of Tiled cell “chunks”."
(tiled-layer-cells layer)
(lambda (cell)
(world-coords-chunk (list :x (getf cell :x) :y (getf cell :y))))
:groups chunks))
(defun layer-objects (layer)
"Return all Tiled objects in the given object layer."
(slot-value layer 'cl-tiled.data-types::objects))
(defun tile-character (tile)
"Given a tileset's tile, return it's corresponding text character,
assuming that the tileset is a bitmap font starting with char-code 32
with 15 characters-per-line."
(+ (* (cl-tiled:tile-row tile) 15)
(cl-tiled:tile-column tile)
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Tiled maps → Map lists
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun load-map (map-file)
"Parse a map-file into an plist of its data. This consists of:
:BUMP-MAP, an alist of tiles (keyed by chunk) in a “collidable” layer
:TILES, an alist of visible tiles (keyed by chunk).
:ENTITIES, a list of entity plists."
(let ((tile-chunks '())
(top-tiles '())
(bump-map '())
(entities '())
(triggers '())
(hash (make-hash-table)))
(mapcar (lambda (layer)
(typecase layer
;; Add to the bump-map if the layer is colliding
(when (gethash "colliding" (cl-tiled:properties layer))
(setf bump-map (tile-layer-chunks layer bump-map)))
(if (gethash "top-layer" (cl-tiled:properties layer))
(setf top-tiles (tile-layer-chunks layer top-tiles))
(setf tile-chunks (tile-layer-chunks layer tile-chunks))))
(setf triggers (object-layer-triggers layer triggers))
(setf entities (object-layer-entities layer entities)))))
(cl-tiled:map-layers (cl-tiled:load-map map-file)))
(setf (gethash :tiles hash) tile-chunks)
(setf (gethash :top-tiles hash) top-tiles)
(setf (gethash :bump-map hash) bump-map)
(setf (gethash :entities hash) entities)
(setf (gethash :triggers hash) triggers)