Hyphen-breaking line-breaking, tweak RENDER-STRING
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ If not, have some tea on me: I’m paying. =w="
;;; Dialogue-generation helpers
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun start-dialogue (&rest dialogue-tree)
(reduce (lambda (a b) (append a b))
(reduce #'append dialogue-tree))
(defun face (speaker face &optional (talking-face nil))
@ -230,8 +229,9 @@ use with RENDER-STRING."
(if rightp
(- width text-x-margin)
(- (getf coords :x) 3))))
(lines (ignore-errors (…:split-string-by-length text text-width)))
(lines (ignore-errors (str:lines (…:linewrap-string text text-width))))
(text-height (length lines)))
(format *error-output* "HEIGHT: ~A WIDTH ~A LINES: ~A~%" text-height text-width lines)
;; When this layout is valid…
(when (and lines
(>= height text-height) ;; If the text’ll fit on screen
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ use with RENDER-STRING."
(- text-width (length text))
(list (list :x x :y y) ;; Coords
(+ x text-width) ;; Max column
text-width ;;(+ x text-width) ;; Max column
height))))) ;; Max row
@ -262,7 +262,8 @@ is found, otherwise return a list of the coordinates, max-column, and max-row
(- height text-y-margin)
(- text-y-margin 1)))
(text-width (floor (* width 3/5))) ;; Too wide’s illegible! So ⅗-screen.
(lines (ignore-errors (…:split-string-by-length text text-width))))
(lines (ignore-errors (str:lines (…:linewrap-string text text-width)))))
(format *error-output* "HEIGHT: ~A WIDTH ~A LINES: ~A~%" text-height text-width lines)
;; When the text can be printed with this layout…
(when (and lines (>= text-height (length lines)))
(let ((y (…:at-least
@ -277,7 +278,7 @@ is found, otherwise return a list of the coordinates, max-column, and max-row
(floor (/ (length (car lines)) 2))
(floor (/ text-width 2)))))))
(list (list :x x :y y) ;; Coords
(+ x text-width) ;; Max column
text-width ;;(+ x text-width) ;; Max column
(+ y text-height)))))) ;; Max row
@ -311,12 +312,18 @@ make it pretty, dang it! >O<
(let* ((progress (getf dialogue :progress))
(text (getf dialogue :text))
(optimal-layout (when text (optimal-speech-layout map dialogue))))
(optimal-layout (when text (optimal-speech-layout map dialogue)))
(coords (car optimal-layout)))
(when (and text optimal-layout)
(format *error-output* "~A~%" optimal-layout)
;; (✎:render-fill-rectangle matrix #\space
;; (list :x (- (getf coords :x) 1)
;; :y (- (getf coords :y) 1)
;; (- (second optimal-layout) (getf coords :x) -2)
;; (- (third optimal-layout) (getf coords :y) -2))
matrix text (first optimal-layout)
:max-column (second optimal-layout)
:max-row (third optimal-layout)
:width (second optimal-layout)
:char-count progress))))
@ -70,45 +70,6 @@ that change between A→B (favouring those in B) — all others are nil."
(make-array '(20 72) :initial-element #\space))
(defun search-all (subseq sequence &key (start 0))
"Given a SUBSEQ to search for within a SEQUENCE, return every instance of
(let ((matches '()))
(loop while (setf start (search subseq sequence :start2 start))
do (progn (pushnew start matches)
(incf start)))
(reverse matches))) ;; So they’re in ascending order!
(defun closest-below (num number-list)
"Given a NUMBER-LIST, return a descending list of member numbers below NUM."
(remove-if-not (lambda (a) (and (numberp a) (<= a num))) number-list)
(defun linewrap-string (string width)
"Break a STRING into several lines, each one no larger than WIDTH. Only replaces
spaces with newlines; no more, no less. Don’t choose too small a WIDTH, or else
you might be in trouble!"
(let ((spaces (search-all " " string))
(index width))
(loop while (< index (length string))
do (progn (setf index (car (closest-below index spaces)))
(setf (elt string index) #\newline)
(incf index width)))
(defun string-dimensions (string)
"Given a linewrapped STRING, return the minimum width and minimum height (in
characters) for a rectangle that might contain the entirety of the string.
(let ((lines (str:lines string)))
(list (sort (mapcar #'length lines) #'<) ;; Width
(count lines)))) ;; Height
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; “Rendering” strings to matrix
@ -136,21 +97,23 @@ No word-wrapping is done, even if the line exceeds the MATRIX’es size!"
(str:lines string))))
(defun render-string-partially (matrix text coords &key (char-count 0) (max-column 72))
(defun render-string (matrix text coords &key (char-count (length text)) (width 35))
(let* ((x (getf coords :x))
(y (getf coords :y))
(width (- max-column x)))
(y (getf coords :y)))
(linewrap-string (subseq text 0 char-count) width)
(…:linewrap-string (subseq text 0 char-count) width)
(defun render-string (matrix text coords &key (max-column 72))
"Render the given string to the matrix of characters, character-by-character.
Will line-break or truncate as appropriate and necessary to not exceed the
positional arguments nor the dimensions of the matrix."
(render-string-partially matrix text coords :max-column max-column :char-count (length text)))
(defun render-fill-rectangle (matrix char coords width height)
(loop for i to height
collect (make-string width :initial-element char)))
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
(defpackage :flora-search-aurora.util
(:nicknames :fsa.utl :util :…)
(:use :cl)
(:export #:split-string-by-length
(:export #:linewrap-string #:fit-lines
#:at-least #:at-most
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
(:use :cl)
(:export #:make-screen-matrix #:print-screen-matrix #:matrix-delta
#:render-line #:render-string #:render-string-verbatim #:render-string-partially
#:hide-cursor #:show-cursor #:clear-screen))
(defpackage :flora-search-aurora.ui
@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ A state-function for use with the #'state-loop."
(defun menu-state-draw (matrix menu-alist)
"Render a menu in menu-alist format to the given matrix.
A core part of #'menu-state."
(intermission::render-clock-base matrix (list :x 0 :y 0))
;; (intermission::render-clock-base matrix (list :x 0 :y 0))
(✎:render-string matrix "daddy is dead anmd I hate him" '(:x 20 :y 10) :width 15 :char-count 18)
(render-menu-strip matrix menu-alist 0 0))
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ A core part of #'menu-state."
of the box will be displayed as selected/highlighted. This percent is from
left-to-right, unless negative — in which case, right-to-left."
(✎:render-string matrix text (list :x (+ x 1) :y (+ 1 y))
:max-column (- (+ x width) 1))
:width width) ;; (- (+ x width) 1))
;; Render the normal top and bottom bars.
(dotimes (i width)
(setf (aref matrix y (+ x i)) #\-)
@ -19,19 +19,72 @@
(in-package :flora-search-aurora.util)
(defun split-string-by-length (string line-length &key (substrings '()))
"Given a string, split it into a list of substrings all with lengths
equal or lower to the given length."
(if (> (length string) line-length)
(subseq string line-length)
:substrings (append substrings
`(,(subseq string 0 line-length))))
(append substrings `(,string))))
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Linewrapping & its helpers
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun search-all (subseq sequence &key (start 0))
"Given a SUBSEQ to search for within a SEQUENCE, return every instance of
(let ((matches '()))
(loop while (setf start (search subseq sequence :start2 start))
do (progn (pushnew start matches)
(incf start)))
(reverse matches))) ;; So they’re in ascending order!
(defun closest-below (num number-list)
"Given a NUMBER-LIST, return a descending list of member numbers below NUM."
(remove-if-not (lambda (a) (and (numberp a) (<= a num))) number-list)
(defun string-dimensions (string)
"Given a linewrapped STRING, return the minimum width and minimum height (in
characters) for a rectangle that might contain the entirety of the string.
(let ((lines (str:lines string)))
(list (sort (mapcar #'length lines) #'<) ;; Width
(count lines)))) ;; Height
(defun fit-lines (string width &key (alignment :center))
"Fit each line of a STING into a specific WIDTH, with ALIGNMENT to a specific
side (either :CENTER, :LEFT, or :RIGHT)."
(mapcar (lambda (line)
(str:fit width line :pad-side alignment))
(str:lines string))))
(defun linewrap-string (string width)
"Break a STRING into several lines, each one no larger than WIDTH. Uses
newlines and hypens (to break long words) as necessary."
(let ((spaces (append '(0) (search-all " " string)))
(index width))
(loop while (< index (length string))
do (let ((closest-space (car (closest-below index spaces)))
(old-index (- index width)))
(if (or (<= closest-space old-index)
(> closest-space index))
;; Break up long words with a hyphen
(str:insert "- " (- index 1)
(str:replace-all (string #\newline) " " string))
;; Replace eligible spaces with newlines uwu
(setf (elt string closest-space) #\newline)
(setf index (+ closest-space width)))))
finally (return string))))
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Listic affairs
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun every-other-element (list)
"Collect every-other-element of a list. E.g., (1 2 3 4) → (1 3)."
(when list
@ -50,6 +103,10 @@ Uses the keys of plist a."
finally (return 't))))
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Numeric affairs
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defmacro incf-0 (place &optional (Δ 1))
"INCF the given PLACE, if it’s a number. If not a number, then set it to zero."
`(if (numberp ,place)
@ -73,6 +130,10 @@ minimum returns your more pitiful of moments."
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Linguistic affirs
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun langcode->keysym (str)
"Given a language’s code (es/cz/it/etc.), return a corresponding key symbol,
if the language is among the supported. Otherwise, nil."
Reference in New Issue