NPCs in outdoors, school, & casino accept items

This commit is contained in:
Jaidyn Ann 2023-07-13 01:43:53 -05:00
parent 4815845611
commit d32b484342
4 changed files with 369 additions and 120 deletions

View File

@ -180,10 +180,11 @@ run the :USE function of the nearest entity, if it has any."
(list (nconc (list :drop 1) use-result))
(t use-result)))
(list :drop 1
(start-dialogue (mumble 'player :en "(They don't seem to want it.)"))))))))
(list :drop 1)
(start-dialogue (mumble 'player :en "(They don't seem to want it.)"
:eo "(Ĝi verŝajne ne volas tion.)")))))))
@ -333,93 +334,200 @@ run the :USE function of the nearest entity, if it has any."
(make-dialogue-state map (childhood-friend-dialogue map)))
(defun childhood-friend-dialogue-bracelet-intro (sasha)
(face 'player "=w=" "=v=")
(say 'player :eo "Nu, mi ankoraŭ opinias ke ĉi tio akordas vian stilon tre bone."
:en "I still think this suits you, you know.")
(face sasha ";w:" ":o:")
(say sasha :en "...")
(say sasha :eo "... vi ankoraŭ havas tion?"
:en "... you still have that?")
(say 'player :eo "Kompreneble mi plu havas!"
:en "Of course I do!")
(say 'player :eo "Sed mi ne plu; ĝi ja estas via."
:en "But I shouldn't; it's yours, after all.")
(say sasha :en "...")))
(defun childhood-friend-dialogue-bracelet-bad-end (sasha)
(face sasha "v-v" "vov")
(face 'player ":w;" ":o;")
(say sasha :eo "Pŝ!"
:en "Psh!")
(say sasha :eo "Ankoraŭ estas la malĝusta koloro, do..!"
:en "It's still the wrong colour, so..!"
:face "<o<")
(say sasha :eo "Lasu min!"
:en "Leave me alone!"
:face ">o<")
(say 'player :eo "Kial vi ankoraŭ forpuŝas min ĉi tiom?"
:en "Why do you still push me away this much?")
(say sasha :eo "Puŝas? Bona ideo, mi falpuŝu vin al la maro!"
:en "Push? Good idea, I'll push you off this cliff!")
(say 'player :eo "Vi ankoraŭ kompenas nenion ajn, Saŝa."
:en "You still don't get it at all, Sasha.")
(say 'player :eo "... kaj ne puŝu min, bonvole!!"
:en "... and please don't push me!!"
:face "@o@")))
(defun childhood-friend-dialogue-bracelet-good-end (sasha)
(face sasha "=v=\"" "=v=\"")
(say sasha :eo "Nu, dankon..."
:en "Well, thanks...")
(say sasha :eo "[SAŜA prenas ĈIRKAŬMANON de vi.]"
:en "[SASHA takes BRACELET from you.]")
(face sasha "<w<" "<w<")
(say sasha :eo "Verdire, mi mensogetis tiam..."
:en "To be honest, I lied a bit, back then...")
(say sasha :eo "Ĉi tiu koloro fakte tre plaĉas al mi."
:en "I actually really like this colour."
:face ">w>")
(say 'player :eo "Mi ĝojas, ke finfine estos via."
:en "I'm glad it's finally yours.")
(say sasha :eo "Mi suportos ĝin ĉiutage!"
:en "I'll wear it every day!"
:face "^o^")
(say sasha :eo "... ho. Fek! Nu!"
:en "... wait. Shit!"
:face "<w<\"")
(say sasha :eo "Simple pro la aspekto! Ne gravas al mi, ĉu estas donaco aŭ ne!!"
:en "Just because it's pretty! I don't care that it's a gift or whatever!!"
:face ">o<")
(face 'player "` `" "`o`")
(mumble 'player :eo "(Mi supozas, ke la kerno de homo ne tro multe sanĝiĝas...)"
:en "(At the end of the day, I guess people can't change too much...)")
(mumble 'player :eo "(Sed tamen."
:en "(But y'know what? This is good enough for me.)")
(face 'player "^w^" "^o^")
(mumble 'player :eo "(Ĉi tio sufiĉas al mi!)"
:en "(This is good enough for me!)")))
(defun childhood-friend-dialogue-bracelet (map sasha)
(append (childhood-friend-dialogue-bracelet-intro sasha)
(if (getf-act map :sasha-flourish)
(childhood-friend-dialogue-bracelet-good-end sasha)
(childhood-friend-dialogue-bracelet-bad-end sasha))))
(defun childhood-friend-use (map item-plist &optional entity-id)
(let ((item-id (:string->symbol (getf item-plist :id))))
(cond ((eq item-id 'bracelet)
(childhood-friend-dialogue-bracelet map entity-id)))
(refusal-use map item-plist entity-id)))))
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; School prologue: Childhood friend
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun flashback-school-trigger (map)
(defun flashback-school-trigger (map &optional trigger-plist)
"This is triggered right as the player enters the map they literally can't
avoid triggering this."
(take-item map 'bracelet)
(defun flashback-childhood-friend-interact (map &optional sasha)
(defun flashback-childhood-friend-dialogue-intro (sasha)
(face 'player "` `" "`o`")
(say 'player :eo "Ĉu ĉio enordas, Saŝa? Iom malfruas, ĉu ne?"
:en "Is everything OK, Sasha? It's a bit late, isn't it?")
(face sasha "=_=" "=o=")
(say sasha :eo "Ho, jes, mi simple ĵus eliris klubkunvenon."
:en "Yea, I just left a club-meeting, is all.")
(say 'player :eo "Hodiaŭ ne estas klubotago..."
:en "Today isn't club day...")
(say sasha :eo "Nu, estas escepte speciala klubo!"
:en "Well, whatever, it's a special club!"
:face "<o<")
(say sasha :eo "Nu, kial VI restas? Ĉu ankoraŭ havas ne amikojn?"
:en "And what're YOU doing here? Still no friends?")
(say 'player :eo "Ankoraŭ sole vin."
:en "Still just you.")
(face sasha ":v:" ":o:")
(mumble sasha :en "...")
(say sasha :eo "Nu..."
:en "Well...")
(mumble sasha :en "...")
(face sasha "<-<" "<o<")
(face 'player ":w:" ":u:")
(say sasha :eo "Pŝ! Fermu la buŝon, vermo!"
:en "Ugh! Just shut up, you loser!")
(face sasha ">->" ">o>")
(say sasha :eo "Kvazaŭ ni povus esti tiel!"
:en "As if!")
(face sasha "<-<" "<o<")
(say sasha :eo "Simple lasu min al paco, fek'!!"
:en "Just get the hell out of my face!!"
:face ">o<")
(say 'player :eo "Bedaŭron..."
:en "Sorry...")
(move 'player '(:x 46 :y 11) :delay .05)
(face 'player "^_^" "^o^")
(say 'player :eo "Ho, jes!"
:en "Oh, yea!")
(move sasha '(:x 36 :y 3) :delay .03)
(move 'player '(:x 43 :y 4) :delay .05)
(move sasha '(:x 37 :y 3))))
(defun flashback-childhood-friend-dialogue-bracelet (map sasha)
(say 'player :eo "Mi freŝe trovis ĉi tion, ĝi ŝajnis akorda al via stilo."
:en "I found this a while back, I thought you'd like it.")
(face sasha ";w:" ";u:")
(mumble 'player :eo "[Vi donas al SAŜA ĉirkaŭmanon belbrilan.]"
:en "[You give SASHA a shiny bracelet.]")
(say sasha :eo "Ho, tio surprize afablis...."
:en "Oh, that's surprisingly nice...")
(face sasha "<w<" "<o<")
(face 'player ":w;" ":o;")
(say sasha :eo "... jen la sola koloro, kiun mi malamas."
:en "... this is literally the one color I hate.")
(say sasha :eo "Kial vi ne elektis bluan? Dio mia."
:en "You couldn't have gotten blue?")
(say sasha :eo "Mi jam bone sciu, ne atendi bonon de vi."
:en "I should know not to expect so much from you...")
(say sasha :eo "Bonaj \"amikoj\" ni estas, ja..."
:en "\"Friends,\" whatever...")
(face 'player "T_T" "ToT")
(move 'player '(:x 41 :y 3) :delay .05)
(face sasha ":_;")
(mumble 'player :eo "[Vi prenas de SAŜA ĉirkaŭmanon belbrilan.]"
:en "[You take a shiny bracelet from SASHA.]")
(move 'player '(:x 46 :y 5) :delay .05)
(move 'player '(:x 47 :y 9) :delay .05)
(move 'player '(:x 51 :y 19))
`((:parameters ,(list :map (merge-maps map *casino-map*))))))
(defun flashback-childhood-friend-dialogue (map sasha)
(append (flashback-childhood-friend-dialogue-intro sasha)
(flashback-childhood-friend-dialogue-bracelet map sasha)))
(defun flashback-childhood-friend-interact (map entity-id)
(face 'player "` `" "`o`")
(say 'player :eo "Ĉu ĉio enordas, Saŝa? Iom malfruas, ĉu ne?"
:en "Is everything OK, Sasha? It's a bit late, isn't it?")
(face sasha "=_=" "=o=")
(say sasha :eo "Ho, jes, mi simple ĵus eliris klubkunvenon."
:en "Yea, I just left a club-meeting, is all.")
(say 'player :eo "Hodiaŭ ne estas klubotago..."
:en "Today isn't club day...")
(say sasha :eo "Nu, estas escepte speciala klubo!"
:en "Well, whatever, it's a special club!"
:face "<o<")
(say sasha :eo "Nu, kial VI restas? Ĉu ankoraŭ havas ne amikojn?"
:en "And what're YOU doing here? Still no friends?")
(say 'player :eo "Ankoraŭ sole vin."
:en "Still just you.")
(face sasha ":v:" ":o:")
(mumble sasha :en "...")
(say sasha :eo "Nu..."
:en "Well...")
(mumble sasha :en "...")
(face sasha "<-<" "<o<")
(face 'player ":w:" ":u:")
(say sasha :eo "Pŝ! Fermu la buŝon, vermo!"
:en "Ugh! Just shut up, you loser!")
(face sasha ">->" ">o>")
(say sasha :eo "Kvazaŭ ni povus esti tiel!"
:en "As if!")
(face sasha "<-<" "<o<")
(say sasha :eo "Simple lasu min al paco, fek'!!"
:en "Just get the hell out of my face!!"
:face ">o<")
(say 'player :eo "Bedaŭron..."
:en "Sorry...")
(move 'player '(:x 46 :y 11) :delay .05)
(face 'player "^_^" "^o^")
(say 'player :eo "Ho, jes!"
:en "Oh, yea!")
(move sasha '(:x 36 :y 3) :delay .03)
(move 'player '(:x 43 :y 4) :delay .05)
(move sasha '(:x 37 :y 3))
(say 'player :eo "Mi freŝe trovis ĉi tion, ĝi ŝajnis akorda al via stilo."
:en "I found this a while back, I thought you'd like it.")
(face sasha ":w:" ":u:")
(mumble 'player :eo "[Vi donas al SAŜA ĉirkaŭmanon belbrilan.]"
:en "[You give SASHA a shiny bracelet.]")
(say sasha :eo "Ho, tio surprize afablis...."
:en "Oh, that's surprisingly nice...")
(face sasha "<w<" "<o<")
(face 'player ";w:" ";o:")
(say sasha :eo "... jen la sola koloro, kiun mi malamas."
:en "... this is literally the one color I hate.")
(say sasha :eo "Kial vi ne elektis bluan? Dio mia."
:en "You couldn't have gotten blue?")
(say sasha :eo "Mi jam bone sciu, ne atendi bonon de vi."
:en "I should know not to expect so much from you...")
(say sasha :eo "Bonaj \"amikoj\" ni estas, ja..."
:en "\"Friends\" my ass.")
(face 'player "T_T" "ToT")
(say 'player :eo "Je Dio, mi ne povas elteni plu. Mi rezignas."
:en "You know what? I give up.")
(move 'player '(:x 41 :y 3) :delay .05)
(face sasha ";_:")
(mumble 'player :eo "[Vi prenas de SAŜA ĉirkaŭmanon belbrilan.]"
:en "[You take a shiny bracelet from SASHA.]")
(move 'player '(:x 46 :y 5) :delay .05)
(say 'player :eo "Mi rezignas."
:en "I can't take this anymore.")
(move 'player '(:x 47 :y 9) :delay .05)
(say 'player :eo "Vi teruras, Saŝa."
:en "You're the worst, Sasha.")
(move 'player '(:x 51 :y 19))
`((:parameters ,(list :map (merge-maps map *casino-map*)))))))
(flashback-childhood-friend-dialogue map entity-id)))
(defun flashback-childhood-friend-use (map item-plist &optional entity-id)
(if (eq (:string->symbol (getf item-plist :id)) 'bracelet)
;; If player gives her the special bracelet, skip the dialogue intro
(flashback-childhood-friend-dialogue-bracelet map entity-id))
;; Otherwise, have her politely refuse. =w=
(refusal-use map item-plist entity-id)))
@ -427,6 +535,68 @@ avoid triggering this."
;;; Casino!
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun boozy-lady-dialogue-ring ()
(say 'boozy-lady :eo "Vi volas edzinigi min, belulo?"
:en "Ya wanna marry me, hot stuff?")
(say 'boozy-lady :eo "Booone, niiru tuj!"
:en "Shuree, lez go now!")
(say 'boozy-friend :eo "Vi NE iros tuj."
:en "You \"shure\" as hell WON'T.")))
(defun boozy-lady-dialogue-wallet ()
(say 'boozy-lady :eo "...? Monujo?"
:en "...? Wallet?")
(say 'boozy-lady :eo "Monujo, mono! Mono, biero!!"
:en "Wallet, money! Money, booze!")
(say 'boozy-friend :eo "... kaj vi certe ne bezonas pli da TIO."
:en "You don't need any more of THAT, hon.")))
(defun boozy-lady-dialogue-bracelet ()
(face 'player "^_^" "^o^")
(say 'boozy-lady :eo "Ooo, brile! Ĝi belasss"
:en "Ooo, shiny! It's prettyy")
(say 'boozy-lady :eo "Ĉu por mji?"
:en "Is it for mi?")
(say 'player :eo "Estos via, se vi ĵuras ne plu drinki ĉi-nokte."
:en "It's yours, if you promise to slow your roll a bit.")
(say 'boozy-lady :eo "Jeŝ! Ne pluuu!"
:en "Okieeee!"
:face "= w =")
(say 'boozy-lady :eo "[MAJA prenas ĈIRKAŬMANON de vi.]"
:en "[MAJA takes BRACELET from you.]"
:face "= w =")
(face 'player ">_<" ">o<")
(say 'boozy-lady :eo "Plia biero por mi, sinjoro!!"
:en "Jkjk. One more for me, barkeep!!")
(say 'casino-bartender
:eo "Bone, momenton!!"
:en "Sure thing, lady!"
:face "xD ")))
(defun boozy-lady-use (map item-plist &optional entity-id)
(let ((item-id (:string->symbol (getf item-plist :id))))
(cond ((eq item-id 'ring)
((eq item-id 'bracelet)
((eq item-id 'wallet)
(refusal-use map item-plist entity-id)))))
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Destitute Gambler arc
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
@ -698,7 +868,7 @@ avoid triggering this."
(defun main-menu ()
`((:en "PLAY" :eo "EKLUDI"
:selection 100 :selected t
:function ,(🌍:make-overworld-state *outdoors-map*))
:function ,(🌍:make-overworld-state *flashback-school-map*))
(:en "SUBMENU" :eo "SUBMENUO" :row 1
:function ,(📋:make-menu-state (submenu)))
(:en "TERURE" :eo "BADLY" :row 1)

View File

@ -323,6 +323,8 @@
<property name="facing-right" type="bool" value="false"/>
<property name="id" value="✿:boozy-lady"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:random-monologue-interact"/>
<property name="item-default-en" value="Mmm... god your so cute~"/>
<property name="item-default-eo" value="Mmm... vi tiom ĉarmas~"/>
<property name="normal-face" value="=///="/>
<property name="speech-en">Let momma show you a good *hic* timeee
HeeeEey sweet-cheeks, u wan sum..?
@ -338,6 +340,7 @@ Restu kun miii! &lt;3
Mia sino malvarmassss! Hlepu min, karulo~
<property name="talking-face" value="=///="/>
<property name="use" value="✿:boozy-lady-use"/>
@ -346,12 +349,15 @@ Mia sino malvarmassss! Hlepu min, karulo~
<property name="facing-right" type="bool" value="false"/>
<property name="id" value="✿:boozy-friend"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:monologue-interact"/>
<property name="item-default-en" value="No thanks, man."/>
<property name="item-default-eo" value="Ne, sed dankon."/>
<property name="normal-face" value="&lt;s&lt;"/>
<property name="speech-en">I swear, she gets like this every time.
It's so embarrasing...</property>
<property name="speech-eo">Kial ŝi ĉiufoje tiom ebriiĝas?
Kia ĝeno, tiom hontindas...!</property>
<property name="talking-face" value="&lt;o&lt;"/>
<property name="use" value="✿:refusal-use"/>
@ -360,8 +366,33 @@ Kia ĝeno, tiom hontindas...!</property>
<property name="facing_right" type="bool" value="false"/>
<property name="id" value="✿:bad-gambler"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:bad-gambler-interact"/>
<property name="item-default-en">Hold on to that, dear pal.
It'll be more use to you than to me... it's simply too late for me.</property>
<property name="item-default-eo">Plu tenu tion, kara amiko.
Ĝi pliutilos al vi, ol al mi... mi jam estas perdita.</property>
<property name="item-speech-en">✿:wallet I'm not looking for a hand-out, pal!
✿:wallet I mean, it'd be useful, but still!
✿:wallet What'd my lady think, if she heard I was taking money from people in casinos to repay my debt?
✿:wallet She'd leave me! Kill me, then leave me!
✿:wallet Taking money from people to play slots, though...
✿:wallet Wait, no! Damned temptation!
✿:wallet Back to wallowing.
✿:wallet Wallowing is free.
✿:ring My... wedding ring?
✿:ring Oh, I don't need it anyway... I'm too far gone...</property>
<property name="item-speech-eo">✿:wallet Kara amiko, mi ne petas almozon!
✿:wallet Nu, ĝi utilus, sed tamen!
✿:wallet Se la edzino sciiĝus, ke mi prenas mondonacojn de homoj en hazardludejoj por repagi ŝuldon, ŝi tiom malestimus!
✿:wallet Mi povas imagi la mienon, tiom akre! Ŝi forlasus min!
✿:wallet Preni mondonacon por uzi harardludojn, tamen...
✿:wallet ... Momenton, ne! Fia tento, ne!!
✿:wallet Ree al diboĉado, mia amiko.
✿:wallet Diboĉi senkostas.
✿:ring Mia... geedziĝa ringo?
✿:ring Mi ne plu bezonas ĝin... mi estas jam perdita...</property>
<property name="normal-face" value=";~:"/>
<property name="talking-face" value="&gt;o&lt;"/>
<property name="use" value="✿:refusal-use"/>
@ -370,12 +401,19 @@ Kia ĝeno, tiom hontindas...!</property>
<property name="facing-right" type="bool" value="false"/>
<property name="id" value="✿:casino-attendant"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:monologue-interact"/>
<property name="item-default-en" value="That's very kind, but no thank you."/>
<property name="item-default-eo" value="Tio afablas de vi, sed mi ne akceptu donacojn de vizitantoj."/>
<property name="item-speech-en">✿:ring I'm flattered, but I'd rather not marry a guest whose name I don't know.
<property name="item-speech-eo">✿:ring Vi flatas min, dankon, sed mi preferus ne edziĝi al nekonata gasto.
<property name="normal-face" value="^3^"/>
<property name="speech-en">Welcome in, good sir!
Have fun; may lady luck blow you a kiss!</property>
<property name="speech-eo">Bonvenon, estimata sinjoro!
Ĝuu la ludadon, kaj sorto ridetu al vi!</property>
<property name="talking-face" value="^O^"/>
<property name="use" value="✿:refusal-use"/>
@ -403,7 +441,7 @@ Fojfoje mi ja ŝatas mian fakon, mdr.</property>
<property name="name-en" value="ring"/>
<property name="name-eo" value="ringo"/>
<property name="reaction-face" value="&gt;_&lt;"/>
<property name="use" value="✿:cry"/>
<property name="use" value="✿:to-person-use"/>

View File

@ -284,12 +284,13 @@
<property name="avatar" value="$$$"/>
<property name="desc-en" value="(My wallet, right where I left it.)"/>
<property name="desc-eo" value="(Mia monujo, ĝuste kie mi lasis ĝin.)"/>
<property name="id" value="✿:ring"/>
<property name="id" value="✿:wallet"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:TAKE-ITEM-INTERACT"/>
<property name="name-en" value="wallet"/>
<property name="name-eo" value="monujo"/>
<property name="remark-en" value="Whew! Nearly lost it!"/>
<property name="remark-eo" value="Ve, dankinde!"/>
<property name="use" value="✿:to-person-use"/>
@ -304,6 +305,7 @@
<property name="inv-name-eo" value="ĉirkaŭmano"/>
<property name="name-en" value="dazzling bracelet"/>
<property name="name-eo" value="belbrila ĉirkaŭmano"/>
<property name="use" value="✿:to-person-use"/>
@ -322,8 +324,14 @@
<property name="facing-right" type="bool" value="true"/>
<property name="id" value="✿:childhood-friend"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:flashback-childhood-friend-interact"/>
<property name="item-default-en" value="What? God, I don't want that!"/>
<property name="item-default-eo" value="He? Fek', mi ne volas tion!"/>
<property name="item-speech-en">✿:ring ... what an ugly little ring. You've got no taste at all.
<property name="item-speech-eo" value="✿:ring&#9;... kia malbela ringo. Via gusto teruras."/>
<property name="normal-face" value="=_="/>
<property name="talking-face" value="=o="/>
<property name="use" value="✿:flashback-childhood-friend-use"/>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<map version="1.10" tiledversion="1.10.1" orientation="orthogonal" renderorder="left-down" width="288" height="100" tilewidth="12" tileheight="17" infinite="0" nextlayerid="20" nextobjectid="121">
<map version="1.10" tiledversion="1.10.1" orientation="orthogonal" renderorder="left-down" width="288" height="100" tilewidth="12" tileheight="17" infinite="0" nextlayerid="20" nextobjectid="128">
<tileset firstgid="1" source="font.tsx"/>
<layer id="1" name="Background" width="288" height="100">
@ -753,39 +753,6 @@
<objectgroup id="18" name="Descriptions.Lageto" locked="1">
<object id="51" name="Anaso flosas" x="2861.67" y="1487.67">
<property name="desc-en">(A duck floats serenely in the middle of a small pond.)
(This is pretty clearly their territory -- I shouldn't bother them!)</property>
<property name="desc-eo">(Anaso flosas trankvile meze de lageto.)
(Klare ĝi opinias la lageton ĝia -- mi nepre ne ĝin ĝenu!)</property>
<property name="id" value="✿:duck-floats"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:description-interact"/>
<object id="52" name="Anaso flosas" x="3117.5" y="1565.34">
<property name="desc-en">(A duck floats serenely in the middle of a small pond.)
(This is pretty clearly their territory -- I shouldn't bother them!)</property>
<property name="desc-eo">(Anaso flosas trankvile meze de lageto.)
(Klare ĝi opinias la lageton ĝia -- mi nepre ne ĝin ĝenu!)</property>
<property name="id" value="✿:duck-floats"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:description-interact"/>
<object id="53" name="Anaso flosas" x="3104.34" y="1502.17">
<property name="desc-en">(A duck floats serenely in the middle of a small pond.)
(This is pretty clearly their territory -- I shouldn't bother them!)</property>
<property name="desc-eo">(Anaso flosas trankvile meze de lageto.)
(Klare ĝi opinias la lageton ĝia -- mi nepre ne ĝin ĝenu!)</property>
<property name="id" value="✿:duck-floats"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:description-interact"/>
<object id="54" name="Anaso flosas" x="3043.5" y="1607.5">
<property name="desc-en">(A duck floats serenely in the middle of a small pond.)
@ -794,10 +761,13 @@
(Klare ĝi opinias la lageton ĝia -- mi nepre ne ĝin ĝenu!)</property>
<property name="id" value="✿:duck-floats"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:description-interact"/>
<property name="item-default-en" value="Quack quack!"/>
<property name="item-default-eo" value="Mak mak!"/>
<property name="use" value="✿:refusal-use"/>
<object id="55" name="Anaso flosas" x="2988" y="1480">
<object id="121" name="Anaso flosas" x="3102" y="1579.33">
<property name="desc-en">(A duck floats serenely in the middle of a small pond.)
(This is pretty clearly their territory -- I shouldn't bother them!)</property>
@ -805,10 +775,13 @@
(Klare ĝi opinias la lageton ĝia -- mi nepre ne ĝin ĝenu!)</property>
<property name="id" value="✿:duck-floats"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:description-interact"/>
<property name="item-default-en" value="Quack quack!"/>
<property name="item-default-eo" value="Mak mak!"/>
<property name="use" value="✿:refusal-use"/>
<object id="56" name="Anaso flosas" x="2931.17" y="1615.17">
<object id="122" name="Anaso flosas" x="3124" y="1517.33">
<property name="desc-en">(A duck floats serenely in the middle of a small pond.)
(This is pretty clearly their territory -- I shouldn't bother them!)</property>
@ -816,10 +789,13 @@
(Klare ĝi opinias la lageton ĝia -- mi nepre ne ĝin ĝenu!)</property>
<property name="id" value="✿:duck-floats"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:description-interact"/>
<property name="item-default-en" value="Quack quack!"/>
<property name="item-default-eo" value="Mak mak!"/>
<property name="use" value="✿:refusal-use"/>
<object id="57" name="Anaso flosas" x="2791.67" y="1601.67">
<object id="123" name="Anaso flosas" x="2982.67" y="1471.33">
<property name="desc-en">(A duck floats serenely in the middle of a small pond.)
(This is pretty clearly their territory -- I shouldn't bother them!)</property>
@ -827,10 +803,13 @@
(Klare ĝi opinias la lageton ĝia -- mi nepre ne ĝin ĝenu!)</property>
<property name="id" value="✿:duck-floats"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:description-interact"/>
<property name="item-default-en" value="Quack quack!"/>
<property name="item-default-eo" value="Mak mak!"/>
<property name="use" value="✿:refusal-use"/>
<object id="58" name="Anaso flosas" x="2732.67" y="1530.67">
<object id="124" name="Anaso flosas" x="2838.67" y="1470">
<property name="desc-en">(A duck floats serenely in the middle of a small pond.)
(This is pretty clearly their territory -- I shouldn't bother them!)</property>
@ -838,6 +817,51 @@
(Klare ĝi opinias la lageton ĝia -- mi nepre ne ĝin ĝenu!)</property>
<property name="id" value="✿:duck-floats"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:description-interact"/>
<property name="item-default-en" value="Quack quack!"/>
<property name="item-default-eo" value="Mak mak!"/>
<property name="use" value="✿:refusal-use"/>
<object id="125" name="Anaso flosas" x="2730" y="1504.67">
<property name="desc-en">(A duck floats serenely in the middle of a small pond.)
(This is pretty clearly their territory -- I shouldn't bother them!)</property>
<property name="desc-eo">(Anaso flosas trankvile meze de lageto.)
(Klare ĝi opinias la lageton ĝia -- mi nepre ne ĝin ĝenu!)</property>
<property name="id" value="✿:duck-floats"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:description-interact"/>
<property name="item-default-en" value="Quack quack!"/>
<property name="item-default-eo" value="Mak mak!"/>
<property name="use" value="✿:refusal-use"/>
<object id="126" name="Anaso flosas" x="2753.33" y="1580">
<property name="desc-en">(A duck floats serenely in the middle of a small pond.)
(This is pretty clearly their territory -- I shouldn't bother them!)</property>
<property name="desc-eo">(Anaso flosas trankvile meze de lageto.)
(Klare ĝi opinias la lageton ĝia -- mi nepre ne ĝin ĝenu!)</property>
<property name="id" value="✿:duck-floats"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:description-interact"/>
<property name="item-default-en" value="Quack quack!"/>
<property name="item-default-eo" value="Mak mak!"/>
<property name="use" value="✿:refusal-use"/>
<object id="127" name="Anaso flosas" x="2874.67" y="1622.67">
<property name="desc-en">(A duck floats serenely in the middle of a small pond.)
(This is pretty clearly their territory -- I shouldn't bother them!)</property>
<property name="desc-eo">(Anaso flosas trankvile meze de lageto.)
(Klare ĝi opinias la lageton ĝia -- mi nepre ne ĝin ĝenu!)</property>
<property name="id" value="✿:duck-floats"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:description-interact"/>
<property name="item-default-en" value="Quack quack!"/>
<property name="item-default-eo" value="Mak mak!"/>
<property name="use" value="✿:refusal-use"/>
@ -1850,8 +1874,14 @@ DANĜERA LOKO - VENENA MATERIO
<property name="facing-right" type="bool" value="false"/>
<property name="id" value="✿:childhood-friend"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:childhood-friend-interact"/>
<property name="item-default-en" value="What? God, I don't want that!"/>
<property name="item-default-eo" value="He? Fek', mi ne volas tion!"/>
<property name="item-speech-en">✿:ring ... what an ugly little ring. You've got no taste at all.
<property name="item-speech-eo" value="✿:ring&#9;... kia malbela ringo. Via gusto teruras."/>
<property name="normal-face" value="=_="/>
<property name="talking-face" value="=o="/>
<property name="use" value="✿:childhood-friend-use"/>
@ -1860,8 +1890,11 @@ DANĜERA LOKO - VENENA MATERIO
<property name="facing-right" type="bool" value="true"/>
<property name="id" value="✿:kvincent"/>
<property name="interact" value="✿:kvincent-interact"/>
<property name="item-default-en" value="That's a funny-looking mushroom."/>
<property name="item-default-eo" value="He? Tio ne estas fungo!"/>
<property name="normal-face" value="@w@"/>
<property name="talking-face" value="@o@"/>
<property name="use" value="✿:refusal-use"/>