
186 lines
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Common Lisp
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;;;; Copyright © 2023, Jaidyn Ann <jadedctrl@posteo.at>
;;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
;;;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;;; along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;;; A package for parsing Figlet fonts into simple associative lists, for
;;;; devious text-rendering purposes.
(defpackage :figlet
(:export #:figlet-string #:figlet-font-plist #:save-font-to-file)
(:use cl))
(in-package :figlet)
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Misc. utilities
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun contains-char-p (character string)
"Whether or not a STRING contains the given CHARACTER."
(str:containsp (string character) string))
(defun characters (string)
"Return a list of a STRINGs characters."
(loop for char across string
collect char))
(defun string->integer (string)
"Convert a string to a number, potentially in 0x hexadecimal form.
If no number is parsed out, return NIL."
(let ((radix (if (str:starts-with-p "0x" string)
16 10))
(string (if (str:starts-with-p "0x" string)
(subseq string 2) string)))
(ignore-errors (parse-integer string :radix radix))))
(defun unlines (strings)
"Wrapper around STR:UNLINES that removes all non-strings from the STRINGS list."
(str:unlines (remove-if-not #'stringp strings)))
;; TODO: Use MISMATCH in this function, instead of whatever I did!
(defun count-in-a-row (item seq &key (count 0) (test #'eql) (from-end nil))
"How many times the given ITEM is found in SEQ in-a-row. Starts from the head
of the list, unless FROM-END is specified. The TEST defaults to #'eql."
(if (> (length seq) 0)
(let* ((target-element (elt seq
(if from-end (- (length seq) 1)
(remaining-seq (if from-end
(subseq seq 0 (- (length seq) 1))
(subseq seq 1))))
(if (apply test (list target-element item))
(count-in-a-row item remaining-seq
:test test :from-end from-end
:count (+ count 1))
(defun most-in-a-row (item sequences &key (test #'eql) (from-end nil))
"Sort a sequence by the longest amount of the given ITEM In a row. Checks for
reptitions of ITEM from the head of the list, unless FROM-END is specified."
(sort sequences (lambda (a b) (> (count-in-a-row item a :test test :from-end from-end)
(count-in-a-row item b :test test :from-end from-end)))))
(defun least-in-a-row (item sequences &key (test #'eql) (from-end nil))
"Sort a sequence by the smallest amount of the given ITEM In a row. Checks for
reptitions of ITEM from the head of the list, unless FROM-END is specified."
(reverse (most-in-a-row item sequences :test test :from-end from-end)))
(defun equalize-padding (string)
"Equalize and minimize the padding between lines of a string."
(let* ((lines (str:lines string))
(least-padded-left (car (least-in-a-row #\space lines)))
(least-padded-right (car (least-in-a-row #\space lines :from-end 't)))
(left-padding (count-in-a-row #\space least-padded-left))
(right-padding (count-in-a-row #\space least-padded-right :from-end 't)))
(mapcar (lambda (line)
(subseq line left-padding (- (length line) right-padding)))
(str:lines string)))))
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Font-parsing
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun parse-lines (lines &optional (font-plist '()) (current-charcode 32))
"Parse a list of lines from a Figlet font-file (.FLF) into a plist
associating a character with its respective string in the font-file.
(#\A \"TEXT-ART-A\" #\B \"TEXT-ART-B\" )"
(if lines
(let* ((line (car lines))
(sans-@ (string-trim "@" line)) ;; Lines are terminated by @
(last-of-symbol-p (str:ends-with-p "@@" line)) ;; Character-art is terminated by @@
(not-art-line-p (not (str:ends-with-p "@" line))) ;; If no @ at all, lines a comment or header
(first-word-num (string->integer (car (str:words line)))) ;; If header line, thisll be a charcode
(current-art (ignore-errors (getf font-plist (code-char current-charcode)))))
;; This is a header for a new char-art of specific char-code.
((and not-art-line-p first-word-num)
(parse-lines (cdr lines) font-plist first-word-num))
;; If a line of char-art, amass it!
((not not-art-line-p)
(setf (getf font-plist (code-char current-charcode))
(unlines (list current-art sans-@)))
;; We want to make sure unnecessary paddings stripped!
(when last-of-symbol-p
(setf (getf font-plist (code-char current-charcode))
(str:replace-all (getf font-plist :space-char) " "
(equalize-padding (unlines (list current-art sans-@))))))
(parse-lines (cdr lines) font-plist
(if last-of-symbol-p
(+ current-charcode 1)
;; This is the first line of the file, the header line.
((str:starts-with-p "flf2a" line)
(setf (getf font-plist :space-char)
(subseq line 5 6)) ;; A char (often $) to substitute spaces.
(parse-lines (cdr lines) font-plist current-charcode))
;; If none of the above, its a comment!
(setf (getf font-plist :comments)
(unlines (list (getf font-plist :comments) line)))
(parse-lines (cdr lines) font-plist current-charcode))))
(defun figlet-font-plist (font-path)
"Parse a Figlet font-file (.FLF) into a plist associating a character
with its respective string in the font-file.
(#\A \"TEXT-ART-A\" #\B \"TEXT-ART-B\" )"
(alexandria:read-file-into-string font-path))))
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Output of Figlet-style strings
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun figlet-string (string &key (font-path nil) (font-plist (figlet-font-plist font-path)))
(if (contains-char-p #\newline string)
(mapcar (lambda (line) (figlet-string line :font-path font-path :font-plist font-plist))
(str:lines string))
(let* ((char-lines
(mapcar (lambda (char)
(str:lines (getf font-plist char)))
(characters string)))
(loop for i to (- (length (car char-lines)) 1)
collect (mapcar (lambda (lines)
(nth i lines))
(str:unlines (mapcar (lambda (line-parts)
(reduce #'str:concat line-parts))
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
;;; Exporting
;;; ———————————————————————————————————
(defun save-font-to-file (path font-plist &optional (package ":FIGLET") (variable "*font*"))
"Given a parsed font plist, generate source-code that corresponds to it."
(with-open-file (file-stream path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(format file-stream "(in-package ~A)~%(defparameter ~A~% (QUOTE ~S))"
package variable font-plist)))