# Feedsnake Simple Atom-to-mail (Mbox, Maildir) program: You pass it an Atom feed, it'll turn it into an mail client-friendly set of e-mails. It's pretty much [feed2maildir](https://github.com/sulami/feed2maildir) combined with [feed2mail](https://github.com/vmapps/feed2mail), but less cool. It's also pretty much my attempt replacing an old project, [Pogger](https://github.com/jadedctrl/pogger), but for LiGNUx. Feedsnake is scriptable, and can be easily used for one-off conversions or for managing your feed subscriptions generally. It pairs well with something like [Mutt](https://duckduckgo.com/l/?uddg=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mutt.org&rut=bdcef874f2615434d459413d18463f18c41b3dbc415ccba8bdb35b350ac16340) to read your feeds. ## Usage ``` usage: feedsnake [-hnuU] [-s|S] [-o|d] FILE... feedsnake [-hn] [-c] [-s] [-o|d] URL... feedsnake [-h] [-s] [-o|d] Feedsnake is a program for converting Atom feeds into mbox/maildir files. Any Atom feeds passed as input will be output in mbox or maildir format. If a FILE value is '-' or not provided, feedsnake will read a feed over standard input. --since-last and similar arguments have no impact on these feeds. If you want to subscribe to feeds with Feedsnake, you'll probably do something like so: feedsnake --cache ~/feeds/hacker_news.xml \ --output ~/feeds/hacker_news.mbox \ https://news.ycombinator.com/rss Then, to update your subscription, just run: feedsnake --update --since-last \ --output ~/feeds/hacker_news.mbox \ ~/feeds/hacker_news.xml For updating all feeds: feedsnake --update --since-last ~/feeds/*.xml > ~/feeds/all.mbox The FILE given as input can be any Atom/RSS file. If you'd like to update the FILE (with --update or --update-since), then it must have the 'user.xdg.origin.url' extended attribute set as the feed URL. You can create such a file as in the above example, by passing a URL with a --cache file set. -h, --help Print a usage message -d, --outdir=DIR Output directory, used for maildir output -o, --output=FILE Output file, used for mbox output. Default is stdout ('-'). -c, --cache=FILE The cache file used if a URL is passed as argument. -u, --update Update a feed FILE by downloading its newest version to the same path. -U, --update-since Alias for --update and --since-last. This is probably the option you want. -s, --since=DATETIME Output entries after the given date, in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. -S, --since-last Output entries dating from the last saved parsing of the file. --since-update Output entries dating from the last update of the file. -n, --no-save-date Don't save parse/update time of this operation, to avoid influencing --since-*. ``` ## Examples ### Feeds, generally To subscribe to a feed, you're really just creating a cache file for the feed. It's simple. Here: `$ feedsnake --no-save-date --cache ~/Feeds/Hacker\ News.xml https://news.ycombinator.com/rss` Then, just update the file and output new posts from your feed(s), every once in a while: ``` $ feedsnake --since-last --update --output=~/Feeds/Mail.mbox ~/Feeds/*.xml $ mutt -f ~/Feeds/Mail.mbox # Or, alternatively, for maildir: $ feedsnake --since-last --update --outdir=~/Feeds/Mail/ ~/Feeds/*.xml $ mutt -f ~/Feeds/Mail/ ``` ### YouTube I like to "subscribe" to channels by having an following its Atom feed on Invidious— it's also nice to just download those videos in one go. Let's subscribe to a channel: ``` # With Feedsnake: $ feedsnake -nc ~/Feeds/YouTube/Linsday\ Ellis.xml \ "https://yewtu.be/feed/channel/UCG1h-Wqjtwz7uUANw6gazRw" # Manually: $ touch ~/Feeds/YouTube/Stop\ Skeletons\ From\ Fighting.xml $ attr -s xdg.origin.url -V "https://yewtu.be/feed/channel/UC5Xeb9-FhZXgvw340n7PsCQ" \ ~/Feeds/YouTube/Stop\ Skeletons\ From\ Fighting.xml ``` And now, lets downloading all videos uploaded since the last update: `$ ytdl $(feedsnake -U ~/Feeds/YouTube/*.xml | grep '^\*\*\*' | sed 's%^... %%')` (All URLs associated with a post are listed in the message body in a line starting with three asterisks; hence the search & removal of said asterisks.) ## Meta * **Author:** Jaidyn Ann (jadedctrl@posteo.at) * **License:** GPLv3 * https://github.com/jadedctrl/feedsnake * https://notabug.org/jadedctrl/feedsnake * https://xwx.moe/en/